
  • This week, Outrage + Optimism celebrate World Refugee Day with an interview with Gaia Vince. The hosts discuss how extreme heat, floods or natural disasters cause tens of millions of people to leave their homes behind. They look at how climate migration is happening now and will only happen faster and with greater impact. With each degree of temperature rise, a billion people will be displaced and huge swathes of the world will become uninhabitable.

    Gaia Vince, author of Nomad Century: How to Survive the Climate Upheaval talks to the hosts about the need for what she calls ‘honest pragmatism about human mobility’. With Gaia’s steer, the hosts and Gaia discuss ways we might manage this inevitable movement of people; why the right wing, anti-immigration narrative might resonate but is not rooted in the fact that migrants historically enrich societies, both culturally and financially, and how to implement long-term solutions rather than patch-ups.


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    World Refugee Day

    Refugee Week: 17 - 23 June

    What is the ‘human climate niche’ and why does it matter?

    ‘Simple Acts’ for Refugee Week!

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  • This week, we go deep into trauma with Thomas Hübl, who developed the Collective Trauma Integration Process for working with individual, ancestral, and collective trauma. With the help of Thomas, hear our hosts unpack why, and how, we have to keep working on the solutions even as we are still experiencing the trauma of the climate crisis.

    Thomas Hübl, is a renowned teacher, author, and international facilitator who works within the complexity of systems and cultural change by integrating the core insights of the great wisdom traditions and mysticism with the discoveries of science.



    Thomas Hübl, Teacher, Author, and International Facilitator

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  • This week’s episode kicks off with Tom and Paul discussing the critical events shaping global democracy over the last week including Trump’s convictions, the first head to head debate between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer ahead of the July 4th UK elections and Modi’s unexpected election result. They provide thoughtful analysis of the question: how much is climate change impacting these global democratic events?

    We also feature a brilliant conversation Christiana had with Ian Bremmer, President and Founder of Eurasia Group and GZERO Media where they discuss Trump and what his possible re-election could mean for climate action. Could a second Trump administration surprise us on climate?



    Ian Bremmer, President and Founder of Eurasia Group and GZERO Media

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  • This week, Christiana, Tom and Paul bring the politics with a discussion on the upcoming UK election. Our hosts chat to Tom Steyer, Co-Executive Chair of Galvanize Climate Solutions, a mission-driven investment platform, about clean power S-curves, the Climate War and Texas. Christiana questions whether economic competitiveness will win over "political tentacles" in the urgent timeframe we face, particularly in the context of Trump's current position of advantage in the US electoral race. Tune in to hear what Tom Steyer and our co-hosts think.

    They also discuss Tom’s new book, Cheaper, Faster, Better: How We’ll Win the Climate War, in which he shares his own story and showcases the inspiring and innovative work of other climate leaders in the clean-energy transition. He shows us how capitalism can be used to scale climate progress, debunks many of the arguments made by fossil fuel companies, and calls on all of us to make stabilizing our planet part of our life's work. As green technology is fast becoming cleaner and cheaper, reshaping our planet's future--and our own--has never been more crucial or within our reach.



    Tom Steyer, Co-Executive Chair, Galvanize Climate Solutions and author of Cheaper, Faster, Better: How We’ll Win the Climate War

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    Galvanize Climate Solutions

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  • On this week’s show….

    Christiana's Corner: Dive into the riveting insights from Christiana as she unpacks the recent CBS interview with the Pope where he declared "Climate change at this moment is a road to death." Discover why she believes stubborn optimism is our strongest ally in turbulent times.

    Paul's Perspective: Join Paul as he shines a spotlight on the pressing issue of green tariffs. Get ready for a deep dive into how these tariffs can revolutionize our approach to sustainability.

    Tom's Take: Brace yourself for a captivating argument from Tom as he advocates for the redemption of none other than Jeremy Clarkson. It seems his newfound role as a farmer has transformed his outlook on climate change…

    Tune in to this week's episode for a whirlwind of thought-provoking discussions and inspiring perspectives!


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  • This week, with Tom away, our hosts are joined by Dr. Sweta Chakraborty, Climate Behavioural Scientist & CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time. Together they wrestle on the spectrum of outrage and optimism with the news of Trump's message to oil and gas executives, the part young people play in the climate vote and what impact the survey of IPCC scientists published in the Guardian had on the global community.

    Please remember to keep sending in your conundrums for our up and coming ‘How to Live a Good Life’ series. Email us at [email protected] or send a voice message to Outrage + Optimism.



