The Success in Black and White ® podcast brings you a variety of topics from the lens of an interracial couple. Our ultimate focus is on bridging the gap between racial boundaries; which we discuss through practical topics such as leadership and management strategies, relationship tactics, and the process of personal development.
S Katkou Strýčkovou o láske, nádeji a sile v ženskom rode.
Každá žena sa rodí ako kurva, ale niekde po ceste sa prestane kurviť a stáva sa z nej piča.
Rozhovory o pornografii, manželstve a intimite.
Podcast cestovnej kancelárie BUBO vám prináša praktické informácie a skúsenosti z ciest do všetkých krajín sveta. Hľadáte cestovateľské inšpirácie alebo potrebujete pomôcť s prípravou na vašu vysnívanú dovolenku? V rozhovoroch najscestovanejších Slovákov sa dozviete všetko potrebné. Poďte s nami cestovať Uchom po mape.
They live among us, but sometimes we don´t see them for who they really are. Foreigners who chose Slovakia as their home away from home.
Miša Vrábová interviews foreigners living in Slovakia in a podcast created by the Bridge, English language Centre.
How did they happen to live here? What do they do? Are they happy? And most importantly... Do they like halušky?
The whole podcast is in English so if you´re having any trouble understanding or maybe want to pick up some new vocabulary, check our blog section at www.thebridge.sk -
Der Lehrerpodcast von Nadine & Dustin
Nadine und Dustin sind Lehrer. Waldorflehrer. Im Ruhrgebiet. In diesem Podcast sprechen sie über ihr Lehrerleben, die Waldorfpädagogik und Anekdoten des Schulalltags.
Webseite: www.montagskindblog.de/podcast -
Jedna zarytá informatička na PhD a jedna vášnivá psychologička na CBD spájajú nad vínom hlavy dokopy, aby vyriešili svet! Nájdete nás na Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/show/1jeCtfyJ1GnvhtWFNudZmdAlebo si pozrite priamo náš RSS kanál:https://rss.com/podcasts/nahodneprivine/Neváhajte nás sledovať a kontaktovať aj na sociálnych sieťach!https://www.facebook.com/Nahodneprivinehttps://www.instagram.com/nahodneprivine/
Hi! This is the audio-only version of my youtube content for those who prefer screens off to relax and fall asleep. All episodes are soft spoken ASMR.
Už 30 rokov sa venujeme riešeniu konfliktov v rôznych krajinách sveta. V Podcaste PDCS sa s vami podelíme o naše skúsenosti, pohľady, názory a na príkladoch zo života si rozoberieme charakter konfliktov v spoločnosti.
This is Clean and Green Living, the podcast that helps you reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals through easy and affordable lifestyle changes.
Regan Nelson is on a mission to empower you with the knowledge and resources needed to live a safer, healthier, and more sustainable life. She’s combining a passion for cleaner living with her master’s degree in physiology and 20 years of working in innovation and consumer insights to be your researcher and guide. You’ll hear from Regan in solo episodes along with interviews of expert guests on topics essential to leading your healthiest life.
Clean & Green Living will provide you with practical tips, innovative product solutions, and inspiring success stories. Join us each week as we celebrate progress, embrace imperfection, and empower ourselves with the knowledge and resources to make lasting, positive changes for a safer, healthier, and more sustainable life.
Because when we know better, we do better. -
My všetci sme upíri. Vyciciavame energiu druhých, vyčerpávame seba, vyčerpávame zdroje tejto planéty, točíme sa v kruhu. A keď sa konečne dostaneme do svetla slnečného žiarenia, kde máme možnosť chopiť sa šance, zmizneme. Vtipné hľadanie odpovedí na najzákladnejšie otázky bytia s ohľadom na uhlíkovú stopu. Smrteľne špinavý podcast, ktorý ide do krvi.
Navigating manhood in the - 21st century can be confusing and hard. ‘Harden up and be tough’ no longer cuts it, nor does ‘open up and be emotional’. Join Mike, men’s coach for Nice Guys, as he and his guests hit you with insightful and loving straight talk designed to help Nice Guys become genuinely good men, solid everyday legends.
Podcast zo sveta výchovy a vzdelávania
Podcast, ktorý ťa vyruší
Deeper Than Dating is the place for single millennials to uplevel their lives and take advantage of their single time. On Deeper Than Dating, we will explore topics of self-development, psychology of love, relationships & breakups, mindset, spirituality and manifestation, in order to deepen the relationship with ourselves - which is truly the secret to deeper dating.
Podcasty IOM Slovensko, v ktorých sa rozprávame so zaujímavými hosťami o migrácii a o živote cudzincov na Slovensku. Predstavujeme krajiny a kultúry z rôznych kútov sveta. Viac o IOM Slovensko na https://www.iom.sk.
Noted author and psychotherapist Sarah Brokaw believes that by sharing our secrets, we can live more connected, fulfilling lives. In her down-to-earth interview style, she convinces her guests to confess their most private moments and most vulnerable thoughts to inspire and motivate us to live more authentically, too.
Why is Atlanta the innovation capital of the Southeast? Might Could, a new series from The Hatchery, Emory Center for Innovation, seeks to answer that question in conversation with innovation thought leaders and disruptors in non-profits, higher education, and industry who are making Atlanta a city of the future.
This podcast is intended to go along with my blog "A Summer with Me: The PSEE Intern" and will highlight our program, what we do, along with what I am learning/doing this summer as an intern.