
  • In this episode, Mariel interviews Gillian Dunn Tucker who is a career transition coach for corporate women. Gillian teaches her clients how to overcome burnout and connect their passions to their careers.  Mariel and Gillian discuss the mindset of success and how to grow your coaching practice in record time.  


    If you are a corporate woman who would like support to overcome burnout and connect your passions to your career book a discovery call with Gillian here: 


    If you’re a high ticket coach who is ready to enroll more perfect fit clients into your coaching program book your free breakthrough call with Mariel here: 

  • In this episode, Mariel interviews Sarah Waldbuesser, Attorney & Founder of Destination Legal, about how to legally protect your high-ticket coaching business. Mariel and Sarah discuss 5 tips that will help you ease your mind so you can focus your energy on serving your clients.  


    Tip 1: Use contracts  

    Tip 2: Use terms of purchase for online courses, membership sites, and groups 

    Tip 3: Protect your website - privacy policy 

    Tip 4: Protect your website - terms of service and disclaimers  

    Tip 5: How to know when to apply for a Trademark  


    "Legal can be a mindset issue. If it feels scary to you, you need to change your mindset and view it as part of growing a business because it is just what business owners do. If you start that way and show the universe that you are taking your business seriously, the universe will respond."  - Sarah Waldbuesser 


    About Sarah: 

    Sarah Waldbuesser, Esq., is an attorney for coaches and online business owners. After several years at a law firm and a few career jumps, she ended up falling in love with online business and loves helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams in a smart and protected way. She is also a wife and mama, traveler, and food and wine lover.  When not at her computer, she loves hanging with her kiddos, having wine with friends, flying around the globe, and connecting with other online business owners. 


     Link to Sarah's legal checklist: 


    If you’re ready to enroll more perfect fit clients into your high-ticket coaching program book your free breakthrough call here: 

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  • In this episode, Mariel interviews Stephanie Veraghen and Renia Castillo about how to use systems and strategy to scale your coaching business.  


    Stephanie and Renia have created the “Get Your Shit Together” Intensive to help coaches to turn their mess into magic so they can scale their coaching businesses. To learn more and apply go to: 


    You can also check out their quiz here: 


    “No matter where you’re at in your business, you don’t need to carry any shame about being behind or feeling like you should be someplace else. There’s a tendency to feel like you’ve done something wrong and haven’t put together a magic formula that someone else has and that’s not the case.”  - Stephanie Veraghen  

    About Stephanie Veraghen: 

    Stephanie’s extensive operations and training background in restaurant management serving as the Assistant General Manager of an upscale steakhouse, paired with an A.S. degree in Graphic Design have allowed her to become a multifaceted business coach with a thorough understanding of how all parts of an organization operate. While working in the hospitality industry, she obtained a bachelor’s degree in Advertising/Public Relations from the University of Central Florida. After completing her program she went to work with New York Times Best-Selling Author, Sally Hogshead where she served as the Director of Possibilities (operations). There, she fell in love with the coaching, speaking, and personal growth and development field. From there, she struck out on her own and now supports authors, speakers, coaches and entrepreneurs in building their businesses. Through her work with her clients, she realized the importance of soft skills. This led her to pursue her degree from Atlantic University in Transpersonal Psychology, specializing in Leadership and Conflict Transformation, which integrates the spiritual and transcendent aspects of the human experience with the framework of modern psychology. She’s also a certified life coach and HeartMathÂź Resilience Trainer, teaching workshops where people learn simple techniques for dealing with challenging people and situations using the wisdom of their hearts. 



