
  • Showing up consistently in a relationship is hard. We want to build trust, but we often get stuck in our heads and forget the little things that matter. These small moments of forgetfulness can lead to a lack of trust and disconnect in our relationships.

    This episode offers a simple and powerful way to build trust by embodying consistency. It's about being present, intentional, and conscious throughout the day – about following through with our words and promises, and expressing our love consistently.

    Small moments of forgetfulness can add up over time, causing distrust and disconnect. While these moments might not lead to a total relationship meltdown, they keep us from reaching the highest level of intimacy and trust with our partners.

    Today’s episode is an invitation to make a conscious effort to follow through with our words and promises. Remember, it's about the small things. A few minutes or even seconds per day of honouring our partners goes a long way.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Awakened Masculine program: Starting 16th June 2024An 8-week immersive journey into the depths of unleashing your awakened masculine power. You will have Lorin as your personal guide through live calls, written modules, embodiment practices and much more.

  • Many men seem to take their partners for granted over time, even when they deeply love them. They stop putting in the effort and expressing their love as they once did. This behaviour is often rooted in a sense of unworthiness, a deeply ingrained belief that sabotages their relationships.

    Fixing this behaviour takes courage, awareness, and regular practice to keep our hearts open, even when it feels painful.

    Without taking ownership and action, men risk falling into a cycle of unworthiness that sabotages our relationships. We may become numb, disconnected, and stuck in our heads. Our hearts may close, and we may stop putting effort into our relationships, causing them to wither.

    In this episode, Lorin lays out some daily habits and practices that will keep you connected with your heart and help you break free from the cycle of unworthiness.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Awakened Masculine program: Starting 16th June 2024An 8-week immersive journey into the depths of unleashing your awakened masculine power. You will have Lorin as your personal guide through live calls, written modules, embodiment practices and much more.

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  • The purpose of spiritual awakening is to realise the truth of how things are, not how we want them to be. This can be challenging and even painful, but it's an essential part of the spiritual journey.

    In this episode, Lorin explains why we need to be present and embrace what’s happening right now, rather than thinking “this shouldn’t be”. This doesn't mean giving up our passions or desires, but operating in harmony with the spirit.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Shadow Work in Relationships & Creating Abundance
    Heal the shadow in your relationships and bring forth true abundance in your life.

  • [Introduction]

    Lorin's Polarity Program is currently open for applications. Spots fill up quickly. Discover how you can create the polarity you have always dreamt of.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Awakened Masculine program: Starting 16th June 2024An 8-week immersive journey into the depths of unleashing your awakened masculine power. You will have Lorin as your personal guide through live calls, written modules, embodiment practices and much more.

  • We all carry emotional wounds, and one of the most damaging is the father wound. This wound often manifests in our relationships, leading to patterns of self-sabotage, distrust, and emotional upheaval. But there is a way out.

    In this episode, Lorin offers practical steps to heal and overcome the father wound, by recognising dysfunctional patterns, connecting with the deeper pain that drives them, and taking ownership.

    When our father wound becomes triggered, it can lead to a vicious cycle of unfulfilling relationships and self-sabotaging behaviour. We can end up pushing away the very people we want to hold closest, which then reaffirms our deepest fears and insecurities.

    But this episode will help you find time and space to set yourself on the path towards healing.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Healing Your Relationship with the Masculine: Starting 21st April 2024
    Open and trust again. Learn everything you need to know about men in order to be the most embodied and conscious woman you can be in your current or future relationship.

  • We're all guilty of using spirituality to sidestep or avoid dealing with unresolved emotions from time to time. It’s called spiritual bypassing, and it’s quite common, especially in relationships. It's yet another way our shadow self prevents us from evolving and becoming our highest self.

    The key is to lean into it – to face our deeper core wounds head-on and focus fully on them instead of trying to avoid or bypass them. This means acknowledging our behaviours and patterns.

    If you’ve found yourself feeling stuck, experiencing inner conflict, resistance or emptiness, that pain might be the result of avoiding your deeper wounds. But by asking a simple question, we can reconnect with our deeper truth and avoid spiritual bypassing.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Awakened Masculine program: Starting 16th June 2024An 8-week immersive journey into the depths of unleashing your awakened masculine power. You will have Lorin as your personal guide through live calls, written modules, embodiment practices and much more.

