
  • Mercy is a powerful concept found throughout the Bible. It’s undeserved forgiveness and unearned kindness. When someone forgives you even though you don’t deserve it, that’s mercy. And when someone shows you kindness that you haven’t earned, that’s also mercy.

    Here are some key points related to the miracle of mercy:

    * God’s Mercy Revealed:

    * The Bible tells us that God’s mercy is abundant and transformative. It’s not based on our merit but on His character.

    * Jesus Christ came to seek and save us because of God’s deep love and mercy for humanity.

    * Being Agents of Mercy:

    * When we show mercy to others, it’s an act of worship. We become agents of God’s mercy in the world.

    * Sometimes the hardest place to show mercy is within our own families, but extending God’s mercy to those closest to us is essential.

    * The Marks of Mercy:

    * Mercy involves forgiveness, compassion, kindness, patience, and grace. These marks reflect God’s character and guide our interactions with others.

    * As we practice these marks, we experience the miracle of mercy in our lives

    The miracle of mercy is about God’s undeserved forgiveness and our role in extending that mercy to others. It’s a beautiful expression of God’s love and grace. 🙏

    If you’d like more detailed content please play the audio for this lesson which is available on all our podcast player

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  • Is blindly following the crowd leading you astray?

    Join our Bible study as we explore the concept of "the crowd" in scripture. We'll delve into passages that teach why it's important to discern truth for yourself and avoid the pitfalls of following the masses.

    Here are some questions we'll explore:

    * Can following the crowd lead us away from God? (Exodus 32:1-8)

    * How can we discern truth and make wise decisions? (Proverbs 14:15)

    * What does it look like to stand up for your faith, even if it's unpopular? (Daniel 1:6-8)

    This Bible study is open to everyone, regardless of your background or beliefs. Come learn, discuss, and grow in your faith!


    * For the live Class Join us on Telegram and YouTube Live

    * Donate to the ministry so we can keep pushing the work further

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  • Let’s delve into “The Big Why”—the profound exploration of our divine purpose. As Christians, understanding our purpose is like deciphering the intricate threads woven by the Creator Himself. 🌟

    The Divine Purpose: Unraveling the Mystery

    The question of purpose has echoed through the ages, resonating in the hearts of humanity. Why are we here? What is our role in this vast cosmic tapestry? As we seek answers, let’s embark on a journey to understand “The Big Why.”

    1. The Quest for Meaning

    Life without purpose is like a ship adrift on an endless sea. We yearn for significance, for a reason to wake up each morning. The Bible, revered by millions, holds the key to unraveling this mystery. It begins with a bold proclamation: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Our existence finds meaning when we grasp the essence of our Creator—the One who spoke galaxies into existence and breathed life into humanity.

    2. Ecclesiastes 3: A Time for Everything

    The ancient wisdom of Ecclesiastes resonates across time. King Solomon, in his poetic musings, reflects on life’s seasons. He eloquently describes the ebb and flow of existence, emphasizing that there is a time for everything. Let’s explore some verses from Ecclesiastes 3:

    * “For everything, there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, ESV)

    * “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11, NIV)

    3. Divine Purposes in Scripture

    The Bible weaves a tapestry of divine purposes:

    * Isaiah 45:18 declares God as the Creator who formed the earth not as a wasteland but as a dwelling place for humanity.

    * Romans 9:17 reveals God’s purpose even in the rise of Pharaoh, showcasing His power and sovereignty.

    * Jeremiah 51:29 speaks of God’s purposes against Babylon, shaping history.

    * Acts 26:16 recounts Paul’s divine appointment—a purpose to witness.

    * Ephesians 3:11 unveils the eternal purpose realized in Christ.

    * 1 John 3:8 portrays Jesus’ purpose—to destroy the works of the devil.

    4. Our Role in God’s Grand Design

    As believers, we are part of God’s grand design. Our purpose extends beyond mere existence—it involves reflecting His love, serving others, and advancing His kingdom. So, let’s seek our divine purpose with open hearts, knowing that God’s plan for us is both eternal and beautiful.

    May we embrace “The Big Why” and walk confidently in our calling! 🙏✨

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  • Navigating Life's Currents: The Divine Compass within the Bible

    In the vast sea of life, with its ever-changing currents and unforeseen storms, we all crave direction. The Bible, a book revered by many as divinely inspired, offers a wealth of wisdom to guide us on our journeys. Throughout scripture, we find metaphors and narratives that illuminate the concept of a "Divine Compass," an internal truth system that steers us towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

    The Needle of Faith: Pointing North

    The core principle of the Divine Compass is faith. Faith serves as the needle, ever pointing towards a higher purpose. It's the unwavering belief that there's a grand design behind our existence, even when faced with challenges. This faith isn't blind trust but a reasoned conviction built upon studying scripture, witnessing God's works in the world, and experiencing the power of prayer.

