This week R.P. gets a little help with chores before heading to the LoneStar Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Alpine Texas, his son Caleb joins him onHomegrown to share a new song that he has titled "Between the Ivory andthe Iron'.
A few rancher thoughts on a cold morning and a hopefully prophetic poem,"Bottle Of Memories"
Fehlende Folgen?
R.P. shares a little about his trip to the Fortieth National Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Elko Nevada and blows the dust off of one from quite a few years back that he calls "The Security Slide".
R.P. makes a deep withdrawal from the memory bank with "School Boy'sLament".
R.P. readies for the road and shares a little verbal visual beforeheading to the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Elko Nevada, with onehe calls "The Gathering".
R.P. lights up your day with one he calls "Yicko"
"Smoke and Ashes" - some recent thoughts gathered by R.P.
A poem co written by Don Schauda and R.P. Smith "Son Of The West".
R.P. carries on a homegrown holiday tradition with on the he calls"Trail to Bethlehem"
The Moment; Dedicated to Chase Christen
R.P. shares Psalm 131 and his poem "Song That Has No Tune"
A long lead on a brand new poem that R.P. has titled "Proverbly True"
R.P. gives an update on Thanksgiving Week activities and shares a poemhe calls "Adrenalin"
An unmatched pair this morning to celebrate Thanksgiving , "TheInventors" and " An Every Day Poem"
R.P. brushes up on "The Fighter" a poem he will be sharing in BurwellNebraska and Las Vegas Nevada in the coming weeks.
This week R.P. Shares a new poem "Temporary Fix" and an old one"Veterans Day".
This week R.P. try's to keep the election in perspective with his poem"The Trail Before Me".
"The Place Where The Steadfast and Faithful Shall Meet" a poem inspiredby Psalms 85:10-13.
A combination corn farmer appreciation and harvest safety messagewrapped up in R.P.'s poem"Thumper the Smoke Jumper".
This week R.P. does a Homegrown double play with a couple of seasonalpoems," Lazarus" and "Evolution Of An Arm Man".
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