The Milk needs it's vitamin C
Fehlende Folgen?
Men don't wanna be him, women don't want to be with him
Ring camera's see everything
Maybe they should go on down to Romantix
If you know, you know
I am not the same person I was 12 seconds ago
Just make sure you shoot the one in the middle
Plug that straightener in and boom, problem solved
Must still have some Valentine's Day feaver
Sounding like old macdonald out here
Lucky he wasn't a wolf baby
Time to learned LinkedIn buddy
What if I don't wanna try something new
You could honeslty do worse than a Baked Potato
Well he shouldn't have been standing there
Farts will always be funny
Normally all you gotta do is put in a maintenance request
Nobody likes a dick
Being normal is overrated
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