
  • Nicola explains that she and Judith have decided to make today’s show their last. Together they review what they’ve learned in their businesses and their lives...

    In The Show

    Nicola and Judith have decided that today’s show will be their last. What are they moving on to?

    Nicola’s sister Sarah was 50 this week and they had a lovely family celebration for her. Nelson is camping in Wales and Phoebe and Nicola went into Brighton to Eat Out to Help Out. Judith also enjoyed seeing her family for the first time in eight months, and she’s preparing to move on from her current house sit while still enjoying her Staycation. #movingon #birthdays #family #TheFall #PokeItPodcast #change #staycation #completion #surgecapacity

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Judith loves Riana’s question on behalf of a client, about accruals and prepayments. And Nicola has astonished herself by becoming interested in economics, specially Jackson Hole.

    Focus Of The Week - Moving On

    Nicola explains that she and Judith have decided to make today’s show their last. Together they review what they’ve learned in their businesses and their lives and in the podcast over 290 shows and talk about why they feel they are ready to move on.

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Completion and Nicola picks Change.

    Project Updates

    Judith’s finally finished her Jordan Peterson self-authoring program, and Nicola says that by the time this show (290) goes live, listeners will be able to hear her new podcast with Poker Pete, called Poke It Podcast, on iTunes etc. You can opt in at their website to be reminded about new shows.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Nicola has enjoyed watching The Fall again with Gillian Anderson and Jamie Dornan. And Judith shares an article which came to her attention via Alice. It’s about how we have all responded to the pandemic, initially with a surge capacity, but darker emotions have followed. It offers some wisdom and tips for how to pull yourself out of despair and live your life.

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  • Nicola tackles Brenda’s challenge about engaging teenagers and young people to develop and business and digital skills...

    In The Show

    Nicola and Judith have received a rave review from a listener in the Caribbean and Brenda supplies today’s Focus too, about entrepreneurial skills for young people.

    Phoebe is tackling the last design project chez Cairncross – Irving’s bookshelves – and Judith’s taken up her coloured pencils again for some holiday adult colouring. #entrepreneurs #businessskills #youngpeople #TwinsthenewTrend #JamieFoxx #SamHarris #truth #investments #TheWeek

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Judith loves Brenda’s feedback about the podcast, and Nicola is excited to be helping another client’s podcast be born.

    Focus Of The Week - Young Entrepreneurs

    Nicola tackles Brenda’s challenge about engaging teenagers and young people to develop and business and digital skills, recommending profiling, a few excellent resources in people and books, getting the teams to think about selling either their own products and services or somebody else’s and documenting their journey with video so that they can create a course teaching other schools how to do the same thing in future.

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Truth and Nicola picks Investments.

    Project Updates

    Judith’s Wednesday got away with her and so we didn’t have any progress to report this week, whereas Nicola has recorded the first of a new series of podcasts with Poker Pete which they are calling “Poke It! How Businesses Work”.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Nicola has enjoyed a Netflix film called Project Power starring Jamie Foxx, and Sam Harris’ podcast called Making Sense. Judith is impressed that TwinsthenewTrend have gone global and their success has been reported in lots of big newspapers even in the business column as they monetise their output with merchandise and Patreon.

    Join our free Facebook Group for Own It! the Podcast and talk back to us about what you hear in the show.

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  • Sarah Johnston says: ““Being brave. Getting in your own way by being scared to be out there! Twitter / other platforms can be hostile, lots of people following to unfollow - tactics and approaches that make me want to go more into myself..."

    In The Show

    Nicola and Judith discuss a question from a listener about being brave, especially on social media platforms which can feel hostile.

    Nicola and her family have enjoyed a family BBQ at her Dad’s to celebrate her niece’s birthday and given that everyone was on furlough, they could do it on a Tuesday lunchtime. Judith has struggled to keep both her visiting cat and the garden alive during ferocious heat. She was only successful with one it appears, but the right one. #brave #heatwave #maths #fans #RobertBreedlove #5DayChallenge #assets #investments #PompPodcast

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Nicola and her VA are back in the swing of creating the v-zine with a week in hand, and Judith’s enjoyed a wonderful exchange with a client about how her partner has worked out how good he is at maths and how to enjoy it again after a dreadful experience at school.

    Focus Of The Week - Being Brave in Business

    Sarah Johnston says: ““Being brave. Getting in your own way by being scared to be out there! Twitter / other platforms can be hostile, lots of people following to unfollow - tactics and approaches that make me want to go more into myself. I used to always think of myself as an extrovert but having my daughter with additional support needs has rocked all the ground beneath me.”

