In Chapters 1-3, the Apostle Paul shared the Theological Doctrines important for the Ephesians, as well as for believers today. Chapter 4 begins the application of those Theological truths in a a practical way.
We are urged to "put off" the old man and "put on" the new, to be continually washed in the water of the Word so that our viewpoint of self is transformed. In so doing, we become a productive part of the Body that works together as a whole. God's viewpoint of prepping the Body is different than the main stream media. Being heavenly minded gives us boldness as we walk in this demon possesed world, because we know this world is not the end. There is much treasure held in store for us in the Heavenlies, and at this present Age we are to walk worthy of all that Christ has done for us. We are His children.
The world says, "Be somebody." Jesus says, "you already are somebody, you are MY child."~ Moni
Let's walk worthy of our Daddy and make Him proud. ~Moni
Find more Episodes at Moments with Moni
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A relationship has two sided conversations. If all we do is tell God what we want, and don't listen to what He says in His Word, it's only a one sided conversation. I don't share the info in this podcast to help someone, or myself win an argument, but to encourage us to draw closer to the heart of God.
A walk through Chapter 3 of Ephesians provides a deeper look at:
The Mystery of the Body of the ChurchDispensationsCovenantsPrayerToday's quoteable Quotes:
"We don't have to read our Bible, but we will read it if we love God." ~Moni
"Your, or my “satisfaction” on a topic does not define its truthfulness. ~Moni
Take a look at Moments with Moni Blog for more.
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Fehlende Folgen?
There are many Nations and peoples across the world scene. Differences keep many apart or at odds. What would you say if God didn't want it that way and made a way for us to all get along? God has a master plan that He wants you and I to be a part of, if you are willing.
This week we continue in Ephesians and make it all the way through Chapter 2 in one episode. The foundation of Chapter 1 has been lain through several earlier Podcasts, so if you have time, go back and listen to them for the foundation that Paul was explaining to the Ephesians, both Jew, and Gentile.
Any questions or comments can be directed to me at [email protected]
You can find the entire series and more at the Blog, Moments with Moni
Don't forget to check out our sponsor, Paula Chamberlain, at A Quilter's Life
Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23
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As Holy Week is upon us, we are reminded in Ephesians that Jesus was raised from the dead with the same power that will raise us from the dead, unless we are Raptured first. Our inheritance is being held in safety in God's Hands, and we, the Bride of Christ, has eternal life to look forward to. My Beloved is mine, and I am His!
Review of Last week: The Mystery of the Church
Ephesians 1:15-23
Paul's prayer for our wisdom and knowledge of God.
The Ressurection of Jesus, The head over all things, the Church.
Do we really know Jesus? How do we know Him? Listen in.
Happy Ressurection Week
Moments with Moni
A Quilter's Life
Feel free to contact me with prayer requests, comments or questions at [email protected]
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God says what He means and means what He says. There is no reason to redifine His terms unless the definition is something that doesn't agree with an Agenda outside of the Truth.
Tornado Time & Spring GardeningRe-cap of Spiritual BlessingsThe Mystery of God's WillVisit our Sponsor at A Quilter's Life and let Paula know that Moni sent you.
Feel free to email me with questions or comments at the Blog:
Moments with Moni
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Like the Borg in Star Trek ( "Borg" was a derogatory abbreviation of "cyborg" used by many inhabitants of the galaxy, including those residing on Aduba-3, in contrast to "normal organics." Google), Rome would conquer the Tribes or cities in their path and assistmilate them into their New World Order. Each of the families that were conquered were adopted by a Roman Family and became fully vetted by the Romans as heirs with an inheiritance, be sealed, and learn how to conduct themselves as Romans.
This Star Trek analogy may help us understand that we, those in Jesus are:
The chosen ones in Christ that are adopted into God's FamilySealed with His Holy SpiritGiven an inheritanceLearn to be pleasing to GodPreserve the unity of the Body of ChristSurrender/submit ourselves to Jesus and those in authority above usAll at the speed of Paul.
More reminders to the Jewish and Gentile Believers in Ephesus and to believers today that spiritual blessings are different than earthly blessings. so set your affections on those things above and not on things on earth. There is a world beyond the one in which we live that will last forever, unlike this one, which is a blessing because when all things are made new there will be no more crying and no more pain.
