
  • Today, we are going to share our experience of dancing the Rumba, a type of International Standard Dance. In performing class, we have a lesson that makes us dance with boys. The teacher first put us into groups of two according to height. This is a memorable experience for us.


    Hello everyone, we’re “Olivia & Ava Talk Talk Show “! We’re two students from Chingshin who started our brand new middle school life.
    In this channel, we’re going to talk about our campus events, big news, suggestions for books, movies and useful things, debate, interview, and Q&A series.
    Why do we want to start this podcast show? It’s because we have been good friends for 6 years already, and we are both in the international group in middle school. We can develop our English skills in this way. It is also good for us when attending university.
    We put a lot of time into each episode you hear, and we hope you enjoy it.

    大家好,我們是《Olivia & Ava 脫口秀》!我們是兩個來自私立靜心高級中學的學生,開始了嶄新的中學生活。

  • Today, we are going to discuss an annual seventh grade inter-class English class song competition. Our class put in a lot of effort on it and we want to share how it went. In the English class song competition, our class needs to choose a song and play a short drama. Our class chose the song Nobody by OneRepublic, and we performed a romance.


    Hello everyone, we’re “Olivia & Ava Talk Talk Show “! We’re two students from Chingshin who started our brand new middle school life.
    In this channel, we’re going to talk about our campus events, big news, suggestions for books, movies and useful things, debate, interview, and Q&A series.
    Why do we want to start this podcast show? It’s because we have been good friends for 6 years already, and we are both in the international group in middle school. We can develop our English skills in this way. It is also good for us when attending university.
    We put a lot of time into each episode you hear, and we hope you enjoy it.

    大家好,我們是《Olivia & Ava 脫口秀》!我們是兩個來自私立靜心高級中學的學生,開始了嶄新的中學生活。

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  • Today, we are going to discuss the baseball game that happened last year. Taiwan won the championship, and we’d like to talk about the it. We’ll briefly talk about the rules of baseball. It’s great that Taiwan has won this year's tournament, and finally earned Japan’s respect.


    Hello everyone, we’re “Olivia & Ava Talk Talk Show “! We’re two students from Chingshin who started our brand new middle school life.
    In this channel, we’re going to talk about our campus events, big news, suggestions for books, movies and useful things, debate, interview, and Q&A series.
    Why do we want to start this podcast show? It’s because we have been good friends for 6 years already, and we are both in the international group in middle school. We can develop our English skills in this way. It is also good for us when attending university.
    We put a lot of time into each episode you hear, and we hope you enjoy it.

    大家好,我們是《Olivia & Ava 脫口秀》!我們是兩個來自私立靜心高級中學的學生,開始了嶄新的中學生活。

  • Today we are going to talk about a book we both enjoyed, which is called “See You In the Cosmos”. The book has a romantic gradient blue background with a little boy’s silhouette, launching his little rocket. And that was the main reason why we chose to read this book! We both read this book that we thought was great! So, let’s introduce this book. But be careful, this contains major spoilers! But we’ll leave the end of the story as a mystery. It’s for us to know and for you to read and find out!

    今天我們要談一本我們都很喜歡的書,書名是《See you in the Cosmos》。 這本書的封面有著浪漫的漸層藍色背景,上面有一個小男孩的身影,正在發射他的小火箭。這就是我們選擇閱讀這本書的主要原因!我們都讀了這本書,覺得它很棒!那麼,我們來介紹一下這本書。但請小心,其中包含滿多劇透!但故事的結局我們暫且不提。這是我們應該知道的,也是你們應該閱讀並發現的!

    Hello everyone, we’re “Olivia & Ava Talk Talk Show “! We’re two students from Chingshin who started our brand new middle school life.
    In this channel, we’re going to talk about our campus events, big news, suggestions for books, movies and useful things, debate, interview, and Q&A series.
    Why do we want to start this podcast show? It’s because we have been good friends for 6 years already, and we are both in the international group in middle school. We can develop our English skills in this way. It is also good for us when attending university.
    We put a lot of time into each episode you hear, and we hope you enjoy it.

    大家好,我們是《Olivia & Ava 脫口秀》!我們是兩個來自私立靜心高級中學的學生,開始了嶄新的中學生活。

  • Today, we are going to talk about typhoons. We will discuss what it is, how it is formed, how it affects the country and typhoon day off. We want to talk about this topic because there’s already 4 typhoon days off this year in Taiwan! We missed quite an important day because of this.


    Hello everyone, we’re “Olivia & Ava Talk Talk Show “! We’re two students from Chingshin who started our brand new middle school life.
    In this channel, we’re going to talk about our campus events, big news, suggestions for books, movies and useful things, debate, interview, and Q&A series.
    Why do we want to start this podcast show? It’s because we have been good friends for 6 years already, and we are both in the international group in middle school. We can develop our English skills in this way. It is also good for us when attending university.
    We put a lot of time into each episode you hear, and we hope you enjoy it.

