Take a God centered approach to marriage and motherhood. Find freedom and joy in your life the way God intended and live a fulfilled life!
Are you depressed? Filled with anxiety? Stressed and overwhelmed...dealing with overwhelm that seems to never end...Mom life can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be! Learn to find joy in your home and be the mom and wife you were called to be!
Are you sick of always feeling overwhelmed in your motherhood? Does it feel like you are just trying to survive day to day until you put your kids to bed? Then connecting with your husband...forget about it! You are just way too tired and irritated to even try.
Go from overwhelmed with no time to becoming the mindful mama you dream of. As you listen to Restored Mama, you are going to learn habits to bring ease in your day and find God centered prioritizations so you can go to bed feeling accomplished and loving life again! You will find solutions to bring peace and joy back to what may feel like chaos. It is my mission to help you find joy and fulfillment in your daily life as a mom, wife, and child of God.
You can wake up refreshed and excited for each day without feeling drained and stretched thin. It is possible! When God speaks of restoration, it is always in abundance, and when restored, it is better than how it started. God promised us a better life and a better future for us and our families. Learn to live life how God intended from the start. Find out who He has created you to be, and thrive in your calling! Find that passion ignited in your marriage that you thought was over, and find fulfillment in your motherhood instead of frustration.
I’m Jen. A wife, mom, and child of God. I spent six years as a single mom, then married, became a step mom blending our families. I struggled to keep my sanity and I looked to everything and everyone else to avoid the feeling of failure and uncertainty. God showed me there was a better way to live. Using structure, organization, and restoring my mind while putting Christ at the center, I was able to bring joy and peace into my home and family. Restoration is possible for you too, Mama!
Wherever you are starting from, if you are ready to find joy, freedom, and your sanity once again (or for the first time ever) along with getting back to the root of who God created you to be, this podcast is for you! Find laughter and fun to replace the stress and frustration with your kiddos as you join me for real mom talk.
So warm up that cold coffee and kick up your feet! You deserve a break!
Community = www.facebook.com/groups/restoredmama/
Connect = restoredmamapodcast@gmail.com
Website = restoredmama.com
Restored Mama Method = https://restoredmama.com/restored-mama-method/ -
Our weekly sermons and teachings from Sunday mornings, seminars, and other events
Cántaro Institute es una organización evangélica reformada comprometida con el avance de la cosmovisión cristiana para la reforma y renovación de la iglesia y la cultura.
Mesaje biblice, de încurajare și zidire spirituală, rostite de pastorul Emil Bartoș. Fiti Oameni | Din pasiune pentru Creator - https://www.fitioameni.ro
Join Saoirse Clare, The Starseed Coach, as she delivers bite-sized weekly episodes designed to help you optimize your life as a Starseed through learning about the Starchetype™️ System.
"feinhörig dienen" - so heißt es in der inneren Ordnung unserer Kommunität - kann nur, wer Gott und seinem Nächsten das Ohr zuwendet. Im Podcast veröffentlichen wir in unregelmäßigen Abständen, was uns selbst nährt und uns beschäftigt: - Bibelstudien - Erzählabende mit Gästen - Predigten - Gottesdienste
Tägliche Impulse zur Tageslosung. Geschrieben und gelesen von Johannes Hilliges.
تابعونا مع الأخت إيمان حنا كل خميس للحصول على جرعة جديدة من الأمل في حياتك من خلال إرشادات عملية لعيش حياة هادفة في المسيح
WHAT’S RUNNING YOU? with Morgan Simpson is a weekly podcast which features a different guest each week answering a series of 25 questions, giving us insight into the ideas that have run and shaped their life thus far.
Tout le monde a le droit d'accomplir le but de son existence !
De Zéro à Héros !
Vous ne serez plus dans le flou, vous trouverez le sens de votre vie.
Découvrir sa destinée est un facteur déterminant pour l’accomplissement du but de sa vie.
En savoir plus sur www.decouvretadestinee.com
TROUVE TA MISSION DE VIE : https://bit.ly/3IpvKYQ -
Many of us focus on winning at work. Then, with whatever time and energy is left, we give to our family and to ourselves. In the end, no one wins. Marriages suffer, kids are neglected, and you are not fulfilled. Learn from business leaders who are winning at both home and work.
Dans ce podcast, nous abordons des sujets divers et variés qui touchent à tous les domaines de la vie chrétienne. L'objectif est d'aider chaque chrétien à glorifier Dieu dans tous les aspects de leur vie.
