Spring is a great time of year to begin enjoying a greater variety of vegetables. Like Bok Choy. Don’t know what this is? If you’re completely new to plant-based eating and just stepping into the world of green leafy vegetables, you might find the words ‘Bok choy’ not only foreign looking but also strange to pronounce. What IS this vegetable, how does it taste and what can you make with it?
Let’s look at that today. In this Ingredient Spotlight episode, we’ll take a closer look at this vegetable, what it is and what’s in it nutritionally. I’ll show you that it is easy to cook and super versatile in the plant-based kitchen too! Ready? Get comfy with your favorite spring-time drink and let’s begin!
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Plant-Based Diet, Nutrition, Meal Ideas, Ingredient Spotlight, Plant Based Eating, Whole Foods, Get Healthy, Plantbased]
Are you trying to eating healthier but feel helpless watching your family and loved ones continue on a regular diet heavy in meats and processed convenience foods? You see the health issues they are facing and KNOW much of it can be improved with diet and lifestyle changes. So how do you get your family ‘unstuck’ in their set ways?
That’s what we’re going to be talking about today. In this episode, I want to give you a super simple strategy you can use to begin the process of moving your family towards better health, in a way that is less pressurizing for your family and may even build interest in new plant-based foods. I want to show you that instead of feeling helpless, there ARE smart steps you can take that will help move the health of your loved ones (and yourself) forward. Ready to learn more? Then grab a cooling drink and join me on the inside!
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[Plant-Based, Family Transition Tips, Plant Based Diet, Meat Loving Spouse, Less Double Cooking, Plantbased, Whole Foods]
Fehlende Folgen?
Inflammation and pain. I think many of us deal with this on some level. But for some, it can be especially excruciating and debilitating, impacting many activities of daily living. And inflammation and pain often seem to go together, don’t they? Maybe that’s what you’re dealing with now, and why you’re exploring plant-based eating to see if it can help. So, can making a radical lifestyle shift from meats to plants really benefit our bodies in these areas?
That’s what we’re going to look at today. In this episode, we’ll see what some of the recent research is finding about plant-based eating and inflammation, and whether there can be improvement in pain levels too. If this is what you’ve been struggling with or know a loved one or friend battling with it, don’t miss this episode. Let’s dive in!
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Plant Based, Chronic Inflammation, Plantbased Eating, Whole Foods, Less Pain, Healthy Eating, Benefits]
Have a love-hate relationship with avocados? If so, I don’t blame you – I do too. Some days, I’m delighted to cut open an avocado and see a smooth blemish-free interior to enjoy. On other days, I’m utterly disappointed when I cut open one and find a blemished brown and ugly interior, and have to toss it away in disgust. Such a waste of money!
But with rising food and gas prices, it’s now even more important to know how to stretch our food dollars and make what we buy last longer. And I’ve discovered ways now to minimize those ‘not-so-good’ avocado days.
So, let’s talk avocados. In this episode, I’ll show you how to wisely pick avocados from the store, then how to best store them at home. This way, you can enjoy them more, with less stress and worry about having to use them up fast before they spoil. If you’ve never tried an avocado before, make sure to listen in too, so you can learn from the get-go how to best buy and store them, and save money and needless frustration in your plant-based diet transition!
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Plant-Based Diet, Money Saving Tips, Plant Based Eating on a Budget, Save Money, Produce Stretching Hacks, Plantbased Shopping]
When you move from a meat-heavy diet to a plant-based one, there will obviously be a shift in the kinds of foods you are eating. And since meats and other animal-based protein products are a source of iron, it’s natural to be worried about how you’ll get the iron you need, if you take these foods out of your diet. So, will you seriously lack iron and get anemic once you start eating plant-based? And to prevent that happening, do you need to rely on iron supplements?
Let’s discuss that today. In this episode, we’ll look at whether eating plant-based would be adequate to maintain good iron levels, or if iron supplements should be a critical part of a plant-based diet, and if you need to start taking them right away. Ready to dive into this with me? Let’s go!
