Dr. Maia Dorsett and our newest PEC Podcast member, Dr. Rachel Stemerman, explore the manuscript
A National Assessment of EMS Performance at the Response and Agency Level
with the authors
Michael Redlener MD
Medical Director of Emergency Medicine Mount Sinai West
Remle Crowe PhD
Director of Clinical and Operational Research at ESO
Click here to download it today!
Please visit for more information to improve the experience and outcomes of patients and care providers.
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD, MPH(@Gradymed1)
Greg Muller DO (@DrMuller_DO)
Ariana Weber MD (@aweberMD4)
Rebecca Cash PhD (@CashRebeccaE)
Michael Kim MD (@michaelkim_md)
Rachel Stemerman PhD (@steminformatics)
Nikolai Arendovich MD
Elijah Robinson MD
Everyone witnessed the tragic event of Damar Hamlin's cardiac arrest during an NFL Football game. While he had a great outcome, there remains a paucity of algorithms in managing cardiac arrest emergencies in equipment-laden athletes. Expert consensus begins with research in the field of cardiac arrest for equipment laden athletes. In this deep dive we delve into the quality in chest compressions on patients with football pads.
In this podcast, we interview the lead author
Jennifer Longo
Assistant Professor
Rowan University
on the manuscript:
An Evaluation of the Quality of CPR Chest Compressions Performed on Football-Equipped and Obese Simulation Manikins
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD, MPH(@Gradymed1)
Greg Muller DO (@DrMuller_DO)
Ariana Weber MD (@aweberMD4)
Rebecca Cash PhD (@CashRebeccaE)
Michael Kim MD (@michaelkim_md)
Rachel Stemerman PhD (@steminformatics)
Nikolai Arendovich MD
Elijah Robinson MD
Fehlende Folgen?
The Field Triage Guidelines (FTG) are used across North America to identify seriously injured patients for transport to appropriate-level trauma centers. We should aim for an under-triage rate of 5% and an over-triage rate of 25-35%. But how faithful are we to these recommendations?
In this podcast, we interview the lead author
Joshua Lupton MD MPH M.Phil
on the manuscript:
Under-Triage and Over-Triage Using the Field Triage Guidelines for Injured Patients: A Systematic Review
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD, MPH(@Gradymed1)
Greg Muller DO (@DrMuller_DO)
Ariana Weber MD (@weberMD4)
Rebecca Cash PhD (@CashRebeccaE)
Michael Kim MD (@michaelkim_md)
Rachel Stemerman PhD (@steminformatics)
Nikolai Arendovich MD
Elijah Robinson MD
The Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Project
In this episode, the PEC podcast team joins the Pediatric EMS Podcast- Dr. Joelle Donofrio-Odmann and Dr. Joseph Finney-to talk to you about the National Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Project (PPRP). What is it? What do we do about it? And what does it achieve? We will be joined by two pivotal EMS physicians:
Dr. Kathleen Adelgais
Dr. Kathryn Kothari
discuss how the manuscript:
Pediatric Readiness in Emergency Medical Services
Systemslaid the foundation for and how to prepare for the PPRP.
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD (@Gradymed1)
Greg Muller DO (@DrMuller_DO)
A Tribute to Brooke Lerner PhD
With the dawn of a new year, we all know that the 2024 NAEMSP Conference is approaching. While we are excited to see friends and colleagues from afar, we must acknowledge the void of someone who contributed so much to prehospital medicine, Dr. Brooke Lerner. Dr. Lerner was a prolific researcher, passionate paramedic, and dedicated wife and mother. While we at the PEC Podcast recognize her professional efforts, we feel that a proper farewell should be spoken by those who knew her.
In this episode we have our guest host, Dr. Aurora Lybeck, who knew Dr. Lerner personally, reminisce with some of Dr. Lerner's Closest Colleagues
Dr. Manish Shah
Dr. Charles Cady
We'll miss you, Dr. Lerner.
