Want to fall in love with your ADHD brain and make it work for you? Learn more about my patented program, Your ADHD Brain is A-OK Academy here : programs.tracyotsuka.com/signup
I have NEVER met an ADHD woman who wasn’t truly brilliant at something! This podcast, with nearly 7 million downloads, is for smart, high-ability ADD/ADHD (diagnosed or suspecting) women who see their symptoms as more positive than negative. If you want to fall in love with your ADHD brain and discover where your brilliance lies, this podcast is for you!
*ADHD for Smart Ass Women is globally ranked in the top one-tenth of one percent of all podcasts in the world on any subject. It’s streamed in more than 160 countries and is downloaded by more than 150,000 listeners every month. My book of the same name, published by HarperCollins/William Morrow, was recently honored by Amazon Editors as a Top 20 Best Nonfiction Book of 2024.
*I’m Tracy Otsuka, your host. I’m a lawyer, not a doctor, a lifelong learner, and a certified ADHD coach. I’m on a mission to change the conversation around ADHD because I believe it’s time to focus on the strengths that come with our unique brains. When I was diagnosed eight months after my son, my entire life finally made sense, yet all I read and heard about ADHD focused on what I should struggle with. What I discovered, though, was that my ADHD was responsible for some of my greatest strengths.
*Another thing we constantly hear is all the success stories about ADHD men, but no one talks about the women. This podcast is here to change that. ADHD women are my people, and I’m here to acknowledge, support, and cheer them on. My experience as an adult living with ADHD, along with my expertise, is regularly sought out by top-tier media, including Bloomberg, Forbes, CBS Mornings, ABC News Live, Inc., Prevention Magazine, Verywell Mind, ADDitude magazine, and The Goal Digger Podcast, etc.
The content in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and does not constitute medical or professional advice. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of anything you have seen or heard from Tracy Otsuka, her guests or this podcast. -
Fed up with those skin rashes that just won't go away? Join Jennifer Fugo -- a functional clinical nutritionist specializing in chronic skin problems -- to explore alternative ways to look at what's driving your skin nuts. Together, we'll dive deep to help you discover connections between your symptoms from a totally different perspective. Each episode tackles a wide range of chronic skin rash issues including (but not limited to) eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, chronic urticaria (chronic hives), and seborrheic dermatitis. You'll discover ways to address your skin issues using a root cause approach steeped in nutrition, diet, liver detoxification, lifestyle changes, and innovative published research that seems to take years to trickle down to your doctor.
David Gusmão - O Podcast do Quadril. Tudo sobre Quadril, ossos e cartilagem.
We developed this podcast to bring together a community of experts in the field of medicine who think outside the box. Those who understand that Status Quo is outdated in medicine and that we as patients need to reconnect with our doctors and our doctors need to reconnect with us beyond the limitation imposed by a system that is outdated and breaking down which does not support either of us.
Dr. Ivel Defreitas is the leading Medical Doctor and Chief biohacker of ONOGEN, a leader company in personalized biomolecular medicine. -
Bem-vindo ao Podcast do Amato - Instituto de Medicina Avançada, um espaço onde você encontra informações confiáveis e práticas sobre saúde e bem-estar. Comandado por especialistas renomados e convidados especializados, este podcast é ideal para quem valoriza a credibilidade científica e busca aplicar conhecimentos de saúde no dia a dia.
Com uma abordagem clara e direta, discutimos temas que mais preocupam nossos ouvintes, como saúde mental, estratégias para prevenir doenças e avanços no campo da medicina. Exploramos tópicos atuais e relevantes, trazendo discussões ricas e informativas que ajudam você a manter-se atualizado e bem informado.
Cada episódio tem aproximadamente uma hora de duração, permitindo uma imersão profunda nos temas abordados. Se você aprecia conteúdos que equilibram entretenimento com educação, vai adorar nosso formato. Nosso objetivo é que, ao final de cada episódio, você se sinta inspirado a pesquisar mais, aplicar novas dicas e compartilhar descobertas com amigos e familiares.
Junte-se a nós e transforme a maneira como você vive a saúde! -
Welcome to The Dr. Hyman Show, the groundbreaking podcast redefining health in America and empowering you to take ownership of your health. Hosted by Dr. Mark Hyman—this show tackles the most pressing issues of our time: chronic disease, mental health, food policy and controversy, prevention and recovery, and longevity. In an era where our food system fuels disease and outdated healthcare models fail to address root causes, Dr. Hyman delivers evidence-based insights and expert interviews to help you become the CEO of your own health—something your doctor isn’t doing.
