
  • In this special episode of the Raising Elite Competitors podcast, I'm interviewed by Lindsey Wilson, the founder of Positive Performance Training and the Mindset Coach Academy. We talk about my journey to becoming a mental performance coach and share valuable insights for anyone interested in this field.

    What's Covered

    My journey to becoming a mental performance coachInitial inspiration and challenges facedThe certification process and its benefitsOvercoming doubts and fearsBalancing life as a coach, entrepreneur, and momTransitioning from teaching to full-time coachingAddressing common concerns about entering the fieldLindsey’s insights on the evolving field and specializations

    Curious to learn more? Listen to the full podcast episode to get all the details and insights on becoming a mental performance coach. Join me and Lindsey Wilson as we explore the process and answer common questions.

    Register for the Webinar

    If you're at all interested in becoming a mental performance coach, join Lindsey and I at our upcoming webinar June 18th at 3pm ET (2PM CT / 12PM PT)! Register for "5 Questions You Must Ask Before Becoming A Mental Performance Coach" here.

    For Guest Interview Email: [email protected]

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00] Balancing entrepreneurship, motherhood, and mental performance coaching

    [06:17] Becoming a mental performance coach for high school teams.

    [09:43] Mental performance coaching for athletes, certification process, and business model development.

    [15:44] Overcoming fears and doubts to pursue a new career path as a mental performance coach.

    [20:06] Mental performance coaching for athletes, emphasizing the importance of personal branding and niche expertise.

    [23:16] Certification options for mental performance coaches in various niches, including sports-specific, corporate, and emerging fields.

    [27:46] Mental performance coaching certification and webinar.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Get ready for another productive session with Coach Bree as she delves into empowering athletes to thrive under challenging coaches.

    If your daughter has encountered difficult experiences with a challenging coach, this podcast is right for you.

    But what makes a challenging coach? What are the things that you can say or do to help your athlete daughter thrive under this direction?

    In this episode, get your note-taking apps ready as we discuss about:

    How important is shifting your daughter’s mindset from being a victim to a victorWhat does it take to understand a coach’s strengths and weaknessesWhat is the result of establishing open communications with her coach

    Episode Highlights:

    [2:09:6] Does your daughter tell you about a coach that she can’t agree with, or doesn’t give feedback, or always yells? Tune in to this episode because we will share practical ways to help your athlete daughter thrive in this challenge.

    [03:29:27] How can your daughter change her perspective from being a victim to a victor? Listen up as we discover doable steps to shift this perspective towards becoming a better athlete.

    [4:03:06] What your daughter may not realize is that she could give her coach all the power to control her confidence. In this episode, listen in as we talk about how your athlete daughter could regain the power in their confidence and sports experience.

    [05:33:01] How can a challenging coach make your athlete daughter tougher, stronger, and better? Stay tuned as we talk about the mental disciplines that are helpful for your daughter to thrive under a challenging coach.

    [06:25:22] How do you help your athlete daughter see their situation with a challenging coach as a good thing? Listen in as we discuss the kind of mindset to develop so that your daughter can see that their coaches are also humans.

    [06:44:00] Overthinking could affect your daughter’s confidence especially when she believes that her coach has been thinking about her mistakes. In this episode, learn about what coaches are actually thinking outside of their games.

    [08:36:00] What would happen when your athlete's daughter starts thinking about their coach’s strengths? Keep it here as we share with you the amazing things that happen when your child starts focusing on her coach’s strengths.

    [10:08:00] Do you know that while some coaches are not good with the delivery of their feedback, they are still full of nuggets of information for the sport? Learn about the different ways that a challenging coach could still coach your athlete daughter as you stay tuned.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

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  • Can we really get our kids to help lessen our mental load at home? You bet!

    Welcome to today's episode featuring special guest Sam Kelly, a therapist turned feminist coach for mothers. She will help us how we can exactly focus on lightening our mental load by empowering our athlete daughters.

    In this episode, Bre and Sam engages us into these principles:

    What is the concept of the "mental load" and the unseen labor that sports moms carry daily?How could we empower our kids to build a sense of responsibility at home without nagging them?What is the “big three” and its impact in promoting independence and accountability at home?

    Come hang out with Sam on social @‌samkelly_world and learn more about working with her below!