Spiritual Blessings explained simply in this Episode:
PredestinationAdoptionRedemptionAcceptanceForgiveness"Since God is outside of time, He sees the whole parade of life. Pespective is key." Monika Hardy
More at the Blog Moments with Moni
Email me at [email protected]
This week's Sponsor: The Quilter's Life
Guard your heart with all dilligence, for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23
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Our body resides on Earth, but if we are in Christ, our spirit resides in the Heavenlies. How are we to walk and talk with a Daul Citizenship?
It’s time to travel at the speed of Paul from eternity past in the heavenly realm to unpack our spiritual blessings available to those in Christ and learn to use those blessings to:
Walk in Christ on this EarthStand in Battle Run to the finish line of eternity futureBecome more like the lover of our soulsPaul was the Messenger of God. Called to be an Apostle of Jesus Christ.
This was God’s will for Paul. God foreknew who would choose to follow Him, who would be obedient to Him before the foundations of the world. He is reserving or guarding an inheritance for us in heavenly places, as I Peter tells us…kept by the power of God to be revealed in the last times.
Paul writing to the Ephesians means to exhort them in the thought of belonging to and being accepted in the Beloved…Jesus Christ! Today we too should be moved with praise and thankfulness that God Almighty would bend down so low from heaven above to make a way for us to be accepted in Him.
Travel with us through the Book of Ephesians as we unpack what the word of God means.
A huge thanks to my new sponsor: A Quilter's Life with Paula Chamberlain Send her a message if you would like to share your Quilting Story.
Moni Hardy's Episode on A Quilter's Life
Podcast Episodes are available at your favorite Podcast player and at Moments with Moni Blog.
As always, please feel free to send your questions or comments to [email protected]
Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23
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Are you Prepared?
Ephesians Intro
Much talk of being prepared for the ugly times ahead that many are predicting and encouraging you to be prepared for the worst but hope for the best.
Much talk about the loss of strength and power of the United States but with all that talk, I don’t hear much talk about being spiritually prepared for what is coming at the end of this Church Age.
Barna Group Statistics claimed that:
91% of Adult Believers do not have a Biblical World View. 98% Percent of Millilenial Believers do not have a Biblical World View.As shocking and appalling as that is, it is not a surprise to me for the Bible plainly tells us that there will be a falling away of believers from the truth of God’s word, and turning away from God.
When I was young and learning the Word and then sharing with others I was always reminded about the saying that the Truth of the scriptures is only one generation away from being lost forever.
With statistics like this, it looks like we are very close to another prophecy, a forth telling of God’s word that may soon come to light.
In this Church Age we are to defend the faith and keep the scriptures pure and yet if we look around we see more opinions than doctrines. For quite some time, words have been changed to confuse listeners and attacks on absolute truth have made way fro circular logic.
Such Non-conclusionists give us pretty firm absolute comments when their aim is to convince others that they are not irrational in their belief of differentiating knowledge from belief and then question belief to deny religious truth. For example Nihalists that “believe” that all values are baseless and reject the general, fundamental aspects of human existence, such as “objective truth” which is just another example of circular non-logic. They say it is not provable to the intellectual theist, only interpretive. Which makes me wonder how they can believe that statement since they can’t believe in anything. So, a ”religious” fear, would overwhelm their so called “rational thought”, with their truth being science, technology and evolution.
In the end with these “beliefs” they are only “closer to their truth” with no real conclusion as the circular logic goes round and round. Sure makes for great intellectual conversations, but we were warned that these last days that the longer the King is gone, the worse it will be and the endless intellectual conversations, and quest for intellectual interpretiveness, will not bring them to the the knowledge of the Truth.
God has clearly said to take hold of the truth, but where are we to find it in a world where the meaning of words are being changed to confuse and divide. How are we to gather a Literal, foundation of the truth if Literalism now defines literal as a bad word.
It wouldn’t be so bad if these things were going on outside of the church because we wouldn’t expect unbelievers to act according to the scriptures, but it goes deep into the heart of the churches which is reflected in the statistics we heard earlier. Another saying from days past that has swirled about is
“Don’t preach to the Choir”
God is also clear when He says, judgement begins at the House of God, perhaps it’s time to preach to the choir once more.