    N&J explore to what extent they feel we need to be brave in business and what has happened to make them so.

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Maths and Nicola picks Fans.

    Project Updates

    Judith rebelled in the heat against moving her project forward this week, too hot to sit at her desk, and Nicola is getting organised for her next 5-Day Challenge by getting all her ducks in a neat and tidy row.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Judith was proud that the maths client and partner spotted the error of their ways and got back on track on their property project, guided by the maths, and Nicola recommends Robert Breedlove on Bitcoin. An Open Letter to Ray Dalio.

    Join our free Facebook Group for Own It! the Podcast and talk back to us about what you hear in the show.

    Support our podcast on Patreon with a few monthly dollars to help defray our costs - thank you!

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  • Sea Painter Jo Payne invites Judith and Nicola to talk about the importance of self-care. Jo describes herself as “now religiously fitting in yoga, Pilates, meditation, breathing exercises, walking outside, lying on prickly mats listening to gongs into my daily life, it’s a wonder I have time to actually paint..."

    In The Show

    Judith and Nicola answer a question from a listener about investing in time off from work and feeling good about it as opposed to guilty as if you were caught slacking off.

    Nicola has enjoyed her usual weekly round of tea with Heather, sundowners on the roof with the kids, and poker with Pete but unusually she and Nelson had a row (about a cardboard box!). Judith has had an epic fail on her first attempt in her unexpectedly heroic quest for the perfect compostable coffee pod. #Nespresso #Recycling #HelloFresh #SusanAnnHills #Everywoman #5DayChallenge #TimeOff #SelfCare #HarvardBusinessReview

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Nicola is pleased with her decision to try out Hello Fresh, four dinners for £17 and a 50% discount voucher for first timers. Judith has enjoyed a conversation on Facebook about the importance of creative people making time to do nothing,

    Focus Of The Week - Time Off Is Never Wasted

    Sea Painter Jo Payne invites Judith and Nicola to talk about the importance of self-care. Jo describes herself as “now religiously fitting in yoga, Pilates, meditation, breathing exercises, walking outside, lying on prickly mats listening to gongs into my daily life, it’s a wonder I have time to actually paint. But if I don’t do these things, it all goes horribly wrong eventually and then I can’t".

    Nicola recommends the Harvard Business Review article called How to Forget About Work When You’re Not working.

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Counter-Intuitive and Nicola picks Groundhog Day.

    Project Updates

    Judith has completed five eighths of the last module of Jordan Peterson’s self-authoring suite, and Nicola is re-working her way through the content of her own C&L 5-Day Challenge in preparation for its next outing on 7th September.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Judith has enjoyed a webinar interview her client Susan Ann Hills gave to Everywoman about her new venture, Zenith Women. And Nicola appreciates Bret and Eric Weinstein for their Unity 2020 Campfire.

    Join our free Facebook Group for Own It! the Podcast and talk back to us about what you hear in the show.

    Support our podcast on Patreon with a few monthly dollars to help defray our costs - thank you!

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  • Confident and successful Aussie listener and former listener guest, Kerryn, asked J&N to address this age-old challenge, and it brought up selling your stuff for the right price, giving away only what you want to and more.

    In The Show

    Judith and Nicola answer a question from a listener who considers she still struggles with knowing her worth.

    Nicola and her sisters have been to visit their Dad who has announced his intention to return to New Zealand; she’s got a new iPhone 11+ Pro and digital pen. Poker with Pete was replaced this week with a drink and dinner in lieu. Judith tells Nicola the story of an ex who left her £300k in debt in the late eighties – he’s dead now, she’s discovered online. #TheNueCo #GaryVee #iPhone11 #hose #mice #5DayChallenge #KnowingYourWorth #MorningPages #Ancestry

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Nicola is planning another Clicks and Leads 5 Day Challenge for 7th September and twelve pieces of content to promote it, following her own playbook. Judith’s done some very valuable coaching calls with writer clients this week and has found a new Morning Pages app instead of

    Focus Of The Week - Knowing Your Worth

    Confident and successful Aussie listener and former listener guest, Kerryn, asked J&N to address this age-old challenge, and it brought up selling your stuff for the right price, giving away only what you want to, asking for testimonials and noting what people appreciate about you, quoting for work on a value billing basis and asking for a brief and a budget before accepting work which might turn out not to reflect your true worth.

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Hose and Nicola picks Mice.

