
  • In this episode, Iyia explores the concept of 'fake it till you make it' and its pros and cons.

    She shares personal stories of feeling nervous and awkward in professional situations and discusses the benefits of faking confidence to overcome self-doubt.


    Faking it till you make it can boost confidence and encourage personal and professional growth. However, there are risks of dishonesty, burnout, and undermining trust when faking it. A balanced approach involves setting realistic goals, seeking feedback and mentorship, being transparent when necessary, focusing on learning, and maintaining ethical standards. Imposter syndrome is common and can be overcome by acknowledging expertise and accomplishments, challenging negative thoughts, and not comparing oneself to others. Believing in oneself and taking action can lead to success.


    fake it till you make it, confidence, self-doubt, personal growth, professional growth, imposter syndrome, balanced approach

    Make It Happen Website

  • Iyia discusses her experience of paying Kylie Jenner $300,000 for a single Instagram post to promote her shapewear business.

    She explains how influencer marketing has evolved over the years and shares her insights on the benefits and strategies of working with influencers.


    Influencer marketing is an effective strategy for businesses, and many success stories can be attributed to it. A comprehensive marketing strategy that includes influencer marketing, user-generated content, social proof, and other elements is crucial for success. Starting small with micro and nano influencers and gradually scaling up can be a cost-effective approach. Influencer marketing is a brand-building exercise that helps establish trust and reach a wider audience. Building a connection with influencers and their audiences can lead to increased brand awareness and conversions.


    influencer marketing, Kylie Jenner, shapewear business, brand building, trust, marketing strategy

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  • The episode discusses the importance of networking and how it can impact financial success and overall wealth.

    Iyia shares personal examples of how her network has led to opportunities and exposure in her businesses.


    Attending relevant events and using social media are effective ways to make networking connections. Nurturing and maintaining relationships is essential for long-term networking success. Setting clear goals and putting in the effort are key to leveraging your network for opportunities.


    networking, connections, relationships, financial success, wealth, opportunities, exposure, events, social media, mentorship, leveraging, goals, effort

    Make It Happen Website

  • Sera Cruickshank, owner of the Diamond Shop, shares her journey of transforming a 30-year-old brand and building a successful online profile.


    Rebranding and creating a luxury experience can help attract and retain customers. Effective marketing strategies, such as social media and influencer partnerships, can drive growth without paid advertising. Taking calculated risks is essential for entrepreneurial success. Overcoming doubt and uncertainty requires mindset tools and a focus on gratitude and personal growth. Balancing entrepreneurship and motherhood requires support, prioritization, and self-care. Start small, seek guidance, and take action to turn ideas into reality.


    entrepreneurship, rebranding, luxury, marketing, calculated risk, mindset, goals, work-life balance

    Make It Happen Website

    The Diamond Shop

  • Iyia and Jayde discuss how Iyia started her gift box business, Celebration Box.

    They talk about the bootstrapping techniques Iyia employed to start the business with limited funds, including partnering with a talented cake maker and using influencer marketing.

    They also discuss the challenges they faced, such as logistics and perishable items, and the lessons they learned along the way.

    In this conversation, the host and guest discuss various challenges and learning experiences in running a business, including shipping issues, logistical problems, and mistakes with orders.

    They also talk about the importance of marketing, leveraging partnerships and networks, and building a strong team.

    The guest shares advice for starting a gift box business and emphasizes the need to take action and learn from feedback.


    Starting a business with limited funds requires creative strategies and partnerships. Influencer marketing can be a powerful tool for growing a business. Logistics and handling perishable items can be challenging for gift box businesses. Adapting and learning from mistakes is crucial for success in entrepreneurship. Running a business involves facing various challenges and learning from them. Marketing is essential for attracting customers, and influencer marketing can be effective. Building partnerships and networks can help grow a business quickly. Having a strong team with defined roles is important for efficient operations. Starting a business requires taking action and learning from feedback. Work-life balance can be achieved by prioritizing and adapting to different life stages. Pride can be felt in the success of a business and achieving personal goals. Teaching and inspiring others can be a fulfilling passion.


    gift box business, bootstrapping techniques, limited funds, partnership, influencer marketing, challenges, logistics, perishable items, lessons learned, business challenges, shipping issues

    Make It Happen Website

  • This episode discusses the best marketing strategies for businesses on the Instagram platform.