    The Map of Proverbs: Charting the Course

    The Book of Proverbs offers a treasure trove of practical wisdom, acting as a detailed map for navigating life's complexities. Verses like Proverbs 3:5-6 instruct us to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Here, we're encouraged to surrender to a higher power and trust that God will guide our steps.

    The Luminous Examples: Stars to Steer By

    The Bible recounts countless stories of individuals who faced immense challenges yet emerged victorious through their faith. Abraham's unwavering trust in God's promise led him on a remarkable journey. Moses, despite self-doubt, bravely led the Israelites out of Egypt, guided by his faith. These figures serve as luminous examples, stars illuminating the path ahead and inspiring us to overcome our own obstacles.

    The Ever-Present Current: The Holy Spirit's Guidance

    The Holy Spirit is often depicted as a gentle current, ever-present and nudging us in the right direction. It's the force that awakens our intuition, guides our decisions, and convicts us when we stray. By cultivating a prayerful spirit and remaining receptive to the Holy Spirit's promptings, we can fine-tune our Divine Compass and align ourselves with God's will.

    Calibrating Your Compass: Daily Devotion

    Just as a physical compass needs calibration to function accurately, our Divine Compass requires constant refinement. Daily devotionals, prayer, and scriptural study are the tools for this vital calibration. By consistently engaging with the Bible, we strengthen our faith, refine our understanding, and ensure our Divine Compass remains aligned with God's purpose for our lives.

    The Divine Compass within the Bible is not a rigid set of rules, but a dynamic guidance system. It empowers us to navigate life's uncertainties with faith, wisdom, and a connection to something greater than ourselves. So, open your Bible, embark on this deep dive, and discover the Divine Compass that resides within you.

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  • In a world characterized by constant change and uncertainty, the concept of balance and stability in God offers a powerful anchor for Christians today.

    This notion isn't about a stagnant or unchanging faith, but rather about a core set of beliefs and values that provide grounding and direction amidst life's inevitable ups and downs.

    The idea of balance can be found throughout the Bible. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 speaks of a "time for everything," reminding us that God ordains both joyful and sorrowful seasons.

    This balance helps us navigate the full spectrum of human experience with faith, knowing that hardship is temporary and joy is always possible.

    Stability in God comes from the unwavering nature of his character. His love, faithfulness, and justice are constant, providing a secure foundation even when the world around us feels like it's crumbling. Passages like Hebrews 13:8, which declares "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever," offer a sense of permanence and comfort.

    Why is this balance and stability so important for Christianity today? Our fast-paced, achievement-oriented culture can leave us feeling overwhelmed and adrift.

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    By anchoring ourselves in God's unchanging character and the timeless truths of scripture, we gain a sense of perspective and purpose that transcends temporary circumstances.

    This stability allows us to approach challenges with faith and resilience. It empowers us to share the Gospel message with confidence, knowing it's built on a foundation that will never crumble. It also fosters compassion and understanding, as we recognize that everyone is on their own unique faith journey

    The scripture that emphasizes putting faith into action is Matthew 7:24, which states: "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on rock." By following God's teachings, we build a life that can withstand any storm.

    In conclusion, balance and stability in God are not about seeking a perfect or unchanging life. They're about cultivating a deep trust in God's presence and purpose, allowing us to weather life's storms and share the light of Christ in an ever-changing world.


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  • This month at the Power Boost Conference

    Get ready to level up

    Get ready to be fired up

    Get ready for a greater measure

    As we discuss FROZEN GLORY.

    This conference is for those who feel they are called unto greater but lack the necessary resources to step into a greater measure

    This is for those who have become stuck in the rut of life and become numb to the leadings of divinity

    Fasten your belts

    Go to your calendar and save the date. 29th Feb | 8 pm WAT

    Streaming on



    Telegram - Callin -Clubhouse

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    Imagine an unassuming doorway, hidden amidst the ordinary, leading to a path less traveled. This is the essence of "Small Doors, Great Opportunities," our Bible study program exploring the transformative power of prioritizing the "narrow way" over the allure of the mundane.


    * The "narrow way," despite its challenge” leads to true fulfillment.

    * How prioritizing faith and purpose over worldly pursuits opens doors to lasting joy.

    * Practical steps to navigate the "small doors" that open onto the wider path of spiritual growth.

