Cocktail consultant Kelsey Ramage of LA’s Trash Collective is an expert in making divine drinks from items that would ordinarily be thrown away. After noticing the obscene amount of fresh produce tossed out at a hotel where she was working in London, she began to develop cocktails with ubiquitous leftover lemon and lime rinds. She went on to create the Trash Tiki tour showcasing the delicate uses for discards like avocado pits, banana peels and coffee grinds. Listen in to also hear about global cocktail trends, goth events and sustainable spirit brands.
Andrew Zimmern might be best known for eating things like coral worms in Samoa and horse rib and rectum sausage in Kazakhstan, but when podcast host Dana Cowin caught up with him on Progressive Hedonist, he had clearly begun focusing on a new kind of food adventure. He now spends a lot of time addressing issues around sustainability, including producing the extraordinary documentary Hope In the Water with Shailene Woodley and Martha Stewart, among others, acting as global ambassador for both the United Nations World Food Programme and The Nature Conservancy, and so much more. On the podcast, Dana and Andrew discuss ways to mitigate climate change through food including immediate policy change and support from government, investment in green jobs, and speedy adoption of proven sustainable systems by companies. Listen in for stories of Minnesota fish barns, the connection between sobriety and sustainability, and the value of the local butcher.
Fehlende Folgen?
Isaias Hernandez is a young climate activist whose background, education and insights make him one of the most prominent eco-communicators of his generation. A child of Mexican immigrants, he grew up in LA next door to polluting chemical companies, and went on to study Environmental Science at Berkeley. He soon realized that the language around environmentalism was so inaccessible he could hardly explain it to his mother, a teacher. To help bridge the gap between science and understanding, he launched @queerbrownvegan on Instagram. Listen to this episode of Progressive Hedonist to learn about Hernandez’s journey as well as his thoughts on climate grief, food systems and his most recent project, Symbiocene, an events company that brings together people with varying worldviews to discuss something they share in common—a love of the planet.
A pioneer of farm to table restaurants in America, chef Alice Waters of Chez Panisse takes us back to the beginning of the regenerative organic movement in California and brings us to the present day, highlighting her non-profit Edible Schoolyard and her commitment to teaching kids how to cook and grow food. Waters also describes school-supported agriculture as one important way we can invest in our local farmers and food systems. Listen in to hear this legendary leader who is constantly pushing ahead with visionary ways to nourish us all while also taking care of the land.
Chef Douglas McMaster, a leader in the zero waste food movement, shares his insights into how to become more connected with nature. The result is experiencing greater pleasure and understanding of the systems that undergird our lives. McMaster went on to create Silo, the first zero waste restaurant in the world, now open in London. Every aspect of the restaurant from the physical space to the food is created to show the beauty of working in balance with nature. Listen to host Dana Cowin’s conversation with this visionary to learn more about Douglas’ all-embracing philosophy.
With fierce intelligence, wit and an easy charm, Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, author of the instant best-seller “What If We Get It Right?” stresses the urgency of implementing existing solutions to the climate crisis. For her book, Johnson interviewed 20 experts and on Progressive Hedonist, she shares their insights with host Dana Cowin. Listen in to hear about the importance of local and regional systems in everything from food to money to energy; the need for electing climate-conscious leaders and developing an appreciation of followers; and the abundant possibilities that can be created by a shift from individual action to collective efforts.
Welcome to the Progressive Hedonist podcast! New episodes starting October 16.