Note: Before taking any iron supplements, it is recommended to have your iron levels tested first, to check what your iron levels are, and to rule out a condition called hemochromatosis. In hemochromatosis, the body has an issue with iron overload, and absorbs too much iron from food.
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Plant Based Diet, Nutrition, Iron, Health, Whole Foods, Plantbased Eating, Anemia, Iron Deficiency, Key Nutrients, Plant-Based Nutrition, Supplements, Meats]
Have you come to plant-based eating, thinking and hoping that making this diet change will help those pounds melt off your body? Yet, you’ve already started your diet transition for a few weeks …and the scale seems to be the same. So now you’re wondering, “What does one need to do, to really lose the weight eating this way?”
Well, that’s what we’re going to talk about in this episode. While a big factor behind shedding the pounds – and keeping them off - is the choice of plant-based foods you’re focusing your meals around, that’s NOT all of it. There are many other factors that can influence your success in this area. And one of those most crucial elements is where our mind is set or focused on as we undertake this plant-based diet journey towards weight loss and transformed health. Let’s dig into this together in this episode. Meet me there!
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Plant Based Eating, Plantbased, Transition Tips, Drop Pounds, Get Healthy, Whole Foods, Healthy Eating, Get in Shape, Weight Loss, Mindset]
What will it really take to improve one’s cholesterol, blood pressure and triglycerides? Have you wondered this? Well, that’s what my guest Susan wondered, after striving to maintain ‘healthy’ eating habits and staying active for most of her life. But her cholesterol eventually rose to 302 and her triglycerides skyrocketed, leaving her feeling discouraged and defeated.
As a last resort, she turned to plant-based eating, with remarkable results that astonished even her doctor. In this Guest Interview Part 2 with Susan, find out what her blood work and weight was like after a year of plant-based eating and her doctor’s reaction. You’ll also glean valuable tips and meal ideas for how to stay plant-based despite a busy life, as Susan is a realtor with a demanding schedule. I know you’ll leave this interview with motivation and inspiration for your own plant-based diet journey through her experience!
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Plant-Based Diet, Plant Based Eating, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Heart Health, Cardiovascular Health, Diabetes, Blood Glucose, Weight Loss, Lose Weight, Transition Tips, Meal Planning, Meal Ideas, Blood Sugars]
Have you been frustrated because you have been eating pretty ‘healthy’ for most of your life, but still battle with cholesterol problems? That was exactly how my guest Susan felt. Along with vegetables, eggs and fruit, she made sure to consume only whole organic milk and organic meats. But her cholesterol levels only kept rising, her blood pressure started increasing and her triglycerides went off the charts!
Susan didn’t want to go on statin drugs, so she decided to do something drastic – try a plant-based diet. Listen in to find out the details of how this lifestyle change impacted her health, after only 3 weeks, and how it helped her husband’s diabetes as well!
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Plant-Based Diet, Plant Based Eating, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Heart Health, Cardiovascular Health, Diabetes, Blood Glucose, Blood Sugars]
Are you wanting to eat better and making BIG changes to your health this year but find vegetables to be your biggest barrier? They are not your sworn enemy, but you just never liked having them on your plate and have memories of how you were always forced to eat them growing up. NOW you’ve been able to eat whatever you want…but that’s the problem. The fast food, meat-heavy dishes and constant take outs have taken a toll on your health, and the labs are showing it…
Yet you’ve always known vegetables to be good for you. So how do you start adding them in now to your meals, if you’ve never been a fan of them? That’s what we’re going to talk about today. In this episode, I’ll give you 3 simple strategies you can use to UP the veggies in your life, so you can enjoy plant-based eating more…without needing to eat forkfuls of raw salads every day. Sounds good? Let’s dive in!
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Plant-Based Diets, Plant-Based Cooking, Whole Foods, Kitchen Cooking Hacks, How to Start, Transition Tips, Save Time, Save Energy, Meal Prep Tips, Plantbased, Plant Based Eating, Vegetables, Fresh Produce]
It’s the start of the year and you’re ready to dive into a new lifestyle and way of eating, to improve your health. You may have even started already. But you’ve been just sticking mostly to the fruits and vegetables, and staying away from the grains, because you’re needing to be gluten-free. That seems to make eating plant-based pretty limited though…and to honest…quite boring. So much so that you’re wondering if you’ll be able to keep this up! After all, you’re already cutting out the meats, eggs and dairy products. What else is left?
