Простым языком и со вкусом от Солопушкиной. Каждый выпуск будет о своем, но самое главное создан именно для тебя. Приятного прослушивания!
Welcome to the Live Better Sell Better podcast with your host Kevin Dorsey of Inside Sales Excellence the #1 Patreon group and Youtube Channel for tech sellers and leaders.
Where we dive deep into tactical advice on how to book more meetings, close more deals, and lead sales teams to success.
Inviting the top experts in the software sales world to talk about every topic you can think of. From Cold Calling, Closing Deals, Storytelling, all the way to Sales Management and Brand Building.
We leave no topic untouched.
PLUS - This show is all about tactical advice, no fluff, no long backstories, just the juicy details.
But we don’t stop there, we also focus on the PERSON in sales person, making sure we also take care of that too. Mindset, mindfulness, goal setting, stress management, we cover it all.
Thank you for listening, and if you’re interested head on over to www.patreon.com/insidesalesexcellence to learn more.
Now with that, get ready, grab a notepad & let’s get into the good stuff! -
Crush the Mindset Spiral is a podcast designed for the business owner ready to turn their self doubt into inner belief, their fears into fuel, and their obstacles into opportunities. You will learn the top mindset strategies and shifts that you will need to experience freedom from the negative thought patterns that threaten your success in entrepreneurship- because what you think, affects the way you feel, which impacts the way that you behave.
Each Thursday- tune in to hear my raw thoughts & unfiltered perspective about what it takes to run a successful business, & learn the mindset shifts necessary for taking your business to the next level (hint-this has nothing to do with increasing your sales and marketing skills). Expect lots of adult humor, unapologetic wisdom, insight and hella laughter. Intrigued? Good. -
In this podcast, you'll learn how to 10X your dating life as well as your lifestyle and get elite outcomes in life. You'll get cherry-picked insights, exclusive interviews and pure top-notch actionable knowledge that you won't find anywhere else.
Showing time-starved entrepreneurs how to do more with less. In this podcast, we look to simplify a different area of your business and life each week so you can experience more happy with less hustle.
Ascultă povești ale antreprenorilor români, învață din experiența lor, evită greșelile pe care ei le-au făcut, urmează-le sfaturile și construiește împreună cu ei și cu noi, o Românie care... GÂNDEȘTE
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/tu-inspiri-romania--4533493/support. -
Your weekly dose of mindset, personal development, success, business & all things elevating your life. I am your host Em, a two time Psychology degree graduate, mindset junkie and business owner also known as your no BS guide to elevating your mindset and helping you to take BOLD action towards your dream life. I’m a corporate dropout turned business owner and I attribute my success to one thing: my mindset. With my unique merging of psychology, mindset and business strategy, I believe that creating the life you want is all about asking yourself the right questions, and so I am here to help you think deeper and remove your fear so you can go after all the things you want in life.
Alar on ennekõike sügavalt uudishimulik õppija, alles seejärel koolitaja ja inspiratsioonikõneleja.
Sama sageli, kui ta on koolitusgrupi või suurema auditooriumi ees, on ta oma töölaua taga süvenenud raamatusse või mõne teadusuuringu tulemustesse, osaleb ise õpilasena koolitustel või vestleb inspireerivate inimestega üle kogu maailma.
Alar Ojastu juhendusel on enam kui 500 organisatsiooni töötajad saanud paremad võimalused parima realiseerimiseks.
Kõik, mida ta jagab, pärineb elust enesest. 12 aastat kogemusi ettevõtluses ja müügis on aidanud tal kasvada klientidele turul ainulaadseks partneriks.
Alari soov on juhtida juhtuma häid ja mõtestatud muutusi - nii isiklikke kui organisatsioonilisi. Tuhandete osalejate sõnul on tal võime panna särama ka kõige suuremate skeptikute silmad.
Alar tagab suurepärase toetava koolituskogemuse ja õhkkonna, kus on turvaline end avada.
Lisainfo Alari tegemiste kohta: https://www.alarojastu.com/
Success... We Are On!
Welcome to the 'From Mess to Success Podcast'
I'm your host Justin Messenbird founder of 'From Mess To Success Coaching', Author of 'You're Fired You're Hired' and I'm on a mission to share stories from people who have moved their lives from Mess to Success.
In this podcast, we explore, discover and unpick people's journeys on how they took action to drastically improve their lives whilst setting on a course to become the best versions of themselves.
Enjoy, and if you do please follow us on Spotify!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
A podcast where we talk all things work, school, life and everything in between! So sit back, pour up a glass of wine and relax! Cheers!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This show will give people with multiple passions and interests a sense of solidarity while sharing practical as well as whimsical tips and anecdotes to help keep their careers and personal lives integrated and fulfilling in a way that maximizes their emotional, physical, spiritual, and physical energy.