    The episode also explores the different generations and their preferred marketing strategies, from traditional advertising for the silent traditionalists to video content and influencer collaborations for Gen Z.

    The three winning Instagram marketing strategies highlighted are investing in paid advertising, prioritizing video content, and creating engaging content.

    The episode concludes by encouraging listeners to create content pillars and build a community of like-minded individuals on Instagram.


    Understanding your target audience is crucial for effective marketing on Instagram. Different generations have different preferences when it comes to marketing strategies. Investing in paid advertising can help reach larger audiences and target specific demographics. Video content is highly prioritized on Instagram and should be a key focus. Creating engaging content that provides value to your audience is essential.


    Instagram, marketing strategies, target audience, generations, paid advertising, video content, engaging content, content pillars, community

    Learn how to start and scale any product or service based business from scratch: Go to Make It Happen Website

  • Iyia and Courtenay Read (Monique - Shortland Street) discuss the acting world, her experiences in the industry, and her approach to self-care and managing stress.

    Courtney shares her belief in manifesting goals and the importance of having a strong support system.


    Believe in yourself and manifest your goals Surround yourself with a supportive network Embrace rejection as a stepping stone to success Take time for self-care and prioritize work-life balance Celebrate small achievements along the way Don't give up on your dreams

    Courtenay's TikTok

    Make It Happen Website

  • Gabrielle Kirk, founder of Papier HQ, shares her journey of starting and growing her successful online retail business specializing in custom wall art and stationary.

    Gabby discusses the initial steps she took to start her business and the challenges she faced along the way. She highlights the significance of having a business plan and finding a mentor to provide guidance and accountability.

    Gabby also shares her strategies for marketing and expanding her customer base, including influencer collaborations and events.

    She discusses the sacrifices and rewards of running her own business and offers advice for aspiring entrepreneurs.


    Self-teaching and online courses can provide valuable knowledge and skills. Finding a mentor can provide accountability and valuable insights. Influencer collaborations and events can help expand your customer base. Running a business requires sacrifices but also offers flexibility and rewards. Marketing strategies like ads, email funnels, and retargeting can help retain and attract customers.


    Papier HQ, online retail, custom wall art, stationary, starting a business, self-teaching, business plan, mentorship, marketing strategies, influencer collaborations, events, sacrifices, rewards, advice for entrepreneurs

    Learn How To Start Your Business

  • This episode discusses how to get your products into retail stores, whether online or physical.

    The pros of selling products through retail stores include expanding your audience, gaining legitimacy for your brand, and increased sales.

    However, there are also cons, such as reduced profits due to smaller margins and potential exclusivity agreements.


    Selling products through retail stores can help grow your business and reach a wider audience. Getting stocked in a retail store can provide legitimacy and align your brand with other top brands. Start with an online presence and build a strong customer base before approaching retailers. Do thorough research on retailers that align with your target market and develop a unique selling proposition. Start small and scale up, and be persistent in pitching to stores.


    retail stores, online retail, physical stores, pros and cons, increased sales, reduced profits, exclusivity agreements, online presence, research, preparation, pitching, starting small, persistence

    Make It Happen Website

  • In this episode, Iyia discusses the misconception that entrepreneurs need to reinvent the wheel to succeed.

    She emphasizes that many successful entrepreneurs have built their businesses by pursuing existing opportunities and products.


    Leveraging existing products or services and adding a unique spin can differentiate your business from competitors. Being original without reinventing the wheel can involve identifying underserved markets, offering customization, emphasizing brand story and community, and staying ahead of trends. Time and cost efficiency, reduced risk, and learning from others' mistakes are advantages of sticking to existing frameworks. Innovation can still be pursued by enhancing existing solutions and adding value within specific areas.


    entrepreneurship, business, innovation, existing ideas, differentiation, market trends, customization, brand story, community, Make It Happen

    Start Your Business Today: Link to Make It Happen Masterclass

  • In this episode, Iyia discusses how to be more productive and get more done in 2024.


    Procrastination diverts time away from important tasks and should be addressed. Categorize goals into short-term, medium-term, and long-term to provide clarity and structure. Use prioritization techniques like the Eisenhower matrix or ABC prioritization to manage tasks effectively. Establish work-life balance by setting boundaries, learning to say no, and setting realistic expectations. Celebrate achievements and milestones to boost morale and motivation.

