Estonian Product Management survey:
Mis on tootejuhtimises viimase 20 aastaga muutunud? Kuidas alustada uue toote arendust küpses ettevõttes?
Külas on kogenud tootejuht Urmo Keskel.
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Kuidas areneda, kui oled ettevõttes ainus tootejuht? Kuidas teha tänapäevast tootejuhtimist, kui ülejäänud ettevõte ei ole sellest lähenemisest midagi kuulnud?
Aive Uus on koosõppimisplatvormi KoThinker asutaja ja juht.
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Fehlende Folgen?
Mis on IT projektijuhtimine ka kes peaks projekti juhtima? Mis vahet on tiimijuhil, projektijuhil, ja tootejuhil? Kuidas juhtida IT-projekti riske?
Külas on kogenud projektijuht ning TalTechi õppejõud Epp Immato.
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit -
Today we have co-founder of Roadmape, Merve Cankiz Coruh visiting. Merve talks to us about her journey on how she ended up starting a company and how she ended up with a Roadmapping product. We already have had Erik and Rene ranting about roadmaps, now its great to actually hear from someone who instead of ranting, has decided that she'll try to improve the lives of Product Managers all around!
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit