
  • If you’re struggling to make the money you want in your music production business, have you ever considered that the reason you’re not getting the sales you want is…you’re selling the wrong thing? Maybe it sounds crazy, but this is one of the biggest mistakes we see struggling music producers make!

    They’re so focused on what they WANT to sell, and what they THINK their audience needs, they create offers that completely miss the mark ...And they don’t sell – because people don’t want them.

    The fact of the matter is, even if YOU know your sample pack or production service is the best thing that’s happened to the world since indoor plumbing ...if your people don’t clearly see the transformation and VALUE it offers – AND desire the hell out of it …it’s like you’re trying to make money selling empty brown paper bags.

    No one’s gonna buy – because they can’t see “what’s in it for them.” So how CAN you cut through all the confusion and noise, figure out what people really want, and create an irresistible offer that actually sells?

    In this episode, Cameron and Adam uncover creative ways to leverage your zone of genius so that you can get consistent and high-paying projects with better artists.

    Whether you are an up-and-coming producer or an established professional, our unrivaled mastermind community of like-minded music entrepreneurs can help you elevate your brand online so you can consistently attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for your production services. Go to and become a member today!

    Hosts: Cameron Bashaw and Adam Reifsteck
    Editorial: Adam Reifsteck
    Edited in Descript. Try it for yourself (affiliate code in link)
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor

  • Are you tired of seeing ads for business coaching programs promising you your dreams are right around the corner if you just follow their secret success formula? It can seem like snake oil is everywhere, from Amazon drop shipping to building your own empire as a sample-pack-fueled startup. Cameron dives into the brutal reality behind these programs, exposing the cold, hard truth as to why some people see success while others don’t. If you have a dream that seems out of reach, and the light at the end of the tunnel is fading, you won't want to miss this episode.

    Resources:9 Confirmation Bias Fallacy Examples In Everyday Life ( – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!MailChimp – email marketing done easy.

    Whether you are an up-and-coming producer or an established professional, our unrivaled mastermind community of like-minded music entrepreneurs can help you elevate your brand online so you can consistently attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for your production services. Go to and become a member today!

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
    Edited in Descript. Try it for yourself (affiliate code in link)
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor

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  • Does it seem like there’s never been a more challenging time to “get into” the music industry? We live in a world that makes everything accessible and easy to hop into but simultaneously impossible to compete with. New technologies are taking our jobs, and our audiences are constantly dropping the last shiny object for whatever new shiny object comes out. If you’re ready to pierce the veil and cut through the noise, Cameron gets deep in this episode. He shares life lessons from his personal experiences and gets to the core of why it is essential to define and hold onto your core purpose.

    Resources:Episode 16: Ikigai (How to Find Your Brand Identity)Episode 3: Will You Take Control?Punishment?! HA! - SmashweRx (youtube)Acuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!MailChimp – email marketing done easy.

    Whether you are an up-and-coming producer or an established professional, our unrivaled mastermind community of like-minded music entrepreneurs can help you elevate your brand online so you can consistently attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for your production services. Head over to and become a member today!

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
    Edited in Descript. Try it for yourself (affiliate code in link)
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor

  • Do you have big dreams for your music? Do you see music production as a gateway to something greater but have no idea how to monetize it? Dani Felt was driven by her passion for music into a much greater purpose and has freed herself from the 9-5 shackles by constantly working on herself and her vision and taking significant risks on her ideas. Tune in to this insightful interview if you want to learn the secrets to self-mastery that have empowered her to sell high-ticket offers to clients confidently and competently.

    Resources:WORTHY by Jamie Kern Lima "How to Turn Your Dreams into Reality" by Dani Felt - Atwood MagazineThe Dani Felt Podcast on SpotifyAcuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!

    If you are spending a lot of time convincing artists to hire you despite knowing you have something great to offer, or it seems like you are only attracting musicians who can’t afford your rates, or you have a big vision for the music you produce but can’t figure out how to get it in front of the right audience, then join us inside Modern Producer Mastermind. Whether you are an up-and-coming producer or an established professional, our unrivaled community of like-minded music entrepreneurs can help you elevate your brand online to consistently attract high-quality artists who will pay premium prices for your production services.