Ce contenu est proposé gratuitement par le site ToutPourSaGloire.com dont la mission est d'aider les chrétiens à voir comme Dieu voit pour vivre comme Dieu veut.
Ce podcast est aussi disponible sur YouTube et de nombreuses plateformes de podcasts! -
If you suffer with uncertainty, anxiety, or pain… if you want to step into lasting happiness, success, and emotional well-being… if you are ready to live as effortless, boundless awareness… this show is for you.
Author, teacher, and mentor of the Sedona Method, Hale Dwoskin, leads discussions about true freedom with spiritual teachers and thought leaders, including those featured in Rhonda Byrne’s books "The Secret" and "The Greatest Secret," so you can live a life of deep joy and unshakable peace. -
Ready to smash your inner glass ceiling & manifest a life and business that totally lights you up? If you’re a woman who has big ambitions on her heart and is ready to step into her wealthiest and most abundant self - then welcome! Listen in as your host, Helena Grace Donald (money mindset expert, success coach & author) and her epic guests dig in and share the real ins & outs, ups & downs, tips & tools to creating long lasting financial freedom & success in life and business. Each episode is designed for you to feel totally seen and heard but also majorly FIRED UP! Expect to experience big breakthroughs, total clarity, inspiration and a whole lot of “realness”.
La prière est une des plus grandes adorations de l’islam, un de ses plus importants rites, c’est en l’occurrence le deuxième pilier de l’islam après les deux attestations de foi, c’est la plus belle des obéissances et des soumissions à Allah, c’est le rite dont on espère la plus grande récompense de nos actions, sa place en islam est énorme, et sa valeur est considérable de sorte que celui qui la délaisse ne peut pas se prétendre soumis à Dieu et donc de l’islam.
Ganzheitliche Podcasts wöchentlich Neu. Leben, Gefühle, Entwicklung -
Dinge die du wissen solltest – Mit tollen Menschen die was zu sagen haben.
Der Andreas Kolos The Spirit Podcast ist ein Podcast-Medium von www.cutumi.com und Moderator und Keynote Speaker Andreas Kolos.
Andreas ist ein sehr erfahrener spiritueller Lehrer, Medium, Autor, Speaker, Kongressveranstalter und erfolgreicher Unternehmer. Und nebenbei ist Andreas Kolos Deutschlands führender Experte für Charisma.
Es wird hier spannend!
Podcast und Spiritualität, Leben und Gefühle, Persönlichkeit und Entwicklung. Themen, die Dich auf ganz neue Ideen für Dein Leben bringen können! Spirituelle Themen oder Ganzheitlich – auf jeden Fall informativ. Das wollen wir vermitteln!
Zu hören bei Spirit-Online-Podcasts. Es erwartet euch jede Woche etwas Neues von Menschen, die etwas zu sagen haben. Wissen und Erfahrungen aus ihrem Leben und Wissensgebiet mit Euch teilen möchten.
Der spirituelle Podcast wird das breite Spektrum Spiritualität, Meditation, Selbstbewusstsein, Körpersprache, Rhetorik, Motivation, Sport, Ernährung, Essen und Trinken, Lifestyle, Gesundheit aktuelles und vieles mehr ansprechen.
YouTube - Sie finden unsere Beiträge auch mit Video auf unserem YouTube Kanal
Weitere Informationen, Seminare und Angebote finden Sie unter:
https://www.cutumi.com/ und https://www.andreas-kolos.com
technische Betreuung unter https://www.contactcenter.de/ -
Rabbi Josh Yuter takes a look at a rabbinic teaching and offers a suggestion to answer question: What’s the point of the Midrash?
In life, you're either growing or you're dying. The MEN OF GROWTH podcast is a show where we engage discussion, provoke thought, and promote action that helps build a mans Faith, Fitness, Family, and Finances. Each week we bring you engaging conversations, insights, and resources to help you Fully Engage Life and Thrive!
In der Bibel, dem himmlisch, menschlichen Kunstwerk wertvoller Gedanken und Geschichten mit einem ewigen Ausblick, finde ich jeden Tag Sinn und Hoffnung für mein Leben. Gott spricht zu uns Menschen und ich antworte ihm, meistens in Liedern.
Daily scripture readings from NIV Bible through 2021.
Most days will include a chapter from a book in the New Testament reading as well as a Psalm and a chapter from Proverbs. *
About 5-10 minutes each day...through the NT, Psalms and Proverbs in one year!
*beginning in February, Proverbs will be reduced to a single proverb, usually just a verse or two.