Now that we are finished with the Book of Ruth, it might be time for a “spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down,” Oh wait no, that’s from a fairytale. Time for some doctrine and definitions along with application in the arena of life.
Gather your notebook, and pen or pencil, and listen in as we begin with some background and History of the culture. Let’s grab hold of the truth together as we dig into the Book of Ephesians.
Historical Background
Cultural Insights
We've made it to the finish line of Ruth. It was the darkest days of the Judges, and to be honest, our current days are looking just as dark, maybe even as dark as the days of Noah. But not to worry, God already knows what the future holds.
We have journeyed with Naomi's family from, famine, death, tough travels, bitterness, empty handedness, kindness from strangers, hope, redemption, and a future! In the geneology of Jesus, God brings a great light through the birth of little Obed. Jesus our Kinsman Redeemer is at the end of the line of this list of "Movie Credits" at the end of the Book.
The last chapter of our lives is still being written. Even if these days look dark, even if these days look as dark as the Day's of Noah, there is still hope. There is Hope in Jesus. Our Redeemer lives. So don't give up. Keep looking up, keep looking at the finish line. There is still work for us to do here and we have hope in our hearts for the eternal future with our Fahter, with Jeus Christ in Heaven.
My hope is that you have fallen in love with His Word and more in love with Him through this Study through Ruth and dig deeper into the love letters. May you come to know your God more intimately before we meet Him soon, face to face.
Some may call this preaching to the Choir, but we are commanded, it's not a request, to comfort one another through the Word of God, because the "Choir" needs encouragement to finish strong in these last days. Who can mind the journey, when the road leads Home!
Email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or comments. You can sign up for the Newsletter here...... Moments with Moni for inside information, Blog news, special events, prayer requests, and much more.
Today's song, "Who Can Mind The Journey" by Brad & Monika Hardy
Thank you to all who have travelled along through this journey of Ruth.
Check back next week to find out the next series at Moments with Moni.
Blessings, Moni
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We heard Ruth humbled herself and laid at the feet of Boaz last week. Have you spent time at the feet of Jesus this week and given Him your troubles? Have you received peace of heart as you sit and wait until He takes care of all that concerns you? God’s timing is not always our time line, but make no mistake He will take care of you in your time of need. That care may not look like what you want, but He knows best and all things do work out for our good, and His glory.
When we come to know Jesus as our Redeemer, we look forward to the Hope of being with the lover of our souls forever, but there is still work to do in the here and now that we have the privilege of being a part of. God doesn’t need us, but gives us the honor of sharing Him with others so that we can be a part of the Covenant promise that He has made. He wants all people to be saved from an eternity without Him and to spend it in HIs presence, but He also gives hearts to option to choose Him or their own way. We know how that turned out in the Garden of Eden.
The Story of Romance and Redemption continue with chapter 4
Find more Episodes at Moments with Moni
"Bought with a Price" by Brad & Monika Hardy
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Bread Making Update
2:55 Ruth Chapter 3
Ruth and Boaz have had some time to get to know each other and when the time is right, Naomi, a picture of Israel, instructs Ruth a picture of the Church, to walk in obedience and
Wash herselfAnnoint herselfPut on a garmentRun to her near Kinsman Redeemer on the Threshing FloorThis story of Romance and Redemption gives us the gospel without mentioning a word about it. As belivers we are to:
Wash ourselves in the blood of Christ Walk in the annointing of the Holy SpiritPut on the Garments of RighteousnessCling to JesusRuth proposes marriage to Boaz, which was a culturally relevant way of saying, I'm a widow, take me as your wife. Yes a bold move on Ruth's part, but not inappropriate, as Ruth bases her attraction to Boaz on respect, not image or appearance. Listen in as we go through Chapter three.
