
  • One of the biggest mistakes that I see women leaders make is that they believe that by simply putting in the hours and having a proven track record, that they will get the recognition they deserve and be promoted..

    However, unfortunately, this is simply not how it works.

    The “please pick me” energy is something that I see a lot of women fall into, waiting for the recognition instead of taking the power into their hands of how you want to be seen as a leader and developing your personal brand.

    Executive presence.

    You have got to master the art of executive presence so that you can truly command a room, become a stellar communicator and be seen as the exemplary leader you are.

    And guess what?

    Executive presence is absolutely something that you can learn and master.

    Which is why in this episode I will be sharing with you 7 ways you can boost your executive presence so that you can command a room with ease, build gravitas and finally get the recognition you deserve.

    In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

    Current trends in executive presence and what you need to knowWHY communication is the #1 skill you need to master to influence people and become magnetic7 ways you can boost your executive presence

    Ready to work together?

    If it feels right, I would love, love, love, love to see you inside my course, the Executive Presence Blueprint.

    Enrol in the Executive Presence Blueprint Course Join the 3SIXTY Leaders Club Waitlist

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

  • Did you know that only 37% of employees feel confident discussing their career aspirations with their boss?

    Are you part of the majority who finds this conversation daunting?

    This is something I hear a lot from my clients. These women are ambitious, family focused and have big aspirations for themselves.

    Yet they often find themselves playing small and hesitant to put themselves forward for promotions and new opportunities, despite knowing they have the skills.

    They often Feel like they are in "please pick me" energy, rather than having that discussion they know they need to have instead of waiting for their boss to promote them.

    So in this episode of the show I will be sharing my top 3 tips on how you can confidently discuss your career aspirations with your boss so that you can fully step into your worth and get comfortable using your voice.

    You will finish this episode feeling prepared and confident to have that discussion to take the next step towards your aspirations.

    In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

    WHY you lack confidence in discussing career aspirations with your boss3 Tips Revealed: practical strategies to confidently discuss your career aspirations with your bossA story to inspire you to take action to have this conversation

    Ready to work together?

    Join 3SIXTY Leaders Club when our final cohort starts on 1st october. Discover more here

    Want to talk it through first?

    Book Your Complimentary Career Acceleration Session with Lucy here

    *spots extremely limited*

    Got a quick question?

    DM Lucy on LinkedIn here

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

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  • Do you sometimes feel like your voice isn't being heard or that you're not making the impact you know you're capable of?

    As an aspiring Director or VP, you know that your words carry immense weight, and knowing how to communicate powerfully can transform not only your confidence but also how you're perceived by your team and peers.

    This is a key part of building your executive presence as a leader.

    Which is why in this week's episode of The 360 LeadHership Podcast, I am diving into the 5 Power Phrases to command respect, inspire action, and propel their leadership authority.

    So whether you're building your executive presence or asserting your viewpoint, these power phrases will become your go-to tools.

    I will also be sharing examples on how you can use these phrases in action so keep these in your leadership toolkit, are you ready?

    Tune in to discover:

    Why executive presence and gravitas is key for you to step into that next level5 power phrases that you need to have in your leadership toolkitExamples of these power phrases in action (must listen)

    More Tools and Learning

    Grab The Executive Presence Blueprint digital course @ 50% off

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

  • In this episode, Lucy shares essential strategies to help you overcome imposter syndrome and advance in your senior leadership career. Whether you're struggling with self-doubt or looking to boost your executive presence, this episode is packed with actionable insights to empower you in your leadership journey.

    Ready to hire Lucy as your coach? Book a call here & let's see if we're a good fit đŸ“Č

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    How to Boost Your Executive Presence: Lucy provides three powerful phrases that can instantly elevate how you communicate, ensuring you speak with authority and align your messages with strategic goals.Lucy's Personal Journey and Mission: Discover how Lucy overcame her own battles with self-doubt and imposter syndrome to build a successful coaching business, and how this experience fuels her passion for empowering women in leadership.The 5-Step PCR Method to Conquer Imposter Syndrome: Lucy introduces a practical method to increase your professional confidence. You'll learn how to review job descriptions, reflect on your wins, build an "achievement archive," and celebrate your successes, just like her clients who have successfully overcome imposter syndrome.The Key Differences Between "The Girl" and "The Leader": Understand the contrasting mindsets that differentiate women who struggle from those who thrive. Lucy explains why prioritizing your own development and well-being is crucial to stepping into your role as a true leader.

    Make sure to subscribe, rate, and leave a review if you found this episode helpful. Your support helps us reach more women in leadership who are ready to break through barriers and make a lasting impact!

  • What if there was a profound shift you could make this quarter 4 that would advance your professional trajectory?

    You have your sights high this Q4, you want to get promoted, be recognized for your talents and be fully confident in what you bring to the table.

    You want to end the year on a high feeling accomplished and at that next level.

    However, you are unsure of the exact structure and process for getting there.

    In this episode, I am going to be sharing with you the number one thing you must do that is non-negotiable to really advance your leadership career in Q4.

    And full-disclosure: some of them you may not want to hear.

    Are you ready?

    Tune in to discover:

    Exactly what is stopping you from advancing your leadership career rolesThe #1 thing you need to do to advance your leadership career in Q4Practical tips to empower you to take charge and go after what you want

    Next steps?

    Apply For 3SIXTY Leaders Club - Doors close October 1st!Book a complimentary call with Lucy (limited spaces)

    Got questions?

    Send me a quick message on LinkedIn HERE

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

  • Welcome to a very special bonus episode of the 360 Leadership Podcast!

    In this episode, we’re getting straight to the point. I’m going to break down why more qualifications aren’t the key to unlocking the next level of your career, and I’m sharing exactly what you need to focus on instead.

    Spoiler alert: It’s not ANOTHER technical course you have been eyeing up!

    So, If you’ve been thinking that another course is the answer to getting ahead, this episode will open your eyes to what really works.

    Tune in to discover:

    The real reason WHY more technical skills won’t get you that promotion or career breakthrough you’re craving.The #1 thing that will skyrocket your career and how to start building it right now.3 excuses holding you back (and how to overcome them to accelerate your career)Five critical pillars of success that I teach in 3SIXTY Leaders Club.

    This episode is packed with actionable strategies and a good dose of tough love—because I care about you and your future.

    This is the stuff they don’t teach you in school!

    Ready to work with Lucy?

    Ladies, the doors to the 360 Leaders Club are open for the final time in 2024, and this is your chance to join a community of powerhouse women who are ready to take their careers to the next level. If you’re ready to invest in yourself, head over to to get all the details and apply today before doors close.


    "I went from working 70 hours per week and counting down to retirement, to being more present with my family and at the same time getting a promotion while I ticked things off my bucket list! For the first time in my career I have no imposter syndrome despite leading a billion-dollar revenue stream and responsibility for 1,000 people, Success, balance and happiness is possible.”


    Got questions?

    Send me a message on LinkedIn HERE

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

  • Did you know that in 2024 the proportion of women in senior leadership roles (Vice-President, Director, or C-suite) has dropped by 10% to just 32%?

    This stark statistic from the global gender gap report highlights the persistent gender gap in senior leadership positions.

    So many women I work with are playing small and hesitant to put themselves forward for promotions and new opportunities, despite knowing they have the skills. And when they get there, people pleasing and lack of boundaries means they quit.

    Does that sound like you too?

    Are you operating at the next level but lacking the title?

    That is exactly how my VP client felt too, she was struggling with imposter syndrome and self-doubt, feeling like she didn't fully own her value and capabilities.

    In this episode, I am going to be revealing the 3 things she did to get that dream promotion.

    Tune in to discover:

    The mindset shift that helped her to overcome imposter syndromeHow she broached this conversation with her bossMy #1 piece of advice to anyone aiming for that dream promotion

    Next steps?

    Secure your seat at my free webinar: How to Advance Your Senior Leadership Career in 30 Days Without Imposter Syndrome

    Ready to work on your imposter syndrome right NOW?

    Download my FREE imposter syndrome tool for women in leadership

    Got questions?

