
  • Sometimes, someone has got to step in between others to avoid a fight. It may be your dog that does this. I’ll explain this dog signal called “splitting” and reveal how you can use this behavior yourself to calm your dog.

    Plus, just as Superman would lose his powers when exposed to Kryptonite, there are certain things women and some men, do around their dogs that can act like kryptonite and strip their powers away. Camilla Gray-Nelson, dog trainer and author, of Lipstick and the Leash: Dog Training a Woman’s way, is back for part two of her interview and explains what women, unknowingly do that results in their dogs not listening to them. Once aware of what to avoid, women will again be empowered resulting in better behavior from their dogs.

    Then, learning to identify your dog’s warning bark, and how to effectively respond to it, will increase the chances that your dog will quiet down rather than bark even more.

    Resources for this episode.

    Camilla Gray-Nelson’s website.

    Camilla’s blog: Dog Talk Diva.

    How to order Lipstick and the Leash: Dog Training a Woman’s way.

    For the full show notes of this episode, see

    Please let us know what you think of the podcast. Rate and review it on iTunes.

  • In this “Best Of” Replay show, we’ll start by talking about barking. Different sounding barks communicate different emotions and needs. If you’re trying to reduce your dog’s barking recognizing what your dog is telling you is the first step. I’ll explain the sound that means your dog is feeling excited.

    Then, why do some women have a harder time getting their dogs to obey them compared to men? Listen as Camilla Gray-Nelson, author of Lipstick and the Leash: Dog Training a Woman’s Way, explains the answer and tells women how to get control back.

    Next, if your cat is peeing outside its box, it might not like the brand of kitty litter you are buying. I’ll tell you the signs that indicate this may be the issue.

    Resources for this episode.

    Source for story about barking: “Barking: The Sound of a Language,” by Turid Rugass.

    Camilla Gray-Nelson’s websites:

    Dairy Dell Doggy Dude Ranch and Training Center.

    Blog: Dog Talk Diva.

    Order the book, “Lipstick and The Leash: Dog Training a Women’s Way” by Camilla Gray-Nelson.

    Find the full-show notes with live links at

    Please support this podcast by subscribing and telling your friends. To subscribe on iTunes so you never miss an episode, here is the link.

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  • Do you like it or hate it when your dog wants to jump up on you when they greet you? Why do dogs want to jump up on people anyway? There are two reasons I’ll tell you about. If you want to stop the behavior teach your dog the way you would prefer them to greet you.

    When we take our pets to the vet because they are sick or injured we are feeling fear and love and anguished hope that they will be okay, plus worry and possible stress about the costs it will take to return them quickly to health. That’s a lot of emotion we bring to the examining table. What about your vet? Do they also experience the stress you are feeling? The answer is yes. And it can take a fatal toll on these doctors who do so much to help your pets. My guest, Sandy Weaver, is the author of the book, Happy Vet, Happy Pet: Caring for Your Pet’s caregiver and the Program director of the Center for Workplace Happiness, whose mission is to reduce the suicide rate in the vet community. She will tell you three easy things you can do to help and care for your vet that can make a profound difference for their lives.

    About this episode’s creature feature, It’ June and it’s been very hot where I live, so when I came across a story about what happened to a young girl during a blizzard, and the dog who came to her rescue, just reading about winter and snow cooled me down. It’s also an inspiring tale. Hope you enjoy this story.

    Resources for the show.

    Source for the story about dogs jumping up- “Decoding Your Dog” by the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists.

    Center for Workplace Happiness website.

    How to order “Happy Vet, Happy Pet, Caring for your Pet’s Caregiver” by Sandy Weaver.

    “Not One More Vet” website.

    Source for the “Snow Job” creature feature - Amazing But True Dog Tales by Bruce Nash and Allan Zullo, compiled by Muriel MacFarlane.

  • Who is the most famous dog in the world? It may surprise you to know, he isn’t even real yet he says words that we, human beings would often like to say. In today’s creature feature I’ll share some fun facts about this character that most children know and love, and many adults still fondly remember.

    Continuing my conversation with dog aggression expert, Michael Shikashio, CDBC, ( we talk about what to do if you are out walking your dog and suddenly one or more dogs becomes aggressive and start attacking your dog – how to ward off the dogs, and stay safe yourself. We also cover why other dogs may join in when only one originally attacked.

