
  • In this episode, Lori and Heather talk about how Joseph from Genesis raises the bar to encourage us to be better and not bitter, to show grace rather than hold a grudge.

    They go on to unpack nine ways to encourage friendships among the siblings rather than foster rivalry as Jacob did with his sons.

    In this episode, they reference Episode 8: Get a Grip on Self Control and Patience

    Bible References: Genesis 37-50; Galatians 5:22-23; 1 John 4: 9-12

    The Messy Life of Parenting: Powerful and Practical Ways to Strengthen Family Connections
    Mama Needs a Time Out
    Messy Hope
    Raising Little Kids with Big Love
    Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love

    To find out more about Lori, go to

    You can find Heather at

    Links + Resources for Moms Together:

    Follow Moms Together on Instagram @MomsTogether
    Email: momsbettertogetherpodcast AT gmail DOT com

    Episode Image Credit: Getty/Andrew Rybalko

  • As moms, we realize the quality of forgiveness is a challenging one because it deals with hard things like hurt and betrayal. Today's guest, author and communicator Julie Sanders, describes why forgiveness is so needed in the culture today. She gives 4 practical and applicable tips for moms to implement so an atmosphere of forgiveness can permeate family relationships and the home.

    You can find more from Julie at her website:

    Bible References: Genesis 37-50; Genesis 45:5; Colossians 3:13

    Additional Resources on Forgiveness:
    Forgiveness for Times Like These by Julie Sanders
    In the Middle of Your Un-Fine Moments by Heather Riggleman

    To Find More from Heather and Lori:

    Episode Image Credit: Getty/Top Vectors

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  • In this episode, Lori and Heather talk about how to train our kids to steer clear of sexual sin, the way Joseph did in Genesis 39. Heather shares specific and cutting-edge strategies and apps her family has put into place following the time her eight-year-old accidentally discovered p*rn on the internet. Lori describes additional proactive and protective measures parents can take. The sin isn’t the temptation, the sin is engaging in it.

    Bible References: Genesis 37-50; Galatians 5:22-23; Proverbs 23:19

    Related Articles by Heather:
    The Roots of All Goodness Lie in Risk-Taking
    What Is the Key to Applying the Bible to My Life
    Is Sex Before Marriage a Sin?
    What Does the Bible Say about P*rnography?
    Is Oral Sex a Sin?
    What to Do When You Discover Your Partner Looking at P*rn

    Email: momsbettertogetherpodcast AT gmail DOT com

    To Find More from Heather and Lori:

    Episode Image Credit: Ponomariova Maria

  • Lori and Heather discuss how to cement the qualities of faithfulness and loyalty into the family. Heather describes throughout Joseph’s life how he demonstrates faithfulness and loyalty. The ways to weave these important family qualities into family relationships is done by promoting unity and trustworthiness. Lori offers 5 easily applicable ways to encourage these values in the family.

    Bible References: Genesis 37-50; Galatians 5:22-23; Psalm 40:11; Matthew 22:37

    Resources for this Podcast:

    How to Help Siblings Resolve Conflict
    Verses to Remind Us God Is Faithful
    How to Handle Character Assassination

    The Messy Life of Parenting: Powerful and Practical Ways to Strengthen Family Connections
    Mama Needs a Time Out
    Messy Hope
    Raising Little Kids with Big Love
    Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love

    To find out more about Lori, go to

    You can find Heather at

    Links + Resources for Moms Together:

    Follow Moms Together on Instagram @MomsTogether
    Email: momsbettertogetherpodcast AT gmail DOT com

    Episode Image Credit: Getty/Yevhenii Dorofieiev

  • Lori and Heather talk with Emily Scott about the tragedy her family faced when they lost everything in a California wildfire. Emily and her husband, Chris, used this horrifying event to show their children how they can triumph in the tragedy. Together they led and walked alongside their children to show them how to respond to great difficulties and loss.

    As Joseph was able to thrive in his present circumstances, the Scott family discovered peace in the present. Emily shares 5 ways she and her husband guided their family through their trial by fire and describes the things they all gained in the loss.