    Healing Your Relationship with the Masculine: Starting 21st April 2024
    Open and trust again. Learn everything you need to know about men in order to be the most embodied and conscious woman you can be in your current or future relationship.

  • Many of us struggle to balance our masculine and feminine energies. This imbalance can manifest as a fear of abandonment and lack of self-belief, especially in women who are stuck in their immature feminine energy. They constantly seek validation and lack personal boundaries, which creates a cycle of attracting immature masculine energy.

    In this episode, TV host and emotional rights advocate Megan Pormer illustrates how women need to first understand and recognise their immature feminine energy, then work on developing mature masculine qualities within themselves. These are qualities like clear communication and boundary setting.

    Societal expectations and pressures put on women make the journey of self-discovery so much harder. And women stuck in immature feminine energy – or who get wrapped up in immature masculine energy – often experience unhealthy relationships and a lack of self-understanding.

    So in this episode, Megan and Lorin invite you to surround yourself with a supportive community, so you can move from fear to empowerment, and from seeking validation to believing in yourself.

    Follow @meganpormer on Instagram

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Healing Your Relationship with the Masculine: Starting 21st April 2024
    Open and trust again. Learn everything you need to know about men in order to be the most embodied and conscious woman you can be in your current or future relationship.

  • Infidelity is a painful experience that can shatter trust and cause profound emotional distress. It's a problem that leaves us feeling gutted, wronged and as if the ground has been taken from beneath our feet. It can lead to self-doubt and a severe impact on our trust in ourselves and in our relationship decisions.

    People cheat not because they are inherently bad, but because they are dealing with their own trauma and pain. They are out of alignment with their own truth. Healing begins with forgiveness – if we can find it in our hearts – and understanding that the act of cheating is a reflection of the person who cheated, not a reflection of us.

    In this episode, Lorin explains why men and women cheat, and offers advice for victims of infidelity as well as those with patterns of cheating.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Awakened Masculine program: Starting 16th June 2024An 8-week immersive journey into the depths of unleashing your awakened masculine power. You will have Lorin as your personal guide through live calls, written modules, embodiment practices and much more.

    Healing Your Relationship with the Masculine: Starting 21st April 2024
    Open and trust again. Learn everything you need to know about men in order to be the most embodied and conscious woman you can be in your current or future relationship.

  • Being authentically vulnerable and expressing emotions for men involves finding a balance between sharing our deepest feelings and staying connected to our masculine energy.

    It’s not about venting or projecting emotional overwhelm onto others, but rather speaking our truth with clarity, courage, and responsibility. By embodying Warrior Vulnerability, we can create deeper connection and intimacy while staying rooted in our masculine power.

    Men who confuse vulnerability with complaining or venting can end up feeling more disconnected from their masculine energy and true nature. This can lead to distrust and disconnect with the feminine.

    But by embracing Warrior Vulnerability, men can express their heart's deepest truth in a clear and responsible manner, enriching the dance of intimacy.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Awakened Masculine program: Starting 16th June 2024An 8-week immersive journey into the depths of unleashing your awakened masculine power. You will have Lorin as your personal guide through live calls, written modules, embodiment practices and much more.

  • Hormonal imbalances in both women and men can lead to low libido, mood swings, and other symptoms that strain relationships. To address these challenges, we need to prioritise hormonal balance and support each other.

    In this episode, Lorin speaks with Prof Annice Mukherjee, a leading women's health and hormone expert. With a medical career spanning over 30 years, she has supported thousands of women in managing menopause and hormone-related challenges to improve their quality of life and health.

    Prof Annice urges both men and women to learn about the hormonal changes that occur and how they can affect our bodies and emotions. And she encourages creating safe spaces for open and honest conversations about how these challenges impact relationships.

    When hormonal issues are ignored by doctors, this leaves women disempowered. And when they speak to men, their inclination to want to “solve” problems can be unhelpful. But by having open and compassionate conversations about the potential impact of hormonal changes, both parties can navigate these challenges and strengthen their relationship.

    About Prof Annice

    Prof Annice Mukherjee is a leading women's health and hormone expert in the UK with a medical career spending over 30 years. She has supported thousands of women going through menopause and hormone related challenges to help them manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life and health. She is the author of the bestselling book, The Complete Guide to the Menopause, which is a deeply holistic and personalised approach for women to manage menopause and truly any hormone related challenges.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Healing Your Relationship with the Masculine: Starting 21st April 2024
    Open and trust again. Learn everything you need to know about men in order to be the most embodied and conscious woman you can be in your current or future relationship.