    Does your cat seem to have a preoccupation with open doors – making mad dashes to go through them? It can be hard to catch the cat if it gets outside or they can run off, become lost and never return. Door dashing can be a real problem for many people. In this episode, I explain some ways to make the door unpleasant so the feline will want to stay away from it.

    See the companion blogs for the podcast episodes at

    Additional Resources

    Source for the story about Snoopy – “Dog’s Best Friend” by Simon Garfield.

    Michael Shikashio’s website:

    Listen to Michael’s podcast - The Bitey End of The Dog.

    Source for the Story about door dashing cats - “ComPETability: Solving Behavior Problems in your MULTI-CAT Household. By Amy Shojai.

  • Do you wonder exactly why cats get hairballs and if there is anything you can do to reduce the amount that form in your cat’s stomach and then get thrown up exactly when and where you most don’t want them? I’ll explain how hairballs are a good thing for your feline, what to do to lessen their existence and the symptoms to watch for that might indicate an excessively large hairball may be causing health problems.

    There have been two different types of highly upsetting dog biting incidents recently in my town, one involving a child that got bit after asking if she could pet the dog, the other where two dogs broke loose and attacked two separate dogs being walked by their owners. The circumstances of these incidents, convince me we need to keep talking about what we can do to prevent traumatic bites and attacks. About preventing children from getting bit when wanting to pet a dog, there are two things that we must be mindful of that greatly affect the outcome. In this episode, my guest, Michael Shikashio, a Certified Animal Behavior Consultant, the founder of the Aggression in Dogs Master course and host of the podcast, “The Bitey End of the Dog” explains those two critical things.

    If you are of a certain age, then you’ll remember when Fido was the quintessential name given for any generic dog. Some real dogs actually had this name, President Abraham Lincoln named his dog Fido, but the most famous was an Italian dog that came to public attention in 1943 because of his demonstration of unwavering loyalty to his dead master. Fido was written about in many Italian and international magazines and newspapers, appeared in newsreels throughout Italy, and was bestowed several honors, including a public statue erected in his honor. Today’s creature feature is his story.

    Additional Resources for the Show.

    Michael Shikashio’s website: Aggressive

    Listen to the podcast, The Bitey End of the Dog.

    Source for the Story about the Italian dog, Fido – The book, The Dog’s Best Friend by Simon Garfield, plus varied news stories found on the internet.

  • Are you frustrated by the yellow and brown spots on your lawn that occur when your dog pees in the grass? Wondering why it happens and what can you do about it?

    The reason those spots appear is that dog urine is rich in nitrogen and it’s the high concentrations of this plus associated salts in the urine that kills or essentially “burns” the grass the urine soaks into.

    You may have heard that to stop your dog from killing the grass when they pee, that you can feed your dog a dietary supplement and this will change the urine. This however, can cause health problems for your canine, so the safter solution has to do with lawn care. I’ll explain a number of things you can do to try to eliminate all those dead spots and a few tips regarding your dog as well.

    From a previous interview on my past Wild About Pets Radio Show, comes this conversation with Dr. Debra Horwitz, a veterinary behaviorist, and co-editor of the book, Decoding Your Cat, about why they do some of the things they do. You’ll hear the unique perspectives about cats that will explain why they need to scratch things, what those sudden bites could be about and how to better meet their needs so they don’t have to wake you up every morning at dawn.

    Finally, for this week’s creature feature, I’ll tell you a story about a cat that just may make you believe that they do have 9 lives.

    Additional Resources for the Show.

    Books edited by Dr. Debra Horwitz:

    Decoding Your Dog: Explaining Common Dog Behaviors and How to Prevent or Change Unwanted Ones by American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, Debra F. Horwitz DVM, et al

    Decoding Your Cat: The Ultimate Experts Explain Common Cat Behaviors and Reveal How to Prevent or Change Unwanted Ones by American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, Debra F. Horwitz DVM, et al.

    How to find a Veterinary Behaviorist near you: American College of Veterinary Behaviorists.

    Source for the story about the cat who lived – Exploding Pigs and Other Bizarre Animal Stories by Ian Simmons.

