Who are you missing?
There is a river of grief flowing through all of us. Can you feel it?
We do our best to be strong, to carry on. But grief lingers beneath the surface—both personal and collective. We can hold it back for a time, but eventually, it must flow.
This meditation offers you a sacred space to release, to surrender, to allow the healing gift of tears. It is a permission slip for the sweet relief of good grief.
Featuring Singing You Home, Mama—a song Jennifer wrote and sang to her mother in her final days—this meditation is an embrace for your heart. The song is part of Jennifer's Lie Down in That Grass collection, and you can find most of her music here: Jennifer Ruth Russell on Bandcamp.
Let yourself be held. Let yourself be loved. Let yourself grieve.
Step into the full spectrum of the Christ Light – the Light of Unconditional Love, Infinite Wisdom, Divine Will, and Oneness.
As the Christ Light floods the Earth, profound transformations are happening within you, touching every cell and every level of your being. This cosmic shift is upgrading your entire Lightbody.
Join Mother Mary in a guided meditation designed to bring ease and grace to this extraordinary evolutionary process, supporting you in aligning with the higher frequencies now anchoring on the planet.
Ready to deepen your understanding of your 5th-dimensional chakras and expand into your full potential? Explore our Expand Your Lightbody 101 course.
Pono is the song beneath this meditation is played by Michael Gayle. It is on Jennifer and Michael’s Ho’oponopono Prayer Chant CD.
You can find most of Jennifer’s music on Bandcamp.
You are ascending into the unknown, rising as a beacon of Light, stepping into your soul mission like never before.
The path ahead may feel like walking blindfolded, with only your heart stretching toward the Light.
In this mystical meditation, Cosmic Angel Micah, the Archangel of Unity—also known as Jeshua—guides you to anchor the remembrance of home and the profound purpose of why you are here.
Trust your own progress. It’s perfectly designed. Let this journey deepen your faith and illuminate your next steps.
Expand Your Lightbody 101 course offers the solution—a gentle and approachable journey to integrate the teachings of Expanded Lightbody Meditations: Chakra Awakening: 12 Transcendent Journeys with Archangels. Prompted by a long-time friend who asked for a breakdown of the material, this course allows us to move at a pace that’s comfortable and easy to integrate. Join us. We begin on January 22nd, 6:30 EDT.
In order to welcome more miracles into your day, start your day with morning praises.
Sing praises and dance. It will keep your heart light.
Eleanor Farjoen wrote these amazing words that will help us do that in Morning Has Broken.
Michael Gayle’s song, Moon Pants is perfect for a morning dance of praise.
You’ll find it on his Highway CD.
Listen to more Morning Light Meditations here.
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"Where your consciousness is, there you are, for 'I AM' everywhere." ~ Ascended Master Saint Germain
The illusion of space, time, and distance often creates unnecessary stress in our lives. This meditation invites you to transcend these limitations and enter an infinite ocean of inner Peace.
Guided by the Mighty Elohim Peace and Aloha on the Ruby Gold Ray of Peace, Grace, and Ministration, you'll be supported in stepping into the profound calm of Eternal Peace.
The featured song in this episode, There is Nothing but Peace, with lyrics by Ernest Holmes and music by Jennifer Ruth Russell, is from her One with the One CD
You can find most of the music on these podcasts on Jennifer’s bandcamp site.
Want to know more about the Angels of Abundance Ascension Academy?
Join the Angels of Abundance, Golden White Unicorns, and Golden Dragons as they accelerate your ascension and elevate your experience of the new faith currency.
This visual meditation invites these Mighty Beings of Light to lift you into a Circle of Opulence, where, one breath at a time, you can release all burdens into the tender loving care of Mother-Father God.
Return often to the Cleansing Circle of Light to refresh and renew. This meditation is taking right of Jennifer's book, Opulence Infusion, a new faith currency.
The light song “Calibration Chamber,” featured under this meditation, is part of Jennifer’s EP Opulence, available on her Bandcamp page:
Are you ready to release stress and lower your heart rate?
This meditation will help your body enter a state of relaxation and connection.
By chanting So Hum, (which means I AM that ... that referring to all of creation, the One breathing us all), it helps us to deepen into Oneness and preparation for the silence of your soul.
