
  • Hayao Miyazaki's "Ponyo" is a colorful sight of a film to see with a beautiful way to tell a story of how the test of friendship can LITERALLY disbalance the earth. What a way to tell a film without having a bad guy, it's all about something for the good of all kinds, not just man. Miyazaki likes to put the awareness and importance of maintaining the sustainability of our earth, our environment. I like the slight agresssive attack towads that thematic and how it overall ties to the film. it's a character of it's own, if you ask me. What's there to say, the film is enjoyable. It's a story you can definitely invest your energy in because it does take you for a ride. To see the sequence of Ponyo catching up to the BAD ASS tiny car, is really a testament to the art of anime filmmaking. Thank you, Hayao Miyazaki for giving us "Ponyo".

    Four out of Four tokes.

    #ponyo #hayaomiyazaki

  • Lars von Trier is a controversial filmmaker with his work and as a person himself. Due to his depression that, he creates films with dark characters with, sometimes, dark storylines. But his films are great. Some are beautifully shot with referneces to classical art. This film "Melancholia" is one of those. It's about the last days of the world due to a planet that is literally going to crash into Earth and the main character welcomes with open arms. It's more dramatic than how it sounds but it's there and it's in full effect. The film is great for its cinematography, how Earth plays a role as a planet that is dying by the frame and we get to see characters go through it. We see characters that represent illnesses such as depression and anxiety. The film highlights and sometimes makes it very visually poetic.I love the fact that Trier made a film like this and it's not overdramatic. Overall, it's a dark and straight-in-your-face type of filmmaking that anybody can appreciate.

    Four out of four tokes.

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  • Éric Rohmer ends his famous "Tales of the Four Seasons" with "Autumn Tale". It's a French romance comedy about a woman who operates a vineyard, thinks about the idea of dating again and it focuses on the middle age folks, which is a bit different from the other season films. Magali's friends decide to take matters into their own hands and get matches for her. At this wedding party, it all goes down and it's an iconic scene itself. I love the film for it's rich and engaging screenplay and the actors who make these characters very real, especially when they conversate which is a huge strength that Rohmer. This film gives us insight to people who are older and wiser. We see a perspective that's almost too foreign for us especially if we dont match the same age. I can wacth this film all day and so should you.

    I give it four out of four tokes.

    #ericrohmer #filmreview #autumntale

  • David Lynch's "Inland EMpire" is a crazy psychological thriller that I had the pleasure of watching. I three hour film shot on a sony digital camcorder and it makes perfect sense as to why he choose to shoot a film like this. A film that barely has a script but as holoow as it many seem, it film goes into alternate realities where we question our own reality. It's a film about a "woman in toruble" that takes on a film set. Laura Dern's character is an actress who's gonna star in a film that's known to have a death that occurs which stopped it in the place. But not for this crew. They decide to do it anyway and stuff happens. It's like a huge portal that leads to all portals and it makes sense in some way. I admire the work Lynch put especially Laura Dern. She deserved an Academy Award for this film.

    Three and a half out of four tokes.

    #davidlynch #inlandempire #filmreview

  • The Coen Brothers are incredible filmmakers. They are known for their screenwriting and direction. From wacky comedies to serious dramas, they always go for the heart and it gets us to wonder about life and the meaning of it. "A Serious Man" is a 2009 comedy drama that's dark about Larry who is about to get divorced and doesn't know why but we see why. But not only that, he has other struggles that really break this man down but not completely because of his faith in Judasim. The only thing that he ponders about is the meaning of life and bad things happen to him. It spirals to an existential journey in a small Minnesota town. I dig this film in how the cinematography amps up the struggles that these characters go through and as well as the screenwriting. The dialog is superb and pushes the story forward. We are meant to see this man and yell at him on the screen because the answers to his problems are sort of in front of him and he eventually figures it out. Not a film for a peson for action but if you're in some type of crisis, this one is for you. The characters are great and written very well and they bounce off each other and they sure deserve it.

