When did you last work towards YOUR own goal?
Something you want to do, that other people might not understand.
Not to get approval, attention, likes, compliments.
Simply because it feels like what YOU want to do.
When did you last say no, and prioritized your time, money and energy towards your own yes.
Where is your focus?
What do you prioritize?
Be honest with yourself.
I am Therese Fallentin and this is the gutfeeling podcast. You can read about me and the Podcast at
and about me and my services (waiting for my domain :-D) at
and find me in video format at youtube at
Make yourself a glorious day ya all.
#dramatriangle #empowermentdynamics #power #empowered #stepintoyourpower #create #entrepreneurship #goals #prioritze #focus #discipline
Are you ready to step into your power?
To stop complaining, blaming, saying it's not possible...
It is, but you gotta put your energy towards it,
prioritize it.
This is what the podcast will be about going forward.
Let's start creating.
About me and the podcast:
About me and my services (waiting for my domain :-D):
Make yourself a glorious day ya all.
#dramatriangle #empowermentdynamics #power #empowered #stepintoyourpower #create #entrepreneurship
Fehlende Folgen?
How does shame from the past keep you back in life?
What about fears around re-doing something which was shameful?
Standing on a stage.
Sexual expression.
Creating something.
What if whatever you did doesn't really matter?
What if it wasn't that bad?
Can you forgive yourself?
Can you look at it with another lense?
Can you challenge your shames and fears?
What if people would find it funny and not irresponsible, out of control, stupid..
What if they would and you actually don't.
Can you let it go?
Move forward?
Find freedom?
This is Magefølelsen Podcast, The Gutfeeling in English.
I am Therese Fallentin.
I am a previous People Pleaser, with a master of management science who has taken a deep journey into my right brain after becoming a grown up stuck in left brain control, fear and rigid plans. Now I am finding my way back into balance between mindfulness, flow, creativity, play, trust, hope, faith and creation, logic and making things happen.
I am a hard core Burner. I live and breathe the burn principles, not just at burns around the globe, but also in regular life.
Believing that the right and left go hand in hand and complement each other perfectly. When in balance and used with mindfulness and not force.
You find me on Instagram and LinkedIn here:
Make yourself a good day, ya all.
Really, fuck janteloven and any other norm telling us that its not ok to like ourselves.
The only person who needs to like us, is us.
It's the most important relationship we have and at the core of any other relationship.
When we do not like parts of ourselves we will also push away people who does like these parts. Partners who like sides of ourselves we are ashamed of showing the world.
What we don't like about ourselves will stand in the way of our happiness.
So, please!
Dare to like yourself, even though others might not agree.
Even though others don't find you beautiful, smart, funny, you can still.
This is Magefølelsen Podcast, The Gutfeeling in English.
I am Therese Fallentin.
I am a previous People Pleaser, with a master of management science who has taken a deep journey into my right brain after becoming a grown up stuck in left brain control, fear and rigid plans. Now I am finding my way back into balance between mindfulness, flow, creativity, play, trust, hope, faith and creation, logic and making things happen.
I am a hard core Burner. I live and breathe the burn principles, not just at burns around the globe, but also in regular life.
Believing that the right and left go hand in hand and complement each other perfectly. When in balance and used with mindfulness and not force.
You find me on Instagram and LinkedIn here:
Make yourself a good day, ya all.
What creates good sex?
Co- creation.
Most women have some kind of sexual trauma!
Feeling safe to be with whatever happens.
Ok to say no!
No pressure to have sex even though there is sexual energy and he gets a boner.
Confidence work,
Holding a rejection,
Accepting a sexual rejection,
Being with the inner child who cannot handle sexual rejection.
Being with discomfort of a no.
Rejection sucks, can we handle a no?
Vulnerable and scary initiating.
Meeting all vulnerability with love and compassion, also sexual interest, instead off fear.
Dealing with rejection.
Daring to reject and handling their reaction.
Don’t want to do something with someone who don’t want to do it with us.
Communication and being clear about what we ask for.
Stop assuming and start asking questions, specify, be curios, what do you want? Nothing or could you want something.
Exploring how to be me with you.
Dare asking questions, being vulnerable and sharing impact.
Being ok with other people’s feelings.
Your feelings aren’t my responsibility.
