Does the aramaic word "abba" mean "daddy"? A discussion of James Barr's "Abba isn't Daddy."
How did religious institutions and practices affect the lives of women in the ancient Mediterranean? A discussion of Ross Shepard Kraemer's Her Share of the Blessings.
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What are the infancy gospels? A discussion of Ronald Hock's edition, translation, and commentary with Tony Burke.
Who was responsible for Jesus' death? How do artistic adaptations of the gospel story represent Jesus' Jewish opposition? -
What is the relationship between Paul's Judaism and his faith in Christ? A discussion of James Dunn's "The New Perspective on Paul."
What is the symbolic significance of gender in the Gospel according to Matthew? A review of Janice Capel Anderson's "Matthew: Gender and Reading."
Did copyists intentionally change the text of the New Testament? A discussion of Bart D. Ehrman's Orthodox Corruption of Scripture.
To register for the New Insights into the New Testament conference, use the following link: -
What is the Syriac Bible? A discussion of Sebastian Brock's The Syriac Bible with Nathan Tilley.
What made gnostics different from other Christians? And did it matter? A discussion of Elaine Pagels' 1979 monograph, The Gnostic Gospels.
Did Paul self-censor his anti-imperial sentiments? A discussion of Laura Robinson's "Hidden Transcripts?: The Supposedly Self-Censoring Paul and Rome as Surveillance State in Modern Pauline Scholarship" (NTS 2021).
Why do scholars ignore 1 Peter? A discussion with Shane Patrick Gormley of John H. Elliott's essay, "The Rehabilitation of an Exegetical Step-Child: 1 Peter in Recent Research."
John H. Elliott, "The Rehabilitation of an Exegetical Step-Child: 1 Peter in Recent Research" Journal of Biblical Literature 95.2 (1976) 243-54. -
How did Matthew rewrite one of Mark's miracle stories? What is reaction criticism? A discussion of Günther Bornkamm's "The Stilling of the Storm in Matthew" (originally published as "Die Sturmstillung im Matthäus-Evangelium") with Ian Mills and Laura Robinson.
What is the Eusebian Apparatus? How have readers throughout history navigated the four-fold gospel? A discussion of Harvey McArthur's "The Eusebian Sections and Canons" with Jeremiah Coogan.
Did Paul become a Christian? What are conversion narratives for? A discussion of Paula Fredriksen's "Paul and Augustine: Conversion Narratives, Orthodox Traditions, and the Retrospective Self".
What traditions about Jesus survive outside of the gospels? Did Jesus have a sense of humor? A discussion of Paul Coleman-Norton's "An Amusing Agraphon."
What is Clement's Letter to Corinth? A discussion of Adolf von Harnack's A Letter of the Roman Church to the Corinthian Church from the Era of Domitian: 1 Clement.
What is the Magnificat? Our fourth annual discussion of Raymond Brown's The Birth of the Messiah.
What kind of books are the gospels? How much do they tell us about the sequence of Jesus' life? A discussion of KL Schmidt's Der Rahmen der Geschichte Jesu with Brandon Massey.
What does it mean to "become the righteousness of God" in 2 Corinthians 5:21?
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