
  • I’ve been through some rough patches in my life. For many years, I battled drug addiction, struggled with self-worth, and tried to please other people to gain their approval.

    Overcoming my cocaine addiction was one of the hardest but most rewarding journeys I’ve ever taken. The turning point in my life happened when my grandmother died. I was deeply connected with her, and when I came back from her funeral, I knew I had to change my life.

    I became aware that I needed a different environment and mindset to break free from the destructive cycle. So, I started my journey of self-discovery.

    The most important lesson I’ve learned is to love myself. When you love yourself, it becomes easy to build confidence, heal your past traumas, and start achieving your goals and living your dream life.

    I know because I've definitely been there. And in this week's episode, I’ll be answering your questions to give you some directions on how you can achieve these changes too.

    I’ll share how I overcame my cocaine addiction, how I achieved my dreams and goals, and what truly makes me happy. I’m also talking about:

    How to improve relationships with your kids

    How to heal from trauma and abuse

    How to deal with grief and loss

    How to manifest your desires

    Tune in to this week’s episode to learn how you can overcome your past regrets and traumas, build self-awareness, and grow self-love to achieve your true potential and live your own dreams.

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Dealing with toxic relationships (01:29) Audience Q&A introduction (07:50) How I overcame my cocaine addiction (10:42) How to achieve your dreams and your goals (20:24) Improving parent-child relationships (24:30) Healing from trauma and abuse (27:18) Dealing with grief and loss (34:21) How to manifest? (38:14) What makes me happy (40:53) Recap (45:23)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • You know, there's never a perfect time to make a big change.

    I’ve been thinking a lot about how we’re constantly waiting for the “right moment” to do things. Whether it’s switching careers, picking up a new hobby, or facing our fears, the best time to start is always now.

    Life won't pause for us to feel ready, so we have to jump in and adapt as we go.

    It’s like waiting for the water in a river to be calm before you cross. It just doesn’t happen and you’ll never reach the other side.

    So, why not just take the leap now? Because life will always throw something your way no matter what.

    Join me in this week's episode as I talk about finding the motivation to change. I also dive into other cool topics:

    what causes insomnia how to avoid burnout why it's so important to be your true, authentic self

    You might find some inspiration or a little push you need to finally start a change you’ve been thinking about a lot.

    Make the first step towards your change by tuning in to this episode!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Life's unpredictability and adaptation (00:44) Root causes of insomnia (02:56) Recognizing and preventing burnout (04:45) Value of self-education and perseverance (06:55) Overcoming limiting beliefs at any age (08:20) Avoid toxic people (13:26) How to attract the right people (20:38)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Get free VIP access to my latest success training here

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!
    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • Trying to meet other people's expectations is like trying to fit into clothes that are three sizes too small – uncomfortable and suffocating.

    I used to be that person. I was always worried about how others saw me, trying to fit into their mold. I needed validation, love and support from others, otherwise I felt lonely and broken. My life was dictated by others' opinions. I was avoiding new things because I was afraid people around me would mock me, or even leave me.

    But one day, I decided enough was enough. I was done shrinking myself. I chose to live my dreams and speak my truth, even when it scared me. It was tough, filled with moments of doubt and fear, but I pushed through because I knew I deserved to be my authentic self.

    And yes, some people from my surrounding didn’t believe in me. Leaving them is never easy, especially when they are close to you. But I decided that loving myself and standing up for my truth was more important than staying in their comfort zone. Yes, it hurt, but that pain was where my true liberation and freedom began.

    If you want to know how to reject societal expectations and start living fearlessly, tune in for this week’s episode.

    I’ll be talking about how to:

    resolve issues from your childhood live your truth, even when it's uncomfortable surround yourself with supportive people invest in yourself and maintain a positive mindset overcome codependency stay on your path no matter what

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Stop following the crowd (01:19) Independence vs. codependency (03:38) The power of continuous growth (07:01) Surround yourself with supportive people (10:25) Love yourself unconditionally (13:11)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Get free VIP access to ⁠⁠my latest success training here⁠⁠

    👉 Join our Community To Access Luke’s Free Trainings

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!
    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • Sometimes when you’re trapped in your comfort zone, your body starts to scream for change. In those moments, a racing heart or a sudden, overwhelming panic attack can be a signal that you're way past your limits.

