Professor Jared Miller teaches Public Speaking, Group Dynamics, and Argumentation and Debate at Santiago Canyon College in Southern California. Graduating from Cal State Long Beach in 2006, professor Miller has been teaching for 17 years this semester. Some topics discussed include, Chat GPT and AI, the current state of the young mind, teaching students how to think vs what to think, speech structure, Nuance in argumentation and problem solving, and what motivational factors push us forward. And with that I bring you, Professor Jared Miller.
Robert Hoogland Case here -
"• Faither jailed after referring to biological female child as his daughter in Canada.
• An arrest warrant for Robert Hoogland was issued for the father after using the inappropriate gender pronouns.
• Robert Hoogland surrendered himself to the Court in response to the Attorney General of British Columbia’s request to hold him in contempt."
Joe Stacy is a entertrainer and partner at motion fitness group based out of Irvine California. Joes battled with alcohol addiction since he was a teenager and has overcome countless obstacles to get to his current sobriety and success. His story is an absolute inspiration. His openness and dedication to honesty is commendable. He offers hope to people struggling with addiction and proves that there is light at the end of the tunnel. That with the proper support, surrender, and the will to live, you can overcome. It was really an honor to sit down and hear Joe’s story. He is an incredible leader in the community and is actively bettering peoples lives everyday.
We can overcome. We can persevere. Life is not always easy, but it is worth it. Thank you for reminding us of that Joe .
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Fehlende Folgen?
Fatima Parra is a 23 year old x-feminist who is now a conservative thinker and entrepreneur. She claims that societal pressures forced her to rethink what is femininity and what is the optimal environment for herself and future family. Some topics we discussed are inequities in society, the trans and gender movement, how one calculates judgment, optimal outcomes, meritocracies, guiding youth perspective, immigration, societal systems, and the optimal framework for children. This isn’t a one sided conservative conversation. Rather open an dialogue on topics we should all ask ourselves, what it optimal for humanity?
Scott Perry is one of the cofounders of Motion Fitness Group based out of Irvine California. From experience, this is one of the most challenging yet exciting workouts you’ll ever have the pleasure of pushing through, I highly recommend checking out the gym. In addition to the gym, we talk about music, movement, community, what it means to be a healthy human being, the obesity epidemic, raising good children, being mindful, pushing yourself, discipline, and balance. Scott’s a one of a kind human being and I appreciate the difference he actively makes in our community. He truly cares about bettering peoples lives. I hope you enjoy our conversation and gain something from it.
Key note: when you wake up everyday, what are you doing for your yourself and for your family?
@Mind Meetings
Skyler Tanksley is business owner and entrepreneur known in the greater Orange County and los Angeles community for his vegan diners and restaurants. He is currently blending the world of cryptocurrency into his restaurants and will be offering food and drink products through a crypto currency called LUV$. This episode will give you a good baseline into how NFTs work and how these new cryptocurrencies have direct utilities in the real world. It’s challenging to envision a future without the US dollar but just like our grandparents found it hard to believe we’d all be swiping credit cards… the ball never stops rolling.
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As many of you know, Elon Musk just recently acquired Twitter for 44 billion dollars. In this episode I explore all things Elon with my dear friend and business partner, Jason Kitamura. From Tesla, to SpaceX, from Robots, to Neuralink, Artificial Intelligence, and the future of humanity. This was a fun one and my mind is blown away by the world we live. The pinnacle for human innovation used to be a good crop yield, now Elon Musk is set on making humans an interplanetary species. This is no longer Hollywood, this is real life.
Today I talk fitness, diet, and overall wellness with Jordan Tuimaualuga, CEO and founder of the 5A Protocol. Some topics discussed include - fasting, workouts, genetics, calories in v calories out, quality of foods, rest and recovery, veganism, the obesity epidemic, and much more. You can be the richest person in the world, famous, and have everything you desire… but if you don’t have your health, it can all be taken away you in the blink of an eye. Take care of yourself folks. Health is #1
Dr Aisha Simjee Is a clinical professor of ophthalmology at UCI, orange county medical association 2010 physician of the year, and Has served on the medical staff at Saint Joseph’s hospital for 44 years. She has been to over 24 Third World countries to treat eye conditions, perform surgeries, and supply communities with medicine. She has sponsored approximately 20 foreign students who have come to this country to study. She also adopted and housed 14 nieces and nephews so they could gain entry in the United States. This provided a foundation for 34 grandchildren one generation removed. Most of which are fellow doctors and computer scientists. Dr Simjee is an incredible and selfless human being who has deep love for the United States of America.
Taric Mansour Graduated from CSUF, with a degree in Communications, is a JD Candidate out of UC Hastings Law, class of 2022, and will be publishing “black lives matter in the workplace” in the UC Hastings Race & Poverty Law Journal in April, 2022. He recently accepted an offer to work at a defense side employment law firm after graduation.
Some of the topics discussed include, racism, the origins of racism, critical race theory or CRT, affirmative action, equality of opportunity vs equality of outcome, criminal law, constitutional law, the death penalty, meritocracies, and Supreme Court opinions. Even though Taric is just starting his professional law career with limited real world experience, I think it’s incredibly important to see how our future leaders in law think. After all, new lawyers now are future Supreme Court justices. Thank you for listening, I hope you enjoy.
