
  • Parent Driven Development
    Episode 067: Goodbye, for now.
    1:00 Parent Driven Development reflects on what it’s like being a panelist on the podcast
    Imposter syndrome
    Multiple purposes to be an effective parent
    Expanding perspectives, ideas, and parenting techniques
    Ability to relate with one another
    8:40 What we hope to our listeners take away from the podcast
    There is no one way to parent
    You’ll continue to grow as a parent
    You are not alone - every parent, kid, family, circumstances are different
    13:30 What would we have done differently?
    Earlier sponsorship
    Episode format
    16:15 Parting words for listeners
    Thank you!!
    You’re doing a great job.
    17:17 Final genius and fail moments
    Chris Sexton’s daughter uses the word arithmetic with her peers, but no one knows the word leading her to question whether her parents played a prank on her.
    Allison calms down her family with deep breathing after her daughter has a potty accident.
    KWu’s 3-year-old son feels super proud after helping shovel the snow, and he helped!
    Chris Arcand finds the perfect snow sled for his son to be towed around in the deep Minnesota snow.
    How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    Chris Arcand (
    Chris Sexton (
    KWu (
    Allison (

  • Parent Driven Development
    66: Finding a new job during the pandemic.
    Welcome, Jean Hsu!
    Jean Hsu ( is a writer, coach, and software engineer turned leadership coach after working for a decade in Silicon Valley. She is the VP of engineering at Range Labs ( and Co-founder of Co Leadership (, which focuses on filling the gaps in leadership development in the tech industry. Jean doesn’t miss writing code, but she does miss deleting it.
    0:53 Finding a new job during the pandemic
    Desire strikes for leadership
    The hiring process
    5:20 How did the pandemic change your thought process
    Intentionality of specific desires - management, leadership, flexibility
    Enjoying the journey rather than letting comparison or stress take over
    7:30 What would Jean do differently now?
    Finding ways to lean into async communication with a remote team in different time zones, while keeping the team engaged and connected with each other
    Hybrid mix of in-person and remote is the future for companies
    13:13 Pre-pandemic commute tales
    Feels like a different lifetime
    15:40 New expectations for Range during the pandemic
    Getting rid of the 9-5; windowed work with colored labels
    Core hours for team meetings
    Setting boundaries
    19:40 Genius and fail moments
    KWu closed her son’s fingers between a door hinge… #fail
    Allison’s daughter turns 3 and shines at her yearly doctor's appointment. #genius
    Jean downloaded TikTok and discovered the best parenting hack to tell your kids to do a task, rather than ask. #genius
    Chris brings back his daughter's love of Star Wars. #genius
    How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    Allison (
    KWu (
    Chris Sexton ( Special Guest: Jean Hsu.

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  • Parent Driven Development
    Episode 065: Teaching Programming to Kids with Felienne
    Welcome, Felienne!
    Felienne ( is the creator of the Hedy programming language, and was one of the founders of the Joy of Coding conference. Since 2016, she has been a host at SE radio, one of the most popular software engineering podcasts on the web. Felienne is the author of “The Programmer’s Brain (” a book that helps programmers understand how their brains work and how to use it more effectively. In 2021, Felienne was awarded the Dutch Prize for ICT research.
    0:50 How does Felienne become interested in programming education?
    Research field towards programming education
    Love of kids
    3:33 Methods and strategies to help kids understand
    Relevant for professionals
    Full concentration disables full memory, so she lowers the cognitive load
    After time, memory starts to build and functioning increases
    6:02 Maximizing different learning styles in kids
    Learn their preferences
    Challenges their default learning style
    9:57 Felienne’s new book
    How people learn programming
    The more information you know about your brain can help you understand how you learn
    11:40 Interesting findings
    Cognitive load
    14:00 Top tips related to programming
    Refactoring for personal comprehension
    Let go of one golden standard that code is suppose to look like
    17:29 Specific differences between professionals and kids
    Concrete vs open ended expression
    20:50 - 1 take away
    Take the kids hands, and guide them
    Allison and her husband score a few days each solo as they transition back into their home #genius
    Felienne’s students fuss over the different symbols of division in coding #fail
    How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    Allison (
    Special Guest: Felienne Hermans.