If this is your challenge, let’s address it today. In this episode, I want to give you 3 pro-tips about eating gluten-free on a plant-based diet that will help you make a smoother transition. I’ll show you that plant-based eating can definitely be doable even if you have a gluten intolerance…not to mention enjoyable too! And you won’t be stuck with just salads, fresh fruits and raw vegetables… Don’t miss this final Starter FAQ episode of the series!
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Plant Based Diet, Grains, Carbs, Plantbased, Celiac, Gluten Intolerant, Transition Tips, What to Eat]
It’s the New Year, and you’re ready for change – both health and energy-wise. You’re ready to wake up with MORE energy, fewer medical problems, and less worry and anxiety about your future health. That’s why you’re wanting to give plant-based eating a go. But there’s a worry lurking in the back of your mind, “Will eating this way give enough energy?” After all, how can just eating fruits and vegetables give enough energy?
Well, if that’s a concern making you anxious about plant-based eating, let’s address it. In this episode, let’s dive into this and look at whether plant-based eating can really improve one’s health and energy levels. So if you’re looking for the answer to this question, make sure to tune in to this 3rd Starter FAQ or ‘Frequently Asked Question’ episode of the Series!
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Related Episode:
Ep. 17 | Gaining Energy & Sharing Real-Life Tips and Strategies Eating Plant-Based – Interview with Paul (Part 1)
Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Plant Based Diet, Whole Foods, Plantbased Beginner, Get Healthy, Transition Tips, What to Eat, Weight Loss, Goals, Lose Weight]
Does eating healthy seem too expensive? You want to eat more fruits and veggies, but worry you can’t afford to, because your food budget seems to be shrinking. Well, you’re still spending the same amount, but you’re able to get less groceries now, because the prices of all foods -fresh and packaged –seem to be constantly rising. So how do you start and stay plant-based eating on a budget?
That’s what we’re going to talk about today. In this episode, I’ll give you an easy simple hack you can use on your next grocery shop to help you make smarter purchase decisions when it comes to buying fresh produce. So if you’re ready to spend LESS on groceries but enjoy MORE fresh veggies and fruits for better health, listen in to this Bonus episode!
**PPLT Course Bundle - Ends TONIGHT January 10th at 11:59pm EST**
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Become a student of the online Plant-Powered Life Transformation Course before midnight tonight Jan 10, 2024 and you’ll get to enjoy these 4 exclusive value-packed resources as part of your enrollment Bundle…as Bonus Gift Resources! These are:
A Month-Long Plant-Powered Meal Plan - with easy plant-based meals to enjoyA Plant-Based Meal Prep Recipe Guidebook - enjoy top meal planning tips, a plant-based ingredient substitutions list + easy bulk meal prep and freezer-friendly plant-based recipesDaily Protein Builder Checklist – so you can meet your daily estimated protein needs with confidence!6 Movements to Practice Daily for Optimal Health – a guide with video lessons developed by Certified Personal Trainer and Movement Specialist Courtney McManusDon’t miss this chance to get the support, practical strategies and clear guidance you need to transform your health in 2025!
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Plant Based Shopping, Plantbased, Smart Produce Hacks, Plant-Based Diet, Money-Saving Supermarket Tips, Grocery Budget Tips]
Are you ready to truly change your health in 2025…but don’t know where or HOW to begin plant-based eating? You’ve been so used to relying on convenience processed foods, takeouts and meat-heavy plates, that you’re now lost on what to eat instead, and how that can fit into your busy schedule.
Well, if you’re feeling clueless and overwhelmed about where or how to begin, make sure to tune in today. We’ll be talking about 3 simple steps you can take to jumpstart your diet transition and start turning around your health. And spoiler alert… you’ll see that starting your transition CAN be doable and even enjoyable. Don’t miss this 2nd Starter FAQ or ‘Frequently Asked Question’ episode of the Series!