    There is no such thing as a random issue – when you start experiencing such things, it's a clear sign you need a change.

    Staying in your comfort zone is where your mind feels safe even if it may be unpleasant. Yes, you feel burnt out, overwhelmed, like everything is just too much, or if something is off about your job, relationship, family situation, you name it.

    But it’s known and you don’t have a clue what a change could bring, so you instinctively choose to stay where you are.

    And in those moments, your body might start to push you towards that terrifying new reality. Aches, anxiety, panic attacks, and depression are often your body saying, "Hey, this isn't working. We need to change something!"

    And that means diving into what scares us: change.

    So, why keep suffering in silence? Instead of tolerating whatever life serves before us, why not take those body signals seriously and choose something else, something better?

    Because getting out of your comfort zone isn't just about new experiences; it's also about responding to your own needs and finding your true potential.

    Join me in this episode as I talk about why you should get out of your comfort zone and how to do it.

    Don't miss it!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Six and a half years ago I had a dream (01:38) Your body is telling you what it needs (05:50) The importance of self-love and personal responsibility (07:42) Learning and speaking Polish as personal development (13:36) Living in the moment and achieving your goals (16:47) Overcoming self-doubt and taking consistent action (22:09) Client success story - overcoming antidepressants after 30 years (29:58) Investing in yourself for personal growth (39:10)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Get free VIP access to ⁠⁠my latest success training here⁠⁠

    👉 Looking for a positive community? I got you! Click to join our personal development ⁠⁠FB group ⁠

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • So many times I felt like giving up.

    In the moments when I was overwhelmed with messages, emails, client sessions, gym workouts, you name it I often thought, "This is too much, I can't keep up."

    But then, I'd take a deep breath and remind myself why I started this journey.

    I recall the rejection and insecurity I felt in my relationships, the times I didn't feel good enough, and how drugs and alcohol consumed me. (Yes, that was exactly the case – they were consuming me, my energy, my emotions, my health...)

    Those painful experiences still fuel my drive to keep pushing forward, grow, and reach a higher level.

    Yes, I’ve managed to overcome my insecurities and find my true self, but this journey is still going – it can never stop. And you’ll always have something to overcome – at the end of the day, no one said this would be easy.

    So, when you feel like giving up, it's crucial to connect with your "why." What has been bothering you and made you want to change?

    If you're at a crossroads, the safest way is to choose growth. And let your first step of returning to your dream be this week's podcast episode.

    Tune in as I talk about overcoming challenges and never giving up!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) The growth of my podcast (01:49) It's not supposed to be easy (06:17) Authentic living (07:34) Remembering why you started (16:05) If something feels off, it's off (20:55) Overcoming burnout (24:39) I’m all in! (29:15) Recap (33:29)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Get free VIP access to ⁠⁠my latest success training here⁠⁠

    👉 Looking for a positive community? I got you! Click to join our personal development ⁠⁠FB group ⁠

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • When you love someone, you do everything for them. You’d do anything to make your kids happy, right? But what about you? If you're not pouring that same love into yourself, how can you expect to handle your own deep emotions or old wounds that need healing?

    It all begins with loving yourself. Once you start putting yourself first and truly loving and appreciating who you are, you won’t need approval from others. You’ll find that you are enough, even for things you never thought you’d be capable of.

    And it’s not just about self-approval. When you love yourself, you are also able to give from a place of strength. You remain solid and grounded, even when others might not understand or might reject you.

    Your main job is to nurture your relationship with yourself and to treat yourself well, no matter what. I know it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of everyday life, chasing after a few extra tasks, and forgetting our own wishes and dreams.

    It’s okay if you’ve lost your way a bit; we all do at some point. But now, here’s my call to you: Stop, look in the mirror, and ask, 'Am I really being true to myself?'

    And before you answer, tune into this week’s episode to learn how to stop living for others and start living for yourself.