    Learn how to start, run and scale any business with limited time and limited budget to a $1m - $10m business with our Make It Happen Masterclass. Click here to learn more.

  • In this episode, Iyia and Leah discuss tips for navigating your 20s. They cover topics such as finding your passion, avoiding comparison, investing in yourself, exploring alternative pathways to university, managing money, taking risks, embracing change, and asking for help.

    They also encourage listeners to step out of their comfort zones, embrace new opportunities, and not be afraid of failure.

    Additionally, they discuss the significance of positive affirmations, stopping complaints, and understanding that everyone is learning and figuring things out as they go.

    Overall, the conversation provides valuable insights and guidance for navigating the challenges and opportunities of one's twenties.


    Your 20s can be a challenging and confusing time, but it's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique. Avoid comparing yourself to others and societal expectations, as it can lead to feelings of failure. Find your passion and invest time in activities that bring you fulfillment and happiness. Be smart with your money by creating a budget, analyzing your expenses, and making conscious spending decisions. Save money and avoid unnecessary expenses to set yourself up for the future. Step out of your comfort zone and embrace new opportunities. Don't be afraid of failure; learn from it and use it as a stepping stone to success. Practice positive affirmations and focus on the best possible outcomes. Avoid complaints and focus on the positives in life. Understand that everyone is learning and figuring things out as they go. Ask for help when needed and seek guidance from others. Embrace change and view it as an opportunity for growth.

    Make It Happen Website

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  • In this episode, Your Host Iyia and Lisa Dudson, an experienced Financial Advisor, have a conversation about managing money.


    Conscious and mindful spending is crucial for effective money management. Credit cards can be dangerous if not used responsibly, and debit cards are a better alternative. Buy now, pay later schemes can lead to debt and should be approached with caution. Having a budget or spending plan is essential for gaining control over finances and achieving financial freedom. Small financial decisions can have a significant impact over time due to the power of compounding. Set short, medium, and long-term financial goals to effectively plan and save for different objectives. Start saving early to take advantage of compounding interest and allow your money to grow over time. Evaluate expenses and cut back on unnecessary spending to redirect money towards more meaningful goals. Identify your values and prioritize your spending accordingly to align your financial decisions with what you truly value. Financial freedom provides more choices and opportunities in life, so it's important to save and plan for the future.


    04:27 Using Credit Cards for the Wrong Reasons

    09:48 Using Buy Now, Pay Later Schemes

    14:57 Impulse Buying

    22:27 The Compounding Effect

    24:02 Not Setting Money Goals

    26:37 Starting Early and Investing

    29:14 Unused Subscriptions

    31:01 Being Conscious of Spending

    35:35 Putting Your Money to Work

    To gain financial clarity, book a 1:1 with Lisa Dudson from Acumen:

    Go to Make It Happen website:

  • In this episode, Poppy Ramsay shares her journey from starting off as an intern for Iyia's Social Media and Digital Marketing Agency to becoming the owner of the marketing agency.

    Iyia discusses the accidental start of the agency and how it grew to have 70 to 90 clients per month on retainer. Poppy highlights the importance of internships in gaining experience and learning the strategic thinking required in the marketing industry. She also emphasizes the need for testimonials and case studies to build trust with clients. Poppy shares insights on acquiring and retaining clients, staying up to date with marketing trends, and the future of marketing.


    Internships are valuable for gaining experience and understanding the day-to-day operations of the marketing industry. Building testimonials and case studies is crucial for gaining trust and attracting clients. Acquiring and retaining clients requires a combination of digital ads, social media marketing, and email marketing. Staying up to date with marketing trends requires networking, subscribing to marketing newsletters, and following marketing accounts on social media. The future of marketing lies in organic and authentic content, focusing on brand storytelling and building trust with customers.


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    04:55 Transitioning Ownership of the Agency

    06:10 Lessons Learned in Running the Agency

    07:25 Differentiating from Competitors

    08:46 Acquiring and Retaining Clients

    22:00 The Future of Marketing

    26:17 Tips for Getting into the Marketing Industry

    If you are looking for a Social Media Marketing Agency, book a free strategy call with Explosive Social here

    Make It Happen Website

  • In this episode, Iyia interviews Bella Brant from Rise and Shine PR Agency to get insights into the day-to-day operations of a PR agency.

    They discuss the role of PR in creating a favorable image and reputation for businesses, the power of PR in generating global news coverage, and the benefits of using PR as a marketing method.