  • Parent Driven DevelopmentEpisode 064: Moving and Renovating0:30 Moving and renting realitiesKWu movesAllison’s home renovationsPreparation before the kids4:30 ToysEthical parenting of getting rid of toysHiding and cleaning out old toys from the kids (out of sight out of mind)10:05 Establishing new house rulesSetting realistic expectations on new floors, new rooms, new finishesFurniture socks ( caster cups ( and Take Care of Things ( to get along book series ( Caution police in new houseAcceptance is keyRoommates with no impulse control.. your kids. ;) 22:40 Genius and fail momentsKWu’s kids got into some old and slimy carrots meant for the compost.. But at least they’re eating vegetables! Allison’s son gets shut down from her parenting synchronicity with her husband. How can I support the podcast?Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]). Our website is at ( ( (

  • Parent Driven Development
    Episode 063: Fear in Parenting
    0:40 Fear and stress of parenting
    From independent… to having dependents
    Trends of becoming more conservative once a parent
    2:50 Decision making process
    High alert, more burden than non-parents
    Different decisions and problems at different stages of the kids
    Background buzz of constant anxiety
    6:40 Different stresses
    Physical dangers for smaller kids, choking hazards
    Trying to avoid helicopter parenting
    Screen interest, programming, and patience
    10:55 Big anxieties
    Screen time !! Constant worry and stress for modern parents with kids
    Augmenting reality through screens - stress for middle school aged parents
    How to foster new sibling relationships
    Siblings Without Rivalry ( - book
    How to avoid middle child syndrome with three kids, carve out alone time with each child
    Feeling guilty to tell kids to play by themselves.. But it’s also important to learn
    21:35 Genius and fail moments from the last week
    KWu moves to a new house and her son is waking every night from terrors or feeling too cold as she’s been keeping the thermostat down real low. #fail
    Jess’s son is a pretty adventurous eater and recently discovered balsamic vinegar which is now a new favorite! #genius
    Chris makes biscuits and conjures a family night which turned into a great family time. #genius
    How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    Jess (
    Chris S (
    KWu (

  • Parent Driven Development
    062: Celebrating Our Favorite Episodes from the past 3 Years!
    Episode Highlights
    KWu, Chris, Josh, and Allison reflect on the past 3-years of podcasting. They touch on their favorite episodes and guests over the years, as well as some favorite parenting genius and fail moments!
    1:30 Episode 43 - Managing parents on your team with Nick Means
    3:10 Episode 19 - Being Adults, Live from Ruby Conf with Jonan Scheffler
    7:25 Episode 11 - Being a Trans-Parent with Jess Szmajda
    10:35 Episode 26 - Breastfeeding with Allison, Mandy, and KWu
    13:06 Episode 13 - Babies at Work Program with Leah Silber
    14:38 Episode 39 - Parenting Roles and Gender Equity with Richard Schneeman
    15:50 Episode 34 - Extracurricular Activities with Barrett Clark
    18:18 Episode 20 - Fertility Struggles with Adam Cuppy
    19:55 Josh's rememberable genuis and fail moments
    22:40 Genius / fails
    Allison questions herself as a parent due to a Hanukkah gift gone wrong
    Josh bans Elf on Shelf and his daughter starts to question Santa Claus
    Chris nails the Christmas lights on his son’s bed.. But then begins to question everything when he begins to struggle getting his son out of the car to go to school.
    KWu and her son enjoy a fresh snowfall!
    How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    KWu (
    Josh (
    Allison (
    Chris S (

  • Ep 61 : DHH on being Internet Famous with Kids
    1:48 Welcome, DHH (
    David ( is the creator of Ruby on Rails, cofounder & CTO at Basecamp, best-selling author, Le Mans class-winning racing driver, frequent podcast guest, and family man.
    2:50 Security concerns
    Social Media
    COVID times
    Parenting boundaries
    13:45 Privacy
    Picture surplus
    16:45 Engagement with parenting on the web
    The highlight parenting reel
    Avoid the humble brag as a parent
    Internet jousts
    DHH recommended books:
    The Myth of the Spoiled Child ( - Alfie Kohn
    Punished by Rewards ( - Alfie Kohn
    * The Self-Driven Child ( - Ned Johnson
    26:30 Introducing privileges to his kids
    Against artificial constraints placed on by parents
    A life not centered around materialism
    The Road To Wigan Pier ( - George Orwell
    38:38 Genius / Fails
    Arit makes a crib boundary with a creative new upcycle
    KWu wrestles with a photo book for her kids
    Chris fails on fail this week
    DHH is off by an hour as his kids come home right as this podcast starts
    Allison’s daughter challenges her patience during bed time
    How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    Allison (
    Chris S (
    Arit (
    KWu ( Special Guest: David Heinemeier Hansson .

  • Ep 60 : Must Haves for Parents
    Facebook Rabbit Holes for Parents + Kid Toys
    Subculture for wooden toys
    The Nugget couch (
    Parents become hyper focused on specific products
    Careful what your Google
    How to choose your Facebook groups
    The Social Dilemma (
    Social media groups are "bad"/addicting, but also useful..
    Geo-fencing - creating fairer ways for international purchases
    The lottery
    Lucie's List (
    Pandemic toys for the New Year
    More pressure for parents
    Moms targeted mostly in the Facebook Groups
    Marketing kids toys with trigger language: “Investment piece”
    Parents: You are doing a GREAT job.
    Genius / Fails
    KWu tries to rotate out toys and clothes for her son, but things aren’t going well.
    Allison smoothly close out virtual Ruby conf while managing multiple interruptions from her kids
    How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    KWu (
    Allison (

  • Parent Driven Development
    059: Hiring and Interviewing
    Jess, Chris S, and Allison discuss the hiring and interviewing process in tech. They share their experience as the interviewee, as well as the interviewer. The team identifies the underlying bias in the process, good signs and bad signs, and why it's important to set up a potential interviewee in the best environment possible.
    01:45 Hiring and Interviewing in tech
    Jess writes a book and gets a new job
    How to reduce bias in interviewing process
    03:33 Tech interviews hinder parents and caregivers
    Take-home vs pairing session
    Hiring managers should set up the interviewee in the best possible scenario
    6-8 hours for a take-home test, unrealistic for caregivings
    09:50 How to access talent
    Everyway is flawed
    Take-home - kids constantly interrupting
    Paired - many engineers are introverted
    Solutions: Short at-home mixed with pairing, or problem prompt
    13:30 Bias
    How to reduce: rubric for every round, being aware of the bias
    Allison asks about parental leave, and feels the tone shift drastically
    Legal protection, but a lot of fuzzy areas
    16:45 Good signs for parents interviewing
    Its a non-event when a child pops into the room while on a call
    Companies reward evenly
    Talk with team members outside the interviewing committee
    Talk with someone you relate to on the team, mom, trans, BIPOC, etc
    20:30 Bad signs for parents interviewing
    The entire tone changes after asking about parental leave..
    Judgmental, leadership team of non-parents
    22:00 Handing flexibility
    Ask about parental leave, primary and secondary leave
    Be honest with needs
    Workplace flexibility
    28:37 Genius / fail
    Jess deals with her son having accidents constantly
    Chris and his kids play board games and jam out to all songs names satellite
    Allison’s daughter sparks chaos when she leaves her room after bedtime… but soon learns to stay in her room to tire herself out.
    How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    Jess (
    Allison (
    Chris S (

