
  • If someone asked you “What are Aliens?”, what would your answer be?  Do you have a specific theory on exactly what extraterrestrials are or where they come from?
    What about UFO encounters?  Is this something you are interested in or do you already believe you have had experiences?
    These are all topics that the crew of Ohm-g find extremely fascinating and want to delve into at any opportunity.  Screw small talk!  Let’s get into topics like who are the grays and have you ever seen a white being!
    Take a listen to this episode where we share some of our own pontifications about aliens and multidimensional beings as well as some of our most memorable and life changing experiences.
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  • Yes, you heard us correctly! We ARE doing another episode on shadow work.
    Recently all 4 members of this podcast embarked on an intensive shadow work and healing journey together and we felt like it was time to give you all an update.
    Through the years there have been several discussions on the importance of embracing and working with your shadow. And it is no surprise that recent events have brought that even more into the forefront.
    In this episode we go even deeper into our own individual journeys. What do you think successful shadow work looks like? Is it a total release and healing of the trigger or is it more about accepting the triggers without judgement?
    We’re not sure either, but take a listen to what arguments can be made for each and see what resonates for you.
    Happy Healing!

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  • Each podcast member will be choosing a special topic for an episode in the next few months.  This one happens to be Camille’s choice.  The catch is the other podcast members will not know what the topic is until the day of recording.
    No preparation. Do predetermined talking points. Just raw off-the-cuff reaction and authentic conversation.
    Camille brought up a good point for this episode. She pondered the use of “trigger warnings”.  Living in a culture where we are all becoming more aware of our trauma’s and the points that can poke at potential trauma responses, are we doing ourselves a disservice by labeling content with a potential warning?
    Or are we better off allowing those triggers to come into the light and be seen, felt and dealt with.
    Maybe this is not an all or nothing answer. Take a listen to this discussion and let us know your thoughts.

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  • Are you familiar with the ritual of cord cutting?  I bet many of us have seen a YouTube video or Instagram reel on simple cord cutting rituals and have probably tried them ourselves.  These can be extremely effective for energy clearing and maintenance.
    But what if the attachment you have goes deeper? What if that cord is connected to a soul contract? Or maybe even the cord was created when you were on a different energetic level, and now that you’ve increased your vibration that cord keeps pulling you back into a timeline that doesn’t resonate with the rest of your experience any longer?
    Well, this is exactly what happened to one of the members of the podcast recently.  Chandra realized that an old attachment to a family member was keeping her stuck in old patterns and was even affecting the experiences that were manifesting in her life.
    With the help of Lynn, Brenda (and Camille + the pups in the background), we held an energy session to cut that cord and collapse the timelines associated with it.  We even looked at completing and closing any soul contracts that were finished or unable to be completed in this lifetime.
    This episode is our discussion about what we all experienced during the cord cutting ceremony.
    If you’d like to see the entire healing ceremony (cord cutting, timeline collapse, and reintegration), footage of that ritual can be viewed on here on YouTube  

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  • Regardless of which side of the aisle feels more comfortable for you, one thing is for sure; this was an election cycle for the ages.
    Even with affiliation out of the equation this election left many of us with wounds. From scraps and bruises to full blown scars that will take time to heal, we are all dealing with the fallout in our own way.
    This episode was an attempt for the Woo Crew to do just that. And hopefully in the process, help you feel seen and heard.
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  • As we move through our spiritual journey we come upon instances that require surrender more often than not. The Ego tries to assert its dominance. But in those moments we know we have to let go of the how and then when. Our “job” is to simply be ready to act when the Universe provides the opportunity.
    That sounds like quite the lovely arrangement, doesn’t it? So, why is it that to the human condition the act of surrender can make us feel like we simply need to completely give up? What is it about “being human” that makes the need to surrender feel so alien?
    Oftentimes the deeper we go into Shadow Work the louder our Ego screams. But the harder we lean into that discomfort the stronger our reliance on Source can become.
    It’s almost like a “Spiritual Rick-Roll”. When you think you don’t have the capacity to surrender; to accept and integrate the parts of ourselves that we tend to deny;  the Universe just comes straight at us out of the blue in the voice of the illustrious Rick Astley🎙️
    Never gonna give you up.🎵 
    Never let you down. 🎵
    Never gonna run around and desert you🎵
    Now that is unconditional love.  How can we ever give up on that?
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  • If you’re anything like us synchronicities have been flying fast and furious lately. And we aren’t just talking about finding dimes and seeing repeating numbers.
    Recently the entire podcast has noticed how our own individual synchronicities have been linking together with other members of the podcast to create these elaborate webs of synchronistic events.
    To be honest, things can get so interconnected that it borders on creepy every now and then. But that’s just the Ego reaction. Of course your Ego will push back if you start feeling “that” in the flow, right?
    We hope you join us for this episode. In true synchro fashion our special friend and most recent “Super Witch” fan Shanda Venditto joined us for this recording. Her coming into our community has truly been a magical turn of events.
    How about you? Have your synchronistic happenings been amped up lately? Do you feel like the Universe is putting the interconnectedness of everything on full display for you too?
    Take a listen and let us know if this resonates for you. 