    Free Guide to teach your kids how to "Notice and Do" at home

    Waitlist for Little Cycle-Breakers audio course

    For Guest Interview Email: [email protected]

    Episode Highlights:

    [1:58:00] Is the mental load of being a sports mom weighing you down? Would you like to reduce this mental load? In this episode, therapist-turned-feminist Sam Kelly shows us how moms could also lighten our mental load while empowering our kids to be proactive contributors in the home.

    [03:39:00] What is the invisible labor that sports moms carry; and why is this happening? Listen in as Sam helps us understand what invisible labor is and how we can help empower our kids without nagging them to do the things that we know they're capable of doing.

    [9:22:25] There’s a two-part approach to teaching our kids to be proactive contributors at home. In this episode, Sam teaches us her process of noticing what’s to be done and getting them to do it instead of just defaulting to “Mom’s got it!”

    [10:07:07] The burning question that moms like us would ask is this: Can our kids really do this? Tune in to this episode as Sam discusses the principles of why our kids can be taught, why this skill is learnable for all kids, and what you can do to get them to practice these.

    [12:04:95] Talking to our athlete daughters about the WHY of giving them the opportunity to age-appropriately contribute in the chores at home could be very powerful. This podcast introduces us to how we could get into that level of deeper conversation on discovering the WHY.

    [16:26:00] Are there any simple and easy steps that our athlete kids can get started with when it comes to building up their sense of contributing to the tasks at home? In this episode, Sam breaks down these steps so that we could actually set our kids up for success.

    [18:05:51] Did you know that giving your kids an opportunity to fail is also helping them to be responsible? But how do we do that without resorting to taking on the task ourselves? That’s what Sam talks about in this episode so make sure that you tune in.

    [24:16:50] How do moms handle the possibility of nagging their kids? Tune in as Sam makes a clear distinction between nagging and neutralizing our reminders to help empower our athlete daughters.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • What would you do if, upon discovering that mental training could greatly improve your daughter’s athletic performance, your daughter doesn’t want to get on board with you?

    In this podcast, sport mom Malinda shared about what led her to discover the mental training in our signature Elite Mental Game and how this tool shifted her mindset that flowed to her daughter and the rest of her household.

    What’s covered:

    A sports mom’s journey from heartbreak to breakthroughWhat should be done (and not done) to get your athlete daughter on board the mental trainingHow mental training benefits the sports mom, the athlete daughter, and their whole family

    If you’re ready to discover the game-changing power of mental training not only for yourself, but also for your athlete daughter, this podcast is the safe space for you. Tune in!

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00:19] Whether you’re just getting into sports or you have a lot of seasons under your belt, you can raise a confident, mentally strong girl athlete, just like what Malinda discovered inside our signature mentor training program.

    [00:03:59] Is there anything helpful that you could say to your athlete daughter when, after she was cut from her tryout despite all her preparations, she announced that she will never play that game again? Listen in as Malinda shares how she navigated this heartbreak.

    [00:06:21] When your daughter is not quite keen about joining the ECP but you know how transformative the program is going to be, you can access our tools that can help you with the buy-ins.

    [00:07:18] But even if your kid is not a hundred percent bought in at first, it’s still alright because half of the program is for you and how you need to understand your role in all of this.

    [00:08:17] As an athlete mom, you could still dive into the ECP despite your kids not convinced, because they will soon notice the changes in your reaction. Malinda shared how even her whole household changed when she started to shift her focus and used our available tools.

    [10:38:00] ]Listen as Malinda shared her excitement when her athlete daughter tried out again for volleyball and making it to the B team after she finally got on board with her in the ECP. What a huge progress indeed!

    [13:05:00] One of our tools in the ECP works like a failure recover system wherein athletes find a way to respond to moments of failure in such a way that increases their confidence from knowing that they have made the best preparations.

    [15:48:00] Are you still on the fence of joining the ECP? Tune in as Malinda talked about how she started from being outside the fence to making the shift and discovering a game-changing path for her, her daughter, and her whole family.