    Join me right now – you’ll thank me later!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Stop comparing yourself to others (02:04) Dealing with unhappy relationships (04:15) Importance of self-love and confidence (07:11) Overcome childhood trauma (09:41) Healing starts with loving yourself (14:12) Find meaning in negative experiences (17:13) If you persevere, you can achieve anything (21:01) Knowing your worth (27:36) Recap (32:50)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Get free VIP access to ⁠⁠my latest success training here⁠⁠

    👉 Looking for a positive community? I got you! Click to join our personal development ⁠⁠FB group ⁠

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • Have you ever watched someone do something amazing and thought, 'Why are they so confident and I’m not?' I used to believe confidence was something you were born with. But guess what: it’s not.

    I learned that by facing my biggest fear: public speaking. As I stood in front of a crowd, my head filled with 'what ifs'. 'What if they laugh?', 'What if I forget what to say?', 'What if I mess up?'

    But I chose to step up despite these fears.

    Every time I spoke, I fought the urge to run away. No, it never got easy. But it did get better. Because with each speech, each presentation, I was proving something crucial to myself: I won't let my own thoughts sabotage me.

    In this episode, I’m going to show you that the confidence you see in others isn’t magic. It’s practice. It’s them getting up there, making mistakes, and trying again. It's them deciding not to let their own minds hold them back.

    And if I can do it, so can you. You CAN break free from the prison of your mind and dive into the mess of learning and growing. Of course, it’s a mess sometimes. But that’s a beautiful mess.

    So, are you ready to stop being your own worst enemy?

    Tune in to this week's episode as I talk about how to get out of your own way and truly start living.

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Be grateful to be alive (01:45) Find a personal morning routine that works for you (04:18) Face your fears and take action (11:23) Self-love is the secret to success (17:38) Facing fears and building confidence (21:45) Human condition of self-doubt and insecurities (27:53) Recap (32:09)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Get free VIP access to ⁠⁠my latest success training here⁠⁠

    👉 Looking for a positive community? I got you! Click to join our personal development ⁠⁠FB group ⁠

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • How many times have you wanted to say or do something but felt like you were holding back because you were afraid to show your true self to the world? I know I have. And that’s something many of us struggle with.

    And when we think about why it’s so hard to show people how we really feel and what we really think, love, and want, it’s clear that fear of rejection is a factor. We’re programmed to seek validation from the outside.

    Our society has taught us to hide our emotions and conform to expectations, but true freedom lies in being YOU. Real growth starts when you begin looking for approval inside yourself and accepting your true, authentic self.

    During my journey, I learned to be comfortable being vulnerable in public and stopped apologizing for being myself. In this episode, I’ll show you how I overcame that fear, started taking risks, and learned to embrace unpredictability and trust the process.

    Join me as I also talk about the power of emotional release, the importance of surrounding yourself with supportive people, and why taking action – despite the fear – is the real path to success.

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Authenticity in all interactions (01:36) Vulnerability is a strength (04:48) Stop apologizing for your emotions (05:37) Risk everything to be yourself (11:13) Self-acceptance over external validation (19:15) Investing in personal development (23:44) Growth and social media (31:06) Recap (37:18)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Get free VIP access to ⁠⁠my latest success training here⁠⁠

    👉 Looking for a positive community? I got you! Click to join our personal development ⁠⁠FB group ⁠

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • Many of us stay in relationships out of fear – fear of being alone, fear of not fitting in. People often feel like they're just not enough unless they're in a relationship. No matter what kind of relationship, they need someone else from the outside to feel worthy.

    It’s a sign of codependency when we rely on someone else to feel complete. But what we need to realize is that the real connection you need is with yourself. When you’re not okay on your own, you’re not really okay even with someone else.

    I used to be in that place. I thought being with someone would fix everything, give me peace and happiness. But no matter who I was with or who I was hanging out with, I wasn’t truly happy. And that’s because I wasn’t happy with myself.

    I learned this the hard way. To test my own independence, I decided not to talk to my best friend Danilo for two weeks. I wanted to see if I could handle things on my own. Before that, I was constantly calling him every time I faced a problem, seeking advice, or just needing to vent.

    So those two weeks without Danilo by my side were tough. But they taught me I could stand on my own two feet and the importance of being comfortable with just me. And that’s when I started real growth on my own.

    And you know what? Once you start to cultivate self-love and personal growth, the universe opens up. New opportunities blossom not because you’re desperate for them, but because you’re finally ready to meet them as the whole, fulfilled person you are.

    So, if this resonates with you, don’t miss this week’s episode as I talk about codependency vs. independence and self-love, why it is important to leave when it feels wrong, and how to start empowering yourself today.

    Tune in and start changing your life!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Inspiration vs. desperation for change (02:08) Law of attraction and decision-making (12:49) Balancing solitude in relationships (20:20) Importance of community and support (22:27) Investing in personal development (23:18) Calm growth vs. forced growth (25:32) Final thoughts (27:40)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Get free VIP access to ⁠⁠my latest success training here⁠⁠

    👉 Looking for a positive community? I got you! Click to join our personal development ⁠⁠FB group ⁠

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • Many of us often feel stuck in a cycle trying to be someone we're not and get approval from our environment.

    Trust me, I've been there – copying others, moving in circles, and honestly, just settling. And still somehow I hoped things would change. But it wasn't until I decided to put a stop to all the crap and really start respecting myself that things began to shift.

    Because, only when I started growing and truly loving myself, I started seeing things clearly and recognizing the red flags in people and situations that I didn’t have a clue about before. Then I got the confidence to walk away from some people and toxic relationships.

    I learned a tough lesson about knowing my worth and not giving endless chances to those who don't deserve it. The days when I tolerated nonsense or let fear cloud my judgment are gone.

    Believe me, it’s liberating to say, “I deserve better!” and actually mean it.

    I know, it's painful to realize what you've lost because you didn't change sooner. But it’s never too late to start respecting yourself and demanding the respect you deserve.

    Life is beautiful when you're in tune with yourself – when you change your environment, surround yourself with supportive people, and pursue your dreams. It's about creating the life you want, not just accepting the life you're handed.

    I've chosen to design my life and you can do that too. And you can do that today!

    So, are you ready to take charge and live life on your terms? Tune in for this week’s episode to learn how to respect yourself and stop settling for less.

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude (00:55) Positive thinking impacts energy (02:10) Reject negative environments (03:56) Self-reprogramming is crucial (07:38) Follow personal signs (16:03) Consistency leads to success (18:09) Call to action for self-love (22:59) Authentic communication matters (34:10)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Get free VIP access to ⁠⁠my latest success training here⁠⁠

    👉 Looking for a positive community? I got you! Click to join our personal development ⁠⁠FB group ⁠

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • Have you ever heard of fascia? Do you know its role? Don’t worry – many people don’t even know what the word means.

    Fascia is actually a physical tissue connecting our body parts. (‘So what?’ I can almost hear you saying this.) Well, what is FASCInating about fascia is that it’s also an organ of consciousness that stores our experiences and emotions.

    And in this episode I have a special guest who can explain the importance of fascia science for holistic health and spiritual well-being. Joining us is Anna Rahe, a healer, educator, and founder of GST Body.

    Anna’s journey began with severe health challenges that traditional medicine couldn't solve. But after discovering fascia and years of studying and researching it, she developed a revolutionary approach to healing and dedicated her life to healing herself and helping others.

    Anna challenges traditional views that the brain is the sole controller of bodily functions. In this interview, she explains why the fascia is a crucial sensory organ that stores experiences and sends messages to the brain.

    This is not something Anna came up with.

    Fascia therapy fits well with ancient practices like Qi Gong and martial arts. This shows how traditional Eastern wisdom and modern science can work together. As Anna (and many other healers) believe, there should be a more balanced approach, rather than relying solely on external medical interventions.

    Tune in for the full interview as Anna talks about the incredible potential of fascia. She also shares how movement, self-awareness, and holistic practices can unlock the hidden potential within us to heal ourselves and achieve spiritual growth.

    Join us!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Who is Anna Rahe (00:32) Anna's health journey begins (01:41) Discovering fascia (03:54) Importance of personal responsibility in healing (05:42) Luke’s experience in China (13:17) The role of meditation and movement (18:33) Dealing with trauma (24:46) Emotional maturity and trauma healing (33:24) Importance of self–talk and self–reflection (35:36) How to connect with Anna (48:34)

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    Check out Anna’s websites:



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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

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    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • Every day we face challenges that can feel overwhelming. But these tough times are where we learn and grow the most.

    When I was starting out, I had plenty of setbacks. In the early days of building my business, I'd get frustrated with mistakes. But over time, I learned to allow myself to vent for a bit and then shift my focus to finding solutions.

    This helped me a lot and now I advise my clients to do the same – I encourage them to let their pain fuel their drive. Because pain isn’t just something to endure. It’s actually a powerful motivator.

    My own journey is proof of this.

    Every challenge literally pushed me forward – being bullied, called names, feeling like I didn’t fit in, feeling not enough, overcoming drug addiction, being timid and scared, always worrying about others' opinions…

    Those were lessons for me. Powerful ones. I learned that challenges aren’t roadblocks, but opportunities to learn and improve.

    Every time I faced rejection or doubt, I turned it into energy to push harder and show up for myself. And I can tell you - no matter how tough the period you’re going through, it’s temporary.

    If you want to learn more, tune in to this week’s episode where I’ll talk about using pain as a motivator and seeing challenges as opportunities to grow and learn.

    Join me!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Consistency over intensity (00:51) Life's challenges build resilience (03:42) Show up for yourself (11:07) Choose your environment and relationships wisely (18:00) The wound is where the light enters (22:57) Final thoughts (27:47)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Get free VIP access to ⁠⁠my latest success training here⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • Healing your inner child - you've probably heard this phrase many times. (If you’ve listened to any of my podcast episodes, you know that I mention it a lot.)

    So, what does ‘inner child’ actually mean?

    It’s basically just a way to refer to your younger self and all the past experiences that shaped you. It doesn’t mean there’s a literal "inner child" inside you – just your memories.

    For example, when I was a kid, I was bullied a lot, called names, and felt that my parents didn’t love or support me the way I needed. Those experiences created fears and insecurities that I carried into my adult life.

    So, how do I deal with this?

    Whenever I feel anxious or scared, especially when I'm stepping out of my comfort zone, I remind myself that it's just my younger self reacting. Because our minds respond with fear when something feels new and uncomfortable.

    But now I know that growth happens outside our comfort zone. I know it's not easy. (It was never easy and it won’t be.) But when I look at my life now, I also know it's definitely worth it. I tell my younger self this and reassure him that I've got his back.

    Healing our inner child means looking back at our past so we can move forward. It’s about not letting our past define us and taking control of our lives. And to do that we need to work through those old fears, and finally start living our dreams.

    Join me for this week’s episode and let’s dive into transforming your life by healing your inner child.

    Tune in now!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Change is uncomfortable (01:07) Embrace discomfort for growth (04:56) The inner child concept (08:36) Invest in yourself (15:55) Planting inspirational seeds (20:37) Energetic connections (24:03) Final message (31:00)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Get free VIP access to ⁠⁠my latest success training here⁠⁠

    👉 Looking for a positive community? I got you! Click to join our personal development ⁠⁠FB group ⁠

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • One of the biggest hurdles to our happiness and feeling fulfilled is often the simple fact that we're not making progress. This usually comes from thinking too small about ourselves.

    But, can you imagine how it would feel to flip that mindset and start believing that you are absolutely phenomenal, capable of achieving anything you set your mind to? And if you can imagine that, then you can achieve that for sure.

    It's because this isn't just a dream or empty talk — that’s the essence of progress and success!

    My journey of personal development truly started once I realized how we often limit ourselves.

    We look at others and think, 'They’re just lucky' or 'I could never be that lucky'. And yes, I understand that.

    At the end of the day, it’s easier to think that than to realize that those 'lucky' people had a lot of work behind their success and, more importantly, that we can do that too.

    No matter what it is — a thriving career, a happy relationship, or adventures around the globe — if someone else can do it, so can you.