    About Renia Carsillo: 

    Renia Carsillo helps values-driven brands align their marketing strategy with their impact strategy. After beginning her career as a bank VP, she decided to leave the suits behind and built her first business with nothing but a 2008-era Facebook page. Since that small beginning, Renia has worked with brands as large as 3M and as small as her neighborhood electrician to bring brand strategies to life online and offline. Through it all, Renia learned that the number one problem most companies face (whether large or small) is a lack of cohesive digital strategy. It is with that understanding that, in early 2018, she turned her focus to sustainability, people-driven strategies to create the Do Better Digital â„ą framework. Through impact-minded digital strategy, her team helps founders find sustainability in their brand growth strategies. This unique approach helps early 7-figure companies scale without sacrificing their impact goals or opting into what Renia likes to call “bro marketing” tactics that feel manipulative and give the marketing industry a bad name. 


    If you’re ready to enroll more perfect fit clients into your high-ticket coaching program book your free breakthrough call here: 

  • Have you ever found yourself struggling to stay positive when you’re facing a life or business problem? Whenever you’re faced with a challenge it is tempting to focus on the problem in an attempt to solve it. Believe it or not, this is the worst way to solve a problem because what you focus on expands.  


    When you focus on a problem the problem, it actually grows. Instead, you want to train yourself to focus most of your energy on the solution. In this episode, Mariel walks you through a process to train your mind to focus less on problems and more on solutions.  


    Call to mind a life or business problem: 


    Replay the past 24 hours – look at your thoughts, feelings, actions, energy, conversations with others – how much of your energy has been focused on the problem, and how much has been focused on the solution? Try to give each one a percentage.  Approach this with self-love, curiosity, and compassion. You can’t change what you’re not aware of. When you become aware of your habitual mental patterns you are empowered to create change.  Remember what you focus on expands.  Ask yourself: What am I feeding my energy to? Is this the most helpful way to direct my energy? Brainstorm solutions.  Highlight 1-3 solutions you can focus your energy on. Identify concrete actions for each solution. Repeat inventory from step 1 throughout the day – look at your thoughts, feelings, actions, energy and ask yourself “right now, am I more focused on the problem or the solution?” Interrupt the pattern of mental looping by saying “STOP” to yourself. Then give your mind something else to focus on. Celebrate your wins – look for the micro-wins – every time you catch yourself in a pattern it is cause for celebration because you cannot change what you are not aware of. 


    “If you want to create rapid change in your business and in your life learn how to focus 90% or more of your energy on the solution and just 10% or less of your energy on the problem.”  - Mariel Diaz 


    If you’d like to learn how to enroll more perfect clients into your high-ticket coaching program, book your free breakthrough call here: 

  • Have you ever felt frustrated as another month goes by and you still haven’t reached your monthly revenue goal in your high-ticket coaching business? This is common for high-ticket coaches. Well-meaning mentors encourage you to stretch your financial vision of what is possible. This enthusiasm can be contagious and cause you to set goals that are past your financial set point. When you repeatedly set goals like this and don’t reach them, your core beliefs get activated and a sense of failure can ensue. This sets off a cycle of negative thoughts, feelings, and actions that end up pushing you even further away from your goal. 


    In this episode, Mariel discusses making the switch to setting impact-based goals. Setting impact-based goals will reduce resistance, elevate your energy and make it easier to perform well on your sales calls so you can enroll more clients. It is important to remember that there is nothing wrong with making money. Money is energy and it is a magnifier of the energy of the person who is making it. It is very possible to make a big difference in this world with your work and make a lot of money. However, when you focus on impact-based goals, you’ll experience less resistance because impact-based goals keep you rooted in your intuition and connection to Source/Spirit/God/The Universe which then collaborates with you to draw in the clients you are uniquely designed to serve.  


    “When you are focused on impact-based goals you will be more connected to your intuition, your potential clients will feel it on your sales calls and will be much more likely to enroll if they are a good fit for your program.”  - Mariel Diaz  


    If you’d like to learn how to enroll more perfect clients into your high-ticket coaching program, book your free breakthrough call here: 

  • Have you ever had a bad sales call that threw you off for the rest of the day? It is very common for coaches to carry energy with them from one sales call to the next. This can be great when you get an enrollment and you’re taking high-frequency energy with you into the next call. However, it can create problems when you are taking low-frequency energy from a bad call into your next sales call.  