    [17:24:00] Have you also reached a point in your life when you wished that your daughter will just quit her sports because it has been adding so much stress to her and your whole family? Tune in as Malinda navigated through this heartbreaking experience with the ECP and discovered a different approach as a parent that changed the directory of her daughter’s athletic life.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • If you’re a parent or coach of a girl athlete, you know that puberty brings a whole new set of challenges. It can be tough to know how to best support them when their bodies and emotions are all over the place. That’s why I’m excited to have Dr. Lisa Spencer, a certified nutritionist who specializes in working with female athletes, on the podcast today. We’re going to dive into all those big puberty changes and how they impact our girls on and off the field.

    What’s Covered

    The major body changes that happen during pubertyHow to support athletes with fluctuating energy levels and appetitesUnderstanding the different phases of the menstrual cycleStrategies for optimizing performance during different cycle phasesWhen to seek professional help for irregular cycles or potential RED-S

    Ready to dive deeper and learn how to empower your girl athlete? Listen to the full episode for even more insights and practical advice from Dr. Lisa Spencer!

    Come hang out with Lisa on social @‌lisaspencernutrition and learn more about working with her!

    For Guest Interview Email: [email protected]

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00] Puberty and menstrual cycles in female athletes with a mental performance coach. Dr. Lisa Spencer discusses changes in girl athletes’ bodies during puberty and menstrual cycles, and how to support them.

    [03:35] Puberty and menstruation changes in athletes, how to support girls during this time. Insights on supporting girls through puberty and menstruation.

    [07:58] Puberty changes in girls, including physical and emotional changes, and how parents can support their daughters during this time.

    [14:09] Menstrual cycles and their phases, with a focus on symptoms and how to optimize them. An overview of the menstrual cycle’s phases, including the follicular, ovulation, and luteal phases.

    [18:54] Tracking menstrual cycles to optimize athletic performance. Hormonal changes during menstruation can affect athletic performance, hydration, and perceived exertion.

    [25:09] Female athletes’ menstrual cycles and nutrition. The importance of being aware of the female athlete’s menstrual cycle and how it affects their performance and susceptibility to injury.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Injuries happen, and they’re tough on everyone involved. As a coach or parent of a young athlete, it’s heartbreaking to see them sidelined and struggling. But injuries don’t have to break your athlete’s spirit. In this episode, I’m sharing practical tips on how to turn an injury setback into an opportunity for growth and resilience.

    What’s Covered

    Understanding the emotional rollercoaster of injury. Helping your athlete reframe the injury experience.Building a strong support system.Mental game strategies for a powerful comeback.The importance of patience and positivity during the return to play.

    Ready to help your athlete come back stronger than ever? Tune in to the full podcast episode for all the details, strategies, and the mindset shifts that can make all the difference in their recovery! You’ll walk away feeling empowered to be your athlete’s greatest champion during this challenging time.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00] Supporting athletes through injuries and reengaging in sports. Importance of equipping athletes with mindset to not compare themselves or get hung up on mistakes.

    [02:44] Supporting athletes during injury, including visualization techniques and emotional support. Helping athletes understand and express their emotions during injury is crucial for recovery.

    [05:21] Five key points for parents when their athlete is injured.

    Next Steps:

    Join our What To Say Challenge for sports moms happening May 14-17th! Learn exactly what to say to build confidence in your athlete without making it worse or causing her to shut down. Register here during our Early Bird Special to save 60%! Visit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Are you tired of seeing your athlete get stuck in those negative spirals of self-doubt? Wishing they could play with more confidence and shake off mistakes without beating themselves up? Well, today’s episode is all about changing the inner dialogue. We’re talking about how to help your athlete develop positive self-talk so they can unlock their full potential – and maybe even start enjoying their sport more!

    What’s Covered

    The difference between average and elite athletes when it comes to their mindset.How negative thoughts turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy.Simple tools to notice and shift those negative thoughts before they take hold.What YOU can do as a parent to create a supportive environment.

    Ready to help your athlete build their mental game? Dive into the full episode for all the details – you won’t want to miss this one!

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00] Helping athletes overcome negative self-talk and move past it quickly.

    [02:26] Helping athletes develop positive self-talk and navigate negative thoughts. Discover the importance of positive self-talk in athletes, emphasizing its impact on their mental game and overall performance.

    [07:35] Shifting thoughts to improve mental game in sports. Athletes learn to focus on enjoyment and improvement by shifting their mental attitude, leading to better performance.

