Musiikkia, mietteitä, määritelmiä.
Puhu minulle luovuudesta on musiikillisen luovuuden muotoihin paneutuva podcast-sarja, jossa musiikintutkija Riikka Hiltunen keskustelee teemasta ja teeman vierestä muusikko- ja tutkijavieraiden kanssa. Musiikillista luovuutta käsitellään muun muassa suhteessa kaupallisuuteen, sukupuoleen ja muihin luomisen reunaehtoihin. Sarjassa pohditaan myös, mitä musiikillinen luovuus ylipäätään on, ja miten se muuttuu laajempien musiikkialan muutosten myötä.
Ohjelmaa julkaisee Voima. Toimitustyötä on tukenut Uudenmaan Kulttuurirahasto.
Jingle: Kaj Chydenius - Puhu minulle rakkaudesta -
Kuuntele uusi Afterowork -jakso tuttuun tapaan keskiviikkoisin Podimossa!
Tsekkaa ilmaiskokeilu 👉 podimo.fi/afterwork
Afterwork on viikon odotetuin hetki hyvien ystävien seurassa ja monenlaisten aiheiden parissa, jotka juuri nyt askarruttavat mieltä. Afterworkin äärellä parannetaan maailmaa, jaetaan kokemuksia, itketään ja nauretaan, haastetaan omaa ja muiden ajattelua ja välillä opitaan jotain ihan uuttakin. Viikoittaisen ystävien “terapiatuokion” aiheet vaihtelevat maan ja taivaan väliltä, kepeistä jutuista syvällisempiin ja vakavampiin keskusteluihin. Sarjan tekijät ovat suosittua Pupulandia-blogia kirjoittava Jenni Rotonen, stylisti Meri Milash ja toimittaja Petra Väänänen - ja välillä menossa on mukana vierailijoitakin.
Podcastin musiikki: Matti Paalanen
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. -
A podcast about music - how to listen, play, practice, and enjoy. Listen for a combo of advice, insights, and occasional humor from pianists Peter Martin and Adam Maness. A podcast from Open Studio
Dead Rock Stars is a new, enlightening yet wholly amusing podcast presented by former Classic Rock editor and star Kerrang! writer Mick Wall and Metal Hammer and The Quietus regular Joel McIver. Between them, these two rock writers have written over fifty books on music and contributed to dozens of publications. The new podcast, produced by 7digital – whose resumé includes Bruce Dickinson’s Rock Show and Radcliffe And Maconie for BBC 6 Music radio show – celebrates Wall and McIver’s combined decades of experience in rock writing and has the stated objective of revealing to listeners exactly what a particular deceased rocker was like in the flesh.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The 500 with Josh Adam Meyers counts down Rolling Stone Magazine’s 500 Greatest Albums of All Time with comedians, actors, and musicians.
The ultimate Beatles podcast: Deep research, unconventional topics, probing interviews and hard-hitting info that doesn't pull any punches. Hosted by Erik Taros and Richard Buskin.
"Been There, Rocked That" is a podcast consisting of classic conversations about style, fashion, hip hop, and lifestyle culture. Hosts Prance Lo and PoloPirata and discuss the past, present, and future, while joined by guests from various industries. Join them, as they tackle different topics each week with different guests.
The hot new location for all your beauty needs. Learn how to stay beautiful on the inside and out with advice from Kay Durairaj, MD, a top plastic surgeon from Los Angeles, California. This podcast will feature the inside scoop on trends in plastic surgery, botox, fillers, beauty, and wellness. Guest stars will include influencers, entrepreneurs, and other top plastic surgeons across the country. Stay tuned for Beauty Bytes, and follow us on Instagram @beautybydrkay.
Experimental musicians and sound artists discuss the albums that are important to them. A bi-weekly podcast from ATTN:Magazine.
The podcast about contemporary microtonal and xenharmonic music, launched by Sevish and led by Stephen Weigel.
Raakaa hengailua ja päämäärätöntä jutustelua ilman tuotannollista väliintuloa.
Onpahan olemassa.
Tue tekemistä: https://buymeacoffee.com/levonillelaskenluojani -
Second Hand Stories -podcast esittelee pitkän kansainvälisen uran mallina tehneen Maryam Razavin vieraina suomalaisia tunnettuja ja värikkäitä henkilöitä, jotka avaavat vaatekaappiensa ovet ja keskustelevat muodin vastuullisuudesta ja esittelevät omia vintage-aarteitaan. Vieraina mm. räppäri Mikael Gabriel, ihmisoikeusaktivisti Natalia Kallio, muusikko Jussi69, poliitikko ja runoilija Anni Sinnemäki ja monta muuta julkisuudesta tuttua persoonaa! Second Hand Stories tehdään yhteistyössä Tise -applikaation kanssa. Lataa ja rekisteröidy Tiseen ja kuuntele uusin jakso. Tarjolla on rahanarvoisia vinkkejä ja kiinnostavia löytöjä. Jaksot nähtävissä myös YouTubessa kanavalta: Second Hand Stories. Seuraa Maryamia Tisessä: @maryamrazavi ja Instassa: @maryam.razavi
Kuuntele Saran kaverikirja tiistaisin Podimossa!