Humming stimulates your vagus nerve and releases your fight-or-flight response.
When the vagus nerve is stimulated it activates your parasympathetic nervous system. That helps you to calm down, lower your blood pressure and makes your tummy happy.
If this podcast supports you spiritually, please consider fueling it with your financial support. Any amount is appreciated.
In this meditation, you'll experience the transformative power of the Expanded Navel Chakra from Jennifer’s new book, Expanded Lightbody Meditations, launching November 15th. This chakra acts as a vibrant, orange sun at your core, aligning you with your soul family and unlocking your creative potential.
Guided by Archangel Gabriel, Lady Hope, Mother Mary, and Kwan Yin, the Expanded Navel Chakra invites you to release the need to be “special” and embrace your true worth, allowing you to give freely from a place of authenticity.
Join Jennifer on November 15th for a live Full Moon Meditation to celebrate the book’s launch! Help her reach Amazon BestSeller status by sharing this work, and consider joining the Light Lovers Expansion Team—a community dedicated to spreading these teachings. By joining, you’ll receive two exclusive meditations as a thank-you and be part of a group bringing this inspiring work to more souls.
Here’s how to join the Light Lovers Expansion Team:
Together, we can help Jennifer reach her goal of becoming a bestselling author and share these sacred teachings with the world.
Are you feeling powerless or overwhelmed by the current election polls and the endless noise surrounding them?
The good news: we don’t have to sit in frustration or fear. In times like these, we have a powerful spiritual tool that can make a real difference—prayer.
Speak this decree of Divine Will, Justice, and Love to guide our leaders and elevate this election process.
When we invoke the Violet Flame, it helps cleanse and elevate the process of governance, allowing justice, compassion, and wisdom to guide decisions, instead of self-interest and division.
By coming together and speaking these words, we can spark the transformation we need, opening the door to Divine Governance—where choices are made for the highest good of all. We are co-creating a world grounded in spiritual truth and integrity – a world where every voice is heard and honored.
Here’s the Decree for Divine Governance written out. Click here to access.
The song, The Heart of America, that you hear beneath this prayer was composed by Jennifer.
In this powerful meditation we unite to call in the Holy Light of Love for the upcoming elections in the United States and for the world.
Through a decree for Divine Governance, we invoke the Mighty Angelic Host and Sacred Fire Love to ensure God’s Perfection in all people and official places.
Let’s hold the highest ground and light we possibly can now and stand in the highest Truth, beyond fear and division.
From the authority of My Mighty I AM Presence and the aurthority of the Archangels Octave and the authority of the Angelic Host: I demand the descent of the Sacred Fire Eternal Love to charge God's Perfection around and with all elementals, all people, and in all official places.
The song beneath this meditation is called become.
You’ll find it on Jennifer’s and Michael Gayle’s CD, be.
I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.
This Ancient Huna prayer of the Ho’oponopono makes all things right,
This meditation helps to cleanse our hearts of all resentments and blame using the Ho'oponopono Prayer Chant and the Violet Flame
A pure heart keeps us miracle ready and available for the highest service.
The Ho'oponopono Prayer Chant on the Ho'oponopono Prayer Chant CD was composed by Jennifer Russell and masterfully recorded and produced by Michael Gayle.
You can find all of Jennifer’s published music here.
Watch the video for a visual experience.
You are Love and Love commands. You are the Creative Power of the Universe that directs and conducts the Sacred Fire Love. You are one with the Mind of God, where everything; past, present, and future is known.
You have a Scepter of Power that pulls heaven to earth.
What are you waiting for? Step up to the dais, pick up your scepter of power, point it where it’s needed and declare the Truth.
OMG are you powerful. The experience of doing this will build your confidence. It will build your faith.
Michael Gayle’s plays the song, Declare, that accompanies this meditation. Listen to more of his music HERE.
Are you tired of stressing out about your finances? Discover the surprising spiritual secret to open the flow of abundance.
Claim your full scholarship to Mother Mary’s online master class - Money Miracles with Mother Mary
In this guided meditation, Holy Amethyst and Lord Zadkiel assist us in purifying and revitalizing our auric field with the transformative power of the Violet Flame. Often referred to as the cosmic eraser, the Violet Flame is an invaluable tool that can transmute feelings of depression into pure joy.