    [09:58] How thoughts and beliefs affect athletic performance. Learn more about the “thought wheel” and how it relates to athletes’ situations, thoughts, feelings, and actions.

    [15:06] Shifting negative thoughts to productive ones in sports.

    [17:12] Helping athletes shift negative thoughts and build self-trust.

    [22:27] How parents’ self-talk impacts their daughters’ mental skills and physical abilities in sports. Negative self-talk from parents can contribute to a daughter’s negative self-talk and impact her athletic performance.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Hey athletes, ever have those days where you just want to skip practice and chill on the couch? Trust me, I get it! But here’s the thing, the best athletes don’t let those feelings hold them back. In this episode, I’m sharing my secrets for staying motivated, even when you really don’t feel like it.

    What’s Covered

    Why you need to define your goals as an athlete.How motivation is unreliable and what to use instead.Creating a plan for extra training and sticking to it.The “rule of thirds” – why not all practices will be amazing.The importance of giving your best, even with limited energy.

    Athletes, ready to become the best version of yourself, on and off the field? Want to learn how to stay focused and crush those goals? Then you need to listen to the full episode of the Raising Elite Competitors podcast. I’ll share even more strategies for developing that unbeatable mindset!

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:09] Staying motivated as an athlete, even when you don’t feel like it.

    [02:01] Motivation and discipline in sports. Motivation is inconsistent and unreliable, while discipline is key to achieving goals.

    [03:20] Importance of setting goals and knowing your “why”.

    [06:11] Motivation and goal-setting for athletes. Tools for athletes to stay motivated and disciplined, such as the rule of thirds and giving what they have.

    [07:30] Importance of creating a schedule and tracking your progress.

    [08:50] The “Rule of Thirds” for training sessions.

    [09:35] The “Give What You Have” mentality.

    [11:20] Summary/Recap of staying motivated.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Are you constantly seeing your young athlete struggle with low energy on the field? Do they complain about feeling sluggish or not being able to focus throughout the day? Feeling confused about what to feed them to optimize their performance and build a healthy relationship with food?

    If this sounds like you, then this episode is a must-listen! In this episode, I sit down with registered dietitian, Ashley Harpst, to break down everything you need to know to fuel your young athlete’s success.

    What’s Covered:

    Busting common nutrition myths and misconceptions (“carbs are bad”, labeling foods “good” and “bad”)The importance of timing meals and snacks for optimal performanceThe power of hydration for energy levels and focusPractical tips for parents to navigate picky eating and meal planningAnd more!

    Ready to unlock your young athlete’s full potential through proper nutrition? Tune in to the full episode for in-depth insights and strategies to fuel their best performance!

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00] Nutrition for athletes with registered sports dietitian Ashley Harpst.

    [04:02] Carbohydrates and their importance for athletes, particularly female athletes.

    [07:36] Common nutrition mistakes made by athletes, including skipping meals and cutting out carbs.

    [14:06] Hydration and nutrition for athletes, including recommended fluids and electrolytes.

    [19:10] Nutrition for athletes, including easily digestible options and the importance of parental influence.

    [22:32] Shaping kids’ eating habits and nutrition, including strategies for dealing with picky eaters.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Does your daughter hold back in her sport? Do you see her hesitate when she could be going for it? Today, we’ll talk about how you can help her become a more aggressive and confident competitor!

    What’s Covered:

    Why athletes sometimes hesitate or hold back in their sport.5 powerful tips to help your daughter play more aggressively, including: Identifying the reasons behind her hesitation.Is her hesitancy a problem, or is it something that bothers you more?The importance of recognizing effort and positive qualities, not just outcomes.Why mental skills (like handling mistakes and pressure) are crucial for confidence.How the “Alter Ego” technique can help athletes channel their inner aggressiveness.

    So, are you ready to empower your athlete with the tools for confident, fearless competition? Listen to the full episode for step-by-step guidance and strategies!

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00] Helping athletes overcome fear of failure to be more aggressive in their sport. Discover strategies to help athletes, especially daughters, be more aggressive in their sports without holding back.

    [02:42] Helping daughters overcome self-limiting beliefs in sports. The subconscious mind plays a significant role in shaping an athlete’s performance, and beliefs about oneself can limit potential, even if logically argued otherwise.

    [07:33] Reasons why athletes hesitate or hold back on the court.

    [12:31] Parental support for athletes’ mental health.

    [17:08] Developing deep confidence in athletes through mental training.

    [21:51] Helping athletic daughters overcome fear and aggression issues.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Did you know that focusing on mental training can actually save you time and frustration as a sports parent? It’s true! In this episode, I’ll talk about how you can fit mental training into your daughter’s busy schedule. We’ll talk about why this is such a powerful investment and simple strategies to make it happen.

    Why mental training isn’t just another thing to add to your plate.The two foundational beliefs that make mental training a time-saver.Three practical tips to fit mental training into even the busiest schedules.How mental training leads to a more enjoyable sports experience for you and your athlete.

    Ready to give your athlete (and yourself!) the gift of a stronger mindset? Listen to the full episode of the to get all the details!

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00] Fitting mental training into a busy athlete’s schedule. Discover practical tips for moms to fit mental training into their daughter’s busy schedule.

    [02:51] Prioritizing mental training for athletes. The importance of prioritizing mental health in athletes’ lives.

    [07:10] Mental training for athletes and parents. Parents can enjoy their daughter’s sports journey by focusing on skills and connection rather than stressing over self-doubt.

    [10:13] Mental training for athletes with a parent’s perspective. The importance of mental training in sports, recommending a 30-minute weekly training plan and highlighting the benefits of doing it in season or out of season.

    [14:05] Prioritizing mental training for young athletes. Practical tips for prioritizing mental training in 30 minutes a week, making it a positive experience for athletes.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Did you know? Mental training can lead to immediate improvements for young athletes! It’s all about helping them harness their mindset for peak performance on and off the field. Discover how integrating mental skills into sports training can transform an athlete’s game, confidence, and overall mental toughness.

    What’s Covered:

    The Importance of Mental Strength. Learn how mental resilience plays a crucial role in an athlete’s success.Parental Influence on Mental Training. Insights into how parents can positively impact their child’s mental game.Effective Mental Training Techniques. Explore techniques like visualization, snapback routines, and the power of alter egos in sports.Rapid Impact of Mental Strategies. Understand how quickly athletes can start seeing changes from mental training.Building Confidence Through Support. The role of supportive parenting in nurturing an athlete’s mental growth.Personalizing the Mental Game. Tailoring mental training methods to fit the individual needs of young athletes.

    Want to hear more on how mental training can transform your athlete’s game? Hear first-hand insights from moms whose athletes have been through the program! Listen to the full podcast episode for inspiring stories about the transformative power of mental training, along with actionable strategies you can use to support your young athlete!

    [00:00] Mental strength and confidence in athletes with sports moms. Interviews with sports moms who have completed the program share their experiences and the positive changes they’ve seen in themselves and their daughters.

    [07:41] Rewiring minds for parenting athletes.

    [12:21] Parental support for children’s mental growth in sports.

    [14:35] Sports mental training and its impact on a high school athlete.

    [17:33] Mental toughness and self-awareness in sports.

    [19:39] Managing pressure and nerves in sports.

    [23:07] Using alter egos to improve mental toughness in sports.

    [27:11] Basketball player’s improvement with visualization and snapback routine

    [29:33] Mental skills training for athletes with parents and coaches.

    [32:16] Parenting and personal growth with a teenage girl.

    [34:04] Parenting and mental strength for kids.

    [37:07] Mental preparation for sports performance.

    [38:44] Training length and speed of results in a program.

    [40:38] Using a basketball program for personal growth.

    [43:23] Parent’s experience with teaching mental toughness to their kids in sports

    [45:18] Impact of coach’s behavior on athlete’s performance and relationship with mother.

    [46:16] Parenting and coaching a teenage athlete.

    [51:31] Parenting and mental training for a child’s sports success.

    [56:00] Parenting and letting kids lead their own journey.

    [58:08] Mental preparation for sports games.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Ever wonder if those constant “good job”s and “you’re the best” remarks are truly helping your daughter reach her full potential? In this episode, we’ll talk about the research on praise and how it can impact your athlete’s confidence.

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    Why praising effort over outcome is better for your athlete’s long-term growthHow to identify effort-based praise that will build confidenceThe surprising downside of outcome-based praise (like “you’re the best!”)Tips for helping your athlete develop a growth mindset

    Want to learn more about how to praise your athlete in a way that fosters confidence and a love for the game? Listen to the full episode now. You won’t want to miss this!

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00] Praising athletes to build confidence and foster growth mindset.

    [01:50] Praising athletes for performance outcomes vs. specific skills.

    [05:01] Dr. Dweck’s study on praise’s impact on motivation in sports.

    [06:00] Praising children’s effort vs. intelligence.

    [11:44] The impact of praise on athletes’ mental game.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Is your daughter struggling with negativity on her sports team? This episode is packed with actionable tips to help her navigate these challenges and develop mental strength.

    What’s Covered:

    Reframing negativity as a learning opportunity.Empowering questions to help your daughter problem-solve.The importance of focusing on what she can control.Setting healthy boundaries with negative teammates.Assertive communication skills to express her needs. Identify moments that require parental intervention and know when to step in.

    Want to hear more? Make sure to listen to the full podcast for an in-depth discussion on how to navigate team drama effectively.

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00] Supporting daughters in navigating negative teammate dynamics in sports. Tips for parents to help their daughters navigate negative teammate dynamics in sports

    [01:29] How to help a daughter stay positive with negative teammates in sports.

    [06:05] Handling negative teammate behavior. Encourage your daughter to view challenges as opportunities for growth, rather than victim mentality.

    [11:13] Helping a daughter deal with a negative teammate. The importance of focusing on what's within an athlete's control, such as their effort, attitude, and mindset, rather than external factors like negative teammates.

    [15:26] Teaching assertiveness skills to young athletes. Teach athletes how to assertively address hurtful comments and behaviors.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Ever wonder what to say (or not to say) after your athlete’s game? We all know it can be a bit tricky – emotions are running high, and you want to be supportive without pushing too hard. In my recent podcast episode, I shared some helpful tips to create a positive and supportive environment for your athlete after a competition.

    Here are some key takeaways:

    Give Them Space. Let your athlete come to you when they’re ready to talk.Avoid the Replay. Don’t go over every detail of the game; they’re already on it.Encourage Sharing. Use open-ended questions to spark a conversation.Always Support. Show love and support, no matter the game’s outcome.

    For further insights on fostering positive communication and connection with your young athlete, check out the full episode of The Racing Elite Competitors podcast!

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00] How to support athletes post-game. Tips for parents on how to support their girl athletes during the post-game car ride home, avoiding phrases that can be hurtful or unhelpful.

    [04:37] Supporting children after sports competition. The importance of providing routine and assurance of love to a child after a competition, rather than critiquing their performance.

    [07:27] How to support athletes after games without overwhelming them. The “love framework” is a process taught to parents to help them process their child’s performance in a more productive way.

    [11:17] Validating children’s emotions and fostering self-trust through communication. The importance of validating children’s feelings and experiences, rather than dismissing or fixing their emotions.

    [15:21] Athlete feedback and post-game communication with parents.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Ever wondered just how much your sport is influenced by your mental game? In this special athlete tip episode, we dive into the core of competitive advantage.

    In this episode:

    One athlete shares a game-changing shift – moving from comparisons to embracing personal enjoyment and improvement.Discover why the mental aspect of sports often takes the lion’s share – 75% to 99% by athletes’ own admission. Uncover the truth that physical training isn’t everything, and training your mind is the real differentiator, covering rebounding from mistakes, handling pressure, and boosting confidence.Grab practical strategies, like the snapback routine, designed to help you swiftly recover from mistakes and reinforce belief in your capabilities.Learn why mental training isn’t an add-on but the game-changer for transforming your physical skills into top-notch performance during critical moments.

    Ready to transform your game? Dive into the complete episode for a detailed guide on mastering your mental game!

    🎧 Listen to the full episode here: Buzzsprout

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00] Giving athletes a competitive edge through mindset shift. Tips for athletes to focus on enjoying their sport and improving personally, rather than comparing themselves to others.

    [01:28] Mental preparation in sports. Learn more about the mental aspect of sports, with a focus on the importance of mental preparation and resilience.

    [03:06] Mental training for athletes to overcome mistakes quickly. The importance of quickly recovering from mistakes in sports.

    [04:30] Mental training for athletes. Elevate your athletic performance by prioritizing mental training—overcome pressure, focus on strengths, visualize success, and utilize breathing techniques for a competitive edge.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Is the pressure to win taking all the fun out of sports for our kids? Let’s be honest: In the high-stakes world of competitive sports, young athletes often forget to enjoy the game due to the pressure to excel and succeed. So, what can we do to help them enjoy the game again? That’s what my conversation with mental skills coach Julia is all about!

    What’s Covered:

    Julia chats about why fun is a game-changer in competitive sports.How to keep the love of the game alive amidst the pressure to perform.Julia breaks down the top three reasons athletes hit the field (or court).A deep dive into the teenage mind and tips for parents riding the sports rollercoaster.An inspiring story of mental skills training in action and its impact.The crucial role of coaches and parents in making sports fun again.Discussing the stress of youth sports and turning losses into lessons.

    Catch my full conversation with Julia Allain on this episode to dive deeper into how fun and competitiveness can coexist in sports. Don’t miss out on these valuable insights!

    Come hang out with Julia on social @‌allainmentalperformance and learn more about working with her!

    🎧 Listen to the full episode here

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00] Fun and enjoyment in competitive sports with mental performance coach Julia Elaine.

    [03:25] Sports background, coaching experiences, and parenting.

    [05:52] Youth sports pressure and enjoyment.

    [11:24] The importance of fun in sports and life.

    [14:06] Finding fun in sports despite challenges and failures.

    [19:53] Mental performance coaching for athletes.

    [22:56] Teenage brain development and decision-making.

    [27:59] Managing emotions in sports and parenting.

    [31:09] Parenting and sports mentalities.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Are you often at a loss for what to say when your young athlete is overly critical of herself? It’s a common challenge faced by sports parents. In this episode, I share practical strategies for sports parents to effectively support and encourage their young athletes.

    Here’s what’s covered in this episode:

    A member’s inspiring story of her daughter’s triumph in basketball.Understanding and empathizing with your daughter’s negative emotions.The impact of our responses, rooted in our own upbringing.Practical strategies for effective communication with your athlete.The importance of allowing space for emotional processing.How quick fixes can inadvertently lower long-term confidence.Empowering your athlete with mental training skills.Nurturing an environment for emotional intelligence and resilience.

    For more insights on how to support your athlete when she’s hard on herself, listen to the full episode. You’ll gain a deeper understanding and more tools to help your young athlete thrive. Don’t miss out on this valuable conversation – tune in now!

    🎧 Listen to the full episode here: Buzzsprout

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00] Helping athletes overcome self-criticism and build confidence. Learn more about the challenge of athletes being overly critical of themselves and how sports moms can help them navigate this experience.

    [02:09] Helping athletes cope with negative emotions. Discover how parents’ own experiences with processing negative emotions may influence how they respond to their child’s emotions, and that this can lead to unintentionally reinforcing negative patterns.

    [04:28] Supporting children’s emotional well-being. Learn more about the importance of allowing your daughter to process her emotions.

    [09:13] Helping athletes process emotions after disappointment. The importance of recognizing and validating an athlete’s emotions, rather than dismissing or minimizing them.

    [11:18] Supporting athletes through mental challenges. Strategies for athletes to communicate with their parents, as well as tips for moms of young athletes to help them navigate their daughter’s emotional struggles during athletic events.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Are you wondering how to make your pre-game pep talks more effective for your athlete daughter? In this episode, I talk about pre-game conversations and how they can significantly impact your daughter’s performance and confidence.

    Here’s what’s covered in this episode:

    The Impact of Pre-Game Emotions. Understanding the mix of nerves, excitement, and anxiety your athlete might feel before competition.The Role of Parents in Pre-Game. Insights into how parents can create a positive and supportive environment.Avoiding Common Pep Talk Mistakes. Why it’s crucial to avoid overloading your athlete with reminders and technical instructions.The Importance of Routine and Consistency. How establishing a pre-game routine can help your daughter stay focused and calm.Managing Parental Stress. Tips for parents to manage their own anxieties and avoid projecting them onto their athlete.Athlete Feedback on Pre-Game Support. Real examples from athletes on what type of support works best for them before a game.

    For more insights and tips on supporting your athlete daughter, make sure to listen to the full episode!

    🎧 Listen to the full episode here: Buzzsprout

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00] Pregame pep talks for girl athletes. Discover tips for pre-game pep talks to help athletes play confidently without adding pressure.

    [01:53] Pre-game pep talks and managing athlete’s emotions. Athletes may feel overwhelmed and dysregulated before competition and provides tips for creating a consistent routine to help them focus on what’s in their control.

    [05:47] Mental preparation for athletes before and during competition. Athletes also reflect on what they need for support before, during, and after competitions, including focus on being their best self.

    [07:31] Athlete motivation and pre-game routines. Discover the importance of focusing on what’s in an athlete’s control, such as their mindset and behavior, rather than external factors like the competition or opponents.

    [10:57] Pre-game routines for athletes and parents. Parents and athletes can create consistent routines, such as pre-game rituals or handshakes, to provide comfort and consistency, eliminating arguments and bickering before games.

    Next Steps:

    Join our FREE Training for Sports Moms - How to Strengthen Your Athlete Daughter's Mental Game so She Believes in Herself as Much as You DoVisit our podcast website for more great episodes

    Thank you in advance for joining us on our mission and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts.

  • Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a state champion in volleyball? Discover the secrets behind the remarkable success of the Columbia River High School volleyball team, led by Coach Bre.

    Here’s what’s covered in this episode:

    A look into the remarkable achievement of winning the state championship three times in a row.Understanding the importance of leadership and experience from the senior captains.Insights from the captains on leading the team and their unique journeys.An in-depth discussion on how mental training played a crucial role in the team’s success.Captains share personal challenges they faced and overcame during their journey.The significance of team bonding activities and their impact on team performance.Captains share valuable lessons and advice for aspiring athletes.

    Curious to hear more about this incredible journey to victory? Tune in to the full podcast for an inspiring glimpse into the world of competitive volleyball and the power of mental training.

    🎧 Listen to the full episode here: Buzzsprout

    Episode Highlights:

    [00:00] Mental training for high school volleyball athletes. Interviewing three senior volleyball captains that played for Coach Bre about their experience winning three consecutive state championships.

    [03:41] Volleyball, leadership, and future plans.

    [08:39] Teamwork, mental training, and handling pressure in high school sports. Setting milestones and having a clear vision was important for the team’s success this year. Mental training, teamwork, and confidence in each other were key factors in their championship win.

    [15:45] Team chemistry, mental training, and success in volleyball. Team chemistry and love for volleyball were key factors in their success, allowing them to bounce back from ruts and stay motivated even when down by a few points. Players reflect on the impact of mental training and team dynamics on their performance.

    [19:35] Mental training for volleyball players. Macy and Lauren credit my mental training program for improving their volleyball skills and mental health, with Macy noting that it helped her reset her mindset and Lauren feeling more confident and less pressured on the court. Logan also credits my training for changing her game, noting that it helped her feel more prepared and confident, and that she’s a better player and teammate as a result.

    [23:58] Mental strategies for improving performance in a competitive game. Using “snapback routine” and “reset word” to regain focus during games.

    [28:33] Overcoming personal challenges in a sports team leadership role. Each captain faced personal challenges. Macy struggled with self-confidence, being the full-time setter for the first time. Lauren grappled with the pressure of living up to past successes. Logan had to overcome performance anxiety and self-doubt. Their ability to overcome these obstacles was pivotal in their success.

    [32:11] High school volleyball season, memories, and leadership. Stepping into different leadership roles this season, focusing on unity and connecting with teammates to build confidence.

    [40:35] Mental training for athletes. Mental training can help athletes improve their confidence and overall performance, even if they are already skilled in their sport.

    [41:57] Mental training for volleyball players. Mental training helps athletes perform better under pressure and enjoy the sport more. Mental training is essential for enhancing physical performance and building confidence.

    Next Steps:

    The Elite Mental Game is open for Winter Special Enrollment! Join before February 2nd for a $400 discount plus exclusive bonuses! Join here

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