More at Moments with Moni
Song by Brad & Monika Hardy "Jesus I Believe"
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A short tour through the end of Ruth Chapter 2 to understand an End times event. The Title Deed to planet Earth has been spoken of by Commentators as being unable to be opened in Revelation 5. The Scroll has been written on both front and back, implying it is full of information and then sealed with seven seals. They are not seals in succession throughout the scroll, but seals placed next to each other on the outside of the scroll as is customarily done in Hebrew culture, like in Jeremiah 32. Revelation 5 depicts a scene of sorrow for those present do not know of anyone that is worthy of opening this scroll to read the inheritance details. The contents of the scroll is not the point of the chapter, but the One who is worthy to break the seals and open it is! Jesus is the only one worthy to open the scroll and is revealed in the Book of revelation. In today's episode of Ruth, we see a picture of our Redeemer, of Boaz who is revealed as one of Naomi and Ruth's near Kinsman.
Momentswith Moni Blog
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Our Heroine Seeks refuge in Bethlehem and jumps straight into action to find food for herself and Naomi. Ever been in a difficult situation and find all you can do is take one more step? Ruth took that step and found herself in the field of a kind and generous man who offered to let her stay safely on his land while she gleaned after his servants who were harvesting his fields. Levitical law gave Ruth the right to do what she was doing, but she still asked in humility for the permission to do so. We find that her humility is rewarded greatly by someone who is a stranger to her.
This man, who owns the land she gleans food from, to help others. This man, offers more than just physical food, but also protection.This man invites her to sit and eat at his table.This man shares a meal of bread and fermented vinegar. This man gives much more of himself than what is required by law and extends grace. This man is a picture of what Jesus is for those who take refuge in Him, our Kinsman Redeemer.Do you want to be able to understand Revelation Chpater 5? The key lies within the pages of heart of Ruth. Scripture is filled with metaphors, pictures, Hebrew prophecy in patterns, that reveal a greater design by our Creator. Who is this man? Listen in......
Week 6 of The Book of Ruth
Bread Baking Update Segment
1:20 Worksheet Going Deeper Segment
3:00 Recap of last weeks Episode
4:14 Ruth Chapter 2:11-23 continues
11:45 You shall be satisfied
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Check out the Blog for posts and worksheets this week.
Moments with Moni Website
Guard your heart for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23
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Some consider the Bible a good antidote to insomnia.
Some consider the Book of Ruth nothing but a Romantic Chick Flick for Women's Bible Study. You know the swooning young lady who is in trouble then enter from Stage right, The Hero.
After listeing to today's episode as we dig deeper into the story, what say you?
Topics touched on today:
Levitical Law
Kinsman Redeemer
Coincidence or Divine Appointments
Abiding in Christ
Imperative Statements
Plus: The Winner of the $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway is Announced at the end of this Episode.
Thanks for helping Moments with Moni's Second Anniversary!
Moments with Moni Blog Post with the Worksheet for digging deeper on Episode 147.
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Has life dealt bitterly with you? Naomi, Ruth's Mother in Law, is considered by some commentators to be a female Job. Naomi's heart was broken into pieces. Like Naomi, we can choose to be bitter or better through our trials. Let's see how Naomi deals with her heartache and divine appointments. Are we watching for our own divine appointments in life? There is help for us from God. There is joy in the Lord.
Episode outline
Big Thank you's Giveaway Details for a chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card (Deadline Jan 30th, 2022 11:59 pm)Update on Blog Post Radical Ruth Quick Recap of Ruth so farMoving Forward Ruth 1:19-22
Reading Psalm 3
"If all the trials which come from heaven, all the temptations which ascend from hell, and all the crosses which arise from the earth, could be mixed and pressed together, they would not make a trial so terrible as that which is contained in this verse. It is the most bitter of all afflictions to be led to fear that there is no help for us in God." ~~Charles Spurgeon
Link to the Radical Ruth Post
Sourdough Instruction Post on the Blog Bethlehem & The House of Bread
Link to Worship Viedo of Mary Barrets song: Thou Art A Shield
Blessings, Moni
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Is our heart grounded in what God wants for us or will emotions and pain redirect our path. Will we turn away from Him, or will we cleave to Him? A superficial look at the words in Ruth would make a great Hallmark Card, but when we look deeper we can see history, culture and prophecy blend perfectly into commitment and radical love, and redemption.
There is no more male in Naomi's life in this patriarchal society. The choice is now in Naomi's lap and we tune in to see her decision. Orpah and Ruth are given choices as well, choose a forgein land or stick with what they know.