    In this episode, Mariel walks you through a few steps you can follow to reset your mindset after a difficult sales call. Although the focus of this episode is using this practice after a sales call, you can use this practice to reset your mindset with pretty much anything whether it is life or business-related.  


    Step 1: Vent – spend 5-10 minutes dumping the mental/emotional trash 

    Step 2: Identify key themes to explore – in your journal or with a coach 

    Step 3: Shake the energy off – move your body 

    Step 4: Condition a positive state by: 

    A) Remind yourself how amazing you are 

    B) Gratitude list – be specific and FEEL it 

    C) Write down your wins – look for the micro-wins 

    D) Work with affirmations – positive statements to yourself about yourself 

    Step 5: Trust in Source/Spirit/Universe/God 


    Try this practice the next time you need to reset your mindset. You can expand or contract it to fit the amount of time you have available.  


    “If you don’t take the time to shake off the energy from a bad sales call, you will take this energy with you into your next call and sabotage your sales.” 

    - Mariel Diaz 


    If you’d like to learn how to master your mindset so you can make more sales, book your free breakthrough call here: 

  • Do you ever find that you have a tough time saying what you are thinking on your sales calls? If so, you are not alone. Many coaches struggle with a fear of being rude on their sales calls and end up keeping quiet instead. This is one of the quickest ways to sabotage your sales calls. In this episode, Mariel helps you understand why it is essential to boldly speak the truth to prospective clients and gives you some tips for how to make this easier. 


    It is important to remember that when people hire a coach, they are looking for someone who will be honest with them. As a coach, you are helping your prospective clients to see the subconscious pattern of sabotage that is keeping them stuck and this can only be done if you have the courage to speak the truth to people. Doing this will help your potential clients have amazing breakthroughs on your sales calls and it will significantly increase your enrollment rates as well.  


    “When you don’t say what you are thinking on your sales calls you are doing yourself and your potential client a massive disservice.” 

    - Mariel Diaz 


    If you would like to learn how to boldly speak the truth on your sales calls so you can make more sales, book your free breakthrough call here: 

  • Have you ever stopped to wonder who is the narrator in your mind? 

    You have multiple aspects of self, each with its own story and interpretation of your experiences. In this episode, Mariel will help you understand four of the core aspects of self: your ego, your inner child, your adult self, and your higher self.  


    You will learn how to identify the voice of each of these aspects of self, both for yourself, as well as for your clients and potential clients on your sales calls. When you can accurately identify the aspect of self a potential client is in, you can skillfully coach them into their higher self where they can make empowered decisions.  


    This week ask yourself: Who is leading me?  


    To create better outcomes in your life and in your business, learn how to coach yourself into thinking, feeling, and acting from your higher self.  


    “Your inner dialog is creating your results in your life and in your business.” 

    - Mariel Diaz  


    If you’d like to learn how to master your inner dialog so you can make more sales, book your free breakthrough call here: 

  • Do you ever feel frustrated with your sales script? If so, you’re not alone. In this episode, Mariel helps you understand how your sales script might be working against you and what you can do instead.  

    If you are using other people’s language in your sales script it won’t come across as authentic and your potential clients will feel it. This will result in lower enrollment rates.  

    Although having structure for the sales conversation is important, too much structure in the wrong voice and energy can repel potential clients.  

    When you learn how to follow your intuition and find your own authentic voice with your sales process, you will be able to enroll clients with ease.  


    “When you feel good about the process you are using for your sales calls you will increase your sales.”  - Mariel Diaz  


    If you’d like help reworking your sales process so it feels more authentic, book your free breakthrough call here: 

  • Have you ever felt disappointed when you made an offer to a potential client on a sales call and they said no to your offer? If so, you’re not alone. In this episode, Mariel covers 3 tips to help you build your resiliency to being told no on sales calls. It is important to remember the more selective you are about who you make offers to, the less often you are going to hear no.  