    Project Updates

    Nicola has created a white paper called Survive & Thrive to 2030 and started a WhatsApp Group which she is proposing to migrate to Discord. Judith has completed her third out of the final eight goals in the self-authoring suite Future module and wonders whether she needs to do anymore since #3 seems to reflect her entire future in one. She will because she is a completist and a good girl!

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Nicola has responded to a request from Gary Vee in favour of a family member and enjoyed a good warm feeling about it, and Judith is impressed by the combo of her ex’s cousin and which is how and where she was able to find out everything about his death, and by and their products and packaging, specifically their Functional Fragrance.

    Join our free Facebook Group for Own It! the Podcast and talk back to us about what you hear in the show.

    Support our podcast on Patreon with a few monthly dollars to help defray our costs - thank you!

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  • Artist Helen Elliott says “There’s something about being self-employed and always being very, very tempted to say yes to everything, mainly because of the excitement of new projects, but also because of the need to constantly build and have income.

    In The Show

    Judith and Nicola answer a question from a listener who wants to say yes to everything and yet earn a great living and enjoy some work life balance.

    Nicola’s son Nelson has astro turfed their roof and Facebook closed down her ad account again. Not to worry, she’s successfully appealed. Judith’s enjoyed another lovely visit with a free lunch, she’s exploring Amazon Prime Now, falling back in love with 750Words and struggling again with hoses and their sun-baked connectors. #FBAds #SayingYes #FredSirieix #RupertMurdoch #HughGrant #Hectoring #Validated #Creator #Scanner #Thinkific

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Nicola is uploading content to Thinkific and is impressed by client Kate Cocker who pivoted from presenter coach to podcast producer. Judith admires the team at Back to 60 for their fortitude in fighting for the WASPI women born in the Fifties who had their pensions stolen by the UK government. There was a second appeal this week against the government, result as yet unknown.

    Focus Of The Week - Saying Yes to Everything

    Artist Helen Elliott says “There’s something about being self-employed and always being very, very tempted to say yes to everything, mainly because of the excitement of new projects, but also because of the need to constantly build and have income. This, balanced by the need to not burn out, focus on and finish projects, and of course relax and enjoy life outside business.” Discuss!

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Hectoring and Nicola picks Validated.

    Project Updates

    Nicola felt the pull to re-start her vzine, and Judith continues her work towards completing the self-authoring project designed by Jordan Peterson. She’s at 75% of the final module. Progress in this part is slow but steady as it is quite demanding.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Nicola is impressed by Fred Sirieix’s restaurant travel show and by the Peterson family podcast, while Judith has her breath taken away by the Murdoch series on BBC iPlayer. Riveting TV.

    Join our free Facebook Group for Own It! the Podcast and talk back to us about what you hear in the show.

    Support our podcast on Patreon with a few monthly dollars to help defray our costs - thank you!

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  • Globetrotting Google and FB Ads Expert, Hannah G. Wiley, is on the cusp of growing her business and wonders if her overwhelm experienced by doing it all herself would be best alleviated by outsourcing, by hiring a VA, or taking on a business partner.

    In The Show

    Judith and Nicola answer a question from a listener who feels overwhelmed and wonders if her solution is to outsource, to hire a VA, or find a business partner.

    Nicola’s invested in precious metals inspired by Alasdair Macleod and Judith’s had a highly productive week at her comfortable new desk. #Bullion #Overwhelm #BigCats #MrsAmerica #Distance #Squirrel #Outsourcing #VA #BusinessPartner #PreciousMetals

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Nicola is inspired by new clients Down Under and putting her course materials on Thinkific. Judith is inspired by a visit from self-employed funny clever clients Paula and John.

    Focus Of The Week - Overwhelmed Doing Everything Yourself

    Globetrotting Google and FB Ads Expert, Hannah G. Wiley, is on the cusp of growing her business and wonders if her overwhelm experienced by doing it all herself would be best alleviated by outsourcing, by hiring a VA, or taking on a business partner.

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Distance and Nicola picks Squirrel.

    Project Updates

    Nicola is thrilled with the outcome of her 5 Day Challenge and her new clients, and Judith is happy to have found her way back to completing the self-authoring project designed by Jordan Peterson. She’s at 66% of the final module.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Nicola is enjoying Big Cats on BBCiPlayer and Judith has discovered Twinsthenew Trend on YouTube and Mrs America, also on BBCiPlayer.

    Join our free Facebook Group for Own It! the Podcast and talk back to us about what you hear in the show.