    Bible References: Genesis 37-50; Galatians 5:22-23; Philippians 4:7

    Find Emily at Renewed Hope

    Resources for this Podcast:
    No Fear Bible Study
    The Surprising Ingredient Required for Your Child's Success
    7 Ways to Help Your Child Through Today's Stressful Times
    Open or Shut?
    Messy Hope

    To find out more about Lori, go to

    You can find Heather at

    Links + Resources for Moms Together

    Follow Moms Together on Instagram @MomsTogether
    Email: momsbettertogetherpodcastATgmailDOTcom

    Episode Image Credit: Getty/BRO Vector

  • Lori and Heather talk about how to foster the qualities of kindness and gentleness in ourselves and in our kids. They take a close look at those qualities found in our Biblical hero, Joseph. Joseph shows how he demonstrated kindness even to those who had been cruel to him.

    As moms, we realize it takes time to grow this fruit of the spirit and we can partner with God to develop these traits in ourselves and in our kids. The co-hosts provide 5 practical and easily applicable ways to cultivate the Joseph-like qualities of gentleness, compassion, and kindness in family life today.

    Resource for this podcast:
    The Messy Life of Parenting: Powerful and Practical Ways to Strengthen Family Connections
    Mama Needs a Time Out
    Messy Hope
    Messy Journey
    Raising Little Kids with Big Love
    Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love
    Empowered Parents: Putting Faith First
    How to Be a Better Mom According to the Bible!

    To find out more about Lori, go to

    You can find Heather at

    Links + Resources for Moms Together
    Follow Moms Together on Instagram @MomsTogether

    Episode Image Credit: Getty/Svetlana Krivenceva

  • In this episode, Lori and Heather discuss how to foster the qualities of self-control and patience in ourselves and in our kids. Lori offers three ways moms can encourage the development of self-control and patience in their children and in themselves.

    They also take a close look at the life of our Biblical hero, Joseph, found in Genesis 37-50. God nurtured the qualities of self-control and patience in Joseph as Joseph served as a slave for eleven years and was a prisoner for two years. These two characteristics needed to be developed in Joseph, so he was ready to fulfill the purpose God had for Egypt and Joseph’s family.

    As moms, we realize it takes time to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit. We can partner with God to develop these traits in ourselves and in our kids.

    Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

    For more information on how to grow the qualities of patience and self-control in your child check out Raising Little Kids with Big Love or Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love (Wildenberg & Danielson, Bold Vision Books)

    Here are three resources to help moms with kids with special needs and how to fight anxiety during the pandemic:

    7 Tips to Help Parent Your ADHD Child

    Your Child Has... Life with Autism and ADHD

    Anxiety in Quarantine

    Bible References:
    Genesis 37-50
    Galatians 5: 22-26
    Ecclesiastes 7:8

    For more information on Moms Together go to

    Email: momsbettertogetherpodcast AT gmail DOT com

  • In Episode 7, Lori and Heather discuss what to do when your child wanders off the expected path, even though he or she was parented in a way that honors the Lord. Samson succumbed to his own personal sin propensity even when he was raised by faith-filled parents. This heartbreaking scenario is one many moms and dads experience today. If you are the mom of a prodigal this podcast is for you. You will be equipped and encouraged with 3 practical ways to offer a way back to you and to God that is filled with grace and truth. There is hope. And you are not alone.

    Resource for this podcast:
    The Messy Life of Parenting: Powerful and Practical Ways to Strengthen Family Connections by Lori Wildenberg
    Mama Needs a Time Out
    The Messy Life of Parenting
    Messy Journey: How Grace and Truth Offer the Prodigal a Way Home
    Raising Little Kids with Big Love
    Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love
    Empowered Parents: Putting Faith First

    To find out more about Lori, go to

    You can find Heather at or on Facebook.

    Links + Resources for Moms Together
    Follow Moms Together on Instagram @MomsTogether

    Episode Image Credit: Getty/nadia_bormotova

  • Lori and Heather discuss how to arm our kids to counter the culture by using Chapter 1 of Daniel to direct the conversation. Scripture shows us how Daniel’s parents equipped Daniel to stand strong in his faith, even when he, as a young person, was ripped from his family and taken captive by the Babylonians. Discover 4 ways parents, with God’s help, can equip their kids to counter the culture.

    Resource for this podcast:
    The Messy Life of Parenting: Powerful and Practical Ways to Strengthen Family Connections by Lori Wildenberg
    Mama Needs a Time Out
    The Messy Life of Parenting
    Messy Journey: How Grace and Truth Offer the Prodigal a Way Home
    Raising Little Kids with Big Love
    Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love
    Empowered Parents: Putting Faith First

    To find out more about Lori, go to

    You can find Heather at or on Facebook.