    Here are 3 tips Mariel gives her clients: 

    When people say no to you, they are not rejecting you, they are rejecting themselves.  Don’t place your value and worth outside of yourself. Build yourself up.  Practice coaching people through fear.  


    “In order to effectively coach others through fear, you must be willing to face your own fears in your life and in your business.”  - Mariel Diaz 


    Resources mentioned: 

    The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz  


    Connect with Mariel: 

    Book your free breakthrough call: 

  • If you want your potential clients to move out of their comfort zones and enroll with you at the end of your sales calls, you need to move out of your comfort zone as well. In this episode, Mariel gives you some practical and easy to apply tips to recognize if you are stuck in your comfort zone as well as some ideas for how to move out of your comfort zone. When you do this, you will increase your personal power and will be more compelling on your sales calls which will result in more enrollments. Your ability to face your own fears is directly tied to your ability to coach other people through their fears on a sales call (and with your clients too). 

    “You can’t take someone further than you have taken yourself.” 

    - Mariel Diaz 


    Connect with Mariel: 

    Book your free breakthrough call: 

  • If you want to increase your enrollment rate you first need to get rid of the negative beliefs you have around sales. When sales is done right it really is a sacred act of service. Mariel’s mission is to completely transform the way you think about sales through her unique approach that combines sales strategies with the psychology and energy of sales. 


    It is important to understand that sales is energy. The energy you bring to your sales calls will transform the experience for you and for your prospective clients. When you remember your why for doing the work that you do it becomes easier to get excited about sales and cultivate the belief that sales is a sacred act of service. 


    When you show up to your sales calls connected to your heart and higher self, the potential client will feel a significant difference on the call. This will allow you to create transformation for every single person you speak with, whether or not they enroll. On a sales call, we are helping people to clearly see their lower self and their higher self so they can consciously choose which aspect of self they want in the driver's seat of their life. When you have the skills to powerfully coach people into their higher selves, every sales call will feel like a sacred act of service. 

    “A sales call is a portal, a window of opportunity, a spiritual intervention .” 

    - Mariel Diaz  

    Mariel offers 2 exercises in this episode:  

    Fill in the blank “Sales is...” and write downstream of consciousness what you think about sales (this will identify negative beliefs you have about sales). Write down the outcome you want to create in your coaching business over the next 4 weeks and identify 3-5 positive beliefs about sales and review these daily as part of your mindset practice. 

    As you continue to find evidence to support your new beliefs you will increase your enrollment rate. 


    Connect with Mariel: 

    Book your free breakthrough call: 

  • Most business owners have had days when they struggle to meet their sales goals.  Many resort to manipulative tactics to get clients to sign up. After all, that's what most sales training teaches. They teach you to use persuasive techniques that primarily include veiled manipulation, but there's a more desirable way to improve your enrollment rate. It's something you work on step-by-step with the help of a heart-centered coach. It also comes down to what you know in your heart as your authentic self. Your core beliefs are grounded in your personal ethics and extend into your business practices. When clients perceive your motivation to be honest and genuine, they’ll trust you. 

    Today's guest is Ginger Lynch, and she's here to share how Mariel guided her to unlearn old sales tactics that left her feeling stuck and frustrated. Ginger has been in business for many years and has gone through several training sessions with high-ticket coaches. But it was only when she worked with Mariel that she began to enjoy the journey, eventually leading her to achieve a 90%+ enrollment rate with ideal clients. Tune in to this episode to hear the whole story, 

    “Keeping authentic genuine intent and being curious really set me free; it allowed me to really serve people,  care about people and love people where they’re at.”

