
  • We have a truly special episode today as we wrap up the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. In our final episode today, I’m coaching Mercedez Vest through something I’ve coached countless people through: big transitions in your business.

    More specifically, Mercedez comes to me looking for advice on transitioning from one-off sessions to longer-term, higher-end containers. We discuss the process of scaling a business by moving into a business model that allows you to serve fewer people more deeply at a higher investment point, and the importance of letting go of previous offers and strategies in order to create space for what’s coming next.

    I share how to rearrange things to help you make space for the next offer, and why simplicity is the best approach when you’re going through a transition. I hope you’ll join Mercedez and me for this final episode as we talk through timeless strategies to grow, scale, and transition in your business.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    How to grow and scale a business that currently only offers one-off sessions The importance of letting go and creating space for what is coming next Why simplicity is best when you’re going through a transition Using testimonials to promote your transition and new offer

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Connect with Elaina:

    Programs: Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

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  • In today’s episode, I speak with one of my amazing former clients about a very common problem I bet you’ve faced at many stages of business and entrepreneurship: money energy blocks. Dana, who is a transformation and business coach (and a former Sapphire Mastermind member), comes to me looking for help moving past a money energy block that makes her feel guilty for asking for more money.

    Having coached her before, I know that we’ve done the work to move past a similar money energy block in the past. However, this conversation is a great reminder that in business and entrepreneurship, limiting beliefs don’t just disappear. Instead, they come in layers, taking a new shape and form when you reach a newer and higher level.

    Join Dana and me for this episode as I walk her through her money energy blocks, sharing the importance of holding compassion for yourself in the face of a limiting belief. I also share the importance of focusing on your wants and desires in order to create the version of reality you really want. And finally, I discuss why it is essential for entrepreneurs and business owners to separate themselves from the entity of their business.

    Dana Hayes is a transformation and business coach who helps her clients achieve genuine transformations in their lives by honing in on the value of their transformation.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    Why you need to hold a high degree of compassion for yourself when you notice yourself facing a limiting belief Why you need to focus on what you want and how you want to feel in this current moment (how to decide on your reality) The importance of separating yourself from your business

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Want to move through your own money blocks with my guidance and comprehensive, proven methods that have elevated the wealth energy of hundreds of our clients? Hop into Real World Wealth today.

    Connect with Elaina:

    Programs: Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

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  • Have you ever felt like your marketing efforts aren’t getting you the results you expected them to? More specifically, are you having to generate leads through outbound marketing, such as pitching prospects in the DMs, instead of allowing your content to attract inbound inquiries from your leads themselves?

    This is an incredibly common problem and I’m here to help Alex Tempest (and you) work it out. In today’s episode, I’m sharing some very simple and minor tweaks that you can make in your content in order to increase the number of inbound leads that come through in your comments or DMs. I talk about what you need to do if your call-to-actions aren’t calling in any action, and why speaking to your client results, even if you’re not currently launching, is important. Plus, you’ll want to have a pen and paper handy as I share some simple yet effective content prompts that you can implement right away that’ll shift your lead generation from outbound to inbound.

    Alex Tempest is a confidence whisperer. She helps her clients work through imposter syndrome and other confidence issues that stifle their growth in business so they can step into their newfound success.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    What to do if your call-to-actions aren’t calling in any action Why you need to be very specific in your leadership when you want people to take action Simple and effective content prompts to implement Why you need to speak to your client results even if you aren’t currently launching

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at

    Connect with Elaina:

    Programs: Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

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  • Most business owners encounter a moment in entrepreneurship where attracting clients is easy, but scaling and growing their business past a certain income plateau is a challenge.

    That is the problem that Geet Taneja and I address today. Geet comes to me looking for guidance on how she can grow and scale her life elevation coaching. She has a goal of including group coaching in her offers, but she struggles with closing the imagined gap between the amazing results she attains with her one-on-one clients versus the results she hopes to achieve in group coaching programs.

    In this episode, I walk Geet through the exploration of her expertise as well as her “sub-niches.” I discuss why it’s beneficial to offer different levels of services that provide results in different “sub-niches”, and why that approach is a great way to scale your business with integrity and allow room for client re-enrollment and ascension within your product suite. We also discuss why challenge isn’t an indicator of alignment, simple ways to create passive streams of income, and what the secret is to get people to buy from you on a consistent basis.