    Four out of four tokes

    #coenbrothers #aseriousman

  • "Todo Sobre Mi Madre" is one of Pedro Almovodvar's great films especially of the 90s. It's a complex drama surrounding a mother dealing with her only son's death and actually doing something about it. She goes into a spiral of events that eventually answers deeper questions of her past lives. It's almost that thing where you can't lead into the future unless you can let go of the past. A great film because it's full of laughs and legitimate drama. Thw riting is excellent because gets sucked in and the cast that highlights it makes you wonder why they haven't been on the big screen. You can see greatness even from the small, local stage.

    Four out of four tokes.

    #allaboutmymother #pedroalmodovar #filmreview

  • "Lamb" or natively "Dýrið", is a crazy folk horror film and there is a twist and a couple of turns. The director did a pretty good job showing us the effectiveness without spoon feeding like American horror films. it's a about a couple who discover a lamb that has features of a human. You have to see it to not only believe it, but to see how it plays out. The ending is unexpected. The way the characters play out the story seems plain but there's a lot of dark pain in it and it slowly unfolds. It's a not a simple and the cinematography backs that up. It may be beautiful in Iceland, but what surrounds it is the scary part. Fogs, mountains and unpaved roads represents the film. It's vast and you can easily get lost with little hope. I dug the screenplay of this film. It's precise as to how the characters operate and slowly develop. We care about them, trying to live a simple farm life but circumstances were not in their favor. Please watch this film, it's available on Prime Video FOR FREE, you will not be disappointed.

    Three and a half out of four tokes.

    #lamb #lambfilm #noomirapace

  • Xavier Guerrero is my guest for this episode reviewing the film "A Summer's Tale" of "A Tale of Smmer"--however you want to pronounce it--is a comedy film by Éric Rohmer. He is a beast in comedy, witty and impactful philosophical writing and direction that seems breathless to the eyes. In this film in particular, it's about a dude who comes with no dilemmas ending into evading a huge one that dealt with three women. Man, what a film. XG and I talk about suspenseful it gets with the different dynamics of each of the women and the intersection of them with the main character, Gaspard. We also talk about how easy and simple the film is in its cinematography and how the characters speak to each other- very natural with constant wit. It's a sparring battle and it's crazy how it carries the film's overall plot. It's just sets up only to get knocked down to the next part of story. It's a good film, great laugh and it's simple. Maybe too simple. it's films like these where you can really take and enjoy for what it is. We both agreed how it does take a while for the film to really get to the excitemenr of the second act. I was amazed as to how XG can get actually frustrated having captions in front of women, especially women in a French coast setting. Oh, X. But that right there tells you what a good job this film did with the casting and these actors owned their characters.

    Four out of Four Tokes


  • "Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire", a fun film with a lame plot where somehow we had to revolve it around an existential crisis from a teenager that I feel doesn't work. I don't mind the film getting to the roots of demons and how it ties into ghosts. That part still barely makes sense but it's better than Phoebe trying to figure herself out. I felt cheated, like it forced us to try to be "woke". I don't mind an existential crisis but it has to tie well with the overall plot and I feel we two different plots going on at the same time and the only people to save it was the OGs that included Bill Murray. The acting is pretty all right in this film especially the dialog but again, the overall film wanes with trying to tie that in, like it doesn't know what it wants to be or rather, it doesn't know where to stick to. It is a family film of sorts that I'm sure can be relatable but when you have a teenage girl talking about death half the time in the film and preferring a state of death/ghost, it disconnects right off the bat. That I can't get behind at all. Shit like that is influential and can cause of wave of people being that open to put themselves in that state of mind. That's a red flag.

  • "Lost In Translation" is an iconic film written & directed by Sofia Coppola. It's one of the first films in her career that is very visual with a simple but profound plot where two travelers from America are missing something. One just graduated from college, married and with no clue with what to with life. The other was a famous actor and now does commercials, married but unhappy. He has little clue as to how to move forward with life. They meet and the rest is history. The film touches the idea of social/cultural displacement and the question of what to do with life and how to find meaning of it. There's no crazy action, there are no twists, it's two main characters journeying life and they make it fun. It's a film where Tokyo is a main character in itself, that teaches us to make adpations and find new ways to jumpstart ambition. I review this film with E-Zone. We touch on how personal issues define us, the cinematography showing beautiful Japan, and the writing. The writing is great and these actors nailed the characters highs and lows. The film ultimately shows me that you can make a simple setup and have millions gather around you because you made it very relatable.


    #lostintranslation #sofiacoppola #film

  • We all know Zack Snyder and what he's known for. He's definitelty a celebrated filmmaker. Has made numerous superhero films in the DC Comics universe and the iconic "300". But before all that, he re-made "Dawn of the Dead". Now, I didn't compare the two. You really can't, thery're their own films. It's fun to see Tom Savini be a part of the 2004 version. Now, I'm not a big fan of Snyder and "Dawn of the Dead" but it's not a bad film. It's not a great film either. I talk about the casting, how the characters develop as they interact with each other and the situations they go through to trying to escape a mall without being harmed an attracting zombie attention. I do like the moral dilemma that the film faces when it comes to death. It also makes it entertaining because at the most part, it is a action zombie flick. The zombies are pretty legit. I do hate some of the characters. I wish there was a bit more do to with the plot overall instead of the typical "how do we survive the zombie apocalypse"?


    two and a half out of four tokes

    #dawnofthedead #zacksnyder

  • Janeen Damian once again directs Lindsey Lohan in the film "Irish Wish", a rom com about an editor who is in love with her boss who is the author of books that get published. Guess what, a fairy godmother of sorts grants Lohan's character's wish to get married with this guy. Then, it's a journey of love dispelling the notion of true love especially when she starts hanging out with this photographer who, guess what, gets her! Who would have thought, right? This is not a good film but it tries really hard. I talk about the strengths of Lohan's acting. I also discuss the screenplay of this film in which I think needs a lot of work and would have made Lohan's character be stronger for the film's overall message. But it wouldn't have mattered because the film gives itself away. It's waay too predictable but like I said in the podcast, this is a major watch due to Lindsey Lohan herself - she looks great, can still deliver a good acting performance, and is likable overall. And of course, I do like the film because it's set in Ireland and they did a good job giving us authentic Irish vibes.

    Two and a half out of four tokes.

    #irishwish #netflix

  • Jonathan Glazer is a trailblazer of a filmmaker. "The Zone of Interest" is another win for him and filmmaking in general. He was able to use sound to highlight the horrors of the holocaust. He chose to not show any kind of violance whatsoever and the sound makes up for. It's a simple story of a family of Nazis who live in a beautiful home RIGHT NEXT TO the Auschwitz concentration camp ran by Rudolf Höss. It focuses mainly on Rudolf Höss and his wife Hedwig, seeing life in their evil lives, living peacfully, almost gracefully with the help of their staff which happen to be Jews. There are no happy endings, only the dissection of how cruel we can be as a people to one another and we don't have to see any deaths. It's through what some of the characters comment and how they are use to the fact that what goes on the next is completely normal to them. It's mind-boggling. It's hard pill to swallow throughout because these folks are living happily with no acknowledgement of the evil they are a part of and sadly, proud of. This film is sort of a meditation piece of cinema. We see dramatized facts unfold of evil and we also see how men can evolve by throwing the very last of human morales. I recommend everyone to see this film. Glazer did a good job getting us up and close to this film by having invasive camera work, attention to detail in almost every shot, and the cast is great. They play their roles convincing. However, the plot is is almost minimalistic.

    Three and a half out of four tokes.