Tsekkaa ilmaiskokeilu 👉 podimo.fi/sarankaverikirja
Sara Parikka on näyttelijä, juontaja, somevaikuttaja ja kolmen hurmaavan tytön äiti. Hänet tunnetaan positiivisena ja räiskyvän iloisena persoonana, jolle perhe on aina ykkönen. Instagramissa hän päästää seuraajat kurkistamaan lapsiperhearjen kulisseihin ja moninaisiin töihinsä kameran edessä ja sen takana. Sara jakaa lisäksi myös vinkkejä sisustukseen, muotiin ja ruuanlaittoon liittyen.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
A Michael Jackson Podcast
Taking you inside the music, one interview at a time. This is Inside MusiCast. We interview the great session musicians, producers, writers and engineers that are the talent behind the talent in the music indistry. We dedicate our podcast to them and to you - the music enthusiasts who need to go beyond the liner notes.
The Hexagon Podcast is about six aspects of being a singer-songwriter. You can learn more about the podcast and host by listening Episode 0, or visiting hexagonpodcast.com.
You can learn more about Jesse at his website, jessecorrell.com.
Each episode, Jesse will meet with a fellow singer-songwriter to discuss the Six Aspects of Being a Singer-Songwriter...so we may discuss things like:
What is your process?
How do you stay organized?
Do you immediately copyright everything?
Do you co-write?
Do you write out lead sheets for your songs?
Solo shows versus band gigs
Performance tech--loop pedals, tracks, gear, etc.
How do you book your shows?
How do you find the right venues?
Have you done any regional/national tours?
Describe your most difficult show?
What is your anxiety level before a typical show?
What is your best strategy for merch after the show?
Record yourself or go to the studio?
Do you try to capture your raw sound, or perfect it with studio techniques?
Do you record a demo for every song?
What can you do for yourself...and when is it time to hire someone else for the rest?
Do you release physical recordings (i.e. CDs or vinyl) or just digital?
Are you a member of a Performing Rights Organization (PRO, i.e. ASCAP, BMI, SESAC)?
Do you know who your audience is? How did you develop that awareness?
How do you know what to demand regarding pay when you play shows?
How do you keep your audience engaged?
Do you file taxes as a musician?
How do you know where to put your energy when it comes to social media?
How do you find new streams of income?
How do you stay informed about musical trends?
How do you find new gear?
Where do you find new music?
How do you learn new covers?
Are there techniques you've learned that took your playing, singing, or writing to a new level?
How do you do all of the above and still have energy left over?
What kind of toll does that take on your relationships?
How do you define success?
How long have you given yourself to "make it"?
If you weren't a singer-songwriter, what else would you be pursuing? -
This is the Soho Radio podcast, showcasing some of the best broadcasts from our online radio station live from London and New York to the world. We have a wide range of shows covering every genre, along with chat shows, discussions and special broadcasts. To catch up on all Soho Radio shows head on over to mixcloud.com/sohoradio or tune in live anytime at sohoradiolondon.com. This is a Soho Radio Productions Podcast.
Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/soho-radio.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Your favorite musicians, filmmakers, and other creative minds one-on-one. No moderator, no script, no typical questions. The Talkhouse Podcast offers unique insights into creative work from all genres and generations. Explore more illuminating shows on the Talkhouse Podcast Network.
A weekly podcast music, books and any thing else that takes my fancy. If you are looking for writing tips and NPR whisper-voices, this isn’t the podcast for you.
If, however, you’d like to join in on a conversation about the life that surrounds writing books and songs, then you’ve found a home, a friend, and a passionate lover. -
Need Musical Motivation? Classical Minutes is your solution to finding happiness in music, to getting the most out of the hours you spend practicing and listening to music. Reduce your stress and get inspired! Master the skills you need to lead a balanced life with music and enjoy more success. Concert Pianist and Professor Yael Weiss hosts Classical Minutes to bring you unique insights, with a to-the-point approach that keeps you focused on growing each day. Give it a daily listen and see how you can feel great moving forward with just a minute a day. (weekly blog at www.classicalminutes.com, more at www.yaelweiss.com)