В этом подкасте будем поднимать темы поиска себя, смены профессии, страхах в работе, обучении и саморазвитии.
Как найти работу в творческих профессиях? Как уйти на фриланс? С чего начать свой путь? И как вообще найти этот путь? На эти вопросы мы будем отвечать с гостями моего подкаста. Вы познакомитесь с моими знакомыми экспертами, профессионалами, предпринимателями, которые с удовольствием поделятся своим опытом и вдохновят кого-то на лучшие решения в своей жизни.
В какой-то момент я подумала:
А где можно услышать истории реальных людей, но не про успешный успех блогеров-миллионников, а классных ребят, которые могут быть совсем не медийные и публичные, но иметь успешный кейс в своей профессиональной деятельности. Уверена, что кто-то из вас после нашей беседы начнет не только мечтать, но и что-то делать.
Автор подкаста: Аскалепова Настя
Во всех соц сетях под ником @askalepovaa
SHIFT, a new podcast from Direct Selling News (DSN), offers an energizing and inspiring environment where direct selling high performers and subject matter experts can openly share their most powerful SHIFTS helping to accelerate their business and the direct selling channel today.
Welcome to Shortcuts to Mastery! 🛸
I’m your host, Maria Henning, and in this audio corner of cyberspace, we’ll be chatting all things Gene Keys, Human Design, Astrology, Business + Entrepreneurship, and Spirituality as they relate to you ascending to your highest level of self-mastery.
I’m a Human Design & Gene Keys teacher, reader, coach, and app creator that has built a multiple six-figure online business and online presence that truly feel like an extension of my core.
And if you want to cosmically profile me (isn't it fun?), well I’m a 2/5 Emotional Manifesting Generator in Human Design, a 54.2 Life’s Work, 51.5 Purpose, and 44.3 Vocation in the Gene Keys, and a Capricorn Sun & Stellium, Scorpio Moon & Stellium, and Aquarius Rising in Astrology!
Each episode of this podcast is a little portal into the next iteration of YOU, allowing you to skip steps, take shortcuts, and navigate to your fullest potential in ways that are easier, better, and faster than you ever could’ve imagined.
Ready to ride this time-bending spaceship? Hop in my friend, buckle up, and let’s get into it! 🛸
🚀 https://www.mariahenning.com/chart/
📱 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bymariahenning/
💻 All other links (freebies | courses | readings): https://linktr.ee/mariahenning/
𝘵𝘰 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺 + 𝘣𝘦𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘥 🛸
No one plans for having a transgender kid. Camp Wild Heart is your guide for raising a transgender or non-binary child and nurturing an affirming family. We help you ease your fear and navigate your confusion. Mackenzie Dunham, clinical social worker and co-founder of Wild Heart Society, talks with parents, experts, and transgender adults about the ins and outs of coping with internalized transphobia, fostering shame resilience, exploring medical transition for youth, understanding identity development, knowing what language to use when, and more. Camp Wild Heart is full of people just like you who are lost and searching, brave and afraid, and trying best to do right by their children. You’ll cry--but never alone… and you’ll also laugh, really hard. Welcome.
Guiding organizations and individuals to engage energy and productivity while preventing burnout. Visit website for events, mastermind groups and more resources: www.kbtrainingconnections.com
If you're a guy interested in health, wealth or happiness...you're in the right spot. Eric Yusko, founder of Man of Class, Dad's as Leaders and is the Exceptional Life Strategists for those men who realize there's more to life than just that daily grind. Eric believes a legendary life is created with equal parts of tactical skills and inner mindset. In this podcast, Eric untangles what sabotages most men from living their Exceptional Life.
Elevate your life with The Dopamine Pursuit Podcast, hosted by Kristen Slonicki — a serial entrepreneur, investor, and marketing expert with nearly two decades of experience. Join Kristen as she shares practical strategies, inspiring stories, and expert insights on breaking negative patterns, embracing healthier habits, and living a purposeful life. Whether you're a business owner, aspiring entrepreneur, or someone seeking personal growth, each episode delivers valuable takeaways in business, leadership, marketing, investments, health, and relationships. Kristen's commitment to authenticity and providing tangible value makes this podcast a weekly guide for ambitious individuals looking to hit extraordinary levels in life. Subscribe now and embark on the journey of self-discovery and transformation.
Effective Speaking and Communication are the key to success in business and in life. However, we're never taught how to leverage and maximize our most powerful tool: Our Voice!
Sincerely Speaking explores the key questions surrounding speaking, communication, leadership, and confidence, to liberate our voices, increase our impact, and help us create powerful movements that change the world!