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    * You yearn for a life of meaning and purpose beyond the everyday grind.

    * You're intrigued by the idea of hidden potential within seemingly ordinary choices.

    * You seek a supportive community to explore faith and its practical application.

    Don't underestimate the power of "small doors." Join us and discover the great opportunities that await on the other side of prioritizing the "narrow way."


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    JOIN OUR PRIVATE COMMUNITY - enjoy unity, faith spiritual growth and other Christian materials to aid your spiritual growth.

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  • Unveiling the Serpent's Deception: A Bible Study on Discernment in the Last Days

    Join us for an in-depth exploration of the serpent's deception in the Garden of Eden and its relevance to our lives today.

    The deep Bible dive will equip you with the tools to discern truth from falsehood in an increasingly deceptive world.

    What you will learn:

    * The tactics of deception used by the serpent in the Garden of Eden

    * How these tactics are still used today to mislead and manipulate us

    * The importance of spiritual discernment in the last days

    * Practical tips for guarding your heart and mind against deception


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    * Callin

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    Shift your mindset to sync with the God mindset.

    This month's Power Boost conference is gearing up to be a potent and impactful event, focusing on the crucial aspect of our mindset.

    We'll delve into mindsets that have kept you in the shadows,

    Mindsets that have held you back,

    Mindsets that have limited your growth and progress.

    I urge you to mark your calendar for the 31st of this month and be part of this transformative experience. Join us to receive fresh insights that promise to elevate and enrich your life.

    For the next power boost event please join us here

    Telegram, Clubhouse, and Callin:


    Donate Now - Our mission is to bring the light of salvation to those in darkness, your donation will help achieve this.

    Join our one believers’ community - If you want to experience true love, bond, unity, and fellowship then join our community today.

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  • Civilization is a multifaceted system encompassing social, political, technological, and various other forms of development. Each development phase introduces changes that pave the way for a new and improved outcome or system.However, amid civilization's constant evolution, God's unchanging nature, as steadfastly believed according to His Word (Malachi 3:6), stands out.Have you ever pondered whether God truly remains unchanged? Perhaps not in His essence, but could His words or actions adapt with time? This scripture and the ensuing discussion provide a roadmap for exploring your curiosity:But we all, with open faces beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.In this class, we will discuss the concept of God's civilization. Understanding this will empower you to navigate your life, year, and daily experiences more effectively. I am eager to be part of this class.Attendance is free and convenient.


    Join us in the live class on

    * calling, Telegram, or Clubhouse


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  • Every person is born with a destiny, a kind of plan for our lives. What's interesting is that this plan exists before we're even born.

    It's like a divine roadmap crafted before our first breath, outlining the path we're meant to follow.

    This idea is a bit puzzling, especially when we find it in the Bible.

    So, let's take a closer look together. We'll explore this concept deeply, diving into the details of this divine plan, trying to understand the mysteries and thinking about what it means in the broader teachings of the Bible.

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  • At the core of Christianity, love stands as the unyielding thread weaving through the core of its principles. It is a guiding force, an imperative that beckons believers to illuminate their lives with the radiant light of Christ, casting aside the shadows in a world often shrouded in darkness. Yet, the challenge arises when the very fabric of culture and society seems to clash with the tenets of our faith.

    In a society where values may diverge from the teachings of Christianity, the call to embody love and radiate the light of Christ becomes a poignant mission. It's an undertaking that necessitates a steadfast commitment to principles even when faced with a culture that may not align with the essence of our beliefs.

    Recognizing this struggle, we have embarked on a profound journey this year, focusing on the transformative power of love and light. In a world where adversarial currents threaten to engulf the spirit of Christianity, we have chosen to rise above, embracing our responsibility to alter the prevailing narrative.

    Changing the discourse surrounding Christianity requires more than mere rhetoric; it demands a conscious effort to live a life of purpose and impact. This means not merely adhering to a set of religious doctrines but actively embodying the teachings of love and light in every facet of our existence.

    As we navigate the complexities of a culture that may sometimes seem antithetical to our faith, we strive to be beacons of love. Our aim is not to condemn, but to understand, to bridge the gap between divergent perspectives with compassion and empathy. It is a commitment to be agents of positive change, influencing our surroundings through the transformative power of love.

    Living a life of purpose and impact necessitates a conscious rejection of complacency. It means taking deliberate steps to align our actions with the profound principles we hold dear. In the face of societal currents that may challenge our faith, we stand committed, fortified by the unwavering belief that love has the power to transcend and transform.