    大家好,我們是《Olivia & Ava 脫口秀》!我們是兩個來自私立靜心高級中學的學生,開始了嶄新的中學生活。

  • Today, we are going to talk about our school’s anniversary. We got to see amazing dances, sell delicious food to each other, and we’d like to share that in more detail! Chingshin’s (our school) annual school anniversary activities and celebrations are usually on 10/30 and 10/31, and this year is Chingshin’s 74th birthday!


    Hello everyone, we’re “Olivia & Ava Talk Talk Show “! We’re two students from Chingshin who started our brand new middle school life.
    In this channel, we’re going to talk about our campus events, big news, suggestions for books, movies and useful things, debate, interview, and Q&A series.
    Why do we want to start this podcast show? It’s because we have been good friends for 6 years already, and we are both in the international group in middle school. We can develop our English skills in this way. It is also good for us when attending university.
    We put a lot of time into each episode you hear, and we hope you enjoy it.

    大家好,我們是《Olivia & Ava 脫口秀》!我們是兩個來自私立靜心高級中學的學生,開始了嶄新的中學生活。

  • Today we are going to talk about the personality test, better known as MBTI. "MBTI" is the abbreviation of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It was designed by American mother and daughter Myers and Briggs. It is a kind of personality trait test. After the MBTI" test, you will receive a set of 4-letter codes, which represent your "personality type". There are 16 types in total.
    If you are interested in testing it, just search MBTI on the search engine!

    今天我們要討論的是性格測試,也就是MBTI。 「MBTI」是邁爾斯-布里格斯類型指標的縮寫。它是由美國母女邁爾斯和布里格斯設計的。它是一種人格特質測驗。經過MBTI測試後,你會收到一組4個字母的代碼,代表您的「性格類型」。總共有16種類型。

    Hello everyone, we’re “Olivia & Ava Talk Talk Show “! We’re two students from Chingshin who started our brand new middle school life.
    In this channel, we’re going to talk about our campus events, big news, suggestions for books, movies and useful things, debate, interview, and Q&A series.
    Why do we want to start this podcast show? It’s because we have been good friends for 6 years already, and we are both in the international group in middle school. We can develop our English skills in this way. It is also good for us when attending university.
    We put a lot of time into each episode you hear, and we hope you enjoy it.

    大家好,我們是《Olivia & Ava 脫口秀》!我們是兩個來自私立靜心高級中學的學生,開始了嶄新的中學生活。

  • Today we are going to talk about our first big exams in middle school. We are in the international team so we only have 7 subjects to study: Chinese language arts, Math, English, Science, Geography, Chinese and English writing. We will briefly explain what our exams were like, and how we studied. But if we are not pleased with our scores, we might not tell you our results.


    Hello everyone, we’re “Olivia & Ava Talk Talk Show “! We’re two students from Chingshin who started our brand new middle school life.
    In this channel, we’re going to talk about our campus events, big news, suggestions for books, movies and useful things, debate, interview, and Q&A series.
    Why do we want to start this podcast show? It’s because we have been good friends for 6 years already, and we are both in the international group in middle school. We can develop our English skills in this way. It is also good for us when attending university.
    We put a lot of time into each episode you hear, and we hope you enjoy it.

    大家好,我們是《Olivia & Ava 脫口秀》!我們是兩個來自私立靜心高級中學的學生,開始了嶄新的中學生活。

  • Today we are going to talk about some issues that Olivia and Ava faced about the friendship between them and the other boys in the international program. But they won’t mention their names because we don’t have their permission…and it’s not okay to say their names to the public without it.

    P.S. Be careful not to turn the volume up too high…your ears might explode…
    P.P.S. Don’t worry, Olivia & Ava already made up with the relationship with the boys, since they need to be together for 3~6 years! They are super close friends now!

    今天我們要談談 Olivia 和 Ava 在國際組中與其他男孩之間的友誼所面臨的一些問題。但他們不會提及他們的名字,因為我們沒有得到他們的許可……而且未經許可就不能向公眾說出他們的名字。

    附:別擔心,Olivia 和 Ava 已經和男孩們和好了,而且他們還需要在一起 3~6 年!他們現在是超級要好的朋友了!

    Hello everyone, we’re “Olivia & Ava Talk Talk Show “! We’re two students from Chingshin who started our brand new middle school life.
    In this channel, we’re going to talk about our campus events, big news, suggestions for books, movies and useful things, debate, interview, and Q&A series.
    Why do we want to start this podcast show? It’s because we have been good friends for 6 years already, and we are both in the international group in middle school. We can develop our English skills in this way. It is also good for us when attending university.
    We put a lot of time into each episode you hear, and we hope you enjoy it.