    Geet Taneja is a life elevation coach and a neuroplastician. She is also India’s first and only Faster-EFT practitioner. Geet helps her clients get in touch with their infinite wisdom so that they can truly find independence.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    Why something being challenging doesn’t mean it’s not aligned to do that thing A simple way to create passive streams of income The secret to getting people to buy from you easily How to build value and support for clients in scaled group programs

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at

    Connect with Elaina:

    Programs: Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

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  • If you’re a fan of the show, it probably comes as no surprise to you that we’re tackling another messaging question today. However, where we wind up at the end of this conversation is actually incredibly different from any previous episodes on messaging that we’ve ever done before.

    In this episode, my guest Kate comes to me with a very typical messaging issue that’s hindering her from showing up in her content with ease and confidence. But what we reveal turns out to be a powerful, heartfelt, and magnetic client attracting lesson. If you feel caught between a rock and a hard place that is what you want to say versus what you should be saying in your messaging, then this episode is for you.

    Tune in, take what you need, and try the two-week marketing experimen I gave Kate that could help you attract your dream clients easily.

    Kate Cameron is a subconscious coach who helps her clients get to the bottom of their limiting beliefs.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    How to navigate between what you want to say versus what you think you should be saying to your dream clients The two-week marketing experiment that’ll help you attract your dream clients like a magnet Why storytelling is an effective marketing strategy Why finding your true message will help you become an anchor for prospective clients

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at

    Connect with Elaina:

    Programs: Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

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  • If you’re struggling to book out your 1:1 offer, drive more leads, and grow your private practice, this episode is for you.

    I’m speaking with Sofia who finds herself posting and promoting her 1:1 offers on social media yet not receiving the desired interest from prospective clients. We have a straightforward conversation all about how you should talk about and market your 1:1 offer. I share my advice on why your 1:1 offer deserves a concentrated launch strategy, how powerful sharing client results can be, and the two different energies that you can create a middle-ground offer from.

    Sofia Adamova is an energetic coach and business mentor. She helps women unlock their true potential in business and life through a holistic approach, so they know who they truly are while attaining mega-success.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    The challenges that Sofia faces when it comes to attracting premium 1:1 clients Taking a more structured approach to promoting and marketing your one on one offer Two different energies around creating a middle ground offer Why you need a concentrated launch for your one on one offer The power of sharing client results and stories

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at

    Connect with Elaina:

    Programs: Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

    Connect with Sofia:

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  • Wouldn’t it be great if your content immediately attracted the attention of customers who were ready to buy from you?

    Today Lulu comes to me to ask about the best types of messaging and content to call in buyers who are ready to actually make a purchase. We discuss the foundation of the best types of content to create, and how to integrate your personal story into your content.

    We also discuss why it’s important to self-reflect and recognize the areas in which you’re playing small in your content, and how if you want to call in clients who are ready to buy, you need to sell continuously. We talk about why not selling often is a disservice to your audience and why you need to train your audience to buy from you.

    Lulu Turner is a designer and a full-time Feng Shui consultant who helps her clients with the most advanced form of Feng Shui through online consultations.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    What types of messaging and content turns your audience into buyers Why your content needs to connect with your buyer on a deeper level The importance of bringing in more of your personal story to your content Why you need to sell more and train your audience to buy from you

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to subscribe and leave a review.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at and get coached live on air.

    Connect with Elaina:

    Programs: Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

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  • On today’s episode, I’m joined by one of my course students, Chelsea. Chelsea took our Consistent Sales Flow course and saw amazing results, booking high ticket clients right away for the first time.

    She was able to ramp up and convert people who said “yes” easily to her offers. However, today she comes to us with a question about clarifying her message and how she could predictably attract more people to her offer. I walk her through her question in order to get to the root of the issue. We discuss if her problem is truly a messaging issue, if it is a niche issue, or a lead generation one instead. I explain why she’d want to convert as many people off of social media as possible, the importance of promoting your free resources instead of letting them sit on your website, and how low-end products can help you bridge the gap between free content and premium clients, predictably.

    Chelsea helps her clients clear the energetic and physical blocks that they have so that they can reclaim their energy and their intuition.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    Why you want to convert as many people off of social media as possible How to use your free resources strategically to automate lead generation How low-end products can help you bridge the gap between the free and premium ends of your business

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at

    Connect with Elaina:

    Programs: Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

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  • Raise your hand if you’re a multi-dimensional entrepreneur with many gifts. Now raise your hand if scaling, staying expansive, and avoiding burnout is part of your business plan.

    Today, I’m joined by Carol Hampshire, a multi-dimensional, multi-passionate entrepreneur with many gifts and talents in various areas. Carol's a genius at brand design, web design, and is balancing having a done-for-you service along with expanding the consulting and coaching side of her business. In this episode, I share tips on how she can apply timeless business management skills to her specific business model. I also share why time management and productivity issues might not really be the main problem. Instead, the real issue is who you have in your corner. We also talk about analyzing your talents and boiling it down into a repeatable process so that you can expand your reach and impact all while scaling your business. This is a juicy episode for anyone with any business model who has hit an income ceiling and is ready to take their business to the next level.

    Carol Hampshire is a brand designer and mentor with 25 years of experience working with the world’s top female coaches.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    Why your time management and productivity issues might boil down to who you have in your corner Analyzing your gifts and reverse engineering it into a repeatable process How to create more in less time but still scale and remain expansive through digital courses

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at

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  • Have you ever had resistance come up when you increase your income and find new levels of success in your business?

    Unfortunately, this isn’t an uncommon problem amongst heart-centered female entrepreneurs and coaches. This is why today, I’m speaking with Katie and helping her unpack the feeling of guilt that seems to attach itself to success and increased wealth.

    In this episode, Katie shares how successful her business has been, but that it has been difficult to really celebrate when she feels like others may be struggling. We dive deep into what it looks like to step into your economic power and have a deep knowing that your success does not take away from someone else's. We also discuss why it is important to have self-compassion when we experience these negative emotions and the ways we can work through them.

    Katie is a human design teacher who helps her students learn about their human design through her online courses and coaching.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    Where our lack mindset around money comes from Digging deep to understand where negative emotions may originate around success and money The power of practicing gratitude and cultivating self-compassion Advice for fellow coaches to know where your boundaries are when supporting deeper issues with clients

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at

    Connect with Elaina:

    Real World Wealth: Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

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  • The secret to a successful business is unshakeable consistency, but what do we do if we aren’t feeling motivated to show up? Even high powered, high achieving, and exceptional entrepreneurs like you can suffer from dips in motivation, so here’s how to shake it off and feel inspired again.

    My guest, Johanna M, came to me in a transition stage from corporate to entrepreneurship struggling with staying focused and motivated without imposed structure. I share that as an entrepreneur, the roadmap for success is totally different from that of corporate and we have to take the pressure off of ourselves to “get it right”. We dive in and find out that Johanna may also be lacking some direction, which can impact energy and motivation.

    In this episode, I share what it means to stop giving away our power to external forces and instead create internal anchors that help us stay focused and motivated. We uncover the times when Johanna feels creative and in a flow state and how she can begin to create that on a day to day basis. We discuss the importance of consistency and why we have to find the tools and support to help us show up every day to complete the needle-moving tasks in our businesses.

    Johanna M is a yoga instructor and life coach who recently transitioned from her corporate job. You’ll often find her in the outdoors and since moving from Ireland to Canada in 2016, you’ll most likely find her on a mountain somewhere and practicing yoga. Sometimes both at the same time.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    Why even top-performing entrepreneurs struggle with motivation from time to time How to identify your internal anchors that keep you motivated no matter the external circumstances Why you have to stop getting distracted by fonts and logos and start showing up for the humans you want to serve in order to gain clarity and direction The value of working with experts to create a roadmap for your business

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review and make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss the next one.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at

    Connect with Elaina:

    Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs Signature Offers That Sell:

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  • Is it possible to remain clear in your messaging if you offer various services and help various types of people?

    That’s the question that Joanna came to me with today. Luckily, Joanna isn’t alone in wondering this. Many people have approached me asking for help navigating this same area. So in today’s episode, I’m sharing my thoughts on finding clarity in your messaging even when you offer an array of services with different target audiences.

    I start by consoling Joanna in the fact that her respective audiences won’t be confused in her messaging if she isn’t. We discuss having different messaging for the different offers she has, trusting that her target audience will get it, and how she can speak to the tangible outcomes of her different offers that excite her. If you’re a multi-passionate and soulful entrepreneur who serves different types of clients while struggling to keep your messaging clear and concise, this episode is for you.

    Joanna Baroness is a kundalini yoga and breathwork instructor who is also trained as a lawyer and an executive in the corporate world. She works with expanding the subconscious in order to wildly expand people's sense of what's possible while giving them the tools to continually expand their state to connect with their unconscious.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    Why your target audience won’t be confused with your messaging if you’re not Choosing a destination that excites you and attracting your ideal audience How to know when you’ve tuned in to a good message

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at

    Connect with Elaina:

    Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

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  • My guest, Denise, came to me wanting help clarifying and polishing her messaging. However, throughout the episode, we learn that she didn’t really have a messaging issue. Instead, she had a mindset block that made her believe that her messaging wasn’t good enough.