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD (@Gradymed1)
Greg Muller DO (@DrMuller_DO)
Our EMS clinicians are a key link in the chain of survival of cardiac arrest patients. A critical part of prehospital medicine is recognizing cardiac arrest and then enacting appropriate treatment. In this podcast, we interview
Susie Burnett MS, EMT-P, PhD candidate in Health Communication and Qualitative Methods
Dr. Johanna Innes MD, NRP, FAEMS
on their manuscript:
A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences of EMS Clinicians in Recognizing and Treating Witnessed Cardiac Arrests
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD, MPH(@Gradymed1)
Greg Muller DO (@DrMuller_DO)
PEC Journal Volume 27 Number 5
In this episode, the PEC podcast team covers the Prehospital Emergency Care Journal Volume 27 Number 5. We talk about engaging manuscripts in this journal like:
Prehospital Hemorrhage Control and Treatment by Clinicians: A Joint Position Statement
EMS Care of Adult Hospice Patients– a Position Statement and Resource Document of NAEMSP and AAHPM
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD (@Gradymed1)
Greg Muller DO (@DrMuller_DO)
Every day, our EMS clinicians utilize protocols to guide medical care. These protocols are based on the latest evidence in prehospital care. However, keeping up with current evidence remains a challenge. In this podcast, we interview
Dr. Christian Martin Gill
Dr. Rebecca Casche
on their manuscripts:
Recommendations for Improving the Quality of Prehospital Evidence-Based Guidelines
2022 Systematic Review of Evidence-Based Guidelines for Prehospital Care
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD (@Gradymed1)
Greg Muller DO (@DrMuller_DO)
PEC Journal Volume 27 Number 4
In this episode, the PEC podcast team covers the Prehospital Emergency Care Journal Volume 27 Number 4. We talk about engaging manuscripts in this journal like:
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the United States Emergency Medical Services Workforce: A Scoping Review
A Proposed Theoretical Framework for Clinical Judgment in EMS
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD (@Gradymed1)
Greg Muller DO (@DrMuller_DO)
For paramedics, click HERE for CAPCE credits!
Every day, EMS encounters patients in crisis from opioid use disorder. Communities rely upon EMS to be the safety net and also the bridge and connection for patients to receive appropriate care. EMS is moving itself into a new area of influence where we collaborate with community resources as the frontline providers. We have the opportunity to save lives and do a tremendous amount of good with patients who use drugs. In this podcast, PEC podcast hosts, Dr. Greg Muller and Dr. Maia Dorsett discuss the crucial roles of EMS in addiction medicine with the PEC manuscript:
Prehospital Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder by Paramedics: First Year Results of the EMS Buprenorphine Use Pilot
with guest authors
Gene Herne MD
Andrew Herring MD
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD (@Gradymed1)
Greg Muller DO (@DrMuller_DO)
For paramedics, click HERE for CAPCE credits!
The next frontier in Prehospital medicine is prehospital blood use. The AABB (formerly the American Association of Blood Banks) is an international authority on transfusion medicine and tissue banking. The Trauma, Hemostasis and Oxygenation Research (THOR) Network is an international multidisciplinary network of civilian and military providers. Together AABB-THOR has been working to achieve the dream of utilizing prehospital blood. In our June Deep Dive, we discuss the manuscript:
THOR-AABB Working Party Recommendations for a Prehospital Blood Product Transfusion Program
with guest authors
Christopher Winckler MD
Mark Yazer MD
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD (@Gradymed1)
Greg Muller DO (@DrMuller_DO)
Works Discussed
Newberry, R., Winckler, C. J., Luellwitz, R., Greebon, L., Xenakis, E., Bullock, W., ... & Mapp, J. (2020). Prehospital transfusion of low-titer O+ whole blood for severe maternal hemorrhage: a case report. Prehospital Emergency Care, 24(4), 566-575.
THOR (Trauma Hemostasis and Oxygenation Research Network Website:
Zhu, C. S., Pokorny, D. M., Eastridge, B. J., Nicholson, S. E., Epley, E., Forcum, J., ... & Jenkins, D. H. (2019). Give the trauma patient what they bleed, when and where they need it: establishing a comprehensive regional system of resuscitation based on patient need utilizing cold‐stored, low‐titer O+ whole blood. Transfusion, 59(S2), 1429-1438.
Happy EMS Week!!!
PEC Journal Volume 27 Number 3
In this episode, the PEC podcast team brings you sprint podcast #3 of 3 for EMS week. This episode covers the Prehospital Emergency Care Journal Volume 27 Number 3. We talk about engaging manuscripts in this journal like:
EMS Involvement in COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts – Results of a North Carolina Statewide Survey
Prehospital Intranasal Glucagon for Hypoglycemia
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD (@Gradymed1)
Greg Muller DO (@DrMuller_DO)
Happy EMS Week!!!