  • Parent Driven Development
    Episode 058: Co-parenting with Brandon Hays
    Welcome Brandon!
    Brandon Hays ( is a dad and engineering leader based in Austin, TX. His professional mission is to help the tech industry improve by organizing people to accomplish things together in environments that recognize and support their "human-ness". His personal mission is to survive parenthood until the kids are in college.
    02:40 Brandon's co-parenting
    Starting with traditional gender roles
    Co-parenting was a foriegn concept until remote work..
    The invisible work becomes more visible
    Covid has forced parents to confront the amount of work it takes to raise kids
    06:30 Co-parenting during the pandemic
    Awareness that things changed… kids cannot return to school
    Brandon becomes the educator during the pandemic
    The amount of work to parent became too high when everything shut down
    Reworking the home dynamic when one partner needs help
    Asking for flexibility in places where he had previous thought was not available before
    10:53 Working out responsibility between partners
    Clear contracts
    Splitting up tasks and making them known to each partner
    Alternating cooking dinner and clean up
    Family clean day
    Creating activities for kids, even after a long day
    Check in with your partner, how are you feeling burden?
    14:05 Recognize your partner's strengths
    Being comfortable with how each partner co-parents
    Recognition of each partner
    Optimize each parenting style and continue to check in
    Asking and taking the self-care when it is needed
    17:30 Working together
    19:10 How has Covid refocused things?!
    Strengthened the team mentality
    Hard to sustain the intensity of the pandemic
    Constant change, the on-call parent
    24:40 Prioritization - Do our actions line up with our values?
    27:00 Take away: preserve time for planning and reflection
    28:35 Genius / fail moments
    Allison checks in while her son is in virtual school and feels major mom guilt…
    Chris’s family visits and brings his camper for a huge win!
    Arit slyly phases out her daughters stuffed animal #genius
    Jess’s son goes full into minecraft, but it may be too much.. #possiblegenius
    KWu repurposed geotags for wooden toys for her kids #genius
    Brandon get creative taking pictures of his kids in their natural habitat
    How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    Chris Arcand (
    Jess (
    Arit (
    Allison (
    KWu ( Special Guest: Brandon Hays.

  • Parent Driven Development
    Episode 057: Virtual School
    03:04 Welcome to Parent Driven Development (
    03:30 Virtual school with school age children
    Kindergarten, middle school, high school
    Missing out on the life experiences
    Pros and cons
    05:25 Exposure to other students
    Not enough time to build up relationships within the zoom chats
    Teachers stepping up to engage the kids with each other and in class
    Tough in kindergarten because the kids can’t break off without a teacher
    11:29 Less the supervising time on virtual school
    First week, very hands on, but less and less over time
    Kids have learned to adapt quite quickly
    14:00 Extra hands to help
    Parents can do work, but not focused work while supervising zoom school
    Extra help definitely makes a difference
    15:45 Homework
    Losing track of how to turn in assignments for middle/highschoolers
    No take home HW for kindergarten
    State assessments
    Perk - you can rewatch the class video if you have questions
    21:45 Teacher Props!
    Yoga and stretch breaks
    Partner reads
    Side chats
    Parent updates
    25:00 Is life better with zoom school?
    Allison is satisfied with the cards dealt, but mourns the first day of school memories
    Chris thinks in some ways, it’s better
    30:15 Genius / fail moments
    Chris figures out how to turn facetime back on his son’s devices, but has to keep track of his use.. #genius/fail
    Allison plans her move around the time of year her kids would need to change seasonal clothes. Less work, more organized #genius
    How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    Chris S (
    Allison (