Community - a place where you can explore being more of you and evolve.
People we trust and who are there for us.
Feeling safe.
Support system outside our partnerships and families.
How to find the community for you?
Practice and show instead of explaining theories.
Sofia Su:
Magefølelsen & Therese Fallentin
Spirits or stuck energies?
Understanding energy, what is it?
Finding time to get contact with our intuition.
Closed off or connected in surrendering?
Spirituality meeting business.
Trusting instincts without facts and understanding.
Magic happening from following intuition and Instinkts.
Believing in the flow of life.
Is Sofia a witch and what does that mean?
How to be a modern witch?
Power over our own lives.
Healing powers.
Connection to nature and darkness.
What feels right to me?
Finding our own truths.
What’s the worst thing that could happen by leaning into our own paths?
Allowing dislikes as a part of life.
Endemetriose - emotional causes?
Placebo or not, does it matter if it it works?
Helping people feel loved and worthy.
Trauma triggers - not knowing what we want.
Trauma creating new trauma.
Tantric Tempels.
Sexual healing.
Being around sexual energy without engaging in it.
Feeling safe around and in sexual energy.
Learning to set boundaries and feeling the sadness, anger and fear from all off those times I didn’t say no.
Opening up to our boundaries in all aspects of life.
The world is scary when we don’t dare setting boundaries.
Having our own backs.
No it’s ok, I had worse.
Being scared off sexual energy from men.
Trust issues towards men.
Allowing others to do things with us that we don’t want.
Holding space for and supporting the feminine, instead of controlling and pushing to much on the feminine.
Healing trust issues with men.
Somatic therapy.
Ancestral trauma.
Creating our own fears.
Crossing our own boundaries and letting people step on my boundaries.
How to create safety for intimacy.
Trust created by asking questions.
Asking for consent for every step is sexy when you are confident and can handle a no.
Healing our trust issues.
It’s ok to go slow and for a man to prove that he is trustworthy.
The more you like someone the slower you need to move.
Having sex too early leads to bad sex because we aren’t ready to be vulnerable.
Sofia Su:
Magefølelsen Podkast:
Performance anxiety. How does it show up and how to break free.
How does performance anxiety stand in your way from being you and living the life you want to live?
Relationship between performance anxiety, trauma, ADHD, fawn and freeze.
Sharing passions and dreams, and everything else close to our hearts, can bring enormous discomfort and resistance.
It’s where we are most afraid of rejection, judgement and criticism. So oftentimes we keep it for ourselves. Well hidden from the outside world.
Sometimes even more from our closest, because we couldn’t bear hearing that they don’t like or accept this side of us.
So we hold back.
Keep our babies safe.
We hide our softness and love.
What if we can find love for ourselves in every moment. Who I we are here and now.
And bring the heart into our conversations.
Start pulling people in, instead of pushing them away. Seeing cooperation instead of competition.
Seeing invitations, warmth, curiosity, love and connection by assuming the best about other people. Assuming that people can handle us and like us.
And that we can handle when they don’t. Because let’s be honest. Everyone dislikes and judges something about us. No one likes it all and wants to be with us 24/7 for the rest of their lives..
Even though they love us, likes us and wants to be our friends, partners and colleagues.
And still when they dislike us, they still want to have us in their lives. And if they can’t handle our inner truths, who we are underneath all of the walls and protection mechanisms, well, then maybe it’s not people we wanna have in our lives.
Let’s dare be soft and squishy.
Let’s see each other and find inspiration in each other. Co-create and find heartfelt connections where we often see competition, jealousy, criticism and judgement.
Let’s have trust and faith in ourselves and others.
Let’s learn to listen and invite people in. Be curious and create conversations. Let’s build connection where we often create disconnection and push people away.
Everyone is just a person, probably doing the best with what they know.
Let’s be compassionate, assume the best, give people the befit of the doubt, believe people are soft and squishy inside their hearts and try and understand where their love goes.
Let’s have the uncomfortable conversations and listen to what we disagree with. Let’s create conversations where we now have monologues.
After burnout and healing people pleasing, codependency and trauma comes a journey into a new kind of living.
A life doing what is right for me, because I want it, like it, find joy in it.
A life where I let people in, where I believe I belong, where I trust people’s intentions, love and attention.