PEC Journal Volume 27 Number 2
In this episode, the PEC podcast team brings you sprint podcast #2 of 3 for EMS week. This episode covers the Prehospital Emergency Care Journal Volume 27 Number 2. We talk about engaging manuscripts in this journal like:
Medication Errors in Pediatric Patients after Implementation of a Field Guide with Volume-Based Dosing
Epidemiology and Prehospital Care of Pediatric Unintentional Injuries Among Countries with Different Economic Status in Asia: A Cross-National, Multi-Center Observational Study
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD (@Gradymed1)
Greg Muller DO (@DrMuller_DO)
Happy EMS Week!!!
PEC Journal Volume 27 Number 1
In this episode, the PEC podcast team brings you sprint podcast #1 of 3 for EMS week. This episode covers the Prehospital Emergency Care Journal Volume 27 Number 1. We talk about engaging manuscripts in this journal like:
Impact of Prehospital Pain Management on Emergency Department Management of Injured Children
Characteristics and Outcomes of Prehospital Tourniquet Use for Trauma in the United States
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD (@Gradymed1)
Greg Muller DO (@DrMuller_DO)
PEC Journal Volume 26 Number 6
In this episode, the PEC podcast team brings in the Prehospital Emergency Care Journal Volume 26 Number 6. We talk about the engaging manuscripts in this journal like:
“House Calls” by Mobile Integrated Health Paramedics for Patients with Heart Failure: A Feasibility Study
Association of GPS-Based Logging and Manual Confirmation of the First Responders’ Arrival Time in a Smartphone Alerting System: An Observational Study
Please join us in welcoming the PEC team:
Dr. Greg Muller!
We are happy to have you join us!
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Greg Muller DO
Happy Women's day PEC Podcast listeners!
In this Deep Dive episode of the PEC podcast, Dr. Maia Dorsett discusses the Prehospital Emergency Care Manuscript titled Characteristics and Experiences of Women Physicians and Professionals in NAEMSP
with the authors:
Kathy Staats MD FACEP
Anurhada Luke MD
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Lekshmi Kumar MD (@Gradymed1)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Hello PEC Podcast listeners!
In this episode of the PEC podcast, we cover the Prehospital Emergency Care Journal Volume 26 Number 5 with our original PEC Podcast crew; Phil Moy, Scott Goldberg, Jeremiah Escajeda, and Joelle Donofrio-Odmann! We discuss such articles as:
Secondary Traumatic Stress in Emergency Services Systems (STRESS) Project: Quantifying and Predicting Compassion Fatigue in Emergency Medical Services Personnel
EMS Experience Caring and Communicating with Patients and Families with a Life-Limiting-Illness
Click here to download it today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Hello from the NAEMSP 2023 EMS Conference! The PEC Podcast team brings you our deep dive series where we cover NAEMSP's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion position statement titled: Essential Principles to Create an Equitable, Inclusive, and Diverse EMS Workforce and Work Environment: A Position Statement.
In this episode we interview
Rickquel Tripp, MD MPH CDR USN
Sylvia Owusu-Ansah MD, MPH
Ameera Haamid MD
Click here to download today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Happy New Years!
In the LAST episode of 2022, the PEC Podcast team joins up with Dr. Maia Dorsett and Rob Lawrence of the EMS Educator Podcast
To discuss the manuscript
Effects of COVID-19 on EMS Refresher Course Completion and Delivery
with the authors:
Dr. Juan March, MD FAEMS FACEP, Chief of the Division of EMS, CAPCE Board of Directors
Nicole Camarillo, Data Coordinator at CAPCE
& Stephen Taylor MHS FAEMS EMS Specialist at ECU Division of EMS
Click here to download today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD, MPH (@gradyMED1)
Happy Thanksgiving!
As you slowly recover from stuffing yourself with turkey and getting ready for Christmas, check out this latest PEC podcast where we cover the Prehospital Emergency Care Journal Volume 26 Number 4.
In this episode we cover manuscripts like:
Comparison of Four Methods of Paramedic Continuing Education in the Management of Pediatric Emergencies
A Standardized Formulary to Reduce Pediatric Medication Dosing Errors: A Mixed Methods Study
Click here to download today!
As always THANK YOU for listening.
Hawnwan Philip Moy MD (@pecpodcast)
Scott Goldberg MD, MPH (@EMS_Boston)
Jeremiah Escajeda MD, MPH (@jerescajeda)
Joelle Donofrio-Odmann DO (@PEMems)
Maia Dorsett MD PhD (@maiadorsett)
Lekshmi Kumar MD, MPH (@gradyMED1)
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