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  • If you want to communicate with Spirit all you need to do is tune in. How many times in your spiritual journey have you heard someone say this.  

    Sounds like it should be the easiest, most natural thing you’ll ever do, right? But for many of us, “tuning in” is just words. It's not a concept that we easily identify with.

    What do mediums, shaman, and energy workers actually mean when they talk about “tuning in” to an energy or spirit?  Does the process look the same for everyone and what does it actually entail.

    These are some of the things we will be discussing in this episode.
    Having just returned from our high energy tour of Falling Water earlier that day (listen to the previous episode for the full rundown of that trip), we were all still feeling the buzz of Spirit all around us as we recorded.

    Take a close listen, we believe that Liliane, the matriarch of the Kaufmann family that commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to design the Falling Waters house, may have tagged along with us back to our rental house. During the recording many of us thought we could hear someone playing with a beaded necklace or bracelet (which no one at the table was doing).

    And of course, when we googled Liliane what was she wearing in the first image that came up?
    No need to clutch your pearls.  Sounds like sweet Lilliane was doing it for you.

    Lynn was so enthralled by the experience she even resorted to quoting some 2 Chainz.  This episode my friends is off the charts.

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  • In mid October the members of the Ohm-g Podcast plus our scrumptious friend Lisa Lucario took a field trip to Pennsylvania to visit architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s masterpiece of Falling Water commissioned in the 1930’s by the Kaufmann family.

    A couple of our members had visited it before and were dying to have the rest of us experience the energy of that place. The house Wright designed is built into the side of a mountain integrated perfectly with the waterfall that moves effortlessly beneath it. Boulders and rock formations from the hillside are even encapsulated into some of the walls and floors of the interior of the home. It is an amazing display of design and craftsmanship.

    The energy of the continuously running water in and around the home truly amplifies every aspect of the building.

    We rented an airbnb near the house in Mill Run PA. And ato paraphrase our cherished member Lynn who so eloquently put it during a lull in conversation on the tour of the Falling Water, “there are Spirits up in here.”

    The house we rented was near a civil war battleground and the energy of the house and land was off the charts.

    We can’t wait for you to listen as we share many of the experiences we had on the quick little get-a-way that none of us are soon to forget.

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  • In this episode a culled down crew of Brenda, Lynn and Aaron take on the topic of their respective journeys and what it was like for them to come out of the closet (mediumship wise).

    Have you ever heard of the medium’s closet or sitting in the power.  This refers to the practice of the medium sitting still and quiet (typically in a small enclosed space like a closet). They would sit and mediate, working on their connection with their Guides and the Spirit’s around them.  It was said that the confined space helped to condense the energy so they could build the power of connection much quicker.

    In today’s society, coming out of the closet has taken on a whole different meaning but one that is not lost on the medium.  Stepping out of the closet and quiet connection with Spirit, into the open light of doing readings for others can come with its own prejudice and judgment.

    Listen as our 3 resident mediums discuss the challenges of trusting your own intuition and spirit messages and the healing that can come from delivering messages received through mediumship. Both for the reader and the readee.

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  • Join us for a candid conversation with Guest Felicia Coleman on religion and religious trauma.

    Felicia is a lifelong friend of podcast host Aaron (@intuitivelyaaron) and has joined us to have a (mostly) uncensored conversation about growing up religious. She shares an inspiring story about how consciously looking to religion and the support it promises to help you battle one of life’s difficulties can lead you to trading one battle for another.

    Seeking help in battling mental health difficulties that affect many teen girls, Felicia thought she found an answer in worship. She discusses the realizations she made during her journey and some of the longer healing journey she had to navigate due to her experience with purity culture.

    She shares how through her healing she was led into actually joining the ministry and the youth she was able to work with and help along the way.

    Yes, religious trauma is real and a subject many of us grapple with but I think you’ll find this an uplifting and hope-filled conversation about some of the realizations we can make on the other side of it.