    The Awakened Masculine program: Starting 16th June 2024An 8-week immersive journey into the depths of unleashing your awakened masculine power. You will have Lorin as your personal guide through live calls, written modules, embodiment practices and much more.

    Shadow Work in Relationships & Creating Abundance
    Heal the shadow in your relationships and bring forth true abundance in your life.

  • Men often feel like women are trying to change them, which of course causes conflict in their relationship. Men want to be accepted “for who they are”, but this doesn’t mean accepting mens’ shadow. Instead, it means loving and accepting them while desiring growth and change if their patterns stem from wounding.

    Men need to set healthy boundaries. If someone is trying to change a man in a way that goes against his truth, he must express his values and stand in his integrity. Boundaries allow us all to maintain conscious relationships and honour our own growth.

    When we misinterpret our partners’ need for a deeper and authentic connection, we put strain on the relationship. Unresolved conflicts and unaddressed wounds can lead to a lack of trust, intimacy, and satisfaction. So we need to embrace the opportunity for growth and evolve together.

    In this episode, Lorin explains how, by examining our own patterns and wounds, we can reflect on whether we are identifying ourselves with our shadows or operating from our highest truth. This cultivates self-awareness and creates healthier dynamics in our relationships.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Awakened Masculine program: Starting 16th June 2024An 8-week immersive journey into the depths of unleashing your awakened masculine power. You will have Lorin as your personal guide through live calls, written modules, embodiment practices and much more.

  • What do women mean when they say “maybe”? For men, this can feel like a lack of clarity, but it goes much, much deeper. In this episode, Lorin uncovers ways to create more polarity by embracing the differences in communication styles between the masculine and the feminine.

    The feminine’s use of "maybe" and similar expressions is a natural part of their style of communication. This style actually creates attraction and polarity between the masculine and the feminine. This invites the masculine to embody his innate energy by offering direction, leadership, and decisiveness when a woman expresses "maybe".

    When we misunderstand and judge one another's communication style, we risk losing the depth of connection and polarity essential for a thriving relationship. But we have the opportunity to create a stronger bond and foster deeper intimacy by recognising and authentically responding to each-other’s style.

  • Spending time with family over the holiday period can be challenging, especially when dealing with difficult family members. These dynamics can quickly bring us back into a state of unconsciousness and disconnect us from ourselves. It's important to find a way to protect our energy and maintain healthy relationships with our family members.

    The key is to release the expectation that your family will fully understand and see us for who we are. Accepting that they may never fully comprehend our journey allows us to free ourselves from seeking their validation and protects our energy.

    In this episode, Lorin will help you recognise the role you play in your family dynamic, embrace the truth about your family members, and establish healthy boundaries.

    If we keep trying to please or be fully understood by certain members of our family, we risk falling back into old patterns and draining our energy. We might feel disconnected from ourselves, experience judgment and criticism, and struggle to maintain healthy relationships. Ignoring these issues can hinder our personal growth and overall well-being.

    Remember, it's OK if your family members don't fully understand you. Focus on nurturing relationships that support your growth and surround yourself with individuals who value and respect you.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Shadow Work in Relationships & Creating Abundance
    Heal the shadow in your relationships and bring forth true abundance in your life.

  • Neediness in a relationship can cause pain, suffering, and emotional drain. It can turn a source of joy and love into a source of suffering. The good news is that there are powerful ways to heal neediness and unhealthy attachment.

    In this episode, Lorin shares how you can Interrupt the pattern of neediness, train your body and nervous system, and allow your partner to show up for you and provide reassurance when needed.

    Neediness can lead to a cycle of dependency, anxiety, and pushing our partners away. We can end up staying in unhealthy dynamics and can struggle to be independent. So be open and honest with yourself and your partner about your feelings. Working together, you can cultivate a healthier, more loving relationship.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Shadow Work in Relationships & Creating Abundance
    Heal the shadow in your relationships and bring forth true abundance in your life.

  • Do you find yourself constantly seeking approval, trying to please others, or burying yourself in work? Do you struggle to set boundaries or are you stuck in unhealthy relationship patterns? These feelings could be coming from your father wound, which can develop if your father was emotionally or physically absent.

