Join us on this episode of Piece of Hebrew as we dive into the surprising difficulties and cons that come with winning the lottery. While hitting the jackpot might seem like a dream come true, the reality can be quite different. We'll explore the challenges winners face, from managing sudden wealth to dealing with newfound attention and strained relationships. We'll also discuss essential steps to take if you ever find yourself holding the winning ticket, ensuring you stay grounded and secure your financial future. Tune in for an eye-opening discussion that might just change your perspective on striking it rich!
Article about people who won the lottery,7340,L-5024419,00.html
This episode's transcript and vocabulary list are in theโ โ โ โ โ โ โ Piece of Hebrew Club.โ โ โ โโ โ โ Join our newsletter
Einav Stern is a tour guide in Israel and around the world. I met her for an interesting conversation about trips and her stories about what goes on behind the scenes.
This episode's transcript and vocabulary list are in theโ โ โ โ โ โ Piece of Hebrew Club.โ โ โ
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Fehlende Folgen?
Join us in this special episode with Elsa, as we dive into the festive spirit of Hanukkah! In this conversation in Hebrew, we explore the rich traditions of Hanukkah both in Israel and around the world and we share some personal memories from childhood!
So, grab your favorite latke recipe, light a candle, and join us on this festive journey through the Hanukkah traditions.
Join the Piece of Hebrew Club to access exclusive content to study this podcast episode: full transcript, vocabulary list, interactive flashcards, access to a private forum, monthly Zoom class...
The most fun week I had in the army as a soldier was the week I slept in hotels. I visited many places in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, the sea, and the desert and spoke in English this week.
If you are asking yourself why I did all these things as a soldier, then the answer is that I accompanied a group of Americans on TAGLIT.
Who thought of the idea of the TAGLIT project? What is its purpose, and how many people have participated in it?
This episode's transcript and vocabulary list are in theโ โ โ โ โ Piece of Hebrew Club.โ โ
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When was the last time you went barefoot?
When the skin of your body touched the ground. At the beach, in the forest, in the park.
Rebecca Harrell Tickle and Josh Tickle are a duo of documentary film directors in the USA. In 2012, they made a film called "The Big Fix" about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. Their film was very successful, though, during filming, she was exposed to pollution for an extended period.
The exposure to the pollution caused her to develop severe skin disease. She searched and searched for anything that would help her, but believe it or not, the thing that helped her the most was walking barefoot.
This episode's transcript and vocabulary list are in theโ โ โ โ Piece of Hebrew Club.โ
Discover our best tips to reach Hebrew fluency
The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding (full documentary)
Article about the benefits of walking barefoot
Today we will talk about relocation from Israel. What is the main reason that Israelis do the relocation? What are the difficulties of Israelis abroad and Israelis who, despite the comfortable life abroad, decided to return to Israel.
This episode's transcript and vocabulary list are in theโ โ โ โ Piece of Hebrew Club.โ
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Mentioned in the podcast:
Shmemel video clip โBerlinโ
Research about Isralies living abroad
Article about Israelis who returned to Israel
Is it in the whole neighborhood? Does anyone else have no electricity? Has anyone got the power back yet?
These were messages I received in the neighborhood WhatsApp group. At the beginning of June, the electricity went out in many places in Israel for a few hours. We had a situation called a power outage. Like, we don't have electricity in our houses. And it happened in the middle of a heat wave of more than 40 degrees Celsius. People were left without electricity, air conditioning, a refrigerator, and with very, very heavy heat. Why did it happen, and why will it continue if we don't start saving electricity now?
You can find this episode's transcript and vocabulary list in theโ โ โ Piece of Hebrew Club.
In this year 2023 India has become the most populated country in the world with the highest number of inhabitants in the world. With one billion and four hundred million inhabitants. The number of inhabitants in India is greater than all European countries, and also more than all African countries and all American countries. In the last episode I talked to you about the density and population in Israel and today I decided that I want to talk to you about the population growth in the world.
How did the world grow in such a way, why today women give birth to fewer children, is the world on the way to a population explosion, and what is the relationship between countries that do not have enough children for a free hotel vacation?
You can find the transcript and vocabulary list of this episode in theโ โ Piece of Hebrew Club
Links:Do It For Denmark! campaign
In 1949, David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, decided that every mother who gave birth to ten or more children would receive a one-time grant of 300 Lira. The encouragement of childbirth was successful. Compared to Western countries, Israel is the most densely populated country. On the hundredth birthday of the State of Israel in 2048, 20 million residents are expected to live in Israel, which will probably make Israel the most densely populated country in the world.
Why is it so crowded here? What are the consequences of this for our lives? And what is the connection Pru and Revu Mitzvah from the Bible.
You can find the transcript and vocabulary list of this episode in the โ Piece of Hebrew Club
Over the years, the sun is negatively presented most of the time, as a dangerous thing that can cause skin cancer such as melanoma, premature aging of the skin, wrinkles, freckles, and all kinds of other things.
So we all know about the dangers of the sun, but what do we know about the benefits of the sun?
You can find the transcript and vocabulary list of this episode in the Piece of Hebrew Club
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Last week a very strong earthquake occurred in Syria and Turkey. This earthquake was also felt in Israel. The last earthquake felt in Israel was not strong at all and did not cause any damage. Once every 100 years there is a very strong earthquake in Israel, and the last time there was a very strong earthquake in Israel was 100 years ago.
