
  • Emmanuel thought he was just experiencing a toothache. But that pain gave way to a bump that grew to the size of his fist. Having heard about a ship that might be able to help him, Emmanuel prayed for the ship to come. His prayers were answered as the Global Mercy docked in Freetown, Sierra Leone — Emmanuel’s home country.

    Emmanuel was the first patient in Sierra Leone to receive free surgery on board the Global Mercy. This surgery put to rest his fears and worry over his health.

    In this episode, you will hear Emmanuel’s story of hope and healing. You will also hear about the special man who helped him through his recovery and why that was so meaningful.

    Emmanuel means God with us. Today we celebrate the day God came to be with us as a baby, Jesus. We are grateful that our God knows our burdens and fears. He knows our worries and concerns. In the midst of those, He has come to be with us. We are not alone. Merry Christmas.

    For more information about Mercy Ships and how you can find your place on board, visit       

     Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast 

  • This is the month of Advent when we reflect on Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. We will be sharing stories of God’s miracles that have changed the lives of four very special people. In December you will get to hear about the lives that have been transformed by the love of Jesus, shown through Mercy Ships volunteers. 

    This week we focus on Diarra’s story that brought JOY. Diarra was a young teenager when she experienced a toothache. Then a small bump formed in her mouth and soon that bump became a growing tumor. For many years she searched for help until she heard about Mercy Ships on the radio.

    Joy came when Diarra received free surgery that removed her tumor and opened the doors to live out her dreams. In this episode you’ll hear Diarra’s story of searching for help, her supportive family, and the gift of joy that came not only to her, but to her husband and daughter as well.

    For more information about Mercy Ships and how you can find your place on board, visit       

    Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast  

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  • This is the month of Advent when we reflect on Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. We will be sharing stories of God’s miracles that have changed the lives of four very special people. In December you will get to hear about the lives that have been transformed by the love of Jesus, shown through Mercy Ships volunteers.

    This week we get to hear Umu’s story that brought PEACE. Umu was born with a large tumor on the side of her face and neck that only grew bigger as she did. Her mother’s worry grew as well, fearing that the tumor would one day cut off Umu’s airway.

    Umu’s family searched for help, but there was not even one maxillofacial surgeon in Sierra Leone who could help her. The stress and fear increased daily, until the Global Mercy arrived with skilled surgeons on board who could offer Umu a free surgery. Peace came to Umu’s family as her tumor was removed, as well as the burden of worry and fear they all carried.

    In this episode, you will hear about Umu’s brilliant personality, the hopelessness of her situation without access to surgical care, and the gift of Mercy Ships.

    For more information about Mercy Ships and how you can find your place on board, visit

    Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast 

  • Holiday Stories of Hope and Healing

    This is the month of Advent when we reflect on Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. We will be sharing stories of God’s miracles that have changed the lives of four very special people. In December you will get to hear about the lives that have been transformed by the love of Jesus, shown through Mercy Ships volunteers.

    This week we get to hear Samba’s story of HOPE. Samba was born with a cleft lip — a condition that occurs 1 in 700 births worldwide. Usually, babies are operated on within a year to correct this. But in developing nations like Senegal in West Africa, the lack of resources means that someone like Samba will spend their whole life marked different from others.

    Samba did live with his cleft lip for 56 years until the Global Mercy arrived in his home country.

    In this episode, we hear about the painful reality our patients face because of their conditions like a cleft lip. We get to hear from the surgeon who operated on Samba and the transformation that took place in one man’s life because Mercy Ships brought hope and healing.

    For more information about Mercy Ships and how you can find your place on board, visit       

     Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast 

  • Ria Bos grew up in the Netherlands and always had a heart for missions. After becoming an ICU nurse, Ria sought opportunities to use her skills to help those in need — that’s when Mercy Ships came into her story. Now, 10 years later, Ria is still volunteering, currently serving as our Director of Patient Selection.

    In this role, Ria considers herself a bridge with one foot on the ship, working with our doctors and nurses, and the other on land, partnering with the ministry of health and local healthcare professionals. Ria loves learning from all the people she interacts with.