    The solution lies in understanding the generational trauma that men have carried, which has led to emotional unavailability and absence. If we can learn to embrace our vulnerability, release the need for approval, and accept ourselves as worthy, we can finally begin the healing process

    If we don't, we may find ourselves seeking validation in unhealthy ways, like chasing relationships or burying ourselves in work to prove our worth. These patterns can leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled, no matter how much external success we achieve.

    In this episode, Lorin provides practical solutions to help you release emotional blockages and affirm your self-acceptance. These techniques will help break the cycle of generational trauma and create healthier relationships with yourself and others.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Shadow Work in Relationships & Creating Abundance
    Heal the shadow in your relationships and bring forth true abundance in your life.

  • Maintaining deep love and intimacy in a relationship beyond the honeymoon phase can be challenging. As the initial excitement fades away, patterns of suffering, disconnection, and a lack of trust can show up. Many couples can struggle to sustain the passion and intimacy they once had.

    To go beyond the honeymoon phase and sustain deep love and intimacy, we need to actively work on our relationship. This means making quality time with your partner, prioritising the bond you share, and exploring the dynamics of masculine and feminine energies in your relationship.

    It’s common for challenges to arise beyond the honeymoon phase – but if we don’t address them, our relationship could stagnate, and lack passion, intimacy, or trust. But by actively working towards sustaining deep love and intimacy, we can go beyond the honeymoon phase and experience a more profound and fulfilling connection with our partner.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Shadow Work in Relationships & Creating Abundance
    Heal the shadow in your relationships and bring forth true abundance in your life.

  • Dealing with toxic people and relationships can be overwhelming, no matter the relationship dynamic. Relationships with highly toxic people can lead to emotional stress, manipulation, and even harm if not handled effectively.

    But by keeping an emotional distance, not allowing them to occupy our mind, and reflecting on missed red flags, we can keep ourselves safe and build healthier, more positive relationships in our lives.

    Of course, if you aren’t in a position to leave a toxic relationship, Lorin has some words of support to offer you.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Shadow Work in Relationships & Creating Abundance
    Heal the shadow in your relationships and bring forth true abundance in your life.

  • Men in today's world aren’t properly initiated into manhood, so they never meaningfully pass the threshold from boy to man. What’s more, loneliness keeps them from fully realising their potential as strong people who can learn from, and teach others.

    Men need to find ways to connect with masculine energy, seek role models, set boundaries with their mothers, and prioritise their closest relationships. If they don't, they’ll find it harder to fully embody their masculine power and access their highest potential.

    This episode offers practical tips to help men address these challenges and take the necessary steps in their spiritual journey to overcome them. And it will help women understand the challenges experienced by the man in their life.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Awakened Masculine program: Starting 16th June 2024An 8-week immersive journey into the depths of unleashing your awakened masculine power. You will have Lorin as your personal guide through live calls, written modules, embodiment practices and much more.

  • What are the traits of an awakened man? What are the traits of an awakened man? How does an awakened man show up in relationships, and what is required for an awakened man to truly connect and live from his awakened masculine core?

    This is a compilation of highlights from four previous podcast episodes all about the awakened masculine. This is a great reminder for both men and women who want to deepen their understanding of the awakened masculine and how it can positively impact their relationships and personal growth.

    Explore these episodes in fullFather wounds â€“ Episode 72The woman with the father wound and the man with the unworthiness wound â€“ Episode 80The four traits of the Awakened Masculine â€“ Episode 76How a man can make a woman feel safe â€“ Episode 79

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Awakened Masculine program: Starting 16th June 2024An 8-week immersive journey into the depths of unleashing your awakened masculine power. You will have Lorin as your personal guide through live calls, written modules, embodiment practices and much more.

  • What are the traits of an awakened woman? What do we do when men become defensive, and how can we take responsibility for our own shadows?

    This is a compilation of highlights from three previous podcast episodes all about the awakened feminine. This is a great reminder for both men and women who want to deepen their understanding of the awakened feminine and how it can positively impact their relationships and personal growth.

    Explore these episodes in fullThe four traits of the Awakened Feminine â€“ Episode 77The Woman with the Father Wound & the Man with the Unworthiness Wound â€“ Episode 80Why Men Get Defensive â€“ Episode 85

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Healing Your Relationship with the Masculine: Starting 21st April 2024
    Open and trust again. Learn everything you need to know about men in order to be the most embodied and conscious woman you can be in your current or future relationship.