Keeping you ahead of the curve on Bitcoin price and fundamentals analysis, news and economics. - BitcoinAndMarkets.com | @BTCMRKTS
Join these two idiots who are way too interested in NFT Pineapples on Thetadrop as they discuss the current hot topics in the Theta ecosystem, talking amongst themselves, other creators, and like-minded members of the Secret Pineapple Society.
Find us on the #2 place for Pop & Mag’s content at https://www.popandmags.com
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and be sure to check out the Secret Pineapple Society at https://www.secretpineapplesociety.com/home
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Pop & Mag’s is a Scumbag Hat Production -
Driving Brand Growth is where:
Savvy marketers come to find stories.
Advertising veterans share their experiences.
And gurus and beginners alike can share a laugh or two.
As a team with a love for Storytelling, Content, and Marketing Strategy, we invite fellow professionals from across the industry to joining us on the show to share their wisdom and their passion for the work we do.
Grab an episode on the go to learn about upcoming trends and tactics. These will help broaden your mindset and grow your brand.
All you have to do is hit play.
EVA Podcast tarjoilee ajankohtaisia ja ajattomia oivalluksia politiikasta, taloudesta ja yhteiskunnasta laajemminkin. Jaksoissamme vierailee monipuolisesti päättäjiä, bisnesvaikuttajia, tutkijoita sekä muita oman alansa ammattilaisia.
Podcastin tuottaa Elinkeinoelämän valtuuskunta EVA. Olemme elinkeinoelämän think tank ja tavoitteenamme on edistää suomalaisen yhteiskunnan pitkän aikavälin menestystä.
Löydät meidät verkosta osoitteesta eva.fi. -
Welcome to the GTM AI Podcast, your go-to independent resource to help GTM Professionals become AI Powered. We will cover strategies, new AI tools, AI news and trends, all for the purpose of helping you create real measurable business impact and help your life be easier. We do weekly episodes ranging from interviews to updates to strategy sessions.
Sponsored by the GTM AI Academy www.gtmaiacademy.com -
Подкаст о поиске любимого дела. О смелости, которая для этого требуется, о страхах и сомнениях на этом пути.
5 и 6-й сезоны — о локальных предпринимателях. Мы делаем их вместе со студией Либо/Либо и маркетплейсом локальных брендов Flowwow.
Обратная связь [email protected] Tg @ksenia_is_out -
Yahoo Finance is thrilled to be the exclusive online host of the 2021 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting on May 1st. This year, we are bringing it to you again in podcast form. Come listen to Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett and his right-hand man Charlie Munger as they share their unscripted views on the company, the markets, the economy, and a whole lot more.
Girlboss Radio is back with a new host and a renewed mission to help women achieve success on their own terms. Meet our host, Avery Francis! Francis is a veteran HR thought leader who specializes in implementing diversity, equity and inclusion practices in as many workplaces as possible through her consultancy, Bloom. Francis has been featured in Forbes and named a Top 40 Woman in Tech by Betakit. Her ethos? Work should work for all of us. The podcast features weekly chats with inspiring executives, founders and A-listers including filmmaker Domee Shi, mega-influencer Matilda Djerf, Knix founder Joanna Griffiths, and Netflix star Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, among others. Girlboss Radio is your destination for no-BS career advice—each episode, you'll walk away with tangible takeaways and success stories that'll help you level-up in your career *and* your life.
The ABA Journal Legal Rebels Podcast features men and women who are remaking the legal profession and highlights the pioneers who are changing the way law is practiced and setting the standards that will guide the profession in the future.
A weekly reality check on sensible investing and financial decision-making, from three Canadians. Hosted by Benjamin Felix, Cameron Passmore, and Dan Bortolotti, Portfolio Managers at PWL Capital, and Mark McGrath, Associate Portfolio Manager at PWL Capital.
Welcome to the What’s Next! Podcast. I’ve met so many brilliant people as I traveled the globe and have had some fascinating conversations that I’ve wished had been recorded so I could share them with you - this podcast was a way for me to recreate those moments and let you in on some fantastic insights. My current conversations center around one objective: what's next for companies and individuals as they look to innovate and grow. I hope these conversations inspire you as much as they have inspired me. Whether I am preparing for a keynote speech or writing for publications such as Harvard Business Review and Huffington Post, these are my go-to people. My goal with the What’s Next! podcast is to keep you thinking and to challenge you to think about What’s Next!
Greg, Mark and Richard get together weekly and talk about things of interest in the Java community. Greg works for SimWorks (http://www.simworks.com) who specialize in mobile phone software. Mark works for SecureMX (www.smx.co.nz). Richard works for Blue Train Software (http://www.bluetrainsoftware.com)
Porter Stansberry is the outspoken founder of Stansberry Research - now one of the largest and most recognized investment research firms in the world.
Stansberry Radio puts you in tune to hear Porter’s commentary on the latest financial and economic news. Listen to Porter interview renowned experts. -
On Behind The Idea, Seeking Alpha editors Mike Taylor and Daniel Shvartsman take a closer look at an investment idea published on Seeking Alpha to see what makes for compelling investing analysis. We look at what’s happening with the underlying company, what the author’s case is, how well s/he made that case, and what we can learn from this investment story. We also bring on the authors, top investors, and industry analysts or experts to explore the case further. We hope the breakdowns and discussions are is both timely and evergreen, educational and entertaining for investors.
Welcome to the Selling From the Heart podcast, your home for authentic, effective, and socially-integrated sales strategies to help you master the art of selling. Join your hosts Darrell Amy and Larry Levine along with some of the world's best sales thought leaders and practitioners as we explore ways to grow your sales.
This show explores the people, companies, and ideas shaping the future of the agriculture industry. Every week, Tim Hammerich talks to the farmers, founders, innovators and investors to share stories of agtech, sustainability, resiliency and the future of food.
We believe innovation is an important part of the future of agriculture, and real change comes from collaboration between scientists, entrepreneurs and farmers. Lead with optimism, but also bring data!
For more details on the guests featured on this show, visit the blog at www.FutureOfAgriculture.com. -
Menestystarinan metsästäjät on podcast, jossa käsitellään luovan talouden onnistumisia rohkeiden tekijöiden kautta. Jani Niipolan ja Maryam Razavin haastattelussa Suomalaiset ja kansainväliset persoonat kertovat, miten menestystarina rakennetaan - ja miten virheistä oppii.
Keskustellaan viikottain mielenkiintoisimmista tietotekniikka- ja mobiiliuutisista sekä alasta yleisesti kulissien takana.
Cutting through the hype, telling inspiring stories from people and organisations who are creating real change in the world with Blockchain and Exponential technologies.
Listened to in 150+ countries worldwide.
Hosted by: Anthony Day, Blockchain Leader at Midnight