Find Taric on social media @yotaric
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2021 Wrap-Up! Some topics covered include - Covid 19 continued, Jan 6th insurrection, Biden/Harris Election, Military withdrawal from Afghanistan, Rittenhouse trials
Problem-solving isn’t enough. People will only problem solve when the positive outcome benefits their team. Doing what is simply right is not enough. When you have scientific experts on both ends of the aisle putting forth evidence that supports their theory, what is the normal citizen supposed to believe? The vaccine for example. Of course, you should perform a cost benefit analysis and calculate probability…. But the actual calculation of probability has also been lost due to professional scientific inquiry telling us conflicting data. With that being said this is how science is supposed to work, you have experts presenting their hypotheses with corresponding data and overtime through increasing data points you come to a closer version of what is “true.” To the counterpoint data seems to be manipulated more than ever. Media, institutions, and medical professionals have been captured. Therefore, the calculation of probability in the short term can be very skewed.
The main problem I see is the scientific method with Covid has been broken and captured for a while. The process is ideological based science and is negatively impacting the United States and world at large in trusting institutions.
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Zachary Brown @zacharyxbrown
Josh Tandy is a 24 year old entrepreneur, Younglife leader, and host of the Influenced Podcast. His father, Ed Tandy McGlasson, was a senior pasture, currently runs a ministry, and is the author of “The Difference a Father Makes.” Growing up with a senior pasture as a father, Josh received much love and support, but also dealt with the internal struggles trying to live up to a godly ideology. Struggling with his morals and ethics, Josh experienced a miracle in nature on a senior summer camp trip. This experience bound him to faith and changed the course of his life. He now pursues business in the marketing and advertising realm backed by his moto Integrity, trust, transparency, and faith. Josh is also a partner at the Dream Factory, a world class marketing agency who specifically helps coaches, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders make their impact with a strategic approach through funnel creation, branding, and lead generation. Whether you’re religious or not, an entrepreneur or not, we discussed a lot of cool topics in this conversation and I really enjoyed it. I hope to you do too.
Adam Channel is a 24 year old major league rugby champion for the LA Giltinis. He was signed to compete and represent the USA rugby team and suffered an unfortunate ankle injury in the last game of the tournament. Going from a UPS driver to a major league champion, Adam is an inspiration and living proof that through hard work and dedication, you can achieve anything. @mindmeetings
Professor Bach Ho received his PhD in philosophy from UC Riverside. He currently teaches philosophy at Cal State University Fullerton, Orange Coast College, and is an Organic Intelligence Coach. Organic Intelligence or OI is defined as a unique clinical practice of human empowerment, resiliency and compassion to resolve the impact of stress, trauma, and PTSD. Through our human senses, OI focuses on increasing ones capacity to live a happy, less intense, and overall fulfilling life.
Contact Professor Bach -
Today I talk with Justin Imbastari about his near death experience. Justin went into cardiac arrest while surfing in San Onofre California. Nearly drowning Justin was put on his board and pushed into shore where he would collapse. After multiple heart surgeries and a couple miracles, Justin is still with us today and did not suffer any brain damage. His second lease on life is powerful and can teach us all to be more present and loving. Some questions we pondered are God, the Afterlife, NDEs, and how almost dying changes your perspective on life.
Today I talk immigration with two of my close friends Scott griffin and Tony Rodriguez. Scott immigrated from Scotland and was recently granted United States citizenship. Tony’s family swam across the rio grande river from Mexico to the United States. Some
Topics we discussed include: The American Experiment Families immigration stories What does America mean to you? Do you believe in the idea of America? The nature of immigration. Why people move from one place to another. The difference in immigration geographically The strength in diversity The challenges with diversity The idea of borders Looking into America’s future, are we heading in the right direction?
Find Tony Rodriguez on Facebook.
Today I talk all things science with my good friend Nabeel Quershi. He completed his undergrad at The University of California Irvine and Masters in Biomedical Sciences at Barry University. Currently he is pursuing his DO at the Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Danny Vu served in the Air-force 6.5 years and is currently an engineering technician at Northrop Grumman. He believes there is a leadership and structural problem in the military and correlates it to high suicide rates. We talked about everything from mental health, fitness, discipline, investing, and a healthy sense of nationalism.
Julianna Lembeck is a 2020 Writers Digest Award Winner for her Memoir, Blue Water, A year in the ocean. Through her novel, she hopes to help young women heal and deal with taboo experiences and trauma. I quote, “removing stigma and shame allows room for understanding and acceptance of challenging events. This sets the stage for true healing and forgiveness to occur.” Some themes we discussed are split identities, relationships, love, cheating, social drinking, substance abuse, suicide, getting in trouble with the law, and overcoming trauma. Thank you for tuning in.
"Blue Water, A Year in the Ocean." available for purchase fall 2021.
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Today I sit down with Republican Jaymie Scott and Democrat, Alex Long. I wanted to construct a conversation where a conservative and liberal individual sit down and have an open discussion about various hot topics. This was not constructed with the goal of getting heated or bashing one another but rather to display that Americans with differing viewpoints can come together and have a constructive conversation. Some of the topics we discuss are abortion, immigration, climate change, affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the future of America. Mind Meetings - @mindmeetings Jaymie Scott - @jaymiescott Alex Long - @theealexlong Zachary Brown - @zacharyxbrown
Eating Disorders - Erin battled for years with what is defined as a “binge eating disorder” and was able to break her unhealthy habits and develop a positive relationship with food. She wants to communicate the message that if you’re out there struggling, you’re not alone. If she was able to overcome so can you. For the first half of the show we focus on her personal story and testimony. The second half we start breaking into societal factors and the importance of focusing on being healthy, rather than trying to achieve a certain image. Your relationship with food has an immense impact on your life and Erin’s story testifies to that fact. Out of all mental illnesses, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate, above schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. My hope is to bring awareness to the subject and I thank Erin for having the courage to share her story.
Erin Holberg Instagram - @sunshinerin2014
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