Where I believe in my ability to create the life I long for. That everything I need to feel safe is available to me, as long as I lean into it.
We are whole beings,
still when we are healing and in need of support we are all of those other things we have always been.
When healing it’s easy to feel disempowered though. To feel stuck, needy, helpless, misunderstood, lonely, insecure. Often because people start feeling sorry for us, sympathize, look down on us, try to fix us.
Our need for support, empathy and compassion makes people uncomfortable. They don’t know how to handle our feelings, our situation and so they become rescuers, trying to fix us. Bring us out of our situation by telling us what to do and not.
Instead of listening, people tell and push their knowledge and truths on you. You become the victim. The helpless person in need of help.
People stop believing you are capable of taking care of yourself, or doing stuff, so they are annoyed. Find you needy. They become the perpetrator critiquing you.
Both the rescuer and perpetrator enabling/ creating exactly what they dislike in you; your helplessness.
You stop believing in your abilities, become insecure and think that you truly need others. That you are helpless. That you cannot trust yourself.
When needing help this truly happened to me. I totally lost my abilities while convincing NAV that I needed support healing trauma.
Suddently I didn’t believe in myself. I went from being a person really capable of making things happen, into not trusting myself at all.
What if we can get support and believe in ourselves at the same time?
The difference between sympathy (looking down at people) and empathy (still believing in people’s capability of taking care of themselves) is crucial in a healing journey.
I am ready to share my story.
Therese Fallentin
En guidet kroppsskanningsmeditasjon (body scan).
Jeg tar deg gjennom kroppen og hjelper deg med å spenne av, legge bort stress og lande i ro, aksept og tilstedeværelse.
Sammen øver vi på mindfulness (tilstedeværelse) med det som er.
Artist: Alan Frijns
Låtnavn: Meditation at the river yoga zen relaxation positive sleep music
Lastet ned fra: Pixabay (spor 140641)
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Stor klem fra meg
Therese Fallentin
& Magefølelsen Podkast
Ærlighet vs å tilpasse seg (people pleasing).
Tilhørighet vs å passe inn.
Kindness vs niceness.
Autentisitet vs å late som.
Være meg selv vs å være noe jeg ikke er.
Connection vs disconnection.
En del av vs ensom og utenfor.
Inkludering vs ekskludering.
Å bli hørt vs ikke bli hørt.
Skaper av eget liv vs offer av omgivelsene.
Hvor mye av dette handler om vårt indre selv snakk?
Hva om vi kan (internt) snakke oss til bedre relasjoner med oss selv og andre? At det som står i veien for tilhørighet og tilknytning er oss selv og våre egne tanker.
Klem fra meg,
Moder Mot
Therese Fallentin
Meg finner du her:
En episode om growth mindset i praksis. At å endre seg selv steg for steg er det som endrer verden.
Lederprogrammer som går innover for å skape ytre endring, ved å starte med seg selv.
Vi snakker om Burn miljøet, burner kultur og de ti prinsippene:
Menn og følelser.
Å gråte, bare fordi det er deilig.
Nysgjerrighet på en kapitalisme som tar vare på mennesker og natur. Hvorfor må kapitalisme og det å ta vare på mennesker og natur være motsetninger?
Om pinecone leadership:
Om Snorre:
Meg finner du her:
Episoden er redigert av Simon Lynau og meg selv.
"Once in Paris" av Ohanezoz, Pumpupthemind."Cinematic Documentary" av Lexin Music."Forest Lullaby" av Lesfm."Glossy Come" av Media."Morning garden acoustic chill" av Olexy."Summer adventures" av Serge, PavkinMusic.Lag deg en god dag
Klem fra meg,
Therese Fallentin
Jeg og Oda snakker om verdien av samhold, det å ha et nettverk av mennesker rundt seg og hvordan hun er med på å skape et community på Opaker gård.
Vi spilte inn samtalen etter en community samling i vinter og neste samling er allerede 4-7.juli. Sjekk ut eventet på fb eller hele programmet på Opaker via linkene under.
Klem fra meg,
Therese Fallentin
Meg finner du her:
People pleasing, fawning, co-dependency og redder rollen.
Hvorfor føler du/ andre at de må ofre seg selv for andre?