    - Ginger Lynch


    In This Episode:

    Meet Ginger -- a woman of many talents; an incredibly resilient person with a genuine ability to form authentic connections Ginger shares her frustration of being exhausted, yet getting nowhereFind out how Mariel helped Ginger overcome skepticism and cynicism What was the most significant shift for Ginger Put away the restricting sales scripts; focus on finding your authentic voice and developing an intuitive call flowForget about “leads” and other terminologies associated with old marketing tacticsConcrete results and the top 3 things Ginger learned from Mariel Ginger's #1 Tip for other coaches and her power phrase


    Connect with Ginger:



    Connect with Mariel:

    Book a call:
  • Not every potential client is going to be a vibrational match. The timing might not be right or the lead could be experiencing stressors outside of your control, keeping them from being ready to fully participate in your program. What can you do to make sure you’re attracting the ideal client? In today’s episode, Mariel provides five tips to help you improve the quality of your leads. 

    First, not only do you need to check in with your potential clients, but also with yourself to make sure both parties are ready, mentally and emotionally to take on the program. It’s up to you to make sure your funnel and application form have the right questions to help you decide whether someone is going to be a good match or not. This is why it is incredibly important to use as much precision and clarity with your language as possible. Start qualifying from the beginning of the sales call, as to not waste either of your time. Look out for key traits like are they committed to getting out of their comfort zones, willing to have a beginner's mind and be coachable, and lastly, are they resilient enough to bounce back from any setbacks along the way. But most importantly, focus on the person and their probability for success in your program. Do they have a high chance of benefiting from the course or are they just going to waste money and time?

    “The clarity and specificity of the qualification is going to work on the energetic plane to improve the overall quality of leads”

    - Mariel Diaz


    In This Episode:

    Your leads are human beings NOT just metricsWhy precision and clarity of language is so importantCheck your funnel, are you using language that is indirectly drawing in the wrong fitQualifying based on whether or not they have great chances of succeeding in your program, not just if they can afford it. 


    Connect with Mariel:

    Book a call:

  • How do you handle a call where you feel stuck knowing that you and the client are not a good fit? There's no better way to end a sales call than when both parties agree to work together. However, not all sales calls end that way. Once you have identified that it is not a good fit, the next thing to do is to end the sales call gracefully. But ending a call earlier than planned is something that most people struggle with. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to do it. 

    Even if you and the client won't work together, you want to maintain a calm and loving energy. So if you're not sure how to complete a sales call early, this episode will serve as a quick guide. First, listen all the way through to hear the points to consider. Then, try out the suggestions until you get comfortable. Remember, your time is a valuable resource. Never spend it unnecessarily on a sales call when you know things are not going to go well. 

    “Just because a client has the problem that you solve does not necessarily mean that they’re a good fit.”

    - Mariel Diaz


    In This Episode:

    What is the REAL reason most people do not end their sales call earlyA million and one different reasons why the client is NOT a good fitDo not make ASSUMPTIONS about the client Never say anything that can be emotionally DAMAGING to your clientKeep your explanation short; if the client keeps asking, use the BROKEN RECORD technique


    Connect with Mariel:

    Book a call:
  • How do you get your life back after divorce? Unfortunately, no one is ever really prepared for what it feels like to be divorced. It takes enormous time to get over the routine of being married. It’s an emotional roller coaster ride. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to feel motivated even with friends and family around you. In that case, it helps to work with a coach and a community for support. 

    Today's guest is the founder of Create a Happy Home After Divorce with Erin Breeze. Drawing from her work in women's leadership, culture building, conflict transformation, and her own divorce journey, Erin created a unique way to approach life after divorce. She helps divorced women release the pain and guilt, bring their light back, and create a happy home after divorce. 

    Aside from sharing how her programs help divorced women, Erin will also talk about how Mariel helped her shift from being overwhelmed to exuding power, certainty, confidence, and authority. So if you want to learn how to fully trust yourself, write your own rules, and design what feels great for you and your clients, this episode is for you.

    “It’s all about trust, precision, and ease.”

