The greatest gift you could give someone is yourself.
If you were to compose a song of praise to the Lord right now, what would it be?
Fehlende Folgen?
To Conclude this series of sermons, I would like to give God's most outstanding reason for the prophecy and the fulfillment of His name, the place He was born, and the reasons. His greatest reason..... YOU!
What does it take to be a great believer in Jesus Christ? A great believer is a grateful believer who rejoices evermore, prays every day, and gives thanks in everything.
If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.
What is the difference between Condemnation and Chastisement in the Bible?
Our name is a central part of our identity, allowing others to recognize and address us while connecting us to our family, culture, and personal history. Our name is a crucial component of how we see ourselves and our place in the world.
What are you doing with the time, talent and treasures that God has blessed you with?
The ways of the world and their ungodly patterns are designed to distance our hearts and minds from Christ. We are to live by transformation, not conformity.
The cross of Christ is the answer to the problem of all mankind. There are no papers, certificates, or good deeds that can reconcile a person or nation unto God.
The clothes of humility are not a "one-size-fits-all."
God doesn't cause bad things to happen to us to make us turn to Him, but He is always there when we need Him, even in the midst of tough circumstances,
You can stand outside and gaze at the clouds, or you can take the message of encouragement these angels gave, know your calling, and turn the world upside down,
Believers of Christ need examples of how to respond with patience.
What plan do you have in place for yourself and your family’s spiritual growth in the Lord?
God has not only entrusted the body of your child into your care but also his/her soul.
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