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Guest: Dani Felt, Instagram, email Dani.
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
    Edited in Descript. Try it for yourself (affiliate code in link)
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor

  • There are so many threats to the music industry that it seems like the wrong time to jump into building a career or launching your own business. If you’re in the death throes of giving up and you’ve barely started building a business or have been endlessly pushing through a slow churn that feels like it hasn’t gone anywhere, this episode is a must-listen. Cameron and Adam discuss the six invisible factors that you can leverage right now. In this episode, we’ll uncover the hidden truths of the inner work you might avoid and the tactics and strategies for starting over. If you’re ready to hit that reset button and tackle your business growth in ways that will finally move the needle, tune in now!

    Resources:Acuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!MailChimp – email marketing done easy.

    Whether you are an up-and-coming producer or an established professional, our unrivaled mastermind community of like-minded music entrepreneurs can help you elevate your brand online so you can consistently attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for your production services. Go to and become a member today!

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Co-Host: Adam Reifsteck
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
    Edited in Descript, Try it for yourself!
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor

  • Are you tired of feeling like your mixes are what’s keeping you from success? Do you constantly seek advice and feedback and expect your problems to be in your mix or master? The secret that the major producers are leveraging isn’t in their perfect mixes or masters. Join Cameron as he interviews professional mix engineer and producer Varti Deuchoghlian, who’s distilled the secret of growing as an artist or producer. This is one episode you won’t want to miss.

    Resources:Mix With VartiAcuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!Mailchimp – Mailing Lists done easy.

    Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact in the music industry.

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Guest: Varti Deuchoghlian (Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin)
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
    Edited in Descript, Try it for yourself (affiliate code in link)
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor

  • Have you ever heard someone give you vague advice? Do you run into walls when asking for help, only to find that the advice is just regurgitated variations of the same cliché? Join Adam and Cameron as we explore some of the most common misconceptions. From breaking down industry clichés to exploring the impact of personal habits on professional growth, this podcast is your backstage pass to real, sustainable success in the music industry. Tune in to unlock the secrets of thriving as a modern music producer.

    Resources:Episode 58: Becoming The Music Giant Netflix Tech Blog: The Netflix Simian Army. Keeping our cloud safe, secure, and availableVeritasium - What The Ultimate Study On Happiness Reveals (youtube)Episode 23: Making Money Moves Episode 45: The Top Money Mindsets for a Better Music BusinessEpisode 16: Ikigai (How to Find Your Brand Identity)Acuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!Mailchimp – Easy email marketing campaigns

    Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact in the music industry.

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Co-Host: Adam Reifsteck
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
    Edited in Descript. Try it for yourself!
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor

  • Are you tired of switching between communication apps to interact with your clients or leads because they prefer to message you in a particular app? Are you finding it difficult to keep track of various opportunities, projects, and client conversations? If yes, you must tune in to this episode. Cameron discusses managing your communication more effectively. This episode is packed with valuable insights, so don't miss out on why you shouldn't be available on every communication platform.


    Content: Where and how should I manage it? (Neologic Studios)Episode 23: Making Money Moves Episode 45: The Top Money Mindsets for a Better Music BusinessMailchimp (affiliate code in link)Acuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!

    Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact in the music industry.

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
    Edited in Descript, Try it for yourself (affiliate code in link)
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor

  • Turning a passion for music production into a successful business can seem daunting and even impossible. If you're feeling burnt out and frustrated with your lack of progress, then you won't want to miss this episode. Adam and Cameron return to discuss the most common obstacles music producers face in their business and share tips on how to overcome them.

    Resources:Episode 16: Ikigai (How to Find Your Brand Identity)Episode 27: Why Music is the OfferAcuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!

    Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can consistently attract high-quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services.

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Co-Host: Adam Reifsteck
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
    Edited in Descript. Try it for yourself (affiliate code in link)
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor

  • Do you observe the current music industry and feel that being a DJ or a touring artist is not your calling? Do you prefer to work behind the scenes in a studio, generating ideas and leaving your mark on other forms of media that will last forever? Join Cameron as he chats with a music industry veteran who has secured numerous sync placements. Together, they dive into the world of licensing and placements, exploring the key components contributing to Ed Hartman's legendary career. If you want to learn how to leverage this aspect of the music industry, tune in now.


    Ed Hartman MusicModern Sync Licensing BootcampAs The Earth TurnsMusic Supervisor, Inc.Sound ExchangeCrucial MusicAcuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!

    Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can consistently attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact in the music industry.

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Guest: Edmund Hartman
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
    Edited in Descript. Try it for yourself (affiliate code in link)
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor

  • Running a business, let alone starting one, is challenging. Whether you’re on the fence about turning your music into a life-long source of income or struggling to find that next level for your career, this upcoming year will be the crucible that separates those who will succeed from those who won’t. Join Adam and Cameron as they discuss the five secrets to growing a music production business in 2024. This episode will help shed light from a birds-eye view for those who are clueless about where to start or can’t seem to find the chink in their armor as they execute all kinds of tactics and strategies.

    Resources:The Crow Hill Company - I have NO COURAGE (YouTube)Tom Bilyeu - The 3-Year AI Reset: How To Get Ahead While Others Lose Their Jobs (YouTube)Acuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!

    Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact in the music industry.

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Co-Host: Adam Reifsteck
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw, Adam Reifsteck
    Edited in Descript.
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor

  • Does it seem like way less talented producers are reaping major successes and blowing up while you’re struggling to prove you’re the producer artists should be hiring? Tune in to this episode as Cameron and Adam show you how to craft a message that will finally reach your ideal clients.

    Resources:Episode 16: Ikigai (How to Find Your Brand Identity)Episode 62: How to Stop Losing Music SalesEpisode 63: How to Automate Client Acquisition Acuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!

    Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can consistently attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact in the music industry.

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Co-Host: Adam Reifsteck
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
    Edited in Descript, Try it for yourself (affiliate code in link)
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor

  • Have you been feeling like you’re going out of style? Do you find your productions bland despite spending countless hours improving your craft? We’re all feeling a little drained after the wild ride that 2023 has been. In this episode, Cameron shares personal stories and insights into the challenges music producers face in a world still grappling with the aftermath of COVID-19.

    Cameron goes deeper still as he dives into the complexities of the music industry’s dichotomy, exploring the delicate balance between cooperation and competition. Learn how navigating the Producer’s Dilemma can shape the future of your music career and gear up for a powerful start to 2024 with seven simple yet strong habits you can start developing right now.

    Resources:Tom Bilyeu - Social Media, Porn & Netflix Destroy Your Brain! - QUIT THIS To End Laziness W-Andrew Huberman (YouTube)Game theory (Britannica)Veritasium - What The Prisoner's Dilemma Reveals About Life, The Universe, and Everything (YouTube)Acuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!

    Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract established artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact in the music industry.

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
    Edited in Descript, Try it for yourself!
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor

  • As we near the end of the year, it feels like life gets even more compressed. There’s less daylight and more things to do than we have time for. If you’ve ever felt like happiness is a veil, and the wool has been pulled from your eyes, this episode can provide a quick dose of inspiration. Cameron shares some recent insights into the difference between what the world believes happiness is and what has been proven to drive happiness.


    What The Longest-Running Study on Happiness Reveals – Veritasium (YouTube)John Strand – Keynote address at Simply Cyber Con Track 1 (YouTube)Acuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!

    Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract high-quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact in the music industry.

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
    Edited in Descript, Try it for yourself!
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: These Walls I Built (instrumental) – Pollux & Castor
    Mr Robot underscore: Intimate – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Under The Sun (instrumental) – Pollux & Castor

  • If you’re dedicated and passionate about making a sustainable business out of your music but don’t know how to get the clients coming to you rather than searching for them, this episode is for you! Tune in as Cameron and Adam discuss the common mistakes most aspiring professional music entrepreneurs make so that you can change your approach, elevate your game, and get the vital tips and tricks to automate your client acquisition.

    Resources:Episode 16: Ikigai (how to find your brand identity)CalendlyMailchimpAcuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.MailerLiteManychat

    Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract high-quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact in the music industry.

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Co-Host: Adam Reifsteck
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
    Edited in Descript. Try it for yourself!
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor

  • Are you tired of flopping at every sales opportunity? If you’re making offers and getting bites, but no one is transacting with you for your music services or products, it’s time you had “the talk.” Cameron and Adam discuss how to stop the sales flop. Join us if you want to uncover the four common objections that producers run into when it comes to closing the deal with potential artist clients and how to overcome them without feeling sleazy or getting called a salesman.