    Support our podcast on Patreon with a few monthly dollars to help defray our costs - thank you!

    Thanks for listening!

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  • Artist listener Gwynne provided J&N with this fabulous question which they both attempt to answer and bring some inspiration and comfort in response.

    In The Show

    Judith and Nicola answer a question from a listener who feels she may have lost momentum in her young art business during lockdown.

    Nicola’s interested in Kanye West’s bid to become POTUS in 2020. And Judith’s moved house to East Sheen where she’s very comfortable and putting down roots for a couple of months. #Momentum #KanyeWest #5DayChallenge #EFT #Uncertainty #Certainty #Dank #Tapping #Papier #MichaelaCoel

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Nicola’s Clicks & Leads 5-day Challenge is on day 4 of 5 and she’s feeling really good about it, and Judith was delighted with the responses to her request in the podcast Facebook Group when she called for questions from listeners; 18 flooded in from 11 top birds.

    Focus Of The Week - Maintaining Business Momentum In Lockdown

    Artist listener Gwynne provided J&N with this fabulous question which they both attempt to answer and bring some inspiration and comfort in response.

    “I felt like I was on my way towards something, had some momentum, then the lockdown happened and now I’m struggling to get going again. It’s been good in some ways for me creatively but bad in others. I was laying the foundations for my future art business, and now I feel as if that has stalled. How do we deal with massive interruptions like this and prevent it from knocking us off course?

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Dank and Nicola picks Certainty.

    Project Updates

    The UK Podcast awards are this weekend and download numbers are holding strong. Judith’s used some of her government funding to pay her accountant’s bills.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Nicola is enjoying Michaela Coel’s I May Destroy You on BBC, and Judith loves her new notebooks from She’s also on Day 3 of re-creating a daily tapping habit with Marion.

    Join our free Facebook Group for Own It! the Podcast and talk back to us about what you hear in the show.

    Support our podcast on Patreon with a few monthly dollars to help defray our costs - thank you!

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  • Judith shared a meme by her fave guru Wayne Dyer RIP, and Nicola thought it would make a good focus for the podcast. They whiz through the list of 12...

    In The Show

    Judith and Nicola discuss Wayne Dyer’s 12 Steps to Simplicity and each pick their favourite three.

    Nicola’s week has involved sadness about the loss of 360 elephants in Botswana, and Judith has been to recce her new house sit and seen several of her family and friends which she has loved. At last! #12Steps #BretWeinstein #5DayChallenge #Staged #Wayne Dyer #Eschew #Unique #Botswana #Elephants #Unity2020

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Nicola is excited about discovering and using to promote her Clicks & Leads 5-day Challenge. And Judith was thrilled to be given permission by TUT to be unique and do everything her way.

    Focus Of The Week - Wayne Dyer’s 12 Steps to Simplicity

    Judith shared a meme by her fave guru Wayne Dyer RIP, and Nicola thought it would make a good focus for the podcast. They whiz through the list of 12 and then each pick three to discuss in greater detail. Listeners are invited to pile in on the remaining six in the Own It! Facebook Group.

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Unique and Nicola picks Eschew.

    Project Updates

    Nicola’s got 30 sign-ups for her challenge next week and Judith’s looking forward to working on a proper office chair for at least the next two months.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Nicola has found time to watch in full the Joe Rogan show she recommended last week with Bret Weinstein, particularly his vision for Unity2020. Judith had nothing that impressed her so much as herself and her ability to make up in a packed three days for everything that had to be rescheduled from last week’s heatwave.

    Join our free Facebook Group for Own It! the Podcast and talk back to us about what you hear in the show.

    Support our podcast on Patreon with a few monthly dollars to help defray our costs - thank you!

    Thanks for listening!

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  • Judith shares a long list of all the emotions which thirty confident businesswomen contribute to her Facebook post on the topic of the lockdown exhaustion...

    In The Show

    Nicola’s been out and about this week having supper with old friend Kim and coffee with sister Heather in the graveyard! And Judith’s moved back to her old neighbourhood in S.W. London for two weeks where she’s house-sitting her niece’s flat. #Polarity #BretWeinstein #5DayChallenge #Staged #Luminaries #Monaco #Intuition #Exhaustion #Emotions #RebelWisdom

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Judith was excited to discover the biologist Nicola mentioned in a recent show and together she and Nicola work out his name is Bret Weinstein and he’s Joe Rogan’s guest in show #1494. A friend sent Judith this link to Rebel Wisdom where she learns about the intellectual dark web.