Hvorfor klarer ikke andre å ta vare på seg selv?
Hvorfor er det ikke rom for meg å slappe av og lene meg på andre.
Hvorfor føler jeg meg så ensom, selv om jeg har mange rundt. Mange venner, mange nære.
Fordi people pleasere ikke viser sitt sanne selv.
Ikke slipper noen inn.
Ikke opplever at det er trygt å vise hva de føler, tenker, vil, ønsker, liker, drømmer om.
I stedet er de enige med noen rundt. Venter på tillatelse til å snakke om enkelte tema og kjenner på en enorm lettelse når noen andre tar opp noe som opptar dem. For det å snakke først om noe, uten først å få bekreftet at det er greit - kjennes ikke trygt ut for people pleaseren.
Som helst ikke vil skape ubehagelige følelser i noen andre.
Som er redd for å ikke bli likt, på en eller annen måte, for det betyr at de ikke er elskbare. Ikke bra nok.
Gradvis utsletter people pleaseren seg selv. Mister kontakten med seg selv og sin evne til å uttrykke hvem de er.
Lytt inn, les deg opp og finn din måte ut av people pleasing på. Ut av fawn responsen, som 100% er en traumerespons.
Det er trygt å være deg. Det er trygt å vise dine preferanser. Det er greit å ville omgås mennesker som takler at du ikke utsletter deg selv for dem.
Klem fra meg,
Therese Fallentin
Meg finner du her:
Hvis du skal sette deg inn i et verktøy, så sett deg inn i drama trekanten (drama triangle) og kom deg over i TED (The Empowerment Dynamic).
Gå fra å være et offer til å bli en skaper.
Gå fra å være en redder til å bli en coach.
Gå fra å være en angriper til å bli en utfordrer.
Er du en av dem, så er du alle. For ila en samtale, så bytter vi rolle og er i alle 3. Du vil ha en hovedrolle som du føler deg mest komfortabel i, men du vil være i alle.
Er du klar for å se din egen påvirkning på egne omgivelser? Da er dramatrekanten en fin plass å starte. Det er litt autch, men autch er bedre enn å bli i det som er autch.
Det er også paralleller fra Drama trekanten og inn i tilknytningsstil, traumeresponser (frys, kamp, flykt, fawn respons), og co-dependency (og narsissisme..).
Klem fra meg,
Therese Fallentin
Meg finner du her:
Ugreie seksuelle tanker, følelser, drømmer som vi aldri snakker om. Som vi sitter alene med og aldri deler med noen.
Undertrykkelse og enorm skam for hvor upassende og fæle vi er som tenker, føler og drømmer om dette.
Hva om det å holde det inne er det som får begeret til å renne over. Som får oss til å gå fra ugrei tanke til å plutselig ha gjort noe vi ikke egentlig ville gjøre. Noe vi skammer oss enda mer over og fordømmer og nekter og holder skjult.
Som sårer dem vi er glade i. Kanskje dypest av alt - oss selv.
Jeg ønsker meg flere trygge plasser hvor vi kan snakke om tabubelagte seksuelle tanker og energi. Normalisere tankene nettopp for å unngå at det spiller seg ut.
Dette er kanskje et kontroversielt tema og jeg påstår på ingen måte at jeg har noen fasit her, men la oss snakke om det. La ballen rulle og sammen finne sunne rom for å snakke om vanskelige og tabubelagte tema.
Ingenting endrer seg i det skjulte og hemmelige rom.
La oss stå sammen i det som er vanskelig og utfordrende.
La oss være modige og gå inn i det som er ubehagelig, sammen.
Klem fra meg,
Therese Fallentin
Meg finner du her:
En episode om seksuell energi og all forvirringen og misforståelsene som oppstår pga at vi forbinder seksuell energi utelukkende med å ha sex.
Flørting, fysisk berøring, spandering, å føle seg tiltrukket, sett og kåt.. SEX!
Hva om seksuell energi er vår kreative energi og at vi går glipp av VELDIG MYE vakkert ved å kun tenke sex.
Jeg er på en reise inn å utforske seksuell energi og dette er bare starten, første episode av et stort dypdykk.
Nyt, lek og ha det gøy.
Klem fra meg,
Therese Fallentin
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