    PR stands for Public Relations and its goal is to create a favorable image and reputation for businesses or brands. PR can be a powerful marketing method for businesses, generating global news coverage and attracting attention from the media and the general public. A typical day at a PR agency can involve influencer content management, event preparation, and communication with media and influencers. Building relationships with media and influencers is crucial in PR, and personalized communication and thoughtful gestures can help maintain these relationships. Setting KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for PR campaigns is important to measure success, and regular reporting and analysis can help improve future campaigns. PR has evolved to include influencer marketing and adapting to changes in the industry is essential for success.

    If you are interested in working with at or with a PR Agency:

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  • In this episode, your host Iyia Liu, discusses the process of How to be become 'Successful'

    She shares her personal experience and provides tips and advice for success. The conversation covers topics such as what defines success, the road to success, setting goals, creating a plan, finding side hustle ideas, investing in oneself, scaling the business, and staying committed.

    Link to Make It Happen website: ⁠Click Here

  • In this episode, your host Iyia Liu, discusses the process of Turning a Side Hustle into a Full-time Job

    She shares her personal experience and provides tips and advice for success. The conversation covers topics such as setting goals, creating a plan, finding side hustle ideas, investing in oneself, managing finances, scaling the business, and staying committed.


    Set clear goals and create a plan to achieve them. Explore various side hustle ideas and choose one that aligns with your interests and skills. Invest in yourself by upskilling and networking with like-minded individuals. Manage your finances effectively to ensure a healthy cash flow. Stay committed and persevere through challenges to turn your side hustle into a successful business.

    Link to Make It Happen website: Click Here

  • Do you want to become the best version of yourself and maximise the potential you know you have?

    In this episode, your host Iyia Liu discusses the importance of self-development and becoming the best version of oneself.

    The conversation covers key concepts such as mindset, manifestation, self-care, and learning.

    Each chapter explores a different aspect of personal growth, providing strategies and examples. The host emphasizes the need for a growth mindset, setting goals, taking care of oneself, and continuous learning. The episode concludes with a reflection on personal growth and the importance of investing in oneself.


    Having a growth mindset and being open to change is crucial for personal development. Visualization and goal-setting are powerful tools for manifestation. Self-care, including emotional well-being, mindful eating, and stress reduction, is essential for overall well-being. Continuous learning and education are key to personal growth and improvement.

    Link to Make It Happen Website

  • 😔 Are you feeling stuck in life?

    Are you trying to find your purpose?

    In this episode, Iyia Liu discusses the feeling of being stuck in life and explores various reasons for this feeling, including cognitive overload, overwhelm, and burnout, unconscious self-limitation and self-sabotage, anxiety and depression, perfectionism, fear of uncertainty, and a lack of deeper sense of meaning or purpose. 😰

    Iyia shares her own experiences of how she combatted feelings of depression and found her purpose, and provides practical tips and strategies for overcoming these challenges, such as simplifying life, cultivating self-awareness, setting realistic goals, and reflecting on values. The episode emphasises the importance of finding one's purpose and offers guidance on exploring interests, connecting with others, and seeking professional support.


    Feeling stuck in life is a common experience and can be caused by various factors, including cognitive overload, overwhelm, and burnout, unconscious self-limitation and self-sabotage, unmanaged health conditions, perfectionism, fear of uncertainty, and a lack of deeper sense of meaning or purpose. To overcome feeling stuck, it is important to simplify life, cultivate self-awareness, set realistic goals, and reflect on values. Exploring interests, connecting with others, and seeking professional support can help in finding one's purpose and regaining a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in life.

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  • Welcome to Make it Happen, a podcast about all things business, money, marketing and life. My name is Iyia Liu and I am a 28 year old entrepreneur with 7 businesses and 1 TV series under my belt, some of those businesses have done really well and others have failed miserably so I'm here to share my learnings with you.

    In this episode I am joined by our Explosive Social Marketing Manager Briahna Barrett to have a conversation about my business journey and answer a few listener questions.

    Iyia Liu: 

    Bri Barrett: 

    Make It Happen is brought to you by Explosive Social Digital Marketing Agency. We help brands of all sizes around the world scale with Social Media, Influencer Marketing, Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Snapchat and TikTok Ads.

    Instagram: @explosivesocial


    The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this Podcast are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this Podcast is done at your own risk. This Podcast should not be considered professional advice.