Nordnetin #rahapodi-podcastissa puhutaan taloudesta, säästämisestä ja sijoittamisesta. Jaksoja voit kuunnella osoitteessa nordnet.fi/rahapodi tai iTunesin, SoundCloudin, Spotifyn ja Youtuben kautta.
Uutisraportti podcastissa ajankohtaisista aiheista puhutaan niin kuin toimittajat puhuvat niistä töiden jälkeen drinksuilla: ymmärrettävästi, mielenkiintoisesti ja turhia jännittämättä. Mikä viikon asioissa oikeasti on tärkeää, mikä on niiden merkitys ja miksi ne naurattavat tai raivostuttavat niin paljon? Tervetuloa seuraan joka torstai vuoden ympäri!
Uutisraportti podcast on Suomen ensimmäisestä poliittisesta satiirista Uutisraportista 2015 syntynyt podcast, josta kasvoi lopulta koko maan kuunnelluin ajankohtaispodcast.
Podcastia juontaa ja tuottaa Tuomas Peltomäki. Muina juontajina toimivat toimittajat Marko Junkkari, Anna-Sofia Berner ja Salla Vuorikoski. Kaikki tavoitat sähköpostilla @hs.fi. -
Savannah Brymer hosts "Killer Instinct", a true-crime podcast that sheds light on horrific events, but more importantly, attempts to bring justice to the many grieving families that these crimes have touched. Every Wednesday, Savannah breaks down the events leading up to the crime, as well as proposes multiple theories as to what could’ve happened, all with the help of listeners and even the victim's families.
Get the ad-free version here: https://killerinstinct.supercast.tech/
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We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4
Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy -
David Knight brings you news, interviews and analysis LIVE every weekday morning. With decades of experience as news anchor, reporter and radio host, political candidate, David has broadcast live from events ranging from political conventions to the Bundy ranch standoff. With guests ranging from the former tech head of the NSA to the New Jersey Weedman, the broadcasts are diverse in topics. As an entrepreneur with a background in engineering and politics, Knight explores the junction of business, technology and freedom with experts in their field.
Heikelä ja Koskelo 23 minuuttia kuudesti viikossa Podimossa https://podimo.fi/23minuuttia, Youtubessa maanantaista torstaihin.
Pull up a chair at our dinner table as the dynamic husband and wife duo of Dr. John Matthias, a forensic psychologist, and Lauren Matthias, an investigative journalist, delve into the psychological facets of unthinkable crimes. What are they hiding? What are they hiding from? What remains hidden? Find more on our YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/c/HiddenTrueCrime Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hiddentruecrimeHIDDEN TRUE CRIME PRODUCTIONSInquiries: [email protected] / Ad sales: [email protected]
Podcast by Ünsal Ünlü
Discussing political philosophy, current events, activism, and the inevitable historical downfall of capitalism from a revolutionary leftist perspective.
Radio Dastneveshteha podcast focuses on modern Iranian history utilizing various archives such as Harvard's Iranian Oral History Projects, and other notable archives.
The first season covers various topics such as 1961 Teacher's General Strike, 1987 Mecca Incident, and 40 Years of Post-Revolution Iranian Music. Season 2, Ayatollah's Spokesman is a deep dive into Sadegh Ghotbzadeh's Personal and Political Life. -
Çünkü özgür.
Päivän tärkein uutinen avattuna, päivän tärkeimmät notifikaatiot ennakoituna.
Conspiracy theories, melted online communities and cursed media — we pry open the cracks in consensus reality and journey into the hidden worlds below. The QAA Podcast is a mix of reporting, comedy, and history hosted by Jake Rockatansky, Travis View, and Julian Feeld along with co-hosts Annie Kelly, Liv Agar and Brad Abrahams. Formerly known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.
News / Video / Analysis
A Daily Morning Show About Sports & Hip-Hop Hosted by TDBarrett & Eli Mack.
Nestíháte sledovat nové události? Noviny a sociální sítě jsou plné jmen a fotek a vy nevíte proč? Zpravodajský podcast Českého rozhlasu Vinohradská 12 vysvětlí aktuální témata v souvislostech. Najdete také na našem zpravodajském webu iRozhlas.cz, v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas a v dalších podcastových aplikacích.
Všechny díly podcastu Vinohradská 12 můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu mujRozhlas.cz. -
Comedians Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster create honest conversations with fascinating people. New episodes every Sunday and Wednesday. Become a Premium Member to receive exclusive benefits https://triggernometry.supercast.com/
Conspiracyland's "The Strange Story of Havana Syndrome," hosted by Yahoo News chief investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff, is an investigation into the baffling medical ailments-- headaches, dizziness, extreme fatigue and even brain injuries-- that have been reported by over 1,100 American diplomats and spies in recent years, confounding the U.S. intelligence and diplomatic communities. These symptoms are commonly known as Havana Syndrome because they were first surfaced in Cuba more than five years ago though they have long since been reported all over the world. But what and who was causing them remains a mystery. As Conspiracyland documents, the reports about Havana Syndrome were used as a political trigger to upend U.S. relations with Cuba: They set off a chain of events that led the Trump administration to reverse President Obama's efforts to normalize relations with the island nation, a rollback that has continued under President Biden. It also has led to an endless spate of news stories suggesting these health ailments were the result of targeted microwave attacks by a foreign power, with the Russian intelligence services under the control of Vladimir Putin considered the leading candidate. But as Conspiracyland reveals, the real story of Havana Syndrome is starting to look very different than it did at the time.
Tämä on se kahvipöytäkeskustelu, jota haluat päästä salaa kuulemaan viereisestä pöydästä. Iltalehden politiikan toimittajat sukeltavat valtapelin kulisseihin. Mitä eduskunnan käytävillä tapahtuu, mitkä ovat kohujen taustat ja mistä seuraavalla viikolla puhutaan.
Millásreggeli adások
Hank is famous on the internet, Katherine has had about enough...together they're going to be looking back at the week through the lens of some good and bad tweets. Through their intelligent and biting critique, they're going to fix Twitter.