  • Parent Driven DevelopmentEpisode 056: Child Care Educators with Jessica Sager of All Our Kin ( Our Kin is a nationally recognized nonprofit organization that trains, supports, and sustains family child care educators—transforming opportunities by ensuring that children and families have the foundation they need to succeed in school and in life.Jessica Sager is the co-founder and chief executive officer of All Our Kin. A graduate of Barnard College and Yale Law School, Jessica co-teaches a Yale University seminar on “Child Care, Society, and Public Policy”. She has provided commentary on child care issues for Time, The Hill, New America, and Education Week. She currently lives in New Haven, CT, with her husband and their fifteen-year-old daughter.00:58 Welcome, Jessica Sager (!Paul Tough: Helping Children Succeed ( & How Children Succeed ( care as profession in the homeMaking invisible workers as child care professionals visible through All Our Kin04:18 Changing the way we value child care in our societyLow income, closures, possible risk of losing convenient accessMore visible with current covid crisisAt a crossroads06:30 We’re not meant to raise kids alone - How All Our Kin helpsAll our kin in supporting child care educators around the country through their modelAdvocate for a different way to treat child careDirect work to educators and family; delivery ppe, public health guidance, supporting emotional and mental wellbeing of child care educators, playing new virtual roles10:03 How can others help advocate for child careView as public goodEmployers need to step up12:40 The impact in marginalized communitiesPositive impact on the economy; all our kin as a rate of return 15-20% on their investmentEquity; making sure kids have a safe place to go even during the pandemicNon standard hours are needed most by essential workers16:50 Family care networkDesigned as a hub and place of support for educators; helping people become licesned to become a professional educator, support them as educators, training on how to run a business, located in a place/community and building out their network.Educators are often passionate and utilize all the support and tools of All Our Kin to make meaningful and lasting change20:20 Moving to the virtual spacePeople are showing up! Connection is desired and needed22:10 Local support winsCultural differences, but deep similarities for shared passion and love for raising kidsNew Haven model succeeds in the Bronx and Nebraska 25:50 Genius / fail momentsKwu makes an awesome new corn chowder recipe, but her toddler wasn’t enjoying it.. #failChris struggles to get his kids online for zoom school.. As a senior engineer himself.. #failJess is at a crossroads over too much screen time for her son… but minecraft.... #genius/fail Jessica got an adorable pandemic kitten, but the kitten has been zoom bombing important school and work presentations. #genius on the kitten #fail on the zoom bombsHow can I support the podcast?Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]). Our website is at ( ( S ( ( Special Guest: Jessica Sager.

  • Parent Driven Development
    Episode 055: Jambo Books (
    02:22 Welcome, Mijha Godfrey!
    Mijha Godfrey is the founder of Jambo Books ( Jambo, which means both “hello” and “welcome” in Swahili, is a book subscription service for children aged 0 – 13 where all the books feature lead characters who are children of color. The stories in Jambo Books ( focus on the beauty of childhood, the joys of friendship and family, the thrill of new adventures, the wonderful tapestry that is the life of a child of color.
    Mijha is passionate about helping parents raise children who won’t need to be taught how to tolerate people who are different from themselves because they will expect and enjoy healthy inclusion.
    04:04 The importance of a diverse library
    Not letting experience resonate in only trauma or holiday
    05:25 When should parents start showcasing different representations in their community to their children?
    Yesterday.. aka ASAP, as young as infants
    Race is recognized from an early age and the earlier exposure the better
    Showcasing universal things all children go through, not just culturally recognized celebrations
    Normalizing life experience of children of color
    09:32 Jambo celebrates all representations
    Books are a gentle gateway
    Letting children of color know that they belong in all spaces
    13:40 How do you choose books for Jambo?
    All books sent out are fiction
    Must star a child of color
    Has to be a good story, impactful
    15:45 How do you introduce the ideas in the books to your children?
    Confront stereotypes head on!
    Can I touch your hair?
    19:40 What push back have you experienced?
    Standing strong in their mission
    24:20 Tips for book storage?
    More shelves!
    Recycle and pass forward books in the community
    26:15 Genius / fail moments
    KWu's son turned 3! Yayy.. but feeling guilty that she is a couple years behind on the yearly photo albums. #fail
    Allison's daughter boy-cots her virtual doctors appointment, her son zips off virtual kindergarten and chaos is all happening at once! #fail
    Arit's daughters nails a technical aspect of potty training. #genius
    Mijha's daughter reads a book that sparks a racail conversation on a playdate. History well learned, but not wanting to her daughter to do the race work #winfail
    How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    Support us via Patreon ( and get access to our our Slack Community!
    KWu (
    Allison (
    Arit ( Special Guest: Mijha Godfrey.