    #thezoneofinterest #filmreview #morningreel

  • "Priscilla" shows a very mature and talented Sofia Coppola exploring the exodus of Elvis and Priscilla Presley's life as romantic partners. The caasting is pretty good. We definitely see how Priscilla grows up on screen played by the same actress. It's a dramatized version of their romance with a straightforward story and plot. It's pretty intimate, gets up close at one point where we see eyeballs, a lot of attention to detail. We get to know how in all apsects of hers and their lives as a whole. We do see relationship that is obviously built on lust in the most general sense (this was in the '50s) eventually enfolding to an adult and complicated marriage where Elvis is definitely KING and Priscilla not getting the respect she deserves as a woman especially of her age, she has no natural outlook of thr concept of love and the notion of "my one and ony" but the tabloid crushes her everything. Whatever news she gets is not being able to independently explore the outside world which is ironic beceause Elvis never toured outside the United States. Elvis wanted a certan kind of woman which eventually to Priscilla's self-respect, begins to break glass door down. It's a feisty film but it's like a slow climb where when you turn around, you see nothing but the beautiful landscape. But it's quite a climb which is hard for the viewer to want to keep up.

    Three and a half out of four tokes.

    #priscillafilm #filmreview #sofiacoppola

  • Kevin Smith wrote, directed, and edited "Zack Miri Make a Porno" which is an ambitious film about people who get together and make something especially when you gotta make quick money. But life is about more than money and that's where this film stands out and it especially stands out from Kevin Smith's filmography. The man proves he is more than just a "sequel" director. The characters in this film prove themselves even as simple as making an adult film. I dig the film the film for it's premise. It's plot is plain for the most part because we can already tell what's gonna happen at the end but it's fun to see HOW that works out. It's a fun watch but it does have serious moments when it comes to love & romance even between the main characters we have. This film is sweet overall because it tells us that it's never too late to change your life for the better. If you believe in yourself & your ideas and have a strong supporting cast to back you up, you can conquer. Yes, this film as raunchy as it seems, does that. Watch it.

    Three out of four tokes.

    #zackandmirimakeaporno #kevinsmith #filmreview

  • Jonathan Demme is a master filmmaker and he shows us his storytelling prowess with "The Silence of the Lambs". The film is not only great because of its premise and engaging plot but the power of the close up. That close up is a very powerful use of cinematography and by keeping us at that close up for the majority of the film, you cant help but continue to watch. I can understand why people would pay to see this film on the big screen. Those details are scary. Jodie Foster played a great Clarice Starling, showing a character that is compassionate about people and justice itself. The film is pretty straightforward for the most part with minor twists but all the juice is simply from how the writer was clever to put plot motives at the right places. This is a film where you don't anticipate an ending like we see and it's a great payoff.

    Four out of four tokes

    #thesilenceofthelambs #jonathandemme #filmreview

  • "A Ghost Story" is a film all about time as it states in its poster. And it is. It's a strong film written & directed by David Lowery who casted Casey Affleck and Rooney Mara about two people who love each other and they eventually lose each other. It's more really more about the journey than it is about the couple itself and how the film works, it's meditational piece of art. Now there are cons as I talk about them in the film just in the aspect of how the story can push forward and with a film like this I can see it's a bit tough to make an action legit. Lowery did what he could in the logic of the film to strike heavy in the second act. It's a good film to watch not just 'cause of its cinematography of seeing a human being completely draped by a cloth, but how lives are introduced and shown. The different aspects of life who don't know each other still share the same Earth, the same time that's being offered. And the major connection is how humans can bring us together but they can also separate us. Really strong approach that Lowery brought into this film. I enjoyed it a lot. I feel this film is meant to be seen in the big screen and the sound design needs its flowers. It adds to the minimalism of the film. I would see it again as it teaches you about handling humans, handling your safe space and overall how we can make a film with putting a sheet over our heads and being the best ghost we can be. For that, we are in debt to celebrate this film.