    This year, let our lives be testaments to the enduring strength of love and light. In a world that often seems adrift in confusion, may our actions speak louder than words, radiating the transformative essence of Christianity. Let us not be defined by the prevailing culture, but rather, shape the culture through the indomitable force of love, leaving an indelible mark of purpose and impact on the canvas of humanity.

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  • UnLoop 2024:

    Let's paint a picture: we've journeyed through a good 4 or 5 years, and no matter what cards we play, it feels like we're stuck in this loop. Each passing year seems like a replay, and any progress we manage is slipping away.

    It's making me wonder if change is out there, playing a game of hide and seek, or if I'm unwittingly caught up in a loop of regrets, pains, and perpetual dissatisfaction.

    If you find yourself nodding along, familiar with this struggle, then it's high time to break out, unloop, and stop this cycle of negativity. And guess what could potentially be the only hurdle in our way? Yep, you got it – it's none other than ourselves.

    Enter UnLoop ➿ – a call to action to reclaim control in our lives, because let's be real, life is too short to keep experiencing the same Groundhog Day scenario. Let's mix things up, embrace change, and embark on a journey beyond the loop, where growth and fulfillment await.


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    Discover the path to achieving your destiny and unravel the hidden costs associated with it. Destiny often seems elusive, creating confusion and vagueness.

    Many find it challenging to connect existence with destiny, merely seeking a life of enjoyment before transitioning to the next realm.

    Gain profound insights into your destiny and role in this plane of existence by joining us at the Power Boost Conference.

    The door of destiny is right in front of you. Seize the opportunity to turn the knob and open it by joining the conference.

    Thanks for reading Living Flames Of Fire! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support our work.

    DONATE NOW - there are countless souls that needs to be touched, they need help and they need the light of the gospel by donating you are helping us push forward the mission

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  • In this compelling episode of "Believers Power Of Creation," we delve into the profound concept that humans are created in the image of God, emphasizing our innate ability to be creators. Join us as we explore the intricate connection between our beliefs and the power of creation.

    Uncover the secrets to accessing and unlocking this divine power within us, as we navigate the profound journey of understanding and harnessing the creative forces that lie dormant in every believer. From spiritual insights to practical strategies, this episode is a transformative guide for those seeking to embrace their inherent creative potential and manifest it in their lives.

    Tune in to discover the profound wisdom that connects faith, belief, and the extraordinary power of creation.

    Join us For the Live session ok these channels

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    Clubhouse -

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  • Embarking on a Journey of Spiritual Enlightenment: Faith as the Gateway to a Higher Reality

    In our collective quest for an elevated existence, the key to unlocking the next level might lie in something profound—Faith. The door to this higher reality stands before you, and your personal access code could very well be the unwavering belief in something greater.

    Embark on this transformative journey with us as we delve into the rich teachings of the Bible, seeking wisdom, understanding, and spiritual enlightenment together.

    📡 Join us on the following platforms for the live session


    Clubhouse: Engage in thought-provoking discussions via

    Callin: Connect with us through meaningful conversations at

    Free Conference Call: Tune in live for an immersive experience at

    Let Faith be your guide as we navigate the corridors of spirituality and understanding together.

    Please donate now to help us keep changing lives

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  • To be fruitful you need to surrender to God's laws that govern Fruitfulness.

    one example is the Law Of Time And Season.

    Fruitfulness doesn't happen by mistake, they are laws guiding them.

    To learn more join us for "Deep Bible Dive"

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  • The culture seeks to redefine Christianity, society attempts to reshape the Christian identity, and the media aims to diminish its significance. Nevertheless, we're determined to reveal the enemy's strategies and their intent to manipulate believers' thinking through various channels.

    Join us as we explore the topic “For Bread Alone” for a profound exploration of scripture, uncovering ancient truths and revelations relevant to our current times.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Love is so powerful that it pulled God down to redeem man to Himself. And it's evident how it impacts us even as we offer it to others.

    In this podcast you will see the bedrock of love from a scriptural view, and how love affects you who love.

    Join us live on Clubhouse for the live session weekly

    This episode is available on all podcast platforms and feel free to subscribe to our channel on Youtube

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  • What is victory?

    VICTORY CAN ONLY BE FOUND IN GOD.Proverbs 21:31 The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the LORD.WE CHRISTIAN ARE VICTORIOUS/OVERCOMER 1 John 5:4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.Limitations to our victory•Sin: Nothing limits or reduces man on earth as sin. •Ignorance/not knowing your identity in Christ •Refusal to yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit •Curses/Evil covenant•No Purpose And Misplaced Priority •How to overcome these limitations

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