    In this episode, Ria shares the streamlined way Mercy Ships approves patients for surgery, the hope that is offered each person, and the night she’ll never forget in Madagascar. She also highlights the lasting impact Mercy Ships leaves in our host nations not only through surgery, but through education and training of local healthcare professionals.

    This GivingTuesday, consider supporting the work of Mercy Ships through donating at

    For more information about Mercy Ships and how you can find your place on board, visit      

    Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast

  • Whitney Grant: Senior Director, HR Operational Effectiveness

    One little Facebook video was all it took to start Whitney Grant on a journey that she never would have expected! Happily working in her corporate HR job in the United States, Whitney was involved in her church and had a great community of friends — she was not looking for a major life change. But watching a Mercy Ships video that her friend posted on social media opened Whitney’s heart to something unexpected.

    Whitney came to Mercy Ships with 10 years of HR experience, and she was surprised when her new job on board brought challenges that she never faced in corporate America. Whitney recalled, “I had become comfortable and on cruise control. But on the ship, I was challenged immediately.”

    In this episode, Whitney not only shares about her personal time on board, but she also shares how you can have your own life changing experience with Mercy Ships! Whitney answers questions about how to volunteer, what to expect in the application process, as well as current priority positions. From getting to grow professionally and personally, to living in a community of people from all over the world – you too, can find your place on board!

    If you’ve ever wondered how you can join this amazing mission, this episode is for you!

    For more information about Mercy Ships and how you can find your place on board, visit

    Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast

  • Caroline Mallory: Volunteer Nurse

    Caroline Mallory first heard about Mercy Ships in a book she was given when she was a teenager. Later, when she was about to graduate from college, a guest speaker from Mercy Ships came to her university and a new dream was born. Caroline knew she wanted to become a nurse and go serve on board. Seven years later that dream came true when she boarded the Africa Mercy in Senegal.

    Now on board the Global Mercy, Caroline volunteers as a ward nurse and has committed to serve for two years.

    In this episode, Caroline shares about the moment she got on board the Africa Mercy, a special patient that was on board for 86 days, and the gift of hope she has received through her time serving.

    For more information about Mercy Ships and how you can find your place on board, visit     

    Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast 

  • Paula Pheasant - Volunteer Nurse

    Paula grew up shying away from the spotlight, with little desire to venture too far from home. But a radio ad she heard on the way to school one day gave her a one-minute
    look into Mercy Ships and opened her mind to adventures that she never dreamed of.

    Paula Pheasant volunteers as the PACU (post anesthesia care unit) team lead on board the Global Mercy. Caring for patients as they come out of their surgery, Paula is able to witness their first reactions as they wake up to a new life. After serving for almost 10 years, Paula shares, “I can’t imagine my life without having been here.”

    In this episode, Paula shares about the important work she does on board caring for patients post anesthesia, the joy one patient gave her during a time of personal loss, and how God has taken her from the background into a position of leadership.

    For more information about Mercy Ships, visit

    Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast   

  • Rachel Greenland - Volunteer Nurse

    An ad in a magazine led to a tour aboard the Anastasis, which led to volunteering with Mercy Ships for 20 years! Nurse Rachel Greenland was made for this kind of work — where she gets to combine her faith and her professional skills to leave a lasting impact on those in need. Rachel is now on board the Global Mercy, volunteering as the ICU Coordinator and nurse in the maxillofacial ward.

    In this episode, Rachel shares what keeps her coming back year after year to volunteer. She also talks about her first impressions, the hard days, and the great rewards that have left her life forever changed. Through stories about special patients and her own self-discoveries on board, Rachel is sure to encourage and inspire you.

    For more information about Mercy Ships, visit

      Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast  

  • Lily Boeckel was given the book Ships of Mercy by Don Stephens, by her grandmother. It was a discouraging season for Lily in nursing school and she was thinking about quitting. This book opened her eyes to new possibilities that she had never known about and breathed new life into her education. Determined to one day walk up the
    gangway, Lily worked to gain a degree and experience to make that dream come true.