  • Does your cat start yowling or meowing excessively in the early mornings or late at night? This can be very annoying, I know. Why do cats make this loud, piercing sound and what can be done to stop it? I’ll explain a number of reasons why cats may start excessive vocalization and what to do, during this episode and then in more detail on the companion blog.

    I have heard that it is important that your dog respect you. I know Rosy, my part Shetland sheepdog/German shepherd mix loves me, and mostly listens to me, but respects me? I don’t know. What does it mean for a dog to respect a person and what does it look like? My guest, Dan Abdelnoor, founder of The Online Dog Trainer, author, speaker, dog trainer and behavior specialist, knows what respect means from a dog’s point of view and how you can start earning it from your canine. You can see the video of our conversation on the website, on the episode page for no. 93.

    Then this week’s Creature Feature is about a dog that figured out exactly what to do that saved his person life.

    Additional Resources for the Show.

    Source for the story about cat’s yowling: The Cat Whisperer by Mieshelle Nagelschnieder and Why Does My Cat Do That? By Catherine Davidson.

    Doggy Dan’s website: The Online Dog

    Kindle Version of the book “What the Dogs Taught Me About Being A Parent” by Doggy Dan.

    Doggy Dan’s Facebook page.

    Source for the creature Feature: Amazing But True Dog Tales, by Bruce Nash and Allan Zullo, Compiled by Muriel MacFarlane.

  • Does one of your cats bully other cats in the house hold? When human bullies torment other people, it seems like the reasons for doing so, is that they take delight in picking on others. Bullying cat’s behavior may look the same –torturing and attacking others, but the reasons are very different and specific to being a feline. I’ll explain a few of most common reasons a cat may turn into a bully.

    Then, continuing the conversation with animal communicator, Tim Link, author of “Talking with Dogs and Cats: Joining the Conversation to Improve Behavior and Bond with Your Animals, he shares the three steps he uses to “talk” more deeply with dogs and cats. Keeping an open mind, you can learn how to do this as well, to increase the bond with your pet. Plus, you’ll hear the story about the dog who was eating socks, and paper clips and how Tim helped him to stop plus how he solves the number one behavior issue people call him about regarding cats and dogs.

    Has your sweet, quiet, cuddly, obedient puppy who used to respond to everything you asked, changed overnight into a disobedient, counter surfing, stealing, beast, who runs away from you, ignores you and seems to have forgotten all its training? There’s a very normal, inevitable reason for this that’s part of your dog’s developmental stages. I’ll reveal what this is, and offer some tips to help you deal with the behavior changes.

    For some other possible behavior changes to expect from an adolescent dog, see the blog for this episode 92 at

    If you have any in-depth questions or want to share your stories about anything you hear on the show today, please write me at [email protected] or leave me a comment at the end of the blog article for this episode number 92.

    Additional Resources for the Episode.

    Source for the story about cats who bully – “Cat Wise” by Pam Johnson-Bennett and “How to Speak Cat,” by Aline Alexander Newman & Gary Weitzman, D.V.M.

    Get in touch with Tim Link through his website.

    Order Tim’s books.

    Sources for the story about when your puppy becomes an adolescent: “Why Does My Dog Do That?” By Sophie Collins and “The Other End of the Leash” by Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D.

  • Can cats experience separation anxiety as we start leaving them alone more as we return to working outside the home? Yes, they can. I’ll explain how they may exhibit anxiety and what you can do to distract them after you’ve left or prevent them from becoming unnerved in the first place.

    To find a good dog trainer, what should you be looking for regarding their credentials and what are the first big questions to ask them. Louie Torres, the CEO and founder of Unleashed Consulting, a company that helps dog trainers grow their business, found himself in the position of desperately needing a dog trainer and his journey led to the saving of his relationship with his girlfriend, a changed dog and a complete refocusing of his business working with dog trainers. You’ll enjoy this second part of the conversation with Mr. Torres.

    Does your cat have a silly or annoying habit to wake you up in the morning? Hear about a cat who knew exactly who to focus his attention on and how to get the person to let him out, in this week’s creature feature.

    Additional Resources for the Show.

    Source for the story about cat separation anxiety – ComPETability: Solving Behavior Problems in your Multi-CAT Household by Amy Shojai.

    Unleased Marketing – Louie Torres’s website.

    Source for the creature feature – Animals Make Us Human by Temple Grandin.