In today's podcast we are going to talk about earthquakes. Why do earthquakes even happen? What should be done during an earthquake? And the story of the Israeli girl who survived an earthquake more than 20 years ago.
You can find the transcript and vocabulary list of this episode in the Piece of Hebrew Club
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My father was born in the 1950s in a kibbutz in Israel. In those years there was no awareness of the harms of cigarettes. On one Purim holiday, my father, who was just a teenager, smoked so much and got nicotine poisoning. Since then he can't stand cigarettes.
Today in the podcast we are going to talk about a country that decided to fight cigarettes - New Zealand. What does the new law say? What will happen to those who break the law and what is the situation regarding cigarettes in Israel?
You can find the transcript and vocabulary list of this episode in the Piece of Hebrew Club
What does the number minus 210 meters mean to you? In Israel this number is the Kinneret level. For years Israel was dependent on the Sea of Galilee, but today this is no longer the case. How does it make sense that in a country where most of its territory is desert, the population is only growing all the time, there is no longer a water problem?
You can find the transcript and vocabulary list of this episode in the Piece of Hebrew Club
ืงืืคืืื ืืฉืจืื ืืชืืืืฉืช
In today's episode of the Piece of Hebrew podcast, a podcast for intermediate Hebrew learners who want to learn Hebrew in a natural and authentic way with interesting topics, we talk about the story of the 1970 World Cup - the only World Cup in which Israel participated. How did Israel get to the World Cup, what were its results, why is Israel playing in Europe instead of in Asia, and about the World Cup we were supposed to attend but we never participated in.
You can find the transcript and vocabulary list of this episode in the Piece of Hebrew Club
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You will never live in this apartment because it was rented on Airbnb. We demand a solution to the crisis from the municipality because there is no city without us.
This is a notice that was hung on the door of an apartment in the city. That notice then became a Facebook post that turned into a debate about Airbnb's presence in the city.
In today's episode of the Piece of Hebrew podcast, a podcast for intermediate Hebrew learners who want to learn Hebrew in a natural and authentic way with interesting topics, we will talk about the platform economy and Airbnb and its consequences in the world. How are municipalities dealing with it and what is the situation in Israel.
You can find the transcript and vocabulary list of this episode in the Piece of Hebrew Club
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ืขืฆืืื- ืืขืืคืื ืืช ืืืื ื Airbnb ืืืขืืจ
In 1999, two car bombs exploded in Israel. The end of daylight saving time saved many people's lives. Listen to the episode and find out how.
In today's episode of the Piece of Hebrew podcast, a podcast for intermediate Hebrew learners who want to learn Hebrew in a natural and authentic way with interesting topics, we talk about the history of daylight saving time in Israel, the advantages and disadvantages, why the issue caused controversy between religious and secular people and how the end of daylight saving time saved human lives.
You can find the transcript and vocabulary list of this episode in the Piece of Hebrew Club
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Nitzan Horowitz, Israel's Minister of Health, is openly gay. It's hard to believe but until 1988 there was a law in Israel prohibiting sex between men. How did it happen that until recently being gay in Israel was illegal, until today's situation where an openly gay man is a minister in the Israeli government?
In today's episode of the Piece of Hebrew podcast, a podcast for intermediate Hebrew learners who want to learn Hebrew in a natural and authentic way with interesting topics, we talk about gay rights in Israel and how it evolved with time.
You can find the transcript and vocabulary list of this episode in the Piece of Hebrew Club
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It's night time, I'm sitting around the fire with people I only met this week, but I feel like I've known for years. All around, the silence of the desert. Tea is heating on the fire and when you lie on your back you can see a sky full of stars. When you talk to me about Shvil Israel, the Israel National Trail (INT), these are the things I remember.
Doing the Israel National Trail is a really special and unique way to visit Israel! So how was the idea of the Israel National Trail born, how long did it take to mark it, what do you need to know before walking it and who are the angels of the trail?
In today's episode of the Piece of Hebrew podcast, a podcast for intermediate Hebrew learners who want to learn Hebrew in a natural and authentic way with interesting topics, we will talk about Shvil Israel.
You can find the transcript and vocabulary list of this episode in the Piece of Hebrew Club:
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ืืจืืื Walk about love
Imagine you land in Israel on a Saturday. You get out of the airport and wait for the bus to go to the city center but the bus is not coming... So you go down and try your luck with the train and you wait and wait and wait... But the train will not come. It's Shabbat today and there is no public transportation on Shabbat in Israel.
Why is there no public transportation in Israel on Shabbat and how is that link to the traffic jam during the week on the roads of Israel?
In today's episode of the Piece of Hebrew podcast, a podcast for intermediate Hebrew learners who want to learn Hebrew in a natural and authentic way with interesting topics, we talk all about public transportation in Israel.
You can find the transcript and vocabulary list of this episode in the Piece of Hebrew Club:
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Every year, usually in July, jellyfish - meduzot - invade Israel's beaches making it very difficult to enter the water. But this was not always the case. So where did the jellyfish come from? What should you do and NOT do if you get stung by a jellyfish? And does the secret to eternal life lie in one small and mysterious species of jellyfish?
In today's episode of the Piece of Hebrew podcast, a podcast for intermediate Hebrew learners who want to learn Hebrew in a natural and authentic way with interesting topics, we talk all about meduzot in Israel and you might learn a thing or two ;)
You can find the transcript and vocabulary list of this episode in the Piece of Hebrew Club:
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