    In today’s episode, I share why Denise’s messaging is polished and powerful, and that her thinking that her messaging doesn’t properly encapsulate all that she does is a major mindset block. I coach her through this mindset piece, feeling sufficient in her business, how to breathe color and life into her messaging, all while highlighting why her messaging is more polished than she thinks.

    Denise Fitzpatrick is a former working therapist turned marriage and relationship coach. She works with women and couples by helping them better their relationships.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    Why this isn’t a messaging issue but an underlying mindset block What good messaging is supposed to do How stories and personal experiences can breathe life into your messaging

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at

    Connect with Elaina:

    Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

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  • The number one thing most entrepreneurs struggle with when it comes to social media is staying and showing up consistently.

    That’s exactly what my guest today, Rachida Brocklehurst, wanted to tackle during our mini-coaching session. Unlike most advice that you’ve received about staying consistent on social media, I take Rachida and you through finding and connecting with your “why” of creating content, an online presence, and a personal brand.

    Answering that million-dollar question is the key to detaching yourself from the outcomes of social media so that you can truly focus on what matters most. From committing to your creative expression, the importance of the inception point of your content creation process, to counterbalancing the results-driven masculine with your feminine, this episode is for you if you’ve ever ghosted your social media audience and struggled with the content creation process as a whole.

    Rachida is a competence and success coach who helps high-achieving women manage everything without falling short on their goals and productivity.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    The completely different mindset of being an entrepreneur and working in corporate Committing to your message, audience, and not the outcome of social media Why the energy of the point of inception of your content is where your client meets you

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at

    Connect with Elaina:

    Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

    Connect with Rachida:

  • Having a clear and refined message is crucial to attracting and calling in your dream clients. But how do you know if your message is truly good enough and ready to work for you?

    I’ve discussed messaging in great detail in previous episodes of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. But in today’s conversation with Sirin, we take a completely different and more adventurous route to the conversation surrounding messaging.

    Sirin came to me wondering if her messaging, which she really loves, is clear enough to be a niche and message that’s going to make her money and attract clients. However, throughout the episode, we discovered that her messaging was clear and the block and resistance came from within.

    If you find yourself doubting and overthinking your messaging, this episode is for you. Tune in as you learn how to know if your messaging is good enough, how to accept your message as it is, and how to create engaging content for your audience that connects and resonates with them.

    Sirin is an empowerment and well-being coach who helps women develop a deep sense of self-worth and self-belief so they can be confident and have the relationships and career that they desire.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    What to do when your messaging is really clear but you aren’t confident with it How to anchor and become a pillar of knowingness How to create agreement in your free content

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at

    Connect with Elaina:

    Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

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  • Raise your hand if you are currently or have ever juggled a job or two while building your side hustle. I know the butterflies and jitters you get when the time comes to go all-in on yourself in order to play it big and turn your dreams into reality. Trust me, I’ve been there myself.

    Despite what you plan to do, you’ll never feel ready to quit your day job and go all-in on your true passion. But I’m here to tell you that that’s a normal part of the no guarantee lifestyle of entrepreneurship. That’s the hurdle that my guest, Gabriel Keczan, is approaching me with.

    In today’s episode, I share my own story of taking risks, playing it big, and going all-in on my business despite how terrifying and uncertain it was. I also share the aftermath of having done so. I also walk Gabriel through the small things that are challenging to do, and why he should face them and claim his platform.

    Finally, we discuss the process and mindset around finding innovation through your own initiations - a concept that many in the coaching industry struggle with no matter what niche they’re in. This is a really beautiful episode that I cannot wait to share with you. So plug in your headphones, tune in, and get ready to feel inspired.

    Gabriel Keczan is a men’s coach based in Canada. He helps men transform into warrior kings and step into a deeper purpose that requires more courage and power.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    Creating from an inspired place and being where you want to be right now (10:49) Owning and claiming your platform on a daily basis (14:38) Why you’ll constantly be challenged as a teacher and coach (24:20)

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at

    Connect with Elaina:

    Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

    Connect with Gabriel:

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  • Like most of my episodes about messaging, my guest and I tend to discover and uncover so much more beyond how to improve their messaging and how to speak directly to their audience.