    Nicola is up to her armpits in promoting her Clicks & Leads 5-day Challenge which starts on 6th July.

    Focus Of The Week - Lockdown Emotions

    Judith shares a long list of all the emotions which thirty confident businesswomen contribute to her Facebook post on the topic of the lockdown exhaustion she was feeling. This provokes a conversation about how we are all taking the toll whether we know it or not, and the different ways in which we feel the impact and the language we use to describe our feelings.

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Intuition and Nicola picks Polarity.

    Project Updates

    Nicola is reorganising the 22,000 words of her novel according to Story Grid guidelines and considering working with one of their editors. Judith is waiting for a comfy chair to sit at a table to finish her Jordan Peterson self-authoring program and is hopeful next week when she moves further west.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Nicola has enjoyed The Luminaries on BBC and Judith similarly enjoyed Staged, and shares a fabulous quote from Princess Caroline of Monaco.

    Join our free Facebook Group for Own It! the Podcast and talk back to us about what you hear in the show.

    Support our podcast on Patreon with a few monthly dollars to help defray our costs - thank you!

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  • Irene is a member of Judith’s I Love My Life group and every day she shares her gratitudes and a meme from Abraham Hicks...

    In The Show

    Nicola’s been enjoying her new bedroom, Cardinal, home-made scones and banana bread too. Judith’s been out to dinner, moved house and nearly got a haircut. #Vibration #BigPhilHarrison #5DayChallenge #ViralVideo #Cardinal #Schengen #SalisburyPoisonings #KimJones #HardWork #Wellbeing

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Judith tells a story of how an artist client sold a picture in a car park while en route to deliver another to a buyer. And Nicola shares some of the things she’s learned on Big Phil Harrison’s 5 Day Challenge about 5 Day Challenges.

    Focus Of The Week - Creating Through Vibration

    Irene is a member of Judith’s I Love My Life group and every day she shares her gratitudes and a meme from Abraham Hicks, one of which inspired today’s focus. It says: “Hard work is not the path to Well-Being. Feeling good is the path to Well-Being. You don’t create through action; you create through vibration. And then, your vibration calls action from you.”

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Hay Fever and Nicola picks Lighter.

    Project Updates

    Nicola reports Own It’s download numbers have tipped over the 150,000 mark, and Judith explains why no PU progress has been made this week due to two house moves.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Nicola likes Kim Jones’ viral video called How Can We Win? And Judith has enjoyed BBC’s drama about The Salisbury Poisonings.

    Join our free Facebook Group for Own It! the Podcast and talk back to us about what you hear in the show.

    Support our podcast on Patreon with a few monthly dollars to help defray our costs - thank you!

    Thanks for listening!

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  • In the wake of the virus and also recent global civil unrest and Black Lives Matter, Judith asks Nicola some hard questions about how business leaders...

    In The Show

    Nicola’s been improving her home environment, she’s been out for tea and banana cake and stayed at home for poker and pizza. Judith updates Nicola with her moving plans and her abundance incoming, plus she also enjoys a little rant. #Platform #blm #Dunelm #Abundance #Cardinal #Virtues #BritishPodcastAwards #JordanPeterson #UFOs #Monaco

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Judith reads a fabulous testimonial from Clare Hanbury who was Own It’s listener guest on show 236 and Nicola is studying with big Phil Harrison to learn about how to perfect her next 5-day challenge which starts on 6th July.

    Please vote for Own It! in the British Podcast Awards.

    Focus Of The Week - Using Your Platform

    In the wake of the virus and also recent global civil unrest and Black Lives Matter, Judith asks Nicola some hard questions about how business leaders might best use their platform judiciously.

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Virtue and Nicola picks Aubergine.

    Project Updates

    Nicola reports Own It’s download numbers, tantalisingly close to 150,000 and Judith talks about the work she’s doing on Jordan Peterson’s Faults and Virtues module with illustrations of both.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Nicola talks about BBC’s Canadian detective Cardinal and reports on UFO sightings in the USA and Judith shares some facts and figures she learned about life in Monaco.

    Join our free Facebook Group for Own It! the Podcast and talk back to us about what you hear in the show.

    Support our podcast on Patreon with a few monthly dollars to help defray our costs - thank you!

    Thanks for listening!

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  • Nicola has been inspired to create a manifesto for her business and she runs Judith through a list of the twelve points under the headings Money, Mindset...

