Are you willing to Leave Everything behind? Lose it all and Find it all? Today Pastor Griselda Espinosa reminds us that if we are willing to lose it all For Christ, then in true we Find it all with Christ.
Have You ever gone Through a hard time? Have You ever felt hopeless and without strength? It's either a Trial or Tribulation. Today Pastor Luis Brito reminds us that trials and problems are a part of a daily Christian Life.. but through it all, we Should still Worship God, for He is the one who will save us and redeem us from hardship.
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Hello Members ! Today Sister Brenda Prince reminds That Love is always the priority that should be found within the Church. Are we willing to Love one another? How do we plan to be together in heaven when we are divided amongst the Brethren on Earth? . "God is love"
Hello Members ! Today Pastor Gabriel Alvarez reminds us about The importance of having The Holy Ghost, and what a Great gift and experience we receive when it comes. Let us not forget that it is a promise from God and it has been giving for everyone.
Hello Members ! Today Bishop Prince reminds us about the need of Sanctification in the church, as the body of Christ we need to march towards perfection and holiness and not turn back. Will we get there ? How ? When ? Let us not forget that it’s a promise of Christ , that his church will be perfect without stain or wrinkle or such thing.
Hello Members ! Today Pastor Luis Brito reminds of the beauty and gift of The Holy Ghost, When we receive a gift we love ..sometimes we don't even want to touch it because we take care of it so much we want it to be safe, Same it should be with The Holy Ghost ! Keep it, Treaure it, and don't lose it.