    Send me a message on LinkedIn HERE

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

  • Have you ever watched others rise effortlessly through the ranks while you wonder how they do it?

    Research reveals that comfort zones, while providing a sense of safety, are often the biggest barriers to reaching our full potential.

    But what if you could break free from those invisible chains that we put on yourself?

    Imagine what you could achieve if you stepped out of your comfort zone and fully embraced the leader you were meant to be?

    In today’s episode, we’ll tackle this challenge head-on.

    I'll be sharing three proven strategies specifically designed to help you break through the confines of your comfort zone and get the recognition you deserve.

    Tune in to discover:

    Why staying in your comfort zone is stopping you from realising your full potentialThe BIGGEST mistake I made for too long 3 proven strategies to break through your comfort zone A challenge for yourself this week to help you to step outside your comfort zone

    Next steps?

    Free Training - Secure Your Seat: How to Advance Your Senior Leadership Career in 30 Days Without Imposter Syndrome

    Ready to work with Lucy?

    Join 3SIXTY Leaders Club Waitlist

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

  • Do you ever doubt your capabilities as a leader?

    You are successful for a reason.

    You would not be where you are today if you were not competent and an expert within your field, right?

    People rely on you and respect your opinion on different aspects of the job and you have received countless amounts of praise in your reviews.

    Yet despite this, you doubt yourself, your abilities and find it hard to manage the negative voice in your head.

    Research reveals that comfort zones, while providing a sense of safety, are often the biggest barriers to reaching our full potential.

    But what if you could break free from those invisible chains? Imagine what you could achieve if you stepped out of your comfort zone and fully embraced the leader you were meant to be.

    Which is exactly why today, I will be sharing with you the #1 thing you need to hear to build confidence and work and one powerful action for you to take right now!

    In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

    The real reason you lack confidence despite your professional success.Why your male colleagues ooze confidence while you’re stuck on the sidelinesThe essential piece of information you need to hear to achieve your career goals with confidenceYour next step: An exciting invitation for you to develop this further

    Next steps?

    Secure Your Seat: How to Advance Your Senior Leadership Career in 30 Days without Imposter Syndrome LIVEDownload your Free: Imposter Syndrome Tool For Women In Leadership

    Ready to work with Lucy?

    Join 3SIXTY Leaders Club Waitlist

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

  • How do you make sure that your presentation goes off without a breeze?

    That is exactly what one of our 3SIXTY Leaders Club members asked recently.

    She was very nervous about the Q&A section of her presentation and she wanted to be able to answer confidently, without feeling like she was going to mess it up.

    And I am sure you know this feeling all too well
 you have to speak at an event or present a new idea of solution to senior stakeholders and that feeling of nervousness that sets in.

    In fact, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 73% of people experience fear when speaking in public in front of people.

    This means a significant number of you are likely nervous about presenting rather than showing up, owning your worth and showing your true leadership authority.

    Which is why in today's episode of The 360 LeadHERship podcast, I will be sharing with you my 5 biggest tips for delivering a great presentation at work so that you can step into your true leadership authority and deliver your best presentation yet!

    In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

    Exactly what is stopping you from feeling in control before your big presentation How to get more comfortable and overcome imposter syndromeMy biggest 5 tips to stop pre-presentation nerves in their tracks - they are SO good!

    Take the Next Step

    Join my newsletter for more weekly tips, tools and motivation direct to your inboxDownload your Free: Imposter Syndrome Tool For Women In Leadership

    Ready to work with Lucy?

    Book a complimentary strategy session

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

  • Do you ever wonder why some of your peers seem to effortlessly get promoted and new opportunities while you're still stuck in the weeds working your ass off hoping someone will notice?

    I see you, I know you want more.

    You work hard, you solve problems, with a smile for the most part and you go out of your way to please those influential stakeholders.

    Yet despite all of this - you still feel like you’re falling behind in your career and you’re ready for more.

    If you’ve ever felt this way, you’re not alone.

    As someone who coaches women leaders trough these challenges daily, I get it.