    - Erin Breeze


    In This Episode:

    Meet Erin, a woman of POSSIBILITY who lights up everyone with her MAGNETIC energyThe HEART of Erin’s programs and how they help women THRIVE powerfully after divorceErin goes through the STRUGGLE of scaling her business Find out how Mariel helped Erin shift from feeling OVERWHELMED to being in a state of FLOWDiscover how to step into your calls with power, certainty, confidence, and authority so you can HANDLE any OBJECTIONHow prioritizing feeling good and getting into ALIGNMENT can help you collapse time and make amazing things happenErin’s tip for other coaches and the POWER WORDS that drive her business


    Connect with Erin:



    Connect with Mariel:

    Website: a call:
  • You may not realize it, but the thoughts running through your head have an intense influence on your overall well-being and your business. Everything that you do is anchored upon having a rock-solid mindset and being aligned with your personal energy. So it's vital to cultivate a positive mind and protect your energy. Today’s episode deals with harnessing the power of your mind. Pay close attention to these three simple mindset practices and do them daily. Soon enough,  those around you, your colleagues, friends, family, and clients will be drawn to your positive energy. Using these practices daily will elevate your frequency and help you to enroll more clients on your sales calls.

    “At least 80% of your success as a high ticket coach has to do with your inner psychology and your energy.”

    - Mariel Diaz


    In This Episode:

    How to practice PAD (Process-Align-Dream) journaling Learn this simple BREATHWORK practice to breathe in love and breathe out fear Effective use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Triangle to SHIFT your thinking



    The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron:


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  • Do you feel like your sales call calendar is a roller coaster ride that is subject to the latest updates on paid advertising platforms? In this episode, Mariel covers how to weather the inconsistency of paid advertising by adding organic methods to your call booking strategy. These methods will help you keep consistent bookings no matter what changes and updates happen in the world of paid ads. If you're unsure of how to book calls organically, listen up and try any or a combination of Mariel’s proven ways to book sales calls without spending money on ads. Learning the art and science of organic selling is easier than it may seem but requires diligence to make it work.  It all starts by setting the right intention. Remember, the options only work if you have an open mind and cultivate a positive belief.

    “Success is really a state of mind, and it's a function of your beliefs.”

    - Mariel Diaz


    In This Episode:

    Ask past and present clients for REFERRALS and create an effective referral programBe helpful and nurture relationships in FB GROUPS where your ideal clients hang outCONNECT with other professionals who serve your ideal clients in a complimentary wayShowcase your EXPERTISE by being a guest in somebody else's program or communityReach out to podcast hosts and expand your audience by being a PODCAST guest


    Connect with Mariel:


  • Are you packing your calendar full of sales calls in the hopes that you will make more sales? Most people would say that booking more calls increases your odds of enrolling more clients. Simple, right? Except it doesn't really work that way. Every interaction we have with others is an exchange of energy, and that energy should flow naturally. In this episode, Mariel walks you through the underlying reasons that might be preventing you from getting more sales and what you should be doing instead. Ready to quantum leap your sales this year? This podcast will show you how. Let's begin.

    “The energy that you take and action with dictates the result of that action.”

    - Mariel Diaz


    In This Episode:

    Discover how a SCARCITY MINDSET is keeping you from making more salesLearn how taking too many sales calls pulls you out of ALIGNMENT and scatters your energyBeing BURNED OUT prevents you from performing at your best on your sales callsUnderstand how your personal BELIEFS affect your businessTry out this simple INTEGRATION exercise and see what happens 


    Connect with Mariel:


  • Quantum Leap Your Sales is a weekly podcast for purpose-driven high-ticket coaches who use enrollment calls as the primary vehicle for selling their coaching program. The two main pillars of this approach are the psychology and energy of sales combined with very targeted sales coaching. Internal alignment creates external results. When an enrollment coach is able to show up on a call with a solid mindset, mastery of their energy field, and heart-centered sales strategies, enrollments start to skyrocket if the coach is truly an expert at their craft. The net result is a program that is filled with dream clients who you wake up excited to work with every day.


    Join Sales, Marketing and Mindset Coach, Mariel Diaz, as she dives deep into topics such as vibrational frequency, peak performance mindset, and the subtleties of a stellar sales call.