    Dr. Sweta Chakraborty, Climate Behavioural Scientist & CEO of North America, We Don't Have Time

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    We Don’t Have Time

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  • This week, Christiana, Tom and Paul are back together and, as we continue to experiment with a new format, they each bring the topic they are feeling particularly outraged or optimistic about; listen in for discussions about deceitful campaigns by the oil and gas industry dating back to the 1960’s, small thinking in Europe and fiduciary duty with a capital F.

    And remember, we need your help. Be part of our new podcast series! We’ll be asking, ‘What does it mean to live a good life in a climate crisis?’ and we'd love to include questions and stories from you. While we are working to change systems, how do we also adapt our everyday lives - eating, traveling, parenting, working - to best fit with the demands of the times? Email us at [email protected] or send a voice message to Outrage + Optimism.


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  • This week, Tom and Christiana are in Seattle recording in the Amazon studio where they are joined by special guest Kara Hurst, Chief Sustainability Officer at Amazon. Together they bring you an eclectic mix of topics of outrage and optimism ranging from the introduction of the Bechdel test for climate change, storytelling with the national geographic and mosses!

    The nature sounds that close the podcast come from One Square Inch located in the Hoh Rain Forest at Olympic National Park. Thanks goes to Quiet Parks International for allowing us to use the audio of this oasis of calm and quiet. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!



    Kara Hurst, Chief Sustainability Officer at Amazon

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    Gordon Hempton, Bioacoustician and Co-Founder of Quiet Parks International

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    Check out the full recording and more at One Square Inch.

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  • Can one vegan with no car really help the planet?

    Today, a special presentation of a podcast we think O+O listeners will love from The Anti-Dread Climate Podcast.

    The climate crisis gets more terrifying every year. The impact is undeniable and can feel totally overwhelming. Hope won’t solve it, but neither will hopelessness. A surefire way to manage anxiety and stress over the existential problem threatening our planet is to participate in solutions. So our team is prepared to answer your questions about how you can meaningfully make a difference.

    In this episode titled, ‘Does What We Do Really Matter?’, hosts Caleigh Wells and Candice Dickens-Russell tackle a hard question; Why bother taking any individual actions to help the planet if industry and other nations pollute so much that they cancel you out? Caleigh and Candice discuss and invite guest Jiaying Zhao, psychology professor at University of British Columbia, to answer how your daily choices to affect climate change can have an impact but maybe not the way you think.

    The Anti-Dread Climate Podcast

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    Caleigh Wells

    Host, TADCP, and KCRW Climate Reporter

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    Candice Dickens-Russell

    Environmental Educator, and CEO of Friends of the Los Angeles River



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  • This week, our hosts each arrive with one specific issue they feel freshly outraged or optimistic about. Tom talks about how Earth Day 2024 will come to be known as the beginning of the end of the climate crisis. Christiana is outraged (and a tiny bit optimistic) about the plastics pandemic. And Paul gets fired up about investor and corporate transition plans - can he convince his co-hosts to ‘light the blue touch paper’ and ignite their own optimism?

    Music comes from Cosmo Sheldrake with his song, “Soil”. Cosmo is a UK-based multi-instrumentalist, producer, composer, live improviser, and field recordist. As part of the Museum for the United Nations – UN Live’s new initiative Sounds Right, Cosmo has shared this new track “Soil (feat. NATURE)”, a homage to the powerful transformative and generative capacities of subterranean ecosystems. Money raised will go towards conservation projects around the world.


    The Babies vs Plastics Report

    23 - 29 April 2024 in Canada - The Fourth Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution

    More on Earth Day 2024

    The IEA’s World Energy Outlook 2023 on how it expects CO2 emissions to peak “in the mid-2020s”

    First Colour Photograph of the Earth from space

    The danger of the very serious person By Pilita Clark in the Financial Times


    The Corporation that Changed the World by Nick Robins


    Cosmo Sheldrake

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    Check out the feat. NATURE playlist on Spotify

    Sounds Right

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    Listen to Greg Cochrane speak with Brian Eno about EarthPercent + Sounds Right on Midnight Chats

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  • To mark Earth Day, Christiana shares her conversation with the incredible young climate justice activist, indigenous rights advocate and author Xiye Bastida.

    From the Otomi-Toltec indigenous community in Central Mexico, Xiye’s life and work demonstrate how indigenous wisdom and principles unearth solutions to the climate crisis. She is driven to create a climate movement that is more inclusive and more diverse.