    But to get there, you’ve got to start with believing in yourself, even when past experiences or toxic relationships have tried to convince you otherwise. It’s about standing up for yourself, possibly for the first time ever, and realizing that you deserve to put yourself first.

    This shift in mindset is what I want to dive deeper into in this week's episode.

    If you're ready to stop selling yourself short and start stepping into your greatness, join me. Let’s explore together how changing the way you see yourself can radically change your life.

    Tune in now!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Mindset is everything (00:56) The trap of toxic relationships (05:12) You're not meant to just stay where you are (12:34) Progress equals happiness (20:40) Materialism vs. personal growth (25:07) Closing remarks (35:10)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Get free VIP access to ⁠⁠my latest success training here⁠⁠

    👉 Looking for a positive community? I got you! Click to join our personal development ⁠⁠FB group ⁠

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • This time, I’m having an inspiring conversation with Marjolein Noordzij, who took part in my Superpower Mastermind program.

    Before joining the program and starting her transformation journey, Marjolein was struggling with depression, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, and chronic pain.

    Through therapeutic techniques and the support of the community, she managed to improve her physical and mental health and gain self-confidence she never had before.

    Join us to hear her story and learn more about taking control of your life with the right support and strategies.

    Tune in now!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Marjolein’s early struggles and why she joined my program (00:50) The methods that aided Marjolein's healing (01:59) The roots of Marjolein's people-pleasing behavior (03:41) The role of community support (06:13) Improved health and new friendships (09:11) Marjolein’s engagement with social media and gaming (12:31)

    Additional Resources:

    Connect with Marjolein:

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • In this episode, I talk with Yvonne Trost, who shares her inspiring story of transitioning from a corporate consultant to a personal development and hypnosis practitioner after participating in my Superpower Mastermind program.

    Yvonne points out the significant role that overcoming fear and expanding self-awareness played in her life, leading to a more fulfilled and authentic existence.

    Tune in to learn more.

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Yvonne’s life before transformation (01:14) Benefits of hypnosis and personal development (03:48) Community's role in personal growth (08:53) The impact on family and relationships (14:44) Overview of Yvonne’s current projects (16:08) Yvonne’s outreach through social media (19:15)

    Additional Resources:

    ➡️ Visit Yvonne’s website

    ➡️ Take the Free Self-Love Quiz

    ➡️ Yvonne’s podcast – How to Be Happier for Entrepreneurs

    Follow Yvonne on social media:

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    👉 To learn more about our 20-week program, schedule a roadmap call here

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • Sometimes, I really don’t feel like doing things. Like, on the day I was supposed to record this episode, I wasn’t in the mood to do that at all, but I did it anyway. Because success often depends on what we do when we don't "feel" like doing anything.

    It’s easy to give in to the comfort of doing nothing, to choose relaxing over a run or a beer over brainstorming your next big project. That comfort zone is seductive because it's easy and it's safe.

    Discipline is the tough part. It’s about doing what you need to do, even when every part of you wants to just chill: going for the run, applying for the job, or pushing through a personal development session even when you’re not up for it.

    That's where growth happens. In these moments, you start to find out who you really are, not just who you are when things are easy.

    Although I absolutely love inspiring and motivating through my podcast and coaching sessions, sometimes I struggle with keeping my energy and balance. But over the years, I've learned one thing: I need to gather the discipline to push through my own reluctance if I want to truly help others and keep my promises.

    So, I recorded the episode despite not feeling like it. Being disciplined is what separates those who live their dreams from those who just dream.

    Curious about how to turn from dreaming to living your dreams?

    Join me for this week’s episode as I share how to turn discipline into a tool for success.

    Tune in now!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) A gratitude reminder (00:34) Challenges of staying motivated (01:31) Impact of social perceptions (11:52) Personal evolution and self-discovery (16:04) Aligning relationships with personal growth (21:26) Emphasizing ongoing personal growth (27:47)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Get free VIP access to ⁠⁠my latest success training here⁠⁠

    👉 Looking for a positive community? I got you! Click to join our personal development ⁠⁠FB group ⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • In this episode of Success Stories, my client Peter Opletal talks about his experience in our 20-week Superpower Mastermind program.