    And as always…. the incomparable Lynn Green has a funny story of one childhood memory that framed her viewpoint on religion for many years to come.  **Spoiler Alert** the person doing the religious shaming ended up several years later doing the things she condemned.  

    Spread love and live in the flow because you never know where your journey will take you and how those experiences will affect your beliefs down the road.

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  • In this episode we host a delightful and candid discussion with long time listener of the show, Tovi Amanda

    Nearly 3 years ago, Tovi was one of our first fans and would join Brend and Chandra weekly for their Woo Woo Wisdom oracle readings.  We met Tovi just as she was opening up and beginning on her spiritual awakening.

    Listen as she shares with us a nearly unbelievable story of how looking to Spirit, asking for guidance, and even subsequently following that guidance didn’t lead her to the enlightened destination she was envisioning.

    Sometimes the guidance is simply preparing and leading you through this lesson in order to prepare you for the bigger lesson to come.

    Tovi will share with us the incredible account of the “3 week shit show” that positioned her exactly where she needed to be mentally and spiritually to finally accept the help she needed and position herself where she needed to be physically to actually allow healing and growth to take place.

    Tovi is now a licensed Tantra Intuitive Yoga instructor offering 1:1 and Zoom classes for all levels.

    We’d love for you to connect with Tovi on Instagram @tovsyogs11

    You can book a session with her here.

    The 108 day mindfulness journal Tovi co-authored with our very own Chandra is also available now for purchase

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  • Get comfy, grab a beverage and settle in.  This one is unprecedented. In this episode the Crew welcomes back one of our favorite guests and closest friends, Melissa Sparrow to the show.

    From past episodes you know Melissa from Akashic records readings, her beautiful gift of Light Language, as well as her Shamanic healing practice. But did you also know she performs psychic surgeries, home clearings, and also helps souls and energies cross over to the other side?

    Neither did we, until at the end of the last recording Melissa mentioned how fun she thought it would be for all of us to combine our energies and do an episode together helping souls in our area that are ready to move through the veil to the other side.

    Well, as you know, you don’t really have to tempt any of us with a good time!  We were on board from the start.

    This is a very special and sensitive episode. Obviously we approached this episode with an extreme amount of love, empathy and gratitude. And as you would expect our collective Spirit Teams did not disappoint.

    Every soul that came forward and asked for us to connect with them were VERY poignant and connected to the Ohm-g Podcast Crew and extended family. That turn of events was definitely something we did not expect, but made this episode all the more heartwarming and spiritually healing to experience and record.

    We only hope that the intensity of our experience with Melissa’s guidance translated into the version of this recording you get to hear.  It was a once in a lifetime experience for all of us.

    If you’re interested in looking into psychic surgery or clearing for yourself or loved ones please take a look at Melissa’s websites for all of her offerings to see what resonates with you.  We can’t recommend her highly enough.

    [email protected]

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  • In this week’s episode we welcome guest Deanna Frey of Blueskyes Journey LLC.  Deanna is a certified Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher, and Authorized Angel Intuitive, and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Practitioner. She is a member of the Reiki Healing Association, a registered Reiki Professional and is an Energy Medicine Professional Association insured practitioner.

    Recently several of our podcast crew have had QHHT as well as Past Life Regression sessions. Deanna joins the Crew to talk about QHHT & PLR. With her B.S. and M.S in Chemistry, Deanna helps us understand the fundamental differences between these 2 similar yet separate modalities. Through her education and experiences as a healer she’s seen numerous examples of the integration between science and spirituality.

    Listen as we discuss first hand experience of the healing power of past life regression. By reviewing scenarios from other lifetimes we gain immeasurable perspective on patterns that we can see repeating over and over not just in our current incarnation.  

    You never know what you’ll experience in a PLR or QHHT session.  Deanna shares her very first past life member and it was not at all what she expected.  We talk about everything from medieval lives, to lifetimes in Paris, to lifetimes as elemental creatures.  You won’t want to miss a minute of this one.

    If you’d like to get more information or book your in-person or virtual QHHT session or Past Life Regression you can find Deanna and all of her offerings at

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  • Welcome back for the much anticipated part 3 of our Sh!t We’ve Seen series. 

    The spiritual journey and the process of intuitive awakening is truly a miraculous one. As new senses open and grow stronger, the experiences you can have border on the positively magical.

