Poor Will's Almanack, with the sun in Scorpio and in the time of Late Fall.
Poor Will's Almanack in the time of Scorpio and the time of Late Fall.
Fehlende Folgen?
Poor Will's Almanack in the time of Early Fall with the sun in Libra.
Poor Will's Almanack, with the sun in Libra moving towards Scorpio.
This is Bill Felker with Poor Will's Almanack, with the sun in Libra and the season of Early Fall.
Poor Will's Almanack, with the sun in Libra.
Poor Will's Almanack, for the time of Early Fall.
Poor Will's Almanack for Early Fall, when the sun is in Libra and the moon is the Nutter's Moon.
This is Bill Felker with Poor Will's Almanack for Early Fall, with the Sun in Libra, riding the autumn equinox, and the moon is the Nutter's Moon.
Poor Will's Almanack in the time of Late Summer, with the sun in Virgo and the Nutter's Moon.
Poor Will's Almanack for the transition to early fall. The sun is in autumn's Virgo and the moon is still the Nutter's Moon.
Poor Will's Almanack in the time of Late Summer with the sun in Virgo.
Poor Will's Almanack for the time of Late Summer.
Poor Will's Alamanck for late summer when the sun is in Leo and the moon is the Great Migration Moon.
Poor Will's Almanack for the time of Leo.
Poor Will's Almanack for the time of Deep Summer, with the sun in Leo.
Poor Will's Almanack for the time of Deep Summer, with the sun in Leo.
Poor Will's Almanack, for the time of Deep Summer, with the sun in Cancer approaching Leo.
Poor Will's Almanack in the time of the Deep Summer, with the sun in Cancer.
Poor Will's Almanack in the time of deep summer.