  • Parent Driven Development
    Episode 054: How to Manage Your Tech Career With Kids
    01:17 How do personal priorities and desired job circumstances change?
    Flexibility + time off
    Managing parents during emergencies
    Building resilience within a company
    08:18 Chaos monkey
    Applying the method to people
    Setting quality expectations that everyone agrees on
    10:45 Benefits are important
    Healthcare, dental care, infertility, adoption, etc…
    12:46 Perceiving direct reports from a manager perspective about what parents really care about
    Salary should fit one's needs, they aren’t worried if their kids need braces
    What employees care about matters!
    Managers syncing up for 1:1 calls is essential
    Standing meetings
    17:30 Time management
    Planning interruptions as a parent
    Coding flow
    Essential reminders
    Working nights and weekends by choice
    27:57 Genius / fail moments
    Chris Arcand hacked his three-year-old sleep with a soothing sound bath #genius
    Chris Sexton’s son is a Scout and had to tackle the virtual retreat by sleeping in the yard for one week to mimic the real thing. Quarantine win #genius
    How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    Support us via Patreon ( and get access to our our Slack Community!
    Chris Arcand (
    Chris Sexton (

  • Parent Driven Development
    Episode 053: The Parenting Playbook ( with Anna Mackenzie
    Sponsor: Nurture Life (
    Welcome, Anna Mackenzie (
    Anna Mackenzie is a Software Engineer who is dedicated to improving parental leave policies in tech. She is currently working at Voiceflow, a software startup that specializes in workflow tools for building voice experiences. She is the co-author of “The Expecting Playbook,” a toolkit that helps start-ups of all sizes to roll out supportive parental leave policies. Her follow-up book, titled “The Parental Playbook,” provides start-ups with the necessary tools to support parents upon their return to work. In 2018, Anna was named as one of the Top 25 Women of Influence in Canada, as well as one of the Top 30 Women In Tech Making a Difference by the DMZ.
    02:40 How did you come up with the idea? Why write these books?
    Being a minority in the industry
    Starting to ask difficult questions to companies she was interviewing for
    No startup policy that lead to leadership roles for women
    Companies need a better hiring practices for women
    05:50 Asking about parental leave during interviews
    Maternity AND paternity leave
    Are companies set up to have employees transition easily in and out of leave?
    08:40 Changing perspective in the workplace
    The work place was designed for a world that no longer exists
    The necessary reason to be LOUD about things you believe in
    13:35 Good policies get great people
    Employer thinking about childcare > parents thinking about childcare
    Diversity includes parents
    17:10 How are companies adjusting to parents during COVID19
    Moms are typically affected more
    How can we restructure what work looks like - long overdue!
    18:40 How to be inclusive of parents when they come back from leave
    Changing activities other than happy hour
    Adding a lock to the pumping room
    The importance of having diverse leadership and voices
    20:45 Psychological safety
    What’s OK for parents to mention to their team?
    Will the team think less because a parent is sleep deprived
    Employees do better work
    26:15 Genius / fail moments
    KWu gets her son to help with the dishes one utensil at a time to keep him from making a mess in the living room. #genius
    Allison creates an obstacle course to keep her kids occupied, which includes a captain’s hat! #genius
    Arit stays consistent potty training her daughter and finally gets onto the other side of potty training! #HUGEwin
    Anna’s dog gets sprayed by a skunk at a friend's house, cleans him off and then goes home, to only get skunked again in her backyard!! #fail
    How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    Support us via Patreon ( and get access to our our Slack Community!
    Allison McMillan (
    Arit Amana (
    KWu ( Special Guest: Anna Mackenzie.

  • Parent Driven Development
    Episode 052: Taking Breaks
    02:16 Taking breaks as a parent, how have you been coping?
    Is everyone taking breaks?
    Chris breaks with home projects
    Allison opts for a few full days off, rather than breaking during her day
    KWu dives into Downton Abbey (
    07:32 Productive breaks
    Increasing your home ROI
    Decreasing internet time during “breaks”
    Home improvements
    09:15 A break crisis!
    Dinner Time chaos
    How syncing self care time with business trips is no longer an option
    Making an intention plan for a stay-cation
    15:35 Planning for fun
    Animal Crossing (
    Making lists
    18:43 Choosing not to make the adult decision
    Binging on a novel late at night
    Sometimes choosing the wrong thing is the right decision
    23:25 Genius / Fail moments
    Chris shares his parents-only “secret food” with the kids #genius
    Allison spooks her kids by hiding from them after they don’t want to go along with their normal bedtime routine and it was a major success #genius
    KWu says yes in the moment but wasn’t actually prepared for her son to join her in the kitchen.. #fail
    How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    Support us via Patreon ( and get access to our our Slack Community!
    *As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
    Chris Sexton (
    Allison McMillan (
    KWu (