  • The difference in effectively training large versus small dogs, has more to do with your technique and what is required from you, rather than their abilities. The mechanics of training large and small dogs stay the same, but there are subtle differences in how you train, that can get in the way of success or guarantee it. In this episode, I’ll offer three training tips for small breeds having to do with the position of your body, the size of their tummies and the additional time and patience that may be required from you to teach them some simple behaviors.

    Do you have a dog that’s behavior is so bad that it is causing havoc in the home or damaging relationships with other people in your life? Maybe you tried training the pooch yourself, but it seems like it is useless. Should you call in some outside help and get a dog trainer but don’t know what to look for, or how to find a good one? This is the exact problem my guest, Louie Torres, experienced. He is the CEO and founder of Unleashed Consulting, a company that helps dog trainers grow their businesses, and he’ll tell you his story about a badly behaved Chihuahua, not being able to find a trainer that would work with the dog, and the journey that finally led to him identifying and working with the perfect trainer that changed the dog’s behavior, Louie’s life, and even his business!

    In this week’s Creature Feature, you’ll hear a story that I can really relate to. About a man who had a problem with an outside plumbing pipe that resulted in his house being flooded. This happened to me recently, but the causes were very different. Mine was a block in the pipe that I had no control over, his was a choice he made - in order to save the life of seven puppies.

    About the creature features, the animal stories I’ve been telling you, I’d love to get your feedback about them - if you like this feature and would like me to continue them. Please write me a comment on the episode or blog pages on the website, Or you can write me at [email protected]. For taking the time to leave a comment, I’ll randomly select a number of people and send a coupon for a free bag of NutriSource pet food.

    Additional Resources for the show.

    Louie Torres’s Unleashed Consulting Website.

  • In this week’s creature feature hear about how a man’s grocery shopping trip cost him a whole lot more – thanks to his dogs.

    Do you find it almost impossible to get medicine in your pets at times? As you struggle and fight to get pills or drops in them, do you find yourself thinking, “there has got to be an easier way”? Well, there is. And it has to do with changing the form of the medicine. My guest is Dr. Alan Chan, a pharmacist with the Golden Gate Veterinary Compounding Pharmacy in Novato, California, and he’s going to tell you about how through the technique of compounding drugs, you can eliminate the stress, scratching, screaming that you go through and at the same time provide a better experience for the animals as well.

    Are you thinking about if you want to get a small breed dog rather than a large one? Many people ask are small dogs better? The answer comes down to what size dog is best for you. A good way to figure this out is to know some of the broad differences between the small and large breeds and match a dog with your activity level, physical, financial and/or time limitations you may have, rather than how they look. In this episode, I’ll explain 5 important aspects about small dogs for you to consider.

    Additional Resources for The Show.

    Source for the creature feature story – “Exploding Pigs and Other Bizarre Animal Stories” by Ian Simmons.

    Golden Gate Veterinary Compounding Pharmacy Website.

    For more differences between small and large dogs see the companion blog (89) at

  • For this week’s Creature Feature, you’ll hear two stories, about a dog and a cat that unknowingly caused a “bit” of panic that resulted in the police being called.

    Then, hear stories from my guest, Dr. Kwane Stewart, known as the “Street Vet” about his experiences treating pets of the homeless in Los Angeles, California. For the last 9 years, Dr. Stewart has spent time walking the neighborhoods looking for people living on the streets that have pets that might need some veterinary care. He’s called the Street Vet because dressed in scrubs, with his medical bag in hand, he stops and offers a smile, and then, if the owner accepts, a professional veterinary exam. Right then, right there. For free.

    You can also SEE the video of our conversation on both the website episode #88, page and our Facebook page.

    Next, an etiquette guideline for us humans with dogs to get along well with other humans with dogs. If you are walking or playing with your unleashed dog in a public place other than a legitimate, sanctioned dog park, and you see an unfamiliar leashed dog in the distance, it’s best to leash your dog right away. I’ve got a story about this very situation with Rosy and another dog, that explains how practicing leash etiquette, we can all keep our dogs safe from harm.

    Additional Resources for the show.

    Source for the creature feature stories – “Exploding Pigs and Other Bizarre Animal Stories” by Ian Simmons.

    Dr. Kwane Stewart’s Facebook page.

    Dr. Kwane Stewart’s You