**The PPLT Course Bundle is Ending Soon!**
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Join the online Plant-Powered Life Transformation Course before midnight January 10, 2025 and you’ll gain these 4 value-packed resources as part of your enrollment Bundle…as Bonus Gift Resources! These are:
A Month-Long Plant-Powered Meal Plan - with easy plant-based meals to enjoyA Plant-Based Meal Prep Recipe Guidebook - enjoy top meal planning tips, a plant-based ingredient substitutions list + easy bulk meal prep and freezer-friendly plant-based recipesDaily Protein Builder Checklist – so you can meet your daily estimated protein needs with confidence!6 Movements to Practice Daily for Optimal Health – a guide with video lessons developed by Certified Personal Trainer and Movement Specialist Courtney McManusEnroll by 11:59pm January 8, 2025, to get these two extra FAST-ACTION Bonuses:
Use Code ‘SAVE30’ to get $30 off the Course Enrollment at CheckoutA ‘10 Top Tips for Optimal Nutrition Eating Plant-Based’ Guide to help you build the best health and nutrition eating this new way!Don’t miss this chance to get the support, practical strategies and clear guidance you need to transform your health in 2025!
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Transition Tips, What to Eat, Plant Based Diet, Whole Foods, Plantbased Beginner, Get Healthy, Weight Loss, Goals, Lose Weight]
Are you all set to go on a plant-based diet with the New Year and want get started right, but… feel a little confused? What does eating plant-based actually mean? Is any meat allowed in your meals…or not?
If this lifestyle transition seems overwhelming and confusing, I want to help. In this first episode of the ‘Starter FAQ’ series, let me break down in simple terms for you what the term ‘plant-based eating’ actually means so you can gain the clarity you need as you start this journey. Walk away knowing the best way to eat for health. Let’s do this together!
**Get the PPLT Course Bundle Available Now**
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Between Jan 6 – Jan 10, 2025, enroll in the online Plant-Powered Life Transformation Course and enjoy these 4 additional exclusive value-packed resources as part of your enrollment Bundle…as Bonus Gift Resources! These are:
A Month-Long Plant-Powered Meal Plan - with easy plant-based meals to enjoyA Plant-Based Meal Prep Recipe Guidebook - enjoy top meal planning tips, a plant-based ingredient substitutions list and easy bulk meal prep and freezer-friendly plant-based recipesDaily Protein Builder Checklist – so you can meet your daily estimated protein needs with confidence!6 Movements to Practice Daily for Optimal Health – a guide with video lessons developed by Certified Personal Trainer and Movement Specialist Courtney McManusEnroll by 11:59pm January 8, 2025, to get these two extra FAST-ACTION Bonuses:
Use Code ‘SAVE30’ to get $30 off the Course Enrollment at CheckoutA ‘10 Top Tips for Optimal Nutrition Eating Plant-Based’ Guide to help you build the best health and nutrition eating this new way!Don’t miss this chance to get the support, practical strategies and clear guidance you need to transform your health in 2025!
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Related Episodes:Episode 1, Plant-Based vs. Vegan - What's the Difference, and the Best Way to Eat for Health:
Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Plant Based, Transition Tips, Whole Foods, Beginner Tips, Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Plantbased, Weight Loss]
Have you ever wondered what goes on behind this podcast? Every week there is an episode giving you guidance and strategies for your plant-based diet journey, but what else has been happening? If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while now and enjoying it, now is your chance to find out! In this episode, I’ll be taking you behind the scenes so you’ll get a sneak peek into my personal life. And since it’s the year end, I also want to share some podcast milestones with you, so you can celebrate along with me!This has truly been my favorite episode to do this year, because I get to share more about myself, our family and what’s been happening. And I can’t wait to share it with you. So if you’ve been wanting to get a behind-the-scenes look, join me inside this episode. Let’s get to it!
