Where people organize, power will be present. The church is no exception. Thom and Sam discuss seven common power groups in churches. Hint: They are not all bad. How can you manage power dynamics among congregants in a way that is helpful to the church and glorifying to God?
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Continual learning is the philosophy that you keep growing in knowledge over a lifetime. Most of the time, this kind of learning is ongoing and self-motivated. Sam and Josh interview Timothy Paul Jones to discuss what happens when churches have continual education built into their discipleship process.
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Thom and Sam interview Steve Graves and discuss how pastors should shepherd business leaders in their churches. Steve has been coaching business leaders for decades and has a deep knowledge of the church. He shares his wisdom in this episode.
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Time away is essential. Every pastor needs it, and every church should give it. Josh and Sam revisit a Church Answers article from a few years ago, and the co-hosts discuss the continued importance of rest and relaxation for pastors.
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Three out of four churches in America have no type of welcome ministry. Why do church leaders fail to see its importance? What are the most significant challenges in starting and maintaining a welcome or guest services ministry? How might hospitality be underutilized in churches? Thom and Sam interview Danny Franks of Summit Church to learn more about this important and often-ignored topic.
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Since 2010, depression among teens is up 145% in girls and 161% in boys. During the same time period, anxiety is up 139% in those between the ages of 18 and 25. Josh and Sam discuss the findings from the book The Anxious Generation. Much of the problem stems from the widespread adoption of smartphones. What is the impact on student ministries in churches?
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Thom interviews Sam about safe churches. This podcast has vital information about your church. You need to find out if your church is really a safe place.
The post Why Some of Our Churches Are Not Safe Places appeared first on Church Answers.
Many Christian denominations and networks believe that divorce can affect a person's eligibility for ministry, particularly key roles such as lead pastor. This perspective is rooted in passages such as 1 Timothy 3:2, which states that an overseer must be “above reproach” and “the husband of one wife.” Some interpret this as disqualifying individuals with prior divorces. Josh and Sam discuss their views.
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Social capital refers to the unseen connections that unite individuals within a local community. It inspires people to support the local school system even if they don’t have children or to volunteer for a city park cleanup even if they rarely visit it. It’s the cohesive force that strengthens society and sustains a thriving democracy. Ryan Burge joins the show to discuss the connection between social capital and church attendance and how being active in church makes you a better person for your community and nation.
The post The Burge Report: How Church Attendance Makes You a Better American appeared first on Church Answers.
What is the proper protocol for celebrating staff birthdays, work anniversaries, and major milestones? Josh and Sam discuss some ideas on encouraging church staff without going overboard. The co-hosts give guidelines on best practices and what is reasonable.
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It's an exciting thought to have a friend serve alongside you. Ministry is challenging, but it also can be fun, especially if we enjoy the people with whom we work. But hiring a friend does not often end well. In fact, we hear from pastors regularly about the downside of hiring a friend. In this episode, Thom and Sam look at the causes of this failure.
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Churches are not typically early adopters of technology. Boyd Pelley from Church Teams joins Josh and Sam to discuss why churches should embrace new technology sooner. The co-hosts talk about how pastors can become more proficient in the technology space.
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Does your church have clear expectations of church leaders? What positions are considered leadership positions in the church? What areas are your leaders held accountable? Thom and Sam discuss this important but often neglected issue in churches.
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Josh and Sam must deal with the reality of being both pastors and dads. We've all heard horror stories about pastors' kids. Are they true? Are pastors' kids different now than in the past? The co-hosts give their take on the current environment of raising children while also leading a church.
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Typically, the first step in making necessary changes is acceptance of the current reality. A church cannot change unless its members and leaders know that the status quo will lead to death. Sam and Thom review five situations where dying churches get stuck and, as a consequence, continue on the path toward death.
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Serving a church is not a 9-to-5 kind of job. Ministry comes with odd hours. Josh and Sam discuss their typical workweek and how they keep a rhythm going. Very few pastors work less than 40 hours per week, but how do they allocate those hours?
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Are we entering a new era in American religion? Current data shows we are at an inflection point. Over the last 30 to 40 years, the share of Americans who had no religious affiliation has dramatically increased. That period is over, and something new is on the horizon. Ryan Burge joins the show to discuss what this new era in American religion may look like in the next ten years.
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Abuse originates in how victimizers view others. At some level, they believe that other people exist to fulfill their desires. Pastors who take advantage of others place themselves at the center and try to control the orbits of vulnerable people around them. Victimizers are not necessarily brash or overpowering. They may be sensitive, subdued, and even charming. Many abusive pastors have likable personalities. So what are some warning signs to watch for? Josh and Sam discuss this difficult topic.
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Though COVID is still mentioned frequently, many of the detailed memories have disappeared. Thom and Sam recall six very specific developments in churches during COVID based upon hundreds of stories from members of Church Answers. They share what we can learn from them today.
The post Do You Really Remember What Took Place in Churches During COVID? appeared first on Church Answers.
In about 30 years, Millennials will become the dominant older generation in most churches. What will they refuse to give up? Josh and Sam talk about their generation and what might become the sacred cows as they become elderly.
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