    Resources:The Futur - Forget Your Epic Origin Story. Do This Instead. (Chris Do on Youtube)The Mind Your Business Podcast - The Most Powerful Spiritual Laws and Universal Principles That Have Transformed My Life and Business (PART ONE) (Apple Podcasts)Acuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!

    Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact in the music industry.

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Co-Host: Adam Reifsteck
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
    Edited in Descript. Try it for yourself!
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor

  • Do you know the myths and conspiracies of how the elites that run the world all meet at private clubs? Those stories are born out of this little-known concept. Masterminds date back to the time of Jesus, and throughout history, famous clubs, associations, and societies have been founded under the same premise that we’re better together. Join Cameron and Adam as they shed light on this business and personal growth accelerator hiding in plain sight throughout society. If you’re tired of spinning your wheels and wondering how to scale like the elites at the top of the industry, look no further than this deep dive episode!

    Resources:Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? by Seth Godin (Amazon Books)Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us, by Seth Godin (Amazon Books)Acuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!Max Out with Ed Mylett

    Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact in the music industry.

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
    Edited in Descript, Try it for yourself!
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in A Remix – Pollux & Castor

  • Building a distinct brand in the music industry is tough. Everything is commoditized, democratized, and proliferated. At least, that’s how things may seem to the have-nots. In this episode, Cameron returns with Adam to continue this two-parter as they share their wisdom and insights on going from beats to bucks. If you want to hear real-world experiences turned into life lessons and how the core principles we share in this series apply in relatable ways, then tune in to this episode! Discover how to get into the right mindset to transform your passion into a profit.

    Resources:Serve One, Not All: The Key to Big Profits (The Futur)The Dream on Apple PodcastsAcuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time.

    Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract high-quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a a bigger impact in the music industry.

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw, Adam Reifsteck
    Edited in Descript. Try it for yourself!
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Project Overthrow – Cameron Bashaw
    Outro song: Lost in a Remix – Pollux & Castor

  • Do you have big goals for your music production business but you’re not sure where to start? Marketing your skills as music producer so you can get consistent and high-paying projects with serious artists can be overwhelming, confusing, and just downright HARD.

    Because of this, most producers end up producing as a side hustle their whole life waiting for that big break. But the truth is, the music industry does not work like that anymore.

    And as a result, producers have become bombarded with so much conflicting information online that they do not know what to focus on or even what is true. So, it is hard to know where to start, which means most aspiring producers never get the chance to do music full-time let alone make the income that they truly deserve.

    But lucky for you, founder and CEO of the Music Producers Alliance Adam Reifsteck has cracked the code on how to turn a home studio into a highly profitable business. And it took him having to go outside of the music industry for advice from successful business owners to really understand not only what the principles of business are, but principles of marketing so that he could sell his production services and generate a decent income from it.

    Pay close attention because what we share in this episode is fundamental to crafting a memorable brand identity, fine-tuning your offer, and truly succeeding as a Modern Producer!

    Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. Our mission is to help music creators elevate their brands online so they can consistently attract high-quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services.

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Guest: Adam Reifsteck
    Editorial: Adam Reifsteck
    Edited in Descript, Try it for yourself!
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro Song: Flaviyake – Only Now (Instrumental Version)
    Outro song: Upper Regions – Below the Surface

  • Countless self-help resources, including books, documentaries, and seminars hosted by successful individuals promise to share the formula for achieving success and realizing your dreams. While the testimonials and success stories they offer may provide evidence that their formula works, there seems to be something missing. In this episode, Cameron interviews a music production underdog who shares the challenges and sacrifices he faced to build his dream career. If you want to discover the X-factor David Gnozzi of MixBusTv used to succeed, do not miss this episode!

    Resources:Pensado's PlaceTed Gioia (Substack)MixbusTvMixbusTv - YouTubeAcuity – All-in-one appointment managementDistrokid – The easiest way to get music onto Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, and more.Get Backblaze – We’re offering a free month of Backblaze cloud backup for a limited time!Modern Mastering Bootcamp

    Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact in the music industry.

    Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw
    Guest: David Gnozzi (MixBusTV)
    Editorial: Cameron Bashaw
    Edited in Descript, Try it for yourself!
    Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC
    Intro & Conclusion Song: Heartbreak Motel – Bella Kelly
    Outro song: Red Planet (Remix) – Pollux & Castor