    Which is why in today's episode of The 360 LeadHERship podcast, I will be showing you the 5 biggest mistakes you're probably making that are stopping you from achieving your leadership goals sooner.

    Plus, stay tuned as I reveal a powerful strategy to overcome these mistakes and propel your career forward!

    Tune in to discover:

    Why waiting for validation instead of seizing opportunities is holding you back5 mistakes stopping you from achieving your leadership career potentialEffective tips to achieve your goals faster

    Ready to work with Lucy?

    Join 3SIXTY Leaders Club WaitlistAccess Executive Presence Blueprint Digital CourseThe 3SIXTY LeadHERship Newsletter

    Got questions?

    Shoot Lucy a message over on LinkedIn HERE

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

  • Do you find leading cross-cultural teams a challenge?

    Many of the women I work with who are leading large, multinational teams often wonder if they are really doing enough to be a powerful leader when it comes to leading cross-cultural teams.

    Today’s global business arena needs leaders who can swiftly adapt to diverse environments and collaborate effectively with partners and employees from various cultural backgrounds.

    Success in one country doesn’t guarantee success in another; leaders must develop cross-cultural competencies to thrive internationally.

    That is why in this week's episode, I sit down with Áine Murray, who is the president of the France Ireland Chamber of Commerce.

    Aine is also the Head of Marketing, Communications, Corporate Responsibility and Bid Support for Veolia in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Through her role, Aine ensures that Veolia brings to life for all of its internal and external stakeholders so she is well versed in managing cross-cultural relationships.

    If you are the female leader of a cross-cultural team, then you absolutely don’t want to miss this episode as Aine shares some golden nuggets of wisdom for being an effective, stand-out cross cultural leader.

    Tune in to discover:

    The most important things to consider to master cross cultural leadershipStrategies to be an inclusive leader when working on an international team projectHow to effectively manage conflict in cross-cultural teamsTop tips and strategies for cross cultural leadership

    Want more?

    FREE: The Ultimate Guide To Effective Conflict Resolution And Communication For LeadersJoin 3SIXTY Leaders Club WaitlistConnect with Áine Murray on LinkedIn

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

  • In this week's episode, I sit down with Alessandra Wall, a former psychologist and executive coach specialising in guiding women in senior leadership roles.

    Alessandra has spent the last 20 years helping exceptional executive women in high-stakes, industry-defining organisations be the elite leaders and happy humans they dreamed of becoming.

    Alessandra shares her journey into executive coaching, the importance of women in senior leadership positions, and practical advice on how to excel as a woman in senior leadership.

    We talk about how to get more visible, the power of storytelling, and overcoming the fear of breaking outside the comfort zone to achieve 360-degree success!

    Tune in to discover:

    2 steps to push through the fear of stepping outside your comfort zoneThe reason WHY we need more women in senior leadership and how to step upWhy doing “more” is not the answer and what isHow to build more authority and confidence How to leverage the power of your story to advance your career

    Want more?

    Join 3SIXTY Leaders Club WaitlistFree Download: Imposter Syndrome Tool For Women In LeadershipDr. Alessandra Walls Website

    Resource mentioned

    Listen to episode #124 The #1 Reason Women Leaders Don’t Reach Their Senior Leadership Potential

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

  • Embrace neurodiversity and watch your team thrive.

    A study by JPMorgan Chase found that their neurodiverse employees were 48% to 140% more productive in certain roles compared to their neurotypical peers.

    However, because of the misconceptions around neurodiversity, workplaces can often fail to see the value a neurodiverse person can bring to the team.

    Have you ever stopped to wonder if you are really leveraging and embracing neurodiversity within your team as a female leader?

    We know that inclusion is a massive buzzword at the moment, but it's not just a buzzword. It's something that we need to embody.

    Neurodiverse teams are known for bringing unique perspectives and problem-solving skills that can lead to innovative solutions and business success.

    Which is why I have invited Tamzin Hall on to the podcast to have a powerful discussion around this topic.

    Tamzin is the founder of The Neurodiversity Academy, which partners with organisations to ensure neurodivergent team members have all they need to thrive and succeed in their role, career and personal life.