Covered in this episode: Ruth 1:6:18
We visit the idea of the Leverite Marriage Customs in this day. It is important to understand the culture of the time of Ruth. We don't have the thoughts of the characters all spelled out for us, but we must remember these are not two dimensional characters on a page. God's idea of a marriage is a covennant promise, not a contract.We must remember that life is hard, but God is good. He will never leave us or forsake us. Would you consider Ruth clingy, or radical, in a time when all did what was right in their own eyes?God knows where we make our bed. Hide yourself in Him. Take refuge in Him.~~~~Special Annoucement on this Episode. Listen in for the details.~~~~~
You can contact me at [email protected]
Check the Blog for FREE downloadable worksheets
Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23
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Today's episode opens with impending doom during a time when everyone did whatever they thought was right in their own head! Ever think life is so hard, and it takes a trun for the worse? Such is the case in the opening of the Book of Ruth. In the first 5 verses of Ruth we meet a family that travels from their homeland to a forgein land in hope of finding a better life. The grass always looks greener on the other side doesn't it?
Have your study supplies handy as you listen in:
Bible, Digital or Paper
Notebook or Journal
Markers (non bleed marker link from Glori Winders, Thanks Glori!)
My favorite version of the Bible is the KJV and I will be reading from it, however I will also be referencing other versions. I speak German as well as English and know that sometimes it's difficult to translate words from one language to the next. Since I don't speak Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic, I like to use the KJV with the Strongs concordance to give me better insight to the original words. As we read along, let the Holy Spirit teach your heart.
:21 Q & A Section for more info on the Study
4:31 Chapter 1 verses 1-5
Blog Worksheet Post for Tragedy & Death Episode 144
Thanks for listening to Moments with Moni and please, share it with a friend.
Intro music by Moni
Guard your heart with all dilligence, for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23
Previous Intro to Ruth Episode 143
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Intro to the Book of Ruth in this, the first episode of Moments with Moni in the New Year 2022~ with Bonus Episodes on Bread Making
1:30 Recommended Supply List:
Bible, Notebook or Journal, Pencil or pen, cup of tea or coffee is optional
A Book mark is Available FREE for Download at Moments with Moni on the S.O.A.P. method
3:40 Intro to Ruth, An Epic Tale of Romance to Redemption
Takes place at the tale end of the reign of the Judges when everyone did what was right in their own eyes. Sounds like today doesn't it?
Ruth is a picture of the Church
Naomi a picture of Israel
Boaz is a picture of a Kinsman Redeemer
How does all that work together, and how does it apply to my life?
9:15 A short intro to historical background behind Ruth
God is involved in the day to day details of our lives and cares for His people.
Link to the beginning of the Covenant Podcasts
Link to the S.O.A.P. Book mark Post on the Blog
You can contact Moni with questions or comments at
or text Moni at 1-703-951-3077
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The Last Episode of 2021 & Looking forward to 2022
1:00 Our first Family Christmas in the South.
2:10 Shout out for our Fellowship's Christmas Message and Link here
3:18 Crocheted Slippers and Link here
4:00 Christmas Gift of a Bread Machine and link here
4:30 Sourdough Starter Link Here
5:50 Gardening Hanging Pots Link Here
6:20 The Podcast Heard in 58 Countries!
7:24 A New Series announcement on Moments with Moni
(A dual topic of Bread Making and the Book of Ruth based in the House of Bread being Bethlehem)
9:20 Encouragement to join a Bible reading Group and Plan for the year ahead.
Guard your heart with all dilligence for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23
Moments with Moni Blog
Happy New Year!
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Christmas time is here! The week I look forward to all year. The oven makes the home warm and smell good. The aromas of fresh baked bread and cookies have brought the grandchildren lots of enjoyment along with the Christmas story.
1:30 Invite to our churches Video of the Christmas story like you have never heard it before
2:10 Shout out to Countries that have been listening to the Podcast
4:40 Shout out to my husband who is now 60 years old!
5:15 Luke Chapter 2:8-20 The Christmas Story of Jesus Birth. Jesus, born in a barn.
13:00 Praises and song "The Greatest Gift" by Monika, Brad, Stephen & Mike Hardy
From our Family to you and yours, a very Merry and Blessed Christmas as you spend time in His presence.
Moments with Moni
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