    In this episode with Christina Davis, we unpack so much more beyond the dos and don’ts of messaging. We uncover the different touchpoints in which Christina’s product suite might be missing out on, and how bringing in these offers can help guide her audience down their respective journeys. We also discuss the different ways to unlock her sales potential and how she can sell unapologetically year-round. Then, I share my hot take on why standing out might not be the best thing to focus on, what the true purpose of free content is, and why attracting a small but hyper-aligned audience is the key to sales.

    Christina Davis is a digital nomad coach who helps people find their passion-led business so they can actually live a life that isn’t location-dependent.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    The different ways to unlock your sales potential (6:03) How to cater to a huge range of people within your niche through messaging (9:25) Does your messaging need to stand out on social media and the role of free content (14:08) The value of attracting a small, aligned audience when selling unapologetically (21:00)

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at

    Connect with Elaina:

    Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

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  • Transitioning from corporate into your own coaching business? This powerful episode is for you. Whether you’re coming from corporate or you’re just starting out in the coaching space, I know what it’s like to operate in your analytical brain only to have it prevent you from flourishing and flying in the coaching space.

    My guest today is Kate. And today, I’m coaching her through getting visible, feeling powerful, overcoming her limiting beliefs, and stepping into her business. We also talk about some strategic elements around her social media presence, lead generation, and overcoming the things that served her very well in one arena that she now needs to let go of in order to succeed as a coach. This is an episode all about stepping into your power and finding your voice as a public figure. Tune in, get inspired, and start taking your voice to the virtual world’s stage with confidence.

    Kate Walker is a coach and founder of Kate Walker Executive Coaching. She spent most of her career working for a global iconic corporation. She has since stepped out of corporate and is in the process of finding and establishing her voice as a coach and a public figure.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    How to find your voice in a way that feels aligned and comfortable as a public figure (6:23) Two reasons why new coaches might feel blocked with visibility (9:50) Dropping into your current reality and power (12:48) Rearranging your energy and getting comfortable through practice (14:40) How your offline world and online world support one another (18:45) Why the coaching space is not the corporate world (23:34)

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at

    Connect with Elaina:

    Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

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  • This has to be one of my favorite episodes of the Million Dollar Spirit Business ever. You’re in for a treat today as we embark on a journey that ends with a massive epiphany. My guest on this episode is Snow.

    She approached me with a desire to look at her offer suite as a new coach. We take a look at the different types of programs and the links on how to move people through the customer journey. First, we start by clearing up her initial concerns by diving into the pros and cons of different coaching offers. Then, we move into the real heart of the conversation where we explore the energy of offer creation and bringing something innovative to the marketplace. We also dive into an important conversation about free content and what the purpose of it should ultimately be. Trust me when I say that you’ll walk away from this episode with a lot of golden nuggets and quite possibly an epiphany of your own.

    Snow Gross is a stay-at-home mom to two kids and a mom coach who helps moms to reconnect with their life purpose, so they can live a fulfilled life and show up as powerful leaders for their kids.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    The pros and cons of 1:1 vs group programs (6:26) Moving away from cookie-cutter offers and getting innovative in the coaching industry (9:55) Should you rely on emotion or logic in your messaging? (16:17) How to meet your ideal clients exactly where they’re at through your free content (18:35)

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Million Dollar Spirit Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review.

    Want to have your question answered? Apply to be a guest on the podcast at

    Connect with Elaina:

    Website: Instagram: Facebook: FB Group: Soul-Level Shifts: Business Strategy for Conscious High-Level Entrepreneurs

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  • There’s one thing that you can do to call in and attract premium clients - elevate your messaging. I’m not talking about the nitty-gritty, strategy, and psychology behind words. Instead, I’m talking about elevating your messaging through embodying the next-level version of yourself.

    That’s how my guest today, Makayla McRorie, is aiming to refine her messaging. In this short, sweet, and value-packed episode, I dive into the different spectrums from which you can create content. I also share how you can create next-level clients through meeting yourself at that elevated version of yourself by embodying and sharing the things that relate to that elevated life. I talk about why premium clients who are ready to invest aren’t interested in their current circumstances, and how acknowledging that truth will help you hone down on your premium messaging and energy.

    Makayla McRorie is a business coach for new coaches and service-based entrepreneurs. She helps them start and grow their online coaching empire.

    Today we’ll talk about:

    Simple things to clean up that will elevate your messaging (2:36) What next level premium clients look for in your energy (7:21) The spectrum of content and messaging (10:40) Activating your ideal client through your messaging (11:58) Why circumstance doesn’t matter to premium clients (14:43)

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