Here are 5 videos to help you learn about your auric field and keep it healthy. Click Here.
The meditation is beautifully accompanied by piano music played by Jennifer, creating a soothing and uplifting experience.
Who is Jennifer Ruth Russell? Find out more about her here.
Do you see your body as a trusted ally on your spiritual journey, or does it feel like an unpredictable mystery that might be working against you?
If you're already in the midst of an illness, how can you find peace and trust in your body's ability to heal?
Every part of your body is made of pure spiritual substance. This spiritual body can’t deteriorate and is eternally perfect. The only challenge is that your mind is not fully aware of this.
This meditation will guide you in speaking the Truth, allowing your mind to recognize Spirit as the substance of your body, enabling the body to heal.
This Spirit Body Prayer is drawn directly from Ernest Holmes' book, This Thing Called You.
Michael Gayle accompanies this meditation with his new song, "Midnight Grace," which will be featured in his upcoming collection, Listening to the Moon. Listen to more of his music HERE.
If this podcast supports you spiritually, please consider fueling it with your financial support.
Connecting with a dragon will lift your spiritual practice.
In this meditation, you'll spend time with a magnificent Dragon, Archangel Gabriel, and Lady Hope as they assist in your expansion and enlightenment.
Aligned with Divine will, the Dragon brigade has returned to help us raise the planet’s light quota. As ancient guardians since the time of Lemuria, they are here to help you remember your divine potential and activate your sacred gifts.
Michael Gayle’s accompanies this meditation with a new song, Air Dragon. Listen to more of his music HERE.
Whenever you are in fear or panic around money, or you feel limited in any way, come back to this simple practice with Mother Mary and the Angels of Abundance.
The intimacy of joining your heart with Mother Mary’s Immaculate Heart not only reminds you of your own Perfection, but increases your flow of Abundance, Strength, Beauty, and momentum of Light
The song, Connect, underneath this meditation was composed by Jennifer.
You can find most of her music on
If this podcast supports you spiritually, please consider fueling it with your financial support.
Do you want to renew and refresh your mind?
This simple meditation offers you the transformative power of stillness. In this serene space, healing flows naturally, and creativity flourishes.
"Be still and know that I am God" is from Psalm 46:10.
The soothing melodies of "Believe" from the CD 'be,' composed by Michael Gayle and Jennifer Russell, guide you deeper into relaxation and presence.
Are you navigating through a tough time, like a divorce, legal battle, or addiction recovery? Maybe you're in the midst of a major project and need an extra push.
Victory, just like abundance, is part of your Divine Inheritance. Mighty Victory, the tall man from Venus, radiates the Flame of Victorious Accomplishments. He brings his powerful cosmic momentum of victory to inspire us to accept no compromise.
This meditation is set to the beautiful song "Flutterby" by Jennifer. Most of the music featured in our podcasts can be found on Jennifer’s Bandcamp page. Explore her work here:
Saint Germain, the Lord of Freedom and Avatar for the Age of Aquarius, is leading us into a Golden Age of Miracles and financial freedom. His force field, the shape that moves and projects his Flame of Freedom, is the Maltese Cross.
You are a divine alchemist of Light. In this meditation, Saint Germain will show you how to use the Maltese Cross to access the Great Law that governs Gold.
Every Golden Age is backed by the substance of Pure Gold. The standard of gold is the Christ/Buddha consciousness. It is the golden rule fully expressed. – God of Gold, Opulence Infusion – a new faith currency by Jennifer Ruth Russell
The music behind this meditation, Down Stream, was created by Michael Gayle. Listen to more of his music here.
If this podcast supports you spiritually, please consider fueling it with your financial support.
You were created to love deeply, free from fear, control, and manipulation.
We've all experienced the pain of a broken heart.
Now, it's time to dismantle the walls of false protection and allow your heart to heal.
The song, My Heart, underneath this meditation was composed by Jennifer.
You can find most of Jennifer’s music on
If this podcast supports you spiritually, please consider fueling it with your financial support. Any amount is appreciated.
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