    Volunteering on board as the nurse educator, Lily has the opportunity to meet every new nurse that comes on board and help them transition. She also gets to use her experience as a pediatric nurse and help in the wards with the children that receive surgery. When asked why she has returned for a third field service, Lily said, “I’m not done yet with experiencing the goodness of God and seeing his miracles happening on board this vessel.”

    In this episode, Lily shares about preparing new nurses to serve on board, her joy in playing hide and seek with the littlest patients, and the opportunity she had to showcase one patient’s talents.

    For more information about Mercy Ships, visit

    Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast

  • Larry Mast is truly considered a hero of the faith, serving on the mission flied for over 59 years, 39 of which have been with Mercy Ships! As a young man, Larry dreamed of a life of outdoor adventure and followed that dream all over the world, sharing the hope of Jesus. Larry is one of the few people to have served on every Mercy Ships vessel and tells us which is his favorite in this episode.

    Also in this episode, Larry shares powerful stories of God’s miracles, life lessons and his hopes for the future of Mercy Ships. Larry is sure to inspire you with his life of obedience and adventure as he has served the Lord.

    Larry has also written three books: Staying on the Trail Through Trials, Along the Road, and The Road Less Traveled.

    For more information about Mercy Ships, visit

    Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast

  • Estevam Silva spent seven years growing up on the Africa Mercy, thousands of miles away from his home country of Brazil. His father is a mariner and whereas most jobs at
    sea mean leaving your family behind for several months, with Mercy Ships, your family comes with you! As Chief Officer, Estevam’s father brought his family to serve with him and afforded his children an opportunity to meet people from all over the world and be agents of hope and healing.

    In this episode, Estevam shares some highlight moments of growing up on board — getting to experience some “typical teenager” things while being in a most non-typical environment! He tells about growing in his faith, gaining wisdom through relationships with the adults on board and learning about different cultures.

    Wise beyond his years, Estevam will give you some deep things to ponder, while making you laugh.

    For more information about Mercy Ships, visit

    Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast

  • Remy was a teacher in her home country, The Netherlands, for 8 years when she began to feel that change was coming. Knowing about Mercy Ships, Remy didn’t realize
    there were volunteer teachers on board! She eagerly applied for a 2 year
    commitment and 11 years later, she’s still caring for children and families on board our

    With a passion for children’s development, not only academically, but socially and emotionally, Remy began to equip children for the transition to ship life and help families navigate this big life change when coming aboard.

    In this episode, Remy shares about how hard times bring community together, the importance of showing children that they are valued, and her own time of self-discovery
    on board.

    If you’ve ever wondered about bringing your family on board and how the transition will be for your children — you won’t want to miss this episode.

    For more information about Mercy Ships, visit    

    Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast 

  • Trina Laidlaw studied to be a dietician, hoping to land a big job in a fancy hospital, but God had other plans. Working in a rural clinic for almost 10 years meant she learned many skills through seeing a wide range of patients in all stages of life that she would
    not have in a city hospital. However, Trina worried her rural experience was not enough to volunteer with Mercy Ships — she couldn’t have been more wrong!

    Now in Sierra Leone for her third field service, Trina is excited to help undernourished
    patients reach their goal weight for a safe surgery. She knows the need is great but is confident in what God will do.

    In this episode, Trina shares about her journey to Mercy Ships, the new skills she’s
    learned and the joy of watching lives be transformed both inside and out.

    For more information about Mercy Ships, visit    

        Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast 

  • Diane Rickard first joined Mercy Ships in 1982 doing public relations for the organization. Now, with a Mercy Ships history that spans 40 years, Diane says there has always been a strong sense of purpose and never a dull moment! Why stick around for 40 years? From day one, Diane recalls, “The commitment, the vision, the uniqueness and the opportunity just all struck me — that it was something I was born for.”

    Currently serving as the International Media Relations Manager, Diane helps share the stories of crew and patients on board — stories that build pathways for people to be inspired and get involved.

    In this episode, Diane shares about the early days of Mercy Ships and her involvement. She tells about working with media teams on board, patient stories that have stuck with her, and the rewards that have come from telling the stories of lives that have been transformed.