  • Parent Driven Development
    Episode 051: Allowances for Parents with Scott Hanselman (
    Welcome, Scott Hanselman (
    Scott is a programmer, teacher, and speaker. He works out of his home office in Portland, Oregon for the Web Platform Team at Microsoft. Scott has been blogging for 10 years and enjoys blogging about technology, culture, gadgets, diversity, code, and the web. Scott is excited about community, social equity, media, entrepreneurship and above all, the open web.
    02:49 Allowances for kids and parents
    Father of two boys
    The large “A”, and the little “a”
    Partner side-eyeing
    How to make online banking unscrollable
    Sunday cash withdraw
    06:01 The mental shift around money
    How much money can you spend without consulting your partner?
    08:05 Marriage first, kids second
    Intentionality, goals, visions - what’s the plan?
    Scott’s marital mission statement* - we’re on the same side
    10:43 Cash only for allowance
    The feeling money brings
    Teaching our children the value of the dollar
    Greenlight APP - mock debit card
    Spend, save, give
    16:15 Allowance $$$ amounts
    Required chores, that you don’t get paid for!
    Scott’s perspective around allowance vs. chores
    Teaching the kids how not to be a bad roommate
    17:50 Should parents incentivized tasks for the kids
    Spread the effort - rotate chores
    Having the kids contribute
    Perception management - to teach our kids the value of a dollar
    23:45 Family commitments as roommates and peers
    Context switching with parenting
    24:16 Genius / fail moments
    Chris’s son, 3-year-old, tunes into Disney Plus only to watch a movie that is terrifying to him #fail
    Arit’s daughter as a mishap with potty training #fail
    Scott tries to show his kids movie classics, but #fails by choosing the wrong ones, on the otherside Scott and his family are doing a deep dive of American History inspired by current events #genius
    Allison has a #genius when her kids create and play Ice Cube games to keep themselves entertained
    ### How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
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    Allison McMillan (
    Arit Amana (
    Chris Arcand ( Special Guest: Scott Hanselman.

  • Parent Driven Development
    Episode 050: Agile Household ( with Yvonne Marcus (
    Yvonne is a home system strategist, mom of two, lover of Girl Scout cookies, cake, craving song parodies and getting outdoors with the family. She is on a mission to revolutionize everyones view of #MomLife. She is the creator of your Agile Home, a four-week course that looks to get your family together, feel like a valued member of the team, instilling autonomy and having fun!
    00:50 Welcome, Yvonne Marcus (
    Background in TV production
    How Agile Home came about
    Bringing Agile into her home
    Establishing family values
    07:10 When and how is Agile executed in Yvonne’s house?
    WFH, toddlers and setting values
    Run as SCRUM (
    The sprint process, and day-to-day process
    10:40 Are the kids involved?
    Daily SCRUM board: white board ( + Scrum board home toolset (
    They participate in bi-weekly check in
    Dance party and breaks are essential
    13:09 Accountability without the nagging
    Assignments to the person with the more strengths in that specific area
    14:45 How do we get skeptical families on board?
    Start with the daily stand-up
    Start on your own, showcase success, then show those with doubts
    18:50 Quarantine times
    Get rid of #MomGuilt !
    20:00 Genius / Fail moments
    Kwu’s children have both fallen to the ground from various chairs in the past week… #fail
    Chris Sexton and his wife didn't have any troubles with a PDD Twitter poll.. #win
    Arit creates a schedule for her son for his Zoom class and school work after realizing her son kept coming to her with every question #geniusfail
    Chris Arcand’s son is starting to say anything and everything he feels. Sassiness to come #fail
    Yvonne becomes the fun mom by dying her kids hair #genius
    Allison and her partner create space for “virtual travel” for her to prepare for GitHub’s satellite conference #genius
    ### How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    Support us via Patreon ( and get access to our our Slack Community!
    *As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
    Chris Sexton (
    Allison McMillan (
    KWu (
    Arit Amana (
    Chris Arcand ( Special Guest: Yvonne Marcus.

  • Parent Driven Development
    Episode 049: Arit Amana (
    01:50 Welcome, Arit!
    Software engineer
    Mother of two, 8 and 3 years-old
    Background in public health
    02:50 Panel check-in
    Pandemic times
    Adjustment for the kids, work and home life
    Stress level through the roof
    06:20 Childcare Responder Duty while WFH
    The younger the child, the more work required for the parent
    Calendar essential ( for parent and kids
    Animal crossing ( is the new obsession and a MUST
    18:35 Arit jumps into a new role - Dev Community
    Open source coding
    Async communication style
    Flexible during the day with her youngest child
    Arit’s older son helps by taking care of his school work on his own
    23:45 Work-life boundaries
    Allison works few weeks on, to take a day or two off
    24:55 Genius / Fail moments
    Arit has success by taking the kids out for a walk after work that get her youngest sleeping through the night #genius
    Kwu’s daughter has some spit up discovered on her crib sheets post nap, unsure of what happened.. #geniusfail
    Chris and his wife are both working longer even though they are not commuting to work and dinner keeps getting pushed back later and later.. 10p late #genius because everyone is aligned even though hours aren’t typical
    Allison has a win by sharing photo journalism with her five-year-old son and keeps him occupied while also sharing some solid knowledge.
    ### How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    Support us via Patreon ( and get access to our our Slack Community!
    *As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
    Allison (
    KWu (
    Arit (
    Chris Sexton (

  • Parent Driven Development
    Episode 048: Darcy Lockman - All The Rage: Mothers, Fathers and The Myth of Equal Partnership (
    00:23 Welcome, Darcy (!
    Darcy Lockman is a former journalist turned clinical psychologist and the author of All the Rage: Mothers, Fathers, and the Myth of Equal Partnership ( Her first book, Brooklyn Zoo, chronicled the year she spent working on the psychiatric ward of a city hospital. She lives and practices (for the time being virtually) in New York City.
    00:39 Orgins of All The Rage (
    Child care falls on Darcy more than her husband.. moms more than dads?
    Why are we living like this?
    The impact of patriarchy on all of us
    04:25 Patriarchy instilled into our culture
    Women carry 65% childcare work, while men carry 35%
    The feminine is looked down in society
    Communality / agency - girls raised to be more communal, boys are raised to be more agentic
    Women join the workforce, but keep up with childcare duties
    09:32 How to guide kids with equal partnership at home
    Kids easily influenced from their outside world
    Identification with the same sex parent
    Gender detectives - searching for the group that they belong in
    The one way glass study
    Women have this idea that their male partner should not be inconvenienced, and that it’s ok if they are
    16:17 Is being traditional wrong?
    What good dads get away with
    Stay at home mom stigma
    19:05 Dual earning couples is sole focused on from All The Rage Book
    After work “breaks” ?After work “breaks” ?
    Unequal experience, unequal ability
    Taking care of children takes practice
    Paid paternity leave for men in other countries - use it or lose it
    24:20 Who is responsible for the mental load?
    Techniques to share the workload
    Women tend to feel more responsible and may have to unlearn this feeling of taking no time off
    Underbenifitor / Overbenifitor - both sides uncomfortable
    29:50 The pandemic is making the invisible workload more visible
    Possible progress to be made in couples
    32:45 Genius / Fail moments
    JC’s kids have been helping around the house since the pandemic hit, including dinner! #geniuswin
    Chris grounds steak with kids to make tacos. They were a hit and ready to go, until Chris accidentally dropped a glass dish right next to the taco meat and glass got in the taco meat… Dinner restart #fail
    Darcy embraces a sugar vacation during the pandemic and let’s her girls feast on junk food that is usually not allowed. #genuisfail maybe??
    Get your copy of All The Rage! (
    ### How can I support the podcast?
    Please follow us @parentdrivendev ( on Twitter or email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
    Our website is at (
    Support us via Patreon ( and get access to our our Slack Community!
    *As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
    JC Avena (
    Chris Sexton (
    Special Guest: Darcy Lockman.