    Three and a half out of four tokes

    #aghoststory #a24 #love

  • XG joins me on this episode for the film "Leave the World Behind". He requested it so we did it. Funny because I was gonna review this film down the road. The film isn't bad, it's just a bit too long and there's not much of a plot to work with which is crazy because you can do so many things with this type of story. It's weird that I had a hard time connecting with these characters. Almost as if they're robots in a sense except for Ethan Hawke who played Clay. He relly shines in this film. I really thought Julia Roberts playing Amanda was great. I don't think she's a bitch to be a bitch. We can all relate when we're just not fuckin' with nobody because everybody sucks, in general. Her character's behavior and mindset really does mold and move the story throughout. XG and I talked conspiracy theories concerning the things that happened in the film such as scamming, the 5G singals that suppresses life & alike, and Obama somehow was involved in this? And if he was, what's the conspiracy, haha. It's an enjoyable film but there's so much realism in the aspect of post-apocalyptic scenarios, we can't be ignorant about it. Kevin Bacon's was GREAT in his character and really encapsulates human behavor. Not the best film in the world but ti doesn't move the pendulum.

    Three out of Four tokes.

    Thank you XG for being a part of the podcast episode. Y'all can chek him out on:

    #leavetheworldbehind #filmreviews #morningreel

  • Ava DuVernay directed "Selma" that deals with the marches of Selma in 1965 led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This actually happened that led to an official to pass signed by President Lyndon B Johnson. A dramatized film of course but it's straightforward, it's gets to the point and the performances from the talent really give this film the attention it deserves. We get to see a MLK Jr. very human, almost too human, seeing him deal with all kinds of aspects in life epsecially with things that have nothing to do with him. People look up to this man because he is a leader and for the greatest cause any man can put themselves in because it'll literally set course to what's to come in America. The scenes of the bridge crossings are brutal and DuVernay does not relent, she shoves it to us because that is what happened. Injustice all the way to the physical level and thankfully during that time, people all over the world were able to see it and it's messed up. I'm sure in reality, it was far more brutal, you have to give it to DuVernary for showing us just a fraction of those events played out. It's hard to watch innocent woman just get beat for walking. FOR WALKING. Then again, it was George Wallace's Alabama and he didn't give a f. Tim Roth knocked the Wallace role right out of the park as he usually does. Although I feel that the film itself was a bit too scripted, like I feel the other cast were kind of robotic in a sense. The main characters, you can tell they had a lot of range to play around with and used it to their advantage. Overall, "Selma" is solid, effective and entertaining. It does get real and it makes you mad as how politics work. You ask yourself, does the president really care? Does the government really care? Regardless, when you want something you real bad, you're gonna do what you can to achieve it. MLK Jr. is the greatest example of that and he led millions.

    Three and a half out of four tokes.

    #selma #avaduvernay #injustice

  • "Anatomy of a Fall" is a gripping courtroom dramam directed by Justine Triet. The film is literal in it's title. We are looking at a fall that resulted death to the husband/father of a family that secretly failing. We don't know if the fall was ruled out to be suicide or murder. The mother/wife is the only prime suspect and the family is thrown to the ringer. It's crazy how a courtroom is a place where the skeletons come out of the closet. One of my favorite characters is the dog in this film. The actor is named Messi and Messi acts his ass off and you'll know it when you see it. I talk about the film's screenplay, it's written very well because we out of those pages we see how creative the director was to give out this information for us to see. When we think we'll see full scenes of the married couple having a really aggressive argument, think again. All characters play their roles right and effectively. I talk about how flashbacks are used in this film Triet made it that work very well. We don't know much about the characters until we are witnessed through multimedia and not the characters themselves. Normally, this would be a problem in storytelling but the characters later shed their own layers to these surprises of sorts. The full fledged character is the son, as blind as he is, he wins people's hearts. Smart, understanding, and isn't afraid to show himself. The film won at the Cannes film festival and earned a Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language Film and it shows. We see a film where the elements of filmmaking are present but the characters drive the story. Even the dead man himself has light to shed. Leave stones unturned because eventually they will turn and it'll blow your mind. I wasn't feeling this film at first, with exception of the first act (which is a great first act), but when we the first courtroom scene, it brought me back and made me sit along with all the other people who were watching trial.

    Three and a half out of four tokes.

    #anatomyofafall #morningreel