The Dr. Hyman Show goes beyond the headlines to reimagine a food and healthcare system that protects health, unburdens our economy from the weight of chronic disease, supports the environment, and secures a vibrant future for all Americans. Whether you’re looking for cutting-edge protocols to transform your health, strategies to combat the chronic disease epidemic, or deep conversations about how wellness intersects with food, politics, and the environment, this podcast is your trusted guide. Rethink disease, claim your health, and join the movement for a healthier nation—tune into The Dr. Hyman Show today! -
Este é o podcast do dr. Drauzio Varella, com áudios sobre diversos assuntos em Saúde, de aids à importância de lavar as mãos, além de comentários sobre grandes assuntos em pauta.
Peak Human is a curated audio series taking an unbiased look at health & nutrition. With so much conflicting information available, filmmaker and health coach Brian Sanders sifts through the dogma and provides a framework that unifies all nutrition and dietary habits that lead to optimum health.
World renowned doctors, researchers, and journalists are interviewed to find out what is the true human dietary framework that we should all be eating to live well and free of chronic disease. It is based around principles of nutrient density and uses a combination of ancestral health and modern science.
It is produced ad-free to support the documentary 'Food Lies' (FoodLies.org) -
The Critical Care Reviews Podcast discusses the biggest critical care trials, either planned or in progress, with their chief investigators. It's hosted by Rob Mac Sweeney, an intensivist in Belfast, Northern Ireland. We also release audio versions of the presentations from the Critical Care Reviews Meetings and ad hoc livestreams
A geriatrics and palliative care podcast for every health care professional.
We invite the brightest minds in geriatrics, hospice, and palliative care to talk about the topics that you care most about, ranging from recently published research in the field to controversies that keep us up at night. You'll laugh, learn and maybe sing along. Hosted by Eric Widera and Alex Smith. CME available! -
Uplifting talks and guided meditations from Steven S. Sadleir and Enlightenment Television on the Enlightenment of Mankind and the Great Awakening happening now. Covering science, Easter and Western (Biblical) philosophy and religion, spiritual practices and breaking news affecting the world. www.EnlightenmentTV.com
Já recebeu diagnóstico crônico?
Artrite, diabetes, hipotireoidismo, algum cisto?
Não consegue perder peso nem o mau humor?
Tem doença auto-imune ou problemas circulatórios e lhe disseram que não há cura?
Meu palpite é que, você até acreditou que é normal ter uma doença crônica que dura a vida toda e ser "obrigado" a tomar remédios contínuos. Ficar mais doente e dependente com o passar do tempo é triste mas normal, certo?
ERRADO! Você precisa saber que a Medicina evoluiu!
É possível SIM ter ENERGIA EXTRA para Prevenir o Envelhecimento, Eliminar Doenças Crônicas e transformar SUA Saúde! -
A Mayo Clinic podcast for laboratory professionals, physicians, and students, hosted by Justin Kreuter, M.D., assistant professor of laboratory medicine and pathology at Mayo Clinic, featuring educational topics and insightful takeaways to apply in your practice.
Áudios ASMR que te ajudam a relaxar e recuperar o soninho./ Acesse meu perfil "Catia ASMR Premium" com episódios exclusivos. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/catiaasmr/support
WhatsApp 11 97130-1312
Canal de Urologia, Medicina Funcional, Medicina Integrativa, Medicina de Estilo de vida e princípios ortomoleculares. -
Podcast by Hackmed
Semanalmente dr. Drauzio Varella conta Outras Histórias com temas ligados à sua trajetória que vão além da medicina. O podcast é produzido pela UZMK Conteúdo, tem a trilha sonora feita pela Insonoris e a edição é da Estalo Podcasts."
Pulmonary Rehab Podcast is about helping clinicians start and sustain a pulmonary rehabilitation program. Discover new resources to help improve your program, including journal clubs to understand the latest research, interviews with pulmonary rehab experts, professional development sessions to improve your clinical skills, and highlights of latest guidelines, conferences, and other resources for this exciting area of practice.
Join host Dr. Pat Camp, who is an Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia and clinician researcher, physiotherapist, and educator in all things pulmonary rehab. -
Um bate-papo com o Dr. Cesar Isaac, sobre tudo que influencia o nosso estilo de vida. Desde aquilo que você come, passando por tudo que interfere no seu stress, até o cultivo de amigos. Sem esquecer-se que o melhor remédio para uma longevidade saudavel é "rir de si mesmo".