Here are the discussion questions for this episode: Read Matthew 16:24 and compare it to the story of Simon from Cyrene. (Luke 23:26)The criminal who asked Jesus to remember him is in paradise today. What does that teach us about the things need to do to get to Paradise? (Luke 23:43)When Jesus died, the curtain that separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the temple was ripped in two. What does that tell us about the transition from Old Covenant to New Covenant? (Luke 23:45)Even though they had heard many predictions of the Messiah's resurrection and had seen Jesus raise people from the dead, the disciples didn't believe Jesus had actually risen. What caused them to doubt it? (Luke 24:11)
Here are the discussion questions for this episode: Judas appears to be the main adversary of the crucifixion story, but Luke tells us He was possessed by the satan. If we are called to love our enemies, what does that say about how we should feel about Judas? (Luke 22:3)The satan is never given a proper name in Scripture. Instead, we are given metaphors and descriptions of him. Why do you think that is? (Luke 22:3)The Last Supper was the Passover Meal. Jesus served His disciples at The Last Supper, and He told them to remember His sacrifice when they feast together in the future. How well does our communion liturgy honor Christ's request? (Luke 22:19)In the garden, Jesus asked God to find a different way to bring forgiveness to the world. Does that mean Jesus was weak? (Luke 22:42-44)Pilate gave in to the pressure of the mob. What absolute standard do we rely on to avoid following the desires of popular opinion? (Luke 23:25)
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Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode: Why do you think Jesus vandalized the shops in the temple? (Luke 19:46)When Jesus said, "give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar," what was He teaching? (Luke 20:25)Jesus said people won't be married to each other in Heaven. How does that make you feel? What are the earthly implications of that? (Luke 20:35)Why did Jesus praise the poor widow who gave less than the wealthy people? (Luke 21:4)The Jewish religious leaders justified killing Jesus by pointing to His prophesy about the destruction of the temple. The temple has been destroyed multiple times throughout history. The curtain that covered the Holy of Holies was ripped when Jesus died, and the temple was destroyed in 70 AD. Many Christians predict that the temple will be rebuilt and destroyed in the future. What event do you believe Jesus was prophesying in Luke 21?
Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode:Many people have tried to predict when Jesus will return, but what did Jesus mean when He said, "The Kingdom of God can't be detected by visible signs." (Luke 17:20)The judge in Luke 18 ignored the widowed, but her persistence won him over. What are the differences between this unjust judge and God? (Luke 18:8)The rich, religious expert walked away from Jesus because he didn't want to give up his wealth. Why is it so difficult for rich people to get into God's Kingdom? (Luke 18:25)As we've seen throughout the book of Luke, Jesus prioritized reaching lost and sick people. Talk about someone you believe God is calling you to share your faith with. If you're not sure who that should be, ask God to bring lost people to mind. (Luke 19:10)
Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode: Why did the master praise the shrewd manager even though it caused the master to lose money? (Luke 16:9)Jesus instructs us not to be enslaved to money if we seek to serve Him. What is the difference between us having money and money having us (Luke 16:13)?Do you believe Hell is a literal place or a fictional place? (Luke 16:23)The rich man went from master on Earth to beggar in Hades. What does this tell us about the value of Earthly treasure and power? (Luke 16:25)What is the lesson that you will remember from these two parables?
Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode: Jesus constantly told His followers to humble themselves. Why is pride so detrimental to our faith? (Luke 14:10)Luke 14:28 tell us to count the costs before we choose to follow Jesus. What is the danger of following Christ without recognizing what it might cost you? (Luke 14:28)Jesus tells three stories in Luke 15 to illustrate the importance of saving lost people. Do you believe churches in America work hard enough to reach lost people? (Luke 15:10)The older brother in the story of the lost son get jealous when the father celebrates the return of the prodigal son. What is his jealousy meant to illustrate in the church? (Luke 15:29-30)There are many lessons we can learn from the story of the prodigal son. Which lesson stands out most to you? (Luke 15:24)
Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode: Accumulating earthly treasures causes people to neglect spiritual things. How should people who have significant wealth avoid this problem? (Luke 12:21)Practically speaking, how should we apply Jesus' command not to worry about what we will eat? Should we stop grocery shopping? (Luke 12:22)What should we do to prepare for the return of Christ? (Luke 12:40)Read Luke 12:54-56. How can a weatherman's ability to predict the weather compare to our ability to predict the future of the church?Luke 13:24 says the door to God's Kingdom is narrow. What are the methods that some people will try to use to enter the Kingdom but fail?
Here are the discussion question for this episode: Jesus compared Himself to Jonah and Solomon. Both were prophets whose messages were received by the people. Did Jesus purposefully connect Himself to them rather than a prophet who was ignored? (Luke 11:32)How strict are you in guarding your eyes from things that will lead to sin? (Luke 11:34)Should Christians tithe or is tithing only an obsolete part of the Old Covenant law? (Luke 11:42)Can you describe a time the Holy Spirit spoke through you? (Luke 12:11-12)
Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode: The religious expert was able to summarize the Old Covenant Jewish law the same way Jesus did: love God and love people. How is it that such a complex list of rules can be summarized so succinctly? (Luke 10:27)Jews hated Samaritans, but Jesus used a Samaritan as an example of sacrificial love. Are there people in our world that are seen as the enemy or as outcasts that we need to see as neighbors? How can we be neighborly to them? (Luke 10:29)Jesus praised Mary for focusing on Jesus rather than on Martha's tasks. Are you naturally more like Mary (relationship focused) or like Martha (task focused)? (Luke 10:42)Do you see Jesus' example prayer in Luke 11:2-4 as a passage we should quote, as an outline that we should follow, or simply as an example of how we can talk to God? (Luke 11:2-4)
Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode: Luke tells us that Jesus "resolutely" set out for Jerusalem. It seems that knowing the end was near caused some urgency. As you get older, do you feel more or less urgency to participate in the Christian mission, to lead people to Jesus? (see Luke 9:51)The disciples wanted to call down fire from Heaven to kill the Samaritans, but Jesus rebuked the disciples. When you are tempted to treat people as enemies that Jesus would have compassion for, how do you change your thinking? (see Luke 9:55)Most people spend most of their energy attempting to increase their wealth or power so that they can expand their comfort zones. Do you utilize any strategies to get out of your comfort zone. (see Luke 9:58)Because sheep have shepherds, sheep are not on endangered species lists, but wolves are. As the percentage of Christians in the world relentlessly grows, does the percentage of wolves decrease? (See Luke 10:3)Jesus' disciples celebrated because they were blessed by the opportunity to participate in the amazing expansion of God's Kingdom. Do you experience similar joy when God uses you to draw people to Himself? (see Luke 10:24)
Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode: Why do you think Jesus told the disciples to shake the dust from their feet of any town that refused to welcome them?Why do you think the Jews thought Jesus was a past prophet who had risen from the dead, rather than a new prophet or the Messiah?When Jesus fed thousands of people with only five loaves of bread and two fish, there wasn't only enough food for everyone. There were 12 baskets leftover. Why do you think Jesus made more than they needed?Jesus repeatedly predicted His death by pointing to the prophesies about the death of the Messiah. Why do you think the disciples failed to see the imminence of His death?Why do you think Jesus pointed the attention of the disciples to a child when they were arguing about who was the greatest?
Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode: Why would Isaiah prophesy that the government would rest on the Messiah's shoulders if the Messiah came to establish a spiritual kingdom rather than overthrow a worldly kingdom?When Scripture tells us about financial donors to Jesus' mission, they're always women. Why do you think that is?What makes some soil (people) receptive to God's word while others are not?Why were people terrified when they saw the power of Jesus? (see Luke 8:25 and 8:37)Why do you think Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood needed to have faith before Jesus would heal?
Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode: Do you ask guests to wash their feet when they enter your home? Why or why not?Read Matthew 26:13. Why do you think this sinful woman's story is included in all four gospels?Simon, the Pharisee, wanted to find a way to discredit Jesus. Have you ever felt attacked by someone who wanted you to fail?How did Jesus react when Simon attempted to trap Him?Jesus allowed a prostitute to wash His feet; then He said she was saved. Does that make you uncomfortable?
Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode: Why did Jesus heal the centurion's slave boy without requiring the centurion to repent?What is your top takeaway from the story of Jesus healing the centurion's slave boy?When Jesus raised the widow's son from the dead, Jesus' fame grew. Was Jesus healing so that people would hear about Him, simply because He loved people, or both?Why did John the Baptism tell his disciples to ask Jesus if He really was the Messiah?
Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode: Jesus picked 12 of His disciples to be apostles. What criteria do you think He used to choose the 12?Twelve is the number of God's perfect, absolute governance. There were 12 tribes of Israel and 12 apostles. What does this tell us about the Kingdom that Jesus came to establish?If the poor are blessed, should we seek to be poor?Luke 6:35 says that people who are generous will receive a reward in Heaven. What do you think that reward will be?The last part of chapter 6 is all about judgement. When and what should we judge? When and what should we not judge?
Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode: Tell a story of a time that you felt like an outsider or an outcast.Why was Jesus' message "good news" for outsiders?Jesus famously healed people physically, but how is spiritual healing more valuable to us?When Simon Peter realized Jesus was the messiah, he repented of his sins. Why was this his reaction?Why was it so surprising that Jesus invited a tax collector to be His disciple?What does Levi's (Matthew's) willingness to leave his job teach us about the limitations of wealth and power to give us happiness?
Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were all present at Jesus’ baptism. What does this tell us about the nature of Jesus?What role do you believe baptism plays in a Christian’s spiritual journey?What does it teach us that baptism in water is a one time event rather than a repeated event like washing in a mikveh as in the Jewish cleansing ritual?We read in Luke 2 that Jesus was presented or dedicated at the temple and circumcised when He was a baby. How is this different than baby baptism?If Christians were baptized by their parents when they were babies, should they get baptized as adults?
Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode: What does Luke's specificity about the time and place of the events tell us about the reliability of his report?Why was John a threat to the rulers of his time, and why was his life more documented than their lives?John the baptist's followers became Jesus' followers. Why were they so willing to switch leaders?The people who were convinced by John's teaching asked him, "what should we do?" If you asked that question to God today, what would He say?John told his followers they should repent of their sins and love people. How was that different than the plan of salvation the Jewish religious leaders taught?
Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here is the discussion question for this episode: The prophecies of the Messiah stopped for 400 years before Jesus came to Earth. What can God's silence and the long absence of prophecies teach us about God?Why did people sing when they realized the Messiah had come?How did Simeon and Anna know that Jesus was the Messiah? (see Luke 2:25-32)Mary and Joseph panicked when they couldn't find Jesus. If you have one, share a story with the group about a time you panicked because you lost a loved one.Jesus had incredible wisdom because His Heavenly Father gave it to Him. Do you believe we would hear from God more if we didn't have the distractions of sin in our lives?
Thank you for joining me for this episode of On The Way. Here are the discussion question for this episode: Luke was a physician. How do you think that impacted his writing?Luke wrote more of the New Testament than anyone else. How important is Luke's credibility? Why should we believe him?Luke was killed because he refused to deny that Jesus is Lord. What truth are you so convinced of that you would die for it?The Bible was written over a period of 2,000 years by 40 authors. Is it easier for you to trust the Bible because individual authors like Luke are trustworthy or because the many authors agreed with each other?When you get the chance to talk to Luke in Heaven, what will you ask him?
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