    Since 2019, Xiye has been actively involved in organising climate strikes with Fridays For Future, including for their largest youth-led march in New York City. In her role as Co-founder and Executive Director of Re-Earth Initiative, Xiye supports frontline youth across 27 countries, whilst also studying for an​​ Environmental Studies degree with a concentration in Policy and a Minor in Latin American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Recently listed in TIME100 Next as a phenomenon (we agree!), she holds the UN Spirit Award.

    This episode is the full, unedited version of a conversation recorded for the recent mini series Our Story of Nature - From Rupture to Reconnection, co-hosted by Christiana Figueres and Isabel Cavelier. This is a wonderful and moving insight into Xiye’s story of nature, on how to slow down, and how we might keep past and future generations in our minds - and hearts. We hope you enjoy it!

    Background on Earth Day:

    The first Earth Day was on April 22nd 1970. Across America, twenty million people took to the streets to protest against environmental destruction. Many people were motivated by the devastating impacts of a recent oil spill in California, others campaigned to reduce air pollution. The spirit, scale and power of the protests were inspired by student anti-Vietnam marches.

    Denis Hayes, who coordinated the original Earth Day, remembers how the day unified diverset groups: "By the time it finally came around, it was in virtually every town, every village, in the United States. It took this basket of issues that we now call 'the environment' and elevated them spectacularly in the public consciousness."

    Earth Day 1970 is described as the dawn of the modern environmental movement. Events that day resulted in political changes: landmark environmental laws were later passed in the United States - the Clean Air and Water Acts - and the Environmental Protection Agency was created. Many other countries subsequently adopted similar laws. In 2016, the United Nations chose Earth Day as the day to sign the Paris Climate Agreement into force.

    Earth Day is now the biggest civic event in the world, with billions of people participating in events to highlight the urgent need to protect our planet. Its theme this year is Planet vs. Plastics - calling for widespread awareness on the health risk of plastics, for an end to single use plastics, and for a robust UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution.


    More on Xiye Bastida, Co-founder and Director of Re-Earth Initiative

    More on Earth Day

    Links to Our Story of Nature episodes:

    Our Story of Nature - From Rupture to Reconnection - Episode 1

    Our Story of Nature - From Rupture to Reconnection - Episode 2

    Our Story of Nature - From Rupture to Reconnection - Episode 3

    Our Story of Nature Intro Music - Catalina by Tru Genesis

    Other full, unedited interviews from the mini-series can be found HERE

    Learn more about the Paris Agreement.

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  • This week, the hosts discuss the much celebrated ruling last week at the European Court of Human Rights when over 2000 women aged 64 and up, took the Swiss Government to court for failing to protect them from the growing effects of climate change which proved detrimental to their health. The court in Strasbourg ruled in favour of the women, opening up a pathway for other similar cases to now be heard. The hosts briefly discuss the ruling as well as the backlash experienced among some MPs in the UK and Switzerland and why their accusations of infringement upon country sovereignty is false.

    We are then joined by the incredible Paul Goodenough, an award-winning, purpose-driven storyteller and entrepreneur, working in the environmental, charity, peace-building and entertainment sectors. In 2019, Paul co-founded Rewriting Earth (formerly Rewriting Extinction), a global collaboration of 300+ of the most influential storytellers creating non-political, non-judgemental content to reach mainstream audiences not typically engaged with environmental issues. It was a brilliant, fun and inspiring interview - make sure to listen to hear how Paul G describes how he hopes the stories he helps bring to life ‘throw an arm around people’ and welcome them into the climate space. The more the merrier we say!



    Paul Goodenough, an award-winning, purpose-driven storyteller and entrepreneur, working in the environmental, charity, peace-building and entertainment sectors
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    Rewriting Earth
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    Rewriting Earth’s book, The Most Important Comic Book on Earth: Stories to Save the World, launched in the UK in 2021 and is available at The book is launching in Germany next week and is available at Panini Shop.

    To listen to our recent mini-series, Our Story of Nature: From Rupture to Reconnection visit the dedicated Website page, which includes unedited versions of interviews with our wonderful guests.

    Learn more about the Paris Agreement.

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  • The How To Academy Podcast is the biweekly show from London’s home of big thinking. Each episode they take a deep dive into the life and ideas of one of the most significant thinkers, artists, or leaders of our time – from Gordon Brown and Bill Clinton to Mary Beard and Marina Abramovic. This episode features a live, on-stage conversation between Christiana Figueres and the former CEO of Unilever, Paul Polman, on the fight to keep the planet within 1.5 degrees of warming.