    In The Show

    Nicola’s been enjoying some paid consults with warm prospects including a mother and son, separately not together. Judith’s observes the dramatic change in lockdown weather, a small but satisfying and surprising PPI win and she tells Nicola she’s on the move again during June. #Manifesto #StoryGrid #BigIdea #Loom #Ozark #Foundlings #Pheres #JordanPeterson #Prospects

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Judith updates Nicola and the listeners with her “knees news” and Nicola recounts how she spent the weekend binging on the Story Grid Big Idea training, especially enjoying the Q&A sessions with Shawn Coyne.

    Focus Of The Week - Creating Your Manifesto

    Nicola has been inspired to create a manifesto for her business and she runs Judith through a list of the twelve points under the headings Money, Mindset and Marketing.

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Relief and Nicola picks Re-start.

    Project Updates

    Judith reports in on her progress with her study with Jordan Peterson’s audio book 12 Rules for Life (she’s finished the first Audible listen-through at 15 hours!) and started to snoop around the self-authoring Present modules on Faults and Virtues. Nicola is very keen to re-do her website and explains why.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Nicola is still up late enjoying Ozark and tells Judith about Chris Barrow’s audio email using Loom, a free tool she recommends we all take a look at. And Judith is moved by ITV’s Long Lost Family about Foundlings.

    Join our free Facebook Group for Own It! the Podcast and talk back to us about what you hear in the show.

    Support our podcast on Patreon with a few monthly dollars to help defray our costs - thank you!

    Thanks for listening!

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  • Nicola has been listening to former mentor Rich Schefren again, and Tracy Goss, and thinking about leadership, creativity, her USP and a cause...

    In The Show

    Nicola has been in a funk, realising she’s not ready to retire or limit herself only to introvert activities. Judith’s enjoyed a lovely peaceful bank holiday week although her infestation difficulties persist. #LiveStreaming #Restreamio #EcammLive #Streamyard #RichSchefren #DollyParton #Dave #Dollywood #JonRichardson #UKTVPlay

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Nicola is excited by the prospect of streaming to multiple platforms simultaneously using such things as or Ecamm Live or Streamyard. A client asked Judith how she would describe herself and her current way of working which turns out to be on point for this week’s Focus too.

    Focus Of The Week - Bigger Than Yourself

    Nicola has been listening to former mentor Rich Schefren again, and Tracy Goss, and thinking about leadership, creativity, her USP and a cause bigger than herself. She feels inspired to write a new book. She feels she has so much to give and is frustrated that right now she hasn’t been doing enough to speak to a larger audience during lockdown and given the difficulties with Facebook. The restreaming apps and a new book will help her reach a wider audience with what she knows which is of use to many more listeners and readers than she feels she’s been able to reach recently.

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Solitude and Nicola picks Noise.

    Project Updates

    Judith reports in on her progress with her study with Jordan Peterson’s audio book 12 Rules for Life (she’s at rule #8), and also his self-authoring online writing program where she’s completed the first module (Past) proving his point that life is tough. Nicola’s handed off the entirety of her Financial Intelligence 101 project to her VA in the Philippines.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    N and J have discovered the free UKTV Play app this week, Judith because she wanted to watch Jon Richardson and Lucy Beaumont on Dave. Nicola tells Judith of Dolly Parton’s wonderful work in reducing the school dropout rate in her home town and state, and how she sends books to any child in the world from infancy until they go to school. Both are impressed by these wonderful initiatives.

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  • Nicola explains what Origin Stories are and how and why to create one for the About page on your website and other marketing uses...

    In The Show

    Nicola has received her grant from the government, been inspired by and censored by Facebook (again!). Judith’s talked hair appointments with all of her friends, retrieved her summer clothes from storage and helped a FB friend get back into giving tarot readings. #TUT #Facebook #Self-Employed #Grant #Transformation #Tarot #OracleGirl #Censorship #Unorthodox

    Here’s the video explaining how to see if you qualify for a government grant in the UK due to covid.

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Judith is inspired by a video from Jacqueline Gibbs and Nicola has enjoyed a full and frank discussion with a former business partner about working together again.

    Focus Of The Week - Origin Stories

    Nicola explains what Origin Stories are and how and why to create one for the About page on your website and other marketing uses, and mentions these useful links:

    The Missing Chapter

    Andre Chaperon’s Sphere of Influence

    Clickfunnels 'One Funnel' 30 Day Challenge which includes a great Origin Story training

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Oracle and Nicola goes with Transformation.

