
  • In this episode, Natalia shares her experience navigating the waters of the Postpartum phase as a new mother, the lack of understanding she had around it and the mourning she experienced over the loss of the village that once held women and birth in such a different way.

    From newfound fears, depression and her infant vomiting blood, she, like many had a blunt and brutal transition from Maiden to Mother. Where once there were red tents where births were held sacred in the company of aunts, grandmothers and maidens, where knowledge was lovingly shared throughout the generations of women, and where young girls grew up fully aware of the challenges of motherhood, now many struggle to find community and support. New mothers are left feeling isolated and alone in their journey.

    Eric Neumann's book, The Great Mother dives into the feminine as represented in folklore : a goddess, a master, a gate or gatekeeper, a pillar, tree, a moon, a sun, and vessel and every animal from snakes to birds. He dives into the universal experience of the maternal as both nurturing and fearsome.

    Pattie Ashley wrote the book, Living in the Shadow of the Too-Good Mother Archetype - Revealing the truth about being a good enough mother and dispelling the myths of being a perfect parent.

    We also dive into early motherhood from the perspective of German New Medicine, so stick around that for that in the closing. And of course the discount code: MOTHER for 10% OFF all Bloem orders through the month of May.

    Check out more of Nikki's work with Pretty River Red Tent and Fertility Awareness Consultations at
    and Sarah's Bloem Botanicals products and Metaphysical Herbalism Consultations at

    Thank you! Enjoy the show.

    Bloem Botanicals small batch herbal products for peace of mind and body.

    Podcast Cover Art by Jade Michael Ryann @theartofallowing_

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  • Caitlin Nagy was struck by hand tremors in her early 30’s which quickly progressed as Young Onset Parkinson's. Now in her late 30’s with a 4yr old and full time job, she manages her symptoms with mindset, medications, exercise, nutrition, herbs, family support and more.

    As a fan of Joe Dispenza and his work on the mind to heal the un-healable, Caitlin has found inspiration, motivation and ease of symptoms with mediation and visualizations. As her meds begin to loose their effectiveness (which they’re known to do after a few years), she looks towards alternative solutions and is such a powerhouse of inspiration and optimism.

    I also dig into diagnosis as 'spell casting', healing from incurable conditions, Parkinson’s through the lens of GNM and Dr John Gray who healed himself of Parkinson’s around the same age as Caitlin.

    APRIL IS PARKINSON'S MONTH! Use code CAITLIN at checkout and get 15% OFF your order until the end of the month!

    You can find Caitlin on IG at and as a PD Women’s Health Advocate at

    Dr. Joe Dispenza’s retreats can be found here And his popular book Becoming Supernatural here Dispenza also started a university for alternative health practitioners called Quantum University

    Dr John Gray’s book, Staying Focussed in a Hyper World: Natural Solutions for ADHD, Memory and Brain Performance

    Dr. John Gray’s interview on Parkinsons and Glyphosate via the Gaia Channel

    Bloem Botanicals small batch herbal products for peace of mind and body.

    Podcast Cover Art by Jade Michael Ryann @theartofallowing_

    Want to be featured? Email your story to

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  • In this episode, Jamie Holmes describes her journey in healing her stage 3b Melanoma cancer with the support of the Gerson Institute, the use of coffee enemas and plenty of juicing.

    After getting a 33% survival rate prognosis after surgery and a new tumour growing where her doctor had removed lymph nodes, she felt there was something better out there for her. She looked into alternative methods and found the Gerson Institute and hasn't looked back since.

    I’m not a martyr. I’m not better or stronger than you are. I don’t want to convince you or talk you into or out of anything. I do want to explain the less travelled path that I chose when I was diagnosed with stage 3B cancer, to give hope, insight, and the impetus to delve deep into your own choices of treatment, and the validation that some alternative treatments deserve. I chose to heal and not to fight, and this is my personal experience.

    Check out Jamie's website and book here.
    Jamie's Instagram Account
    The Gerson Institute
    Interview with Charlotte Gerson on Gaia
    Chis Wark's website (Chris Beat Cancer)
    Chris Wark's interview with Jamie

    Bloem Botanicals small batch herbal products for peace of mind and body.

    Podcast Cover Art by Jade Michael Ryann @theartofallowing_

    Want to be featured? Email your story to

    Thank you for listening!


  • Deslee shares her journey through her pregnancies miscarriages and births, her deep dive on herbs for supporting pregnancy and immune health through COVID beyond nettles, raspberry leaf and clover.

    We also explore free/unassisted birth, inductions, mastitis, homeopathy, the power of water, placenta care, and how she overcame conflicting ideals with her midwife.

    Stephen Harrod Buhner's Safety analysis for the use of the acute treatment protocol
    for Covid-19 when pregnant


    Susun Weed's Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year

    Abrah Armeson's book: The Vessel: Women, Plants and Contraception: A Journey through Time

    Nikki Zavitz’s Pretty River Red Tent: Cycle Consciousness Courses

    Ina May Gaskins Guide to Childbirth (this is one my favourite birthing books of all time)

    Deslee's GIFT ~ Activating a Morning Womb Practice
    Deslee's Website ~ The Womb Witch
    On IG ~ The_Womb_Witch

    Bloem Botanicals small batch herbal products for peace of mind and body.

    Podcast Cover Art by Jade Michael Ryann @theartofallowing_

    Want to be featured? Email your story to

    Thank you for listening!


  • We dive deep with Amanda Phillips into her experience with Borderline Personality Disorder/Emotional Disregulation Disorder; her experience in healing through Wwoofing (volunteering on organic farms), connecting with nature, eating healthy foods, advocating for herself and of course self compassion.

    Finding her way through the uncertain and often terrifying world of pharmaceuticals and allopathic care alongside nature; and finding balance in the end with a foot on each side.

    Gabor Mate ~ When The Body Says No ~ and The Myth of Normal ~
    Bessel Van Der Kolk ~ The Body Keeps the Score ~
    The Huberman Lab Podcast #82 ~ The Science + Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
    Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): Definition and techniques
    The emotion wheel + guide ~
    Asia Suler's Nice Girls vs Kind Women Article
    Matthew Johnson's work with Psychedelics
    Our Woof Profile ~

    Bloem Botanicals small batch herbal products for peace of mind and body.

    Podcast Cover Art by Jade Michael Ryann @theartofallowing_

    Want to be featured? Email your story to

    Thank you for listening!


  • Lora found herself with a trapped menses after a LEEP procedure following abnormal pap smear results. Feeling stuck and without many options, she opted for a hysterectomy.

    She was in a difficult and abusive marriage at the time with four children; and while strapped for resources she found her way to a TCM practitioner who would help her in trade.

    In the intro, I dig into the GNM roots of cervical issues, which align perfectly with Lora's experience. She also shares how opening an old box of love letters revealed parts hidden within her, both difficult and beautiful, and how her healing journey deepened with self discovery.

    In this case, Lora found healing both through allopathic procedures and alternative methods, with an underlying themes of letting go, stepping in, and listening.

    You can find Lora's design work at her website Hummingbird Media
    And her IG account here

    Nikki Zavitz of Pretty River Red Tent is a wonderful resource for 1 on 1 support, Menstrual Cycle Awareness and Fertility Awareness Method.

    Flo Living ~ 6 Natural Remedies for HPV and cervical health by Alisa Vitti

    BOOK - The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed by Mary Holland, Kim Mack Rosenberg and Eileen Iorio

    It has been estimated that postoperative hematometra (trapped period) occurs in 1% to 2 % of all women undergoing endometrial resection or ablation (including LEEP). Read more HERE.

    Bloem Botanicals small batch herbal products for peace of mind and body.

    Podcast Cover Art by Jade Michael Ryann @theartofallowing_

    Want to be featured? Email your story to

    Thank you for listening!


  • Kayla grew up on a military base where the symptoms of PTSD were normalized and less triggered. In her early teen years, when they moved off the base and into Meaford, Ontario, she recognized that many of the 'normal' behaviours she had grown up with were not shared by her friends and neighbours.

    Kayla shares her experience in marrying into the military as well; witnessing her husband's experience of PTSD and finally acknowledging her own limits.

    She openly shares her journey to find healing including setting boundaries, practicing self care, reaching out for help and helping others along the way.

    Atlas Institute for Veterans and Families
    MindKit - a youth friendly space to explore mental health.
    Find Kayla at Worthy of Being on Instagram

    Bloem Botanicals small batch herbal products for peace of mind and body.

    Podcast Cover Art by Jade Michael Ryann @theartofallowing_

    Want to be featured? Email your story to

    Thank you for listening!