    Tamzin excels in guiding leaders to cultivate extraordinary teams, with a particular focus on empowering neurodiversity and fostering high performance.\

    In this episode, you will learn how to really lean into your diverse team and to really excel when dealing with all different types of people.

    Tune in to discover:

    The difference between ADHD, dyslexia and autismSimple strategies to ensure your neurodiverse team members thrive What to do if you are neurodivergent yourself (or suspect you may be)Tips for leveraging the strengths of neurodiverse team members

    Want more?

    Join 3SIXTY Leaders Club WaitlistFREE: The Ultimate Guide To Effective Conflict Resolution And Communication For LeadersBook a complimentary call with LucyCheck out The Neurodiversity Academy

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

  • The capacity to influence others is a key attribute of any leader to get their peers on board with their vision and advance their ideas.

    However, effectively influencing sideways is a challenge that comes up time and time again with the women that I work with.

    If you are listening to this podcast then I have no doubt you are an ambitious woman who is deeply desiring to influence sideways while also building great relationships with your boss and getting that recognition you deserve!

    This episode is one that you don’t want to miss as I sit down with Carla Miller who is a leadership coach and best selling author of the book, Influence and Impact.

    We're talking all about her six step method to influence peers, relationship building, playing the game, managing your boss and her top tip for walking into meetings feeling confident.

    Make sure you stick around until the end where Carla shares some powerful questions to ask your new boss in your first one to one.

    PLUS Carla also shares her NUMBER ONE top success habit that you don’t want to miss!

    Tune in to discover:

    A 6 step powerful tool for influencing peers that works every timeCorporate politics: Do you really need to play the game?Tips for building a great relationship with a new bossHer top tip for walking into meetings with unwavering confidenceCarla's number 1 top success habit

    Your Next Steps

    Free Download: Imposter Syndrome Tool For Women In LeadershipAccess Executive Presence Blueprint Digital CourseBook complimentary call with Lucy if you’re ready to advance your career Carla Miller’s Website

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    "I love Lucy’s podcast, it’s so useful ." If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more women -- just like you -- move towards achieving their leadership career goals faster. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven’t done so already, follow the podcast. I’m adding new episodes all the time and if you’re not following, there’s a good chance you’ll miss out. Follow now!

  • Do you have ambitious goals in your head for what you want to achieve both professionally as a leader and in your personal life?

    If you are listening to this podcast then I have no doubt that you are an ambitious woman with a ton of talents and are more than capable of achieving anything you desire.

    Many women I meet have these ambitious goals for themselves but often overlook one crucial step in setting their goals: writing them down and taking aligned action.

    Something I recommend to ALL my private clients and all my 3SIXTY leaders club members is The Head Plan.

    The Head Plan is an absolute game changer when it comes to setting goals and I am so passionate about helping clients to get clear on their goals and make a plan to actually achieve those goals.

    But it's not just as simple as writing them down and never looking at them again!

    To appear in Forbes was on my vision board not too long ago and through the power of taking aligned action - I was able to make that goal a reality using the strategies we are going to share in this episode.

    Taking aligned action on those goals is the secret to actually getting the needle moving and achieving those ambitious goals you are setting for yourself.

    So how do you actually go about doing this?

    That is why I have invited the co-founder of the Head Plan Denise Kenny Byrne on to the podcast to share with us her insights into setting goals that actually happen, vision boarding and how to do it right.

    Plus she shares how she juggles mom life and being a busy female founder which I know you are going to love!

    Tune in to discover:

    Why writing down your goals is so powerful The exact steps to set effective goals
 and reach themHow to create a vision board and it’s huge impact What is stopping you from taking action?The #1 habit of successful entrepreneurs

    Want more?

    Free Download: Imposter Syndrome Tool For Women In LeadershipJoin 3SIXTY Leaders Club WaitlistPurchase the Head Plan using discount code 3sixty10

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

  • Do you neglect your overall health and well being?

    If you're a female in a leadership role and you have family commitments too, the answer is most likely YES.

    So many women that I work with struggle with putting themselves first and if I'm really honest - I do at times as well.