    Project Updates

    Judith reports in on her progress with her study with Jordan Peterson’s audio book 12 Rules for Life (she’s at rule #4), and also his self-authoring online writing program where she’s achieved 63% of the first of four writing modules, this one being The Past. Nicola updates the listener with news of her online writing courses and the Financial Intelligence 101 chunks, admin now outsourced to a VA. Plus she’s excited to share Joe Rogan’s deal with Spotify

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Nicola shares that Captain Tom has been knighted to Sir Tom, and she continues to be obsessed with primitive tech videos on YouTube where she’s now segued into survival skills and joined the Great British Bushcraft Facebook group. Judith recommends Unorthodox on Netflix.

    Join our free Facebook Group for Own It! the Podcast and talk back to us about what you hear in the show.

    Support our podcast on Patreon with a few monthly dollars to help defray our costs - thank you!

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  • Inspired by an employee who is working from home during lockdown who doesn’t think she has what it takes to be self-employed...

    In The Show

    Nicola speaks of bitcoin, poker, scones with sister Heather, sourcing faster broadband to share with daughter Phoebe, and a close relative taking a Covid-19 test and finding it negative. Judith has lots on in her role as chatelaine and does some thinking aloud about Own It! the Podcast and whether it is or should be just about business. #Bitcoin #Business #Halvening #Self-Employed #Covid-19 #Chutzpah #JordanBPeterson #LorieLadd

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Judith is inspired by a video from Lorie Ladd about shifting the human collective, and Nicola by a stonking testimonial from someone who read and listened to her Money Gym book in a weekend.

    Focus Of The Week - What It Takes to Be Self-Employed

    Inspired by an employee who is working from home during lockdown who doesn’t think she has what it takes to be self-employed, Judith and Nicola explore what they think it does.

    Judith’s article from 2010

    The Guardian article from 2015

    LISTEN HERE TO OWN IT #275 | What It Takes to Be Self-Employed

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Chutzpah and Nicola goes with Flexibility.

    Project Updates

    Nicola’s found a good way to chunk down her content of the Money Gym book into 101 bite-sized pieces for those who don’t want email. It involves a daily bot with a link to a password protected page on her website where you can listen to or read the content.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Nicola and family have concluded their binge fest of all nine Star Wars movies in one week and are moving onto the two spin-offs – Solo and Rogue One.

    Judith has fallen under the spell of Professor Jordan B. Peterson and his book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, his self-authoring writing project $29 and his understanding yourself online profile test $9.95. She recommends three videos as a good introduction to him and his work.

    The How To Academy Jordan B Peterson 12 Rules for Life (90 minutes, but worth it!)

    The 12 Rules for Life in 20 Minutes

    Bonus: The 13 Truths Incredible Speech

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  • Feeling wistful at Phoebe’s 25th, Nicola suggests to Judith that the two of them might come up with and share some thoughts and tips about things...

    In The Show

    Nicola’s week has been about daughter Phoebe’s 25th birthday, a new bed, an electric screwdriver and a pasta-making machine. Judith’s enjoyed a wonderful sunny week in which she busted domestic tolerations, and completed her business accounts for the year. #Birthdays #Tolerations #Accounts #25Again #Lockdown #Wisdom

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Judith is chuffed she said no to an offer which didn’t meet her own needs, and Nicola is hoping that Russell Brunson’s Traffic Secrets will light her fire again.

    Focus Of The Week - Reinventing Yourself

    Feeling wistful at Phoebe’s 25th, Nicola suggests to Judith that the two of them might come up with and share some thoughts and tips about things they wish they’d known when they were 25.

    LISTEN HERE TO OWN IT #274 | My Younger Self At 25

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Chatelaine and Nicola goes with Easement.

    Here’s a link to the k d lang song Miss Chatelaine which Judith mentions.

    Project Updates

    Nicola’s trading is going slowly but steadily, but chunking down the Money Gym book is proving painful and dull. J&N come up with a genius idea which might solve that, an appeal to any Money Gym clients who kept copies of the original FP101 emails either printed or digital.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Judith puts in a vote for The Rev. Danny Jones of the Northlake Baptist Church, Gainseville, GA who summarises the entirety of the covid situation precisely and concisely with dates, chapter and verse. Ignore the God bits if that’s not your bag! And Nicola recommends a 4-way show of Joe Rogan’s podcast.

    Join our free Facebook Group for Own It! the Podcast and talk back to us about what you hear in the show.

    Support our podcast on Patreon with a few monthly dollars to help defray our costs - thank you!