    As a group every couple of months we try to sit in Spirit Circle together to continue to increase our bond with each other and with our collective Spirit Teams and Helpers.  A few weeks ago we decided to hold one of our circles in the home of Lynn Manuel Miranda (whose house was built in 1776 and is haunted AF).  And believe me, spirit did not disappoint.

    From beings coming forward prior to the circle to prepare us, to an open portal in Lynn’s attic, to out of body experiences. We ran the gamut that night.

    Here even week’s later we are all still recovering, integrating, and assimilating everything we experienced that night.  A lot of healing and upgrading took place and it was pure magic.

    So in this episode we want to share those experiences with you.  This is what is possible when you come together in a sacred and protected circle to petition Spirit with the unified intent of growth and healing for all involved (and the collective as well).

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  • We are coming up on 3 years since we started this little podcast venture. That milestone is as shocking for us as for anyone. Looking back to the beginnings, so much has changed that who we were then is hardly recognizable even to us.

    As most of you in our community can attest to, there has been massive change and energetic shifts especially over this last year. As a unit we’ve had some members come and go during the last few years that has accounted for some of the change, but we all feel that the entirety of our shift has been energetic. As we all shift, change, pivot our vibrations both individually and collectively do as well. 

    In this kind of work, thost vibrational changes will always attract back what is in alignment.

    With all that said, we felt it would be a good time to re-introduce ourselves. Gratefully we’ve gained new listeners that we want to get to know better as well as update those of you who have been with us since day 1 as to how we feel now and what new adventures we are looking forward to as we settle into these new vibrations and frequencies.

    And most of all, we want to extend the invitation for you to come along with us for the ride.

    Check out our memberships!! 

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  • In this episode the Crew welcomes their friend Antonia Flynn. Antonia is a relatively new addition to our circle.  Our resident energy healer extraordinaire, Lynn, introduced us to Antonia less than a year ago and she quickly found her way into all of our hearts. 

    When we first met Antonia she’d recently moved back to our little corner of North Carolina and swiftly fell into her awakening journey.  She was referred to Lynn early on for some energy work and the rest is history.

    Antonia openly and authentically shares many of the synchronicities she has begun experiencing since committing herself to opening to spirit. You won’t want to miss the story of how she received validation after meeting her first Spirit Guide.  **Hint** it includes beloved 1970’s syndicated TV and puppies (what else could you want)!

    We all just love visiting with Antonia and we’re sure you will too.

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  • What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about “doing the work”? Is our spiritual community and leaders doing a good job helping those beginning their awakening journey understand exactly what that is and how to do it? Do you think Julien Blanc and Bashar (channeled by Darryl Anka) are getting it right?

    Shadow work is a very sensitive topic and can be daunting for many. We have so many preconceived notions about our “shadow side” and being made to feel like they are dark aspects of ourselves that have been disowned.

    What if that is not true…. at least not entirely?

    In this episode the Crew talks about their own respective shadow work journeys. What “doing the work” looks like to them and some different perspectives on exactly what the shadow is and the purpose it was always intended to play in our reality.

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    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.

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  • Do you believe that we all have a superpower?  Do you think you know what yours is? Well so did the crew. 
    We all have gifts that are unique to us as individuals, but what really constitutes a superpower?  I think we can all agree it doesn’t have to be something grandiose like wielding a lasso of truth or leaping tall buildings in a single bound. 
    Your superpower is whatever you do like no one else that makes you special and supportive to the friends and loved ones around you.
    Listen as the Woo Crew shares what they feel each member’s superpower actually is.
    Spoiler Alert*** We get all sappy again.
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  • As usual one of the crew found another rabbit hole and took to reading Healing the Shame That Binds You by John Bradshaw
    Join the Crew in what becomes a very vulnerable discussion about shame and how it can affect us in all aspects of our lives, including spirituality.
    Shame in and of itself is a vital emotion in navigating the human experience. Think of it as a moral compass.  Toxic Shame (the shame projected on us by others), however, is extremely undermining to our sense of self.  The more shame you accrue the more the authentic self shrinks and the false self you create to cope, takes over.
    The Crew discusses why spiritually awakened individuals might be a little more sensitive to shame and the impact the false self can have on your growth and healing journey.
    Listen to find out how the false self would present itself and the paradoxical nature of neurotic shame.
    Bradshaw says in his book “True love heals. It affects spiritual growth. If we don’t grow because of someone’s love, it's generally because its a counterfeit form of love.”
    WOW! Now that's a yardstick to measure your relationship by! Lots to reveal, unpack, and absorb. We hope you enjoy it and find some grace for yourself in this journey
    The Shame That Binds You - John Bradshaw

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