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Have you been exploring plant-based eating, but find yourself still ‘sitting on the fence’, unable to decide if a plant-based diet is right for you? You’ve seen the health benefits others have had and know that this lifestyle could benefit you too. But you don’t know if you have what it takes to actually make this transition work. Yet the New Year is coming, and you REALLY want to see your health and body changed…for the better. So how do you make this decision?I want to help. In this episode, I’ll give you 3 signs of readiness you can assess yourself with, to see if you’re now ready for a plant-based diet change. That’s because I want to help you transform your health and reach the best plant-powered health possible. Listen in to find out what they are!
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Plant Based Diet, Transition Tips, Plantbased, Get Healthy, Weight Loss, Goals, Resolutions, Better Health, Lose Weight, Get in Shape]
Are you worried that eating plant-based means you’ll be forced to eat beans? Maybe everything you’ve looked into or read so far about plant-based eating has mentioned beans, so it seems that beans are a necessary part of a plant-based diet. But you’ve disliked them ever since your childhood years. What do you do now?If this is the main roadblock you’re facing to beginning a health transforming plant-based diet, let’s talk about it. In this episode, I’ll share 3 key reasons why you can still get started eating plant-based, even if you aren’t excited about the beans. Listen in!
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Plant Based Diet, Transition Tips, Plantbased, Legumes, Nutrition, Whole Foods, Beginner, Health, Starter Tips]
Can you eat fruit with diabetes? Fruit is often seen to contain lots of sugar and carbs, so many people are afraid to eat them. You may have even noticed your blood sugars getting high when you snack on an orange. So, what’s the truth on this?Yes, moving to plant-based eating can help your body in so many ways, like lowering cholesterol, blood pressure and even weight loss. But since you’ll be eating more carbs like fruits and whole grains, won’t that make your glucose levels go ‘through the roof’ and worsen your diabetes?If that’s what you’re worried about, let’s talk about it. In this episode, I’ll show you that yes, you CAN have your fruit and eat it…and research is showing that there can even be benefits to your blood sugars by including them in your meals. There’s also a secret factor that you may not be aware of which can have an even bigger impact on blood sugar levels. Learn more inside this episode!
Related Episodes:
Ep. 5 | Plant-Based Versus Keto: Which Can Truly Improve or Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?
Ep. 43 | Are Plant-Based Diets Too High Carb for Those with Diabetes?
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Plant Based, Blood Sugars, Plantbased Diet, Glucose, Prediabetes, High Protein, Protein Rich, Organic Meats Dairy]
Are you wanting to make a lifestyle change but don’t know where to get the nutrients you need if you eat plant-based? There are so many vitamins out there, like vitamin D, C, B12, A, K, E and minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. Do you need supplements for them or can you get them from food? The problem is… there’s so much information and conflicting advice on the Internet, that’s it’s impossible not to feel lost and confused. You want to eat right – but why does it seem so hard?!If that’s how you’re feeling, I want to help. In this episode, let’s take one of these nutrients -B12 – and break it down. Let’s look to see if this is a nutrient you’ll need to be mindful of, and whether just getting it through food sources would suffice. So, if you’re looking for answers and clear nutrition guidance, listen in!
Related Links:Dr. Greger’s Updated Vitamin B12 Recommendations Infographic -
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[PlantBased Nutrition, Anemia, Health Risks, Dietary Supplements, Vitamins, Plant Based Eating, Diet and Wellness, Deficiency]
Has your life – at home or at work – been hectic and busy the moment 2024 started? Now in a blink of an eye, it seems that the end of the year is upon us with just a few weeks left. And you find yourself wondering, “Where DID this year go?”
Well, I’m definitely feeling the same way. That’s why I invite you now to take a little ‘pause’ with me, and a ‘breather’ out of life. In this episode, I’ll take a moment to stop and share about a few key things I want to give thanks for this year in my personal life, podcast and PlantNourished coaching. There’s a lot of gratitude I want to show and you’re included in it. So grab a cup of your favorite warm Fall beverage and join me on the inside!
Related Episode:Ep. 20 | A Moment of Gratitude – Sharing Health Thanksgivings
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Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email ( or submit it by a voice message here:
[Plant-Based Diet, Gratitude, Plant Based Eating, Celebrations, Holiday Season, Plantbased, Milestones, Thanksgivings, Rest, Giving Thanks]
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