    Links + Resources for Moms Together
    Follow Moms Together on Instagram @MomsTogether

    Episode Image Credit: Getty/Jutta Kuss

  • In Episode 5, Lori and Heather discuss prayer, commitment, sacrifice, and vision. In 1st Samuel 1, we witness Hannah’s plea to the Lord for a child.

    We relate to Hannah’s anguish and her heartfelt prayer. Scripture shows us how to approach God in our suffering and struggles. Lori and Heather discuss 5 principles to apply from 1st Samuel 1. Listen to discover what those applications and principles are and share them with your tween-young adult.

    Resource for this podcast:
    Mama Needs a Time Out by Heather Riggleman

    Episode Image Credit: Getty/Anastasia Molotkova

  • Episode 4: Rise Up to Identify Healthy Relationships

    In Episode 4, Lori and Heather discuss friendships and how to help our kids (and ourselves) enjoy healthy relationships and steer clear of toxic ones. In Luke 1:1-46, we learn about the friendship between Mary and Mary’s relative, Elizabeth. Scripture gives us a glimpse into their friendship and shows us what a healthy interdependent relationship looks like. Lori and Heather bring to light 4 types of unhealthy and toxic relationships and how to respond to them. Listen to find out what those relationships look like and how to seek out healthy connections instead.

    Resource for this podcast:
    The Messy Life of Parenting: Powerful and Practical Ways to Strengthen Family Connections by Lori Wildenberg

    To find out more about Lori, go to

    You can find Heather at or on Facebook.

    Links + Resources for Moms Together
    Follow Moms Together on Instagram @MomsTogether

    Mama Needs a Time Out
    The Messy Life of Parenting
    Messy Journey: How Grace and Truth Offer the Prodigal a Way Home
    Raising Little Kids with Big Love
    Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love
    Empowered Parents: Putting Faith First

    Episode Image Credit: Getty/Venimo

  • In Episode 3, Lori and Heather discuss raising brave and resilient kids. The women in Moses’ early life modeled bravery and resiliency (Exodus 2:1-10). Heather shares her personal family story, full of traumatic health issues, and their impact on her family. The Rigglemans have literally moved from being independent souls to a connected, interdependent family. Listen to discover the 4 ways to weave hope into your family so connection, resilience, and bravery can be fostered and grown in your kids.

    Key Scripture Verses: Exodus 2:1-10, Exodus 6:20, Hebrews 11:23-29, Acts 7:20-22

    Find More from Lori:

    Find More from Heather:

    Episode Image Credit: Getty/Klaus Vedfelt

  • In our second episode, we tackle the challenges moms of young adults (tweens to twenty-somethings) face in order to rise up to release faith-filled kids. Our children’s ever-changing developmental stages demand we do multiple parenting shifts.

    Scripture: Luke 2:41-52

    Mary, the mother of Jesus, learned this lesson in Luke 2:41-52. Here, we find Mary searching frantically for her son when she should have been searching for a young man.

    Join Lori and Heather as they unpack three simple tips to help release our kids bit by bit so we can be the mom our kids need.

    To learn more about parenting styles and the parenting shift checkout: Raising Little Kids with Big Love or Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love (Wildenberg and Danielson, Bold Vision Books).

    Like Mary, if you need a time out to ponder mothering moments, checkout Mama Needs a Time Out: Getaways For the Mom’s Soul by Heather Riggleman.

    For more information on Lori and Heather go to

    Episode Image Credit: Getty/Fona2

  • In 2 Timothy 1:5, we read about Eunice and Lois, the mother and grandmother duo who raised Timothy. Paul credits them for passing along their sincere faith to Timothy. We are called, as believing moms, to do the same. All we need is the confidence and the tools do it. Lori and Heather offer four practical ways to set the stage for faith to blossom. They also discuss how to ready our kids for a culture that will challenge their faith.

    To dig deeper into the topic of raising faith-filled kids check out: The Messy Life of Parenting: Powerful and Practical Ways to Strengthen Family Connections by Lori Wildenberg, New Hope Publishers:

    Links + Resources
    Visit Moms Together:
    Visit The Moms Together Facebook Page:
    Join the Moms Together Facebook Group:
    Follow Moms Together on Instagram @MomsTogether

    Mama Needs a Time Out
    The Messy Life of Parenting
    Messy Journey: How Grace and Truth Offer the Prodigal a Way Home
    Raising Little Kids with Big Love
    Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love
    Empowered Parents: Putting Faith First

    Episode Image Credit: Getty/Malte Mueller