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  • Since all the sources of information are confusing and conflicting and nobody agrees on anything and everyone has an opinion, who can we trust...

    In The Show

    Nicola is organising virtual poker nights on Wednesdays with friend Pete, and this week sees daughter Phoebe’s 25th birthday. Judith’s lost her two neighbours and is now back in lockdown on her own, just in time for her 65th birthday. #Birthdays #Screenwriting #PokerStars #Bitcoin #Lockdown #Trust

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Judith observes that she and her clients are now starting to struggle emotionally with lockdown, especially since the sunshine has disappeared in England. Nicola’s excited about Bitcoin’s imminent “The Halving.”

    Focus Of The Week - Reinventing Yourself

    Since all the sources of information are confusing and conflicting and nobody agrees on anything and everyone has an opinion, who can we trust – about the pandemic, about everything, going forward? And what about censorship on social media platforms?

    LISTEN HERE TO OWN IT #273 | Who Can You Trust?

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Excoriate and Nicola goes with Freedom.

    Project Updates

    Nicola’s got her first paying client in the MoneyGenius.Club. And she’s chunking down content for a younger audience.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Nicola appreciates the newly promoted Colonel Tom Williams, breakfast TV star, who enjoyed an RAF flyby to celebrate his 100th birthday. She also likes Red Riding on Channel 4 and Judith’s had a great telly week too with Normal People on BBC iPlayer and When They See Us on Netflix

    Join our free Facebook Group for Own It! the Podcast and talk back to us about what you hear in the show.

    Support our podcast on Patreon with a few monthly dollars to help defray our costs - thank you!

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  • Nicola and Judith debate whether the hatred of the rich Nicola is seeing expressed on Twitter is justified. Conversation turns to Victoria Beckham...

    In The Show

    Nicola is using her podcasts and webinars to give a shape to her week, and she has a new addiction to primitive tech videos on YouTube. Judith’s had her first outing in the car in seven weeks, and been to dinner next door with her two young lockdown buddies. #PrimitiveTech #Vitamins #SilverLinings #Neom #Lockdown #MoneyGenius

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Judith shares one of her best testimonials ever, and Nicola reminds Judith about Mark Joyner’s book Simpleology: The Irresistible Offer.

    Focus Of The Week - Why Do People Hate the Rich?

    Nicola and Judith debate whether the hatred of the rich Nicola is seeing on Twitter is justified. Conversation turns to Victoria Beckham, Richard Branson, Motorhead, Aerosmith, Terry Christian, Cath Kidston, footballers and Jean Jacques Rousseau!

    Washington Post Article: Why Does Everybody Suddenly Hate Billionaires?

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Quarantine and Nicola goes with Discombobulated.

    Project Updates

    Nicola launches her new website project and it’s called MoneyGenius.Club.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Judith appreciates the whistle blowers, truth-tellers, Doctors, citizen journalists and documentary film makers breaking the silence and bringing the alt news. Nicola is inspired by anyone carrying on as normal.

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    Support our podcast on Patreon with a few monthly dollars to help defray our costs - thank you!

    Thanks for listening!

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  • Nicola and Judith talks about Reinventing Yourself. Does this break from normality provide a unique opportunity to reinvent yourself?

    In The Show

    Nicola has been moved by stories from Gary Vee and Capt Tom, and Judith had four tunes played for her on Radio CamFM after sharing on Facebook the story of her school trip to Italy at Easter 1971. #GaryVee #CaptTom #GlamRock #FacebookFriends #CamFM #Reinvention #Coop

    What's Fuelled Their Fire?

    Nicola discovered Laurie Santos on Sam Harris’ podcast called Making Sense. Ep 196 The Science of Happiness. Judith enjoyed the interaction of the podcast listeners in the Own It! Facebook Group after Nicola’s Easter question about how everyone’s coping with being locked in at home.

    Focus Of The Week - Reinventing Yourself Does this break from normality provide a unique opportunity to reinvent yourself? Is that something you’d love to do?

    LISTEN HERE TO OWN IT #271 | Reinventing Yourself

    Words Of The Week

    Judith chooses Identity and Nicola goes with Logic.

    Project Updates

    Nicola’s new website continues to make progress but she won’t share it with Judith and the listeners just yet.

    Who Or What's Impressed

    Nicola likes Jack Sim of and Judith is impressed by being able to fix her own computer and her nephew making a TV advert for the Coop from his own home which is airing live on ITV right now.

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    Support our podcast on Patreon with a few monthly dollars to help defray our costs - thank you!

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