    For more information about Mercy Ships, visit    

    Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast

  • Sandra Lako was born in The Netherlands but grew up on board the Anastasis where she spent much time playing with patients in the hospital. What might be uncomfortable for some was normal for Sandra and she was not bothered by the sights and sounds of a hospital.

    Sandra later became Dr. Sandra Lako and has been practicing medicine now for over 17 years in Sierra Leone. In this beautiful country, she’s seen the need for safe surgery and medical care. But, she has also seen the resilience and determination of the people she works alongside. Dr. Sandra is excited to have the Global Mercy in Sierra Leone as she works with Mercy Ships to bring hope and healing to the Sierra Leoneans.

    In this episode, Dr. Sandra shares some fun childhood memories on the Anastasis. She tells about the moment she knew she wanted to go into medicine and the gift of living and working in Sierra Leone. Dr. Sandra is sure to fill you with hope that God is moving and doing great things amongst those in need in West Africa.

    For more information about Mercy Ships, visit   

    Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast  

  • Season 4, Episode 3

    It was a family day trip to tour the Caribbean Mercy off the coast of North Carolina that changed Shawn Thompson’s life. On that tour, his parents felt called to leave North Carolina and serve with Mercy Ships. Shawn was only 2 years old when his family moved to Nicaragua to begin their Mercy Ships adventure.

    After seven years in Central America, Shawn’s family moved to Texas to continue working with Mercy Ships at the headquarters. Having grown up around the organization, Shawn would grab part time jobs at Mercy Ships during the summer. But once his schooling was complete, he had to decide if Mercy Ships was his family’s calling or his own.

    In this episode, Shawn shares about the moment Mercy Ships’ mission became his own, the impact of volunteering on board, and the people and patients that have impacted his life forever.

    For more information about Mercy Ships, visit

    Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast

  • Sierra Leonian, David Kpakiwa, had a tough childhood that would have discouraged most. But David was instead empowered by his circumstances and given a heart of compassion to help others in need.

    When he heard about Mercy Ships and the work we do, David knew he had to be a part of this mission. From local worker to deck administrator, housekeeper to advance team member — David is now back in his home country of Sierra Leone, preparing the way for
    the arrival of the Global Mercy.

    In this episode, David shares his incredible journey that led him to Mercy Ships, including civil wars, becoming a refugee, and God’s great provision. David’s
    faith and trust in God will encourage you and his empathetic heart will bless yours.

    For more information about Mercy Ships, visit  

      Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast  

    Read more from David at

  • Season 4, Episode 1

    In 2005, Nikki Aldum toured the Anastasis in her home country of South Africa. She had been teaching for several years and was happy in the classroom but walking up that gangway changed everything.

    Soon Nikki came aboard to teach in the Mercy Ships academy and 17 years later, she’s still playing a vital role in ensuring the children on board our ships receive an excellent education. Currently serving from Texas as the Superintendent of Mercy Ships academies, Nikki brings a wealth of experience and passion to our teachers and students.

    In this episode, Nikki shares her journey of coming aboard, the profound lessons she learned from her students, and her dreams for the upcoming school year.

    Get ready for all the back to school feels as Nikki takes you behind the scenes of our academies.

    For more information about Mercy Ships, visit  

    Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast 

  • Edna Semiti is the Director of Human Resources for the Africa Service Center. With this newly formed division of Mercy Ships in Africa, Edna is thrilled to be on the
    groundbreaking team that will better serve our crew and patients from the

    Edna grew up in both Tanzania and Kenya and comes to Mercy Ships with extensive education and experience. Most importantly, she longs to give back to her society all
    that she has learned and believes that God brought her to Mercy Ships for a reason.

    In this episode, Edna shares the purpose behind the new Africa Service Center, her role in human resources, and her goal to recruit professionals from all over the continent of Africa to come volunteer.

    With big dreams and an even bigger heart, Edna shines and will uplift you.

    For more information about Mercy Ships, visit   

       Follow us on Instagram at New Mercies Podcast