    大家好,我們是《Olivia & Ava 脫口秀》!我們是兩個來自私立靜心高級中學的學生,開始了嶄新的中學生活。

  • Today, we’re going to talk about electronic devices and how it affects us and briefly explain what is internet addiction. Ava has a smart phone but Olivia doesn’t. What is the good time for children nowadays to get their very own electronics?
    P.S. We are sorry about uploading this episode late. we were busy preparing for our exams and we didn’t have time.


    Hello everyone, we’re “Olivia & Ava Talk Talk Show “! We’re two students from Chingshin who started our brand new middle school life.
    In this channel, we’re going to talk about our campus events, big news, suggestions for books, movies and useful things, debate, interview, and Q&A series.
    Why do we want to start this podcast show? It’s because we have been good friends for 6 years already, and we are both in the international group in middle school. We can develop our English skills in this way. It is also good for us when attending university.
    We put a lot of time into each episode you hear, and we hope you enjoy it.

    大家好,我們是《Olivia & Ava 脫口秀》!我們是兩個來自私立靜心高級中學的學生,開始了嶄新的中學生活。

  • Today, we’re going to talk about the recent popular movie: Inside Out 2, share some Easter eggs of the movie and how are our puberty years going. But here is a little notice again: if you haven’t watched Inside Out 2, it’s better if you watch it before listening to this episode. There might be some spoilers!

    今天我們來聊聊最近熱播的電影《腦筋急轉彎2》,分享一下這部電影的幾個小彩蛋和我們的青春期故事。但這裡又有個小注意事項:如果您還沒看過《腦筋急轉彎 2》,最好在聽本集之前先看一下。可能會有一些爆雷!

    Hello everyone, we’re “Olivia & Ava Talk Talk Show “! We’re two students from Chingshin who started our brand new middle school life.
    In this channel, we’re going to talk about our campus events, big news, suggestions for books, movies and useful things, debate, interview, and Q&A series.
    Why do we want to start this podcast show? It’s because we have been good friends for 6 years already, and we are both in the international group in middle school. We can develop our English skills in this way. It is also good for us when attending university.
    We put a lot of time into each episode you hear, and we hope you enjoy it.

    大家好,我們是《Olivia & Ava 脫口秀》!我們是兩個來自私立靜心高級中學的學生,開始了嶄新的中學生活。

  • Today, we’re going to talk about the recent popular movie: Inside Out 2, share our opinions about the movie and our favorite emotions. But here is a little notice: if you haven’t watched Inside Out 2, it’s better if you watch it before listening to this episode. There might be some spoilers!

    今天我們來聊聊最近熱播的電影《腦筋急轉彎2》,分享一下我們對這部電影的看法以及我們最喜歡的角色。但這裡有個小注意事項:如果您還沒看過《腦筋急轉彎 2》,最好在聽本集之前先看一下。可能會有一些爆雷!

    Hello everyone, we’re “Olivia & Ava Talk Talk Show “! We’re two students from Chingshin who started our brand new middle school life.
    In this channel, we’re going to talk about our campus events, big news, suggestions for books, movies and useful things, debate, interview, and Q&A series.
    Why do we want to start this podcast show? It’s because we have been good friends for 6 years already, and we are both in the international group in middle school. We can develop our English skills in this way. It is also good for us when attending university.
    We put a lot of time into each episode you hear, and we hope you enjoy it.

    大家好,我們是《Olivia & Ava 脫口秀》!我們是兩個來自私立靜心高級中學的學生,開始了嶄新的中學生活。

  • Today, we are going to talk about the 2024 Paris Olympics. We’ll bring you some Olympic popular facts, talk about the beautiful country of Paris, share our favorite athletes and the accident of Carolina Marin.


    Hello everyone, we’re “Olivia & Ava Talk Talk Show “! We’re two students from Chingshin who started our brand new middle school life.
    In this channel, we’re going to talk about our campus events, big news, suggestions for books, movies and useful things, debate, interview, and Q&A series.
    Why do we want to start this podcast show? It’s because we have been good friends for 6 years already, and we are both in the international group in middle school. We can develop our English skills in this way. It is also good for us when attending university.
    We put a lot of time into each episode you hear, and we hope you enjoy it.

    大家好,我們是《Olivia & Ava 脫口秀》!我們是兩個來自私立靜心高級中學的學生,開始了嶄新的中學生活。

  • Today, we are going to introduce ourselves, talk about why we started this show, and share our first few days of middle school.


    Hello everyone, we’re “Olivia & Ava Talk Talk Show “! We’re two students from Chingshin who started our brand new middle school life.
    In this channel, we’re going to talk about our campus events, big news, suggestions for books, movies and useful things, debate, interview, and Q&A series.
    Why do we want to start this podcast show? It’s because we have been good friends for 6 years already, and we are both in the international group in middle school. We can develop our English skills in this way. It is also good for us when attending university.
    We put a lot of time into each episode you hear, and we hope you enjoy it.

    大家好,我們是《Olivia & Ava 脫口秀》!我們是兩個來自私立靜心高級中學的學生,開始了嶄新的中學生活。