    He shares his journey of overcoming a toxic work environment and childhood trauma and how it helped him become more confident, tackle challenges better, and lead to emotional healing.

    Tune in to learn more!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) What led Peter to seek change (01:01) Joining the Superpower Mastermind program (04:38) Confronting childhood trauma (06:55) Peter's healing and its impact on parenting (10:03) Results of mirror work (14:43) Peter stands up to his boss (21:06) Launching new T-shirt Line (23:56)

    Additional Resources:

    ➡️ Follow Peter on Instagram

    ➡️ Check out the Unleash Your Superpower website

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    👉 To learn more about our 20-week program, schedule a roadmap call here

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • Growing up, I let the opinions of others dictate who I was. If they said I was too tall, too skinny, or not enough in some way, I believed them. I was the guy who thought rejection was proof that I wasn't worthy of love or success.

    But guess what?

    What was my real issue was that mindset, not the rejections or the name-calling. And this way of thinking stuck with me until I realized that life isn't about pleasing others or fitting into their molds.

    This is the lesson I’ve learned: The most critical relationship in life is the one you have with yourself. You've got to start valuing and appreciating yourself and understand that your worth isn't determined by what others think. You need to recognize your own value and potential and stop wasting time.

    Like Jim Rohn once said, "You get paid for the value you bring, not just your time." So, if you want to succeed and make more money, focus on increasing your value rather than working more hours.

    And how exactly can you do that?

    Tune in to this week's episode and find out as I talk about increasing your value and how you can do that to start making more money.

    Don't miss it!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) How I started my podcast (00:35) Discovering self-worth and healing (04:55) The power of community (09:45) Challenges of personal growth (13:18) The continuous journey of self-discovery (18:59) We were born with greatness (26:39)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Get free VIP access to ⁠⁠my latest success training here⁠⁠

    👉 Looking for a positive community? I got you! Click to join our personal development ⁠⁠FB group ⁠

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!

    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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  • When I started out as a coach, I was hit with a ton of doubt.

    I found myself second-guessing my worth all the time, wondering if anyone would actually pay for my help. It was that pesky imposter syndrome sneaking up on me, whispering that I wasn’t good enough to live a better life.

    But here's the thing – once I decided to face that fear head-on and pursue my dream, everything changed.

    First, I recognized the value I could offer. Then, clients started to see it, too. Let me tell you – they were more than willing to pay for my help, and they still are.

    This journey has taught me the most important lesson: if you have a gift and you’re willing to work hard, you can be unstoppable. You just need to take that leap, even when you're scared, and you’ll realize your worth through action.

    This might be your sign!

    If you're stuck feeling like an imposter, wondering if you're good enough, or questioning if what you love to do can actually sustain you, tune in for this episode. I’m sharing my story of taking action, despite the doubts, that might lead you to where you're meant to be.

    Ready to overpower your inner imposter and find your strength?

    Tune in for this week's episode of the Luke Mind Power podcast!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00) Growth requires suffering and discomfort (01:50) The experiment of positive social mirroring during a run (06:49) A client overcoming imposter syndrome (16:44) Investing in oneself and the importance of seeking guidance (22:00) Reducing antidepressant dosage after decades - a client's story (27:04) Recap (33:18)

    Additional Resources:

    👉 Want to learn more about our 20-week program? Schedule your roadmap call with my team.

    👉 Get free VIP access to ⁠⁠my latest success training here⁠⁠

    👉 Looking for a positive community? I got you! Click to join our personal development ⁠⁠FB group ⁠

    👉 Check out my⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube channel⁠⁠⁠

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    The Luke Mind Power Podcast is an empowering show committed to helping you unlock your full potential and transform your life.

    Follow the podcast on your favorite app so you never miss an episode!
    BENEFITS DISCLAIMER: This podcast does not substitute professional medical and health advice. Luke is not a psychologist or holds any degrees from university. Luke Chlebowicz's approach and this podcast is intended for educational purposes only. We, of course, want the best results for you, and the Information provided by this podcast or our company is not a substitute for individual medical advice. ⁠🔹⁠⁠ ⁠TERMS OF SERVICE

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