    Visit for more podcasts, live events, and livestreams with the world’s leading thinkers.


    To listen to our recent mini-series, Our Story of Nature: From Rupture to Reconnection visit the dedicated Website page, which includes unedited versions of interviews with our wonderful guests.

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  • In this week’s episode, Tom files an exclusive report live from London, where he's on the ground covering Simon Stiell's highly anticipated Chatham House speech, "Two Years to Save the World". Not stopping there, Tom also snags a quick interview with Simon right after the event.

    Back in the studio, Christiana, Paul, and Tom dive headfirst into the heart of Simon's speech. They navigate through the maze of mixed public reactions it sparked, delving into the underlying tensions it brought to light.



    Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

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    Here are two links to excellent initiatives seeking to help investors evaluate government performance on policy:



    Check out Greg Cochrane’s LinkedIn Post on Billie Eilish’s Vinyl Release

    Extended Listening - Be sure to listen + subscribe to both Sounds Like A Plan + Midnight Chats

    Listen + Subscribe to The Way Out Is In!

    To listen to our recent mini-series, Our Story of Nature: From Rupture to Reconnection visit the dedicated Website page, which includes unedited versions of interviews with our wonderful guests.

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  • In this week's special episode, while our team takes a well-deserved break, we're excited to present an exclusive, unedited conversation between Christiana Figueres, Isabel Cavelier Adarve, and the award-winning Krista Tippett, host of "On Being." Join us as we delve into "Our Story of Nature: From Rupture to Reconnection."

    Take a moment to relax and immerse yourself in this expansive and inspiring dialogue. Krista opens up about her personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences with nature, offering a fresh perspective that's sure to leave a lasting impact. Get ready to see the natural world in a whole new light after tuning in!

    Krista Tippett is a Peabody Award-winning broadcaster, New York Times bestselling author, and host of the acclaimed podcast "On Being." Renowned for her insightful interviews exploring the intersection of spirituality, ethics, and humanity, Tippett's work fosters meaningful dialogue and reflection. With her distinctive blend of curiosity and empathy, she invites listeners to engage in conversations that inspire deeper understanding and connection in today's complex world.



    Krista Tippett, award-winning journalist, author and host of On Being podcast

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    For more unedited versions of our wonderful guest conversations from our recent mini-series Our Story of Nature: From Rupture to Reconnection please visit the dedicated Website page

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  • This week, the hosts welcome Hannah Ritchie, Deputy Editor at Our World in Data and a Senior Researcher at the University of Oxford as our guest and discuss her book ‘Not the End of the World, How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet’.

    In this compelling episode, join the hosts and special guest Hannah as they delve into the intricate dynamics of data, cautious optimism, and doom narratives within the climate community. Don't miss out as we explore the crucial role these elements play in shaping perspectives and driving action. Plus, Hannah treats us to an insightful reading from her remarkable work, offering a poignant addition to our discussion. Tune in for a thought-provoking dialogue you won't want to miss!

    Music comes from Fran Lusty with her pop-folk ballad ‘I Hate My Job’. Fran is an Indie-folk singer-songwriter born in Cambridge with Norwegian roots, see her pages below to listen to more of her soul-stirring nature inspired songs.



    Hannah Ritchie, Deputy Editor at Our World in Data and a Senior Researcher at the University of Oxford
    Sustainability by numbers | Our World in Data | Twitter (X)

    You can buy her book here: Not the End of the World, How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet


    Fran Lusty

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    People of the State of California v. Big Oil / The text of the lawsuit is here

    Our Story of Nature, Deep Dive Series Website

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  • This week, our hosts are rejoined by the incredible Isabel Cavelier Adarve. Tune in to hear them answer some of the brilliant questions listeners sent in following Christiana’s and Isa’s launch of their masterful recent mini-series, Our Story of Nature: From Rupture to Reconnection.

    Christiana, Isabel, Tom and Paul muse on an intriguing range of questions from ‘how to teach citizens and governments about nature’ to ‘could bioliteracy transform things’? The hosts dive deep into philosophical questions about the role of religion, and more prosaic ones about supermarket food. They propose that it is possible, if we want, to sustain, and improve our relationships with nature wherever we are, whether in the heart of the city, or deep in the forest. Also, Tom tries to read out a question in Spanish and threatens to mastermind a presidential bid on behalf of Christiana!


