A raw and empowering podcast giving real estate power couples the tools to increase their emotional and financial peace by using the J.A.M. Method™. The “Sex, Money & Real Estate” podcast represents belief in the possibility of having J.oyous A.bundant M.ature intimate relationships which are in balance with your already successful real estate business, further empowering real estate couples to put J.A.M. on that bread!
The current societal patterns of powering thru, multitasking, busyness, maximization and overproduction are unsustainable!
Each week we openly share mindset practices, audacious personal habits, influential books and bold accountability structures that have worked and continue to influence the way we enjoy living our best life, revitalizing our body, mind and hearts.
In other words, we provide the energy, share stories and provide clarity that specialize in turning the Breakdowns into Breakthroughs effectively. -
Egy podcast a szépségről. Hogyan fedezd fel magadban és hogyan mutathatod meg a világnak?
***TOP 1.5% PODCAST***
Is your trauma consuming you?
Are you tired of constantly having anxiety or depression?
Are you struggling to stop negative self talk?
Do you have past hurts that still haunts you?
Are you fighting about the same things over and over again in your relationship?
Do you have past hurts that still haunts you?
In this podcast, you will find tools and resources to help you better understand yourself and your relationships. You’ll learn how to manage or even eliminate the constant anxiety, negative self talk, and feelings of overwhelm that you’ve been experiencing. Our mission is to equip you to be healthy mentally and relationally and to bring healing to past trauma that might be still affecting you today. If you’re ready to say yes to being the best version of yourself, have fulfilling and healthy relationships, and have a better life, - then you are in the right place!
Hey, we’re Tim and Ruth! We’re licensed marriage and family therapists and trauma experts with over 30 years of combined experience. We’ve seen time and time again how people have tried to will themselves to be happy, muscle through it, and have ended up even worse off than when they began. We’ve noticed that people have experienced deep pain, whether it’s others who have hurt them or situations and the world just beating them down, and often they have turned that into an internal dialogue where they are mean...like really cruel in how they talk to themselves. They have anxiety, feel depressed and overwhelmed, all the while their self talk is telling them ”I’m not good enough, I’m a failure, I’m worthless, I’m not loveable, I cannot trust anyone, I am powerless, I’m not in control.” How emotionally exhausting! We’ve realized that people want to get out of that place, they just don’t know how. They feel lost, alone, and without hope. Mental health & recurring toxic relationships can feel like an uphill battle, but you are not alone in this, that’s where we come in! We offer specific steps, practical tools, strategies, and insights that will help you to overcome these ongoing battles and help you win the war! There is hope, and there certainly is healing! We can’t wait to share it with you!
If you are ready to finally find ways to overcome your anxiety, stop your negative self talk, stop feeling like a burden, break free from co-dependency and toxic relationships, and stop letting your past run the show... and if you’re looking for changes that can transform your life, like improved mood, increased confidence, healthier relationships, and healing from the past that has kept you stuck for too long - this podcast is for you!
Bring your drama and your trauma and lets get healing!
We’d love to connect with you over in our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mrandmrstherapypodcast/ -
Мы — Артур и Полина.
У нас много общего: работа в креативе, увлечение музыкой, чувство юмора и свидетельство о браке. Нам нравится рассуждать друг с другом о жизни и однажды мы поняли, как много в этих жизнях было упущенных возможностей.
Невылеченные в детстве зубы, брошенные хобби, некупленные биткоины. Оглядываться назад бывает обидно, но мы надеемся, что впереди будет ещё лучше.
А в подкасте мы рассказываем наши истории про упущенные возможности и в прямом эфире учим друг друга относиться к ним проще.
Exploring blind spots that exist in the cultural, relational, and therapeutic process, host Dr. Chantelle Thomas will have candid discussions that delve into the more challenging aspects of self-discovery. Filled with engaging and straightforward conversation, each episode features conversations with well-respected experts who examine what is commonly overlooked in the intricate and often inter-connected world of recovery, trauma and wellness. Join Windrose Recovery and its Executive Clinical Director Dr. Chantelle Thomas as we attempt to uncover barriers to personal growth from the perspective of both clients and clinicians.
Képek, filmek, reklámok, viccek… A szexualitás egyrészt folyamatosan jelen van életünkben, másrészt viszont az egyik leginkább tabusított téma a hétköznapi beszélgetésekben. Zavarban vagyunk, ha szóba kerül; ha beszélni kell róla, nem találjuk a szavakat; rengeteg az ezt övező szorongás és szégyen. Pedig a jó szex hatalmas örömforrás lehet az életünkben, amelynek pozitív hatásai kihatnak egészségünkre, szociális kapcsolatainkra és az egész életminőségünkre.
Beszéljünk hát a szexről! Adásainkban egy-egy szexualitással kapcsolatos témát járunk körül nyíltan, szókimondóan, tabuk nélkül. A beszélgető partnerek: Szilágyi Szilárd, párkapcsolati tanácsadó, szexológus és Dr. Lassányi Gábor, régész, meseterapeuta.
szexkultura.eu -
Egy podcast azokról, akiknek hatalmas pofont adott az élet. Megjárták a gödör mélyét, de sokkal erősebben kerültek ki belőle.
Képzeld el, hogy egy BARÁTI BESZÉLGETÉS fültanúja vagy, ahol mély és intim párbeszéd zajlik, tabuk nélkül, kendőzetlenül a szexről! Saját tapasztalatokból, megélésekből merítve, mások által, hozzájárulásként jött impulzusokból táplálkozva járjuk körbe a szexet, mint témát, hogy megnyissuk a lehetőségét, annak tudatosabbá tételére. Mi van, ha az önazonos szex, szexuálisság, orgazmikusság megélése, kiterjesztése az egész életed minden, bármely területére kihat? Fedezzük fel együtt milyen ez!
Facebook: Spirit Of Sex - SOS podcast
Instagram: spirit.of.sex
E-mail: [email protected] -
Napjainkban egyre inkább felértékelődik az érzelmi intelligencia, az önismeret és az emberi kapcsolatok szerepe a mindennapokban.
Éppen ezért indítottuk el a Boldog PÁRna csatornát, amiben párkapcsolatokról, önismereti témákról, pszichológiai kérdésekről és az emberi kapcsolatainkat befolyásoló mindennapi kihívásainkról fogunk beszélni.
A Boldog PÁRna első évadában a különbözőségek témaköréből kiindulva haladunk a szeretetnyelvek, a minőségi idő, az erőszakmentes kommunikáció, az empátia területeit érintve. -
Join your online big sisters Courtney and Renee as they delve deeper into the realities of navigating adulthood, sisterhood and more. To My Sisters is the podcast you needed - promoting the holistic wellness, growth and development of a community of sisters across the globe
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
A podcast about creating a healthier relationship with food, free from bingeing, food obsession, and dieting. If you’re a millennial looking for some food therapy, I’m here for you. Come with a glass of wine, we’ll debunk wellness culture, intuitive eating, and more. It’s not about the food ladies, let’s get to what you’re really hungry for.
Craving Food Freedom is hosted by Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist Elise Liu, millennial, dog mom, first-gen Chinese American, yoga-doer, and sourdough enthusiast. Welcome aboard!
Website: cravingfoodfreedom.com
Instagram: @craving.food.freedom -
Cserháti-Herold Janka és Cserháti Zoltán (ld. még Hormonmentes.hu) házas-páros beszélgetései olyan témákkal, mint szex, párkapcsolat, fogamzásgátlás, termékenységtudat, női-férfi szerepek.
We are the 2 Be Better Podcast. Chris and Peaches read emails, answer questions and have hard discussions to help you on your personal growth journey. We are not licensed for anything but we have lived through a lot. Join us. Lets grow!!
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/2-be-better--5828421/support. -
Ez a Podcast, alapvetően a szexualitásról, az etikus non-monogám kapcsolatokról, azon belül elsősorban a swinger életmódról szól, kötetlen beszélgetések formájában, remélve, hogy a hallgatók megismerkednek ezzel az életformával, választ kapnak a kérdéseikre.
A Húzz jobbra - Online randi podcast keretében összeülünk a csajokkal és őszintén, nyíltan beszélgetünk az online randizás minden izgalmáról és kihívásáról.
Instagram: https://instagram.com/huzzjobbra -
Egészség és szépségápolás, kívül-belül!
Kéthetente megjelenő epizódjaimban a wellness megannyi témáiról beszélgetünk vendégeimmel: testi és lelki egyensúly, holisztikus egészségmegőrzés, szépségápolás, pszichológia, spiritualitás.
Betty -
Welcome to the audio podcast of Pastor Jim Frease and Joy Church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee. We are not about religion, we are about relationship…with God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. We are not about tradition, but the liberating Word of God. We are not about enduring life, we are all about enjoying life! For more information, visit joychurch.net.
Nők ezreinek segítek abban, hogy elérjék az álomalakot. Most abban is szeretnék, hogy boldogok is legyenek benne.
Discussing life, faith, addiction, recovery, hope, homelessness, community, God, work, family, and everything in between. We'll be joined by VRM staff and graduates, as well as special guests from the community, to discuss what everyone of us has to offer...our own story and how it crosses yours.
The "parenting presence" is the inner strength and gentle wisdom available to any parent who is willing to spend time to get to know themselves. Parents who learn how their own emotional regulation works, how their needs are met, and how actions are guided by thoughts and interpretations — also discover an amazing source of influence and guidance available to them in parenting.
Why? Because when parents know the rhythms of their own inner workings, they are also able to discover what makes their child tick.
We have many questions when it comes to parenting and just about everywhere we turn – someone’s got the answer! But how do you tease out what really matters? The PARENTING PRESENCE framework is your guide to parenting essentials and it consists of THREE CORE ELEMENTS. It is based on simple principles of child development and incorporates deep personal values everyone holds as a parent.
This is a podcast about the most essential parenting skills we need in order to raise children with confidence and intention. Isn’t it so much better to know with certainty what to do, rather than follow random advice? Exactly!
Join Julia Pappas, Psychologist and Parent Coach, on the mission towards informed parenting simplicity. What to do when children have strong emotions? What if the child’s behavior is out of control? How to manage our own anger and frustration? Find answers to your burning questions and get strategies that work today and bring maximum impact for long-term sustainable relationship with your children.
For show notes, downloadable parenting resources, and more information, please explore each episode.