    A massive part of 3SIXTY Leaders club is about the 360 degree of success - and health, nutrition and exercise are some of the areas that are key to finding that 360 success!

    A lot of women in leadership do struggle with tending to those areas which is why today I am delving into 3 things that I do each week that have had a profound impact on my overall health and wellbeing.

    Tune in to this episode to discover:

    My favourite time saving hack for busy women in the kitchenTips and tricks for incorporating more movement into your weekA “thank me later’ unconventional office addition that you will want to share with everyone!

    Want more?

    Buddha Zen GardenTibetan Singing BowlMeditation CushionJoin 3SIXTY Leaders Club WaitlistFree Download: Imposter Syndrome Tool For Women In LeadershipFree Checklist: Get Promoted To Director Free Work Life Balance Guide For LeadersBook a complimentary call with Lucy

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

  • Have you ever found yourself facing personal challenges that make showing up and leading at work feel nearly impossible?

    In this week's episode, I'm sharing the strategies I'm using to show up for my team and clients despite the personal challenges I'm facing. I hope that by sharing my approach, it can offer some guidance and support to you during your own difficult moments.

    Tune in to this episode for practical tips on leading through personal challenges and remember, you're not alone in this journey. Together, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

    Tune in to discover:

    WHY prioritising self-care is crucial for showing up for others.Powerful tools I have been implementing to help me to show up despite personal challengesMy go-to positive psychology tools that can help maintain a positive mindset during difficult times

    Want more?

    Join 3SIXTY Leaders Club WaitlistFree Download: Imposter Syndrome Tool For Women In LeadershipFree Checklist: Get Promoted To Director Free Work Life Balance Guide For LeadersBook a complimentary call with Lucy

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

  • Are you tired of feeling like your ideas are falling on deaf ears?

    You want to be seen as a high performer who can lead effortlessly at a senior level.

    Someone who can bring people along with her vision and make a big impact and influence change..

    But what do you do when people are just not listening?

    It can feel deflating, frustrating and even stressful.

    I hear it a lot from women in leadership roles that they find it hard to be seen and heard in their companies which results in a lot of stress and frustration

    So based on my knowledge of NLP, human psychology and sales techniques, I have created a method, I call the magnetic influence method to help.

    I usually only teach this in 3sixty leaders club and corporates, and for the first time, you’re getting it for free on the podcast, so you can influence and across with confidence

    This method is designed to help you be seen and heard in any setting, even with those senior stakeholders who usually talk over you!

    Don't miss out — tune in to the full episode to discover how the Magnetic Influence Method can elevate your impact and influence!

    Tune in to discover:

    The tunnel of trust and why this is KEY to influencing up.The # 1 thing you need to activate in the stakeholder to get your point heard The 6 critical questions to ask yourself before influencing anyone

    Want more?

    Join 3SIXTY Leaders Club WaitlistFree Download: Imposter Syndrome Tool For Women In LeadershipFree Checklist: Get Promoted To Director Free Work Life Balance Guide For LeadersBook a complimentary call with Lucy

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.

  • Welcome to the final part of my three part training series.

    In the last two training sessions, I spoke about the trends of executive presence, how to build more gravitas and how to become a stellar communicator.

    (If you haven't already listened to those - I recommend that you go back and to those first)

    In the final part of the series, I am going to be digging into a question that I've been asked A LOT when it comes to executive presence..

    “Is appearance really important or is it all about authenticity - which actually matters the most?”

    So I am going to be diving into this as the third and final element of this three part series.

    In part three, you will learn:

    The truth revealed - appearance or authenticity: what actually matters the most?Is the “polished” look really that important?Fitness and vigour - is this important for your executive presence?An invitation if you want to master your executive presence this year

    Want more?

    If it feels right, I would love, love, love, love to see you inside my course, the Executive Presence Blueprint.

    Simply click on the link below and I will see you inside!

    Enroll in The Executive Presence Blueprint

    Join 3SIXTY Leaders Club WaitlistFree Download: Conflict & Communication CheatsheetFree Work Life Balance Guide For LeadersBook a complimentary call with Lucy

    Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.