    Isabel Cavelier Adarve, Co-Founder of Mundo Comun
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    Links to Our Story of Nature episodes:

    Our Story of Nature - From Rupture to Reconnection - Episode 1

    Our Story of Nature - From Rupture to Reconnection - Episode 2

    Our Story of Nature - From Rupture to Reconnection - Episode 3

    Our Story of Nature Intro Music - Catalina by Tru Genesis

    More on Xiye Bastida who features in the show.

    Paul’s Book Recommendation - Small is Beautiful by E.F. Schumacher

    The full, unedited interviews from the mini-series can be found HERE

    Learn more about the Paris Agreement.

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  • This week, we bring you a US democracy special, discussing Joe Biden’s energetic State of the Union Address in which climate action played a significant role, and also the new guidelines from the Securities and Exchange Commission, a move which has seen the Commission attract a slew of legal challenges from both sides of the climate divide. The hosts ask: can Biden’s campaign for presidency in 2024 unite the partisan divide around climate change and if not, how can we protect the progress that the IRA has already made in the US in the face of a Trump victory?

    To help us unpack all of this, we have the force of nature and great friend of the podcast, Gina McCarthy, former White House National Climate Advisor and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator. Today, Gina is a Senior Advisor at Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Managing Co-Chair of the America Is All In Coalition, and a Senior Fellow at The Fletcher School’s Climate Policy Lab at Tufts University. She is also an Operating Advisor at Pegasus Capital Advisors and a Senior Advisor at TPG Rise Climate Fund. She serves as co-chair of the India-U.S. Track II Dialogue on Energy and Climate Change, and on the Board of Directors for the Energy Foundation and the Resources Legacy Foundation.

    Music this week comes from James Hastings with his beautiful song ‘Mother’. James is a singer-songwriter whose unique brand of eco-conscious alt-folk conjures up wild, earthy textures enfolded in ethereal, electronic landscapes.



    Gina McCarthy, former White House National Climate Advisor and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator


    James Hastings

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    Check out ‘The Forest Sessions’


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  • Get ready to celebrate International Women's Day with Tom and Christiana on Outrage + Optimism! We're discussing the fallout from Super Tuesday and the uphill battle for female parliamentary leadership. Plus, don't miss our exclusive interview with the incredible Gaia van der Esch! Tune in for insights, inspiration, and empowerment!

    Gaia van der Esch, is an executive in the non-profit and public sectors, a policy expert and author, and we discuss her book, "Leading Our Way: How Women Are Re-Defining Leadership". She is currently the Managing Director of a large international foundation working across 40+ countries to build a world with zero exclusion, zero carbon and zero poverty.

    Laura Lucas closes this week's episode with her beautiful song, ‘The Sun Touches Everything’. Laura’s introspective songwriting is delivered by delicate vocals and dreamy instrumentation rooted in a warm, modern take on the indie-folk genre.

    And remember, if you'd like to be part of our miniseries, Our Story Of Nature, Christiana and Isabel will be answering your questions in a special episode on Thursday 21 March. Submit your questions now by emailing [email protected] with 'Audience Q&A' in the subject line. You can send your question in writing or as a video or voice note.



    Gaia van der Esch, CEO, Author of "Leading Our Way", Policy Expert
    Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn

    Leading Our Way: How Women are Re-Defining Leadership, also available on Amazon


    Laura Lucas

    Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Spotify

    Submit your question for Christiana + Isa’s Q+A here

    Check out Climate Clock's Gender Parity Lifeline which tracks the global averages of women in all national parliaments.

    Learn more about the Paris Agreement.

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  • This week, our hosts discuss the global farmers’ protests, what's behind them, how they are being co-opted by right leaning populist parties as an ‘anti-net zero’ rhetoric and what needs to be done to support both farmers and the planet to thrive. Given how essential food production and distribution is to our survival, this is an issue that needs our full attention and global cooperation!

    Music comes from Olivia Fern with her beautiful song ‘Calling Us Home’. Based in amongst the wild natural beauty of the Lake District National Park in north west England, Olivia’s music is deeply rooted in her connection to the living earth.

    Did our miniseries Our Story Of Nature spark any questions or thoughts for you? We’d love to hear how your relationship with nature has changed over your lifetime, or what impact you think an individual’s relationship with nature has on our global systems, for example. Or if you'd like to ask Christiana Figueres and Isabel Cavelier Adarve about anything covered (or perhaps something you think should have been covered) in the series, this is your chance. Email [email protected] with 'Audience Q&A' in the subject line. You can send your question in writing or as a video or voice note. Tune in for the answers in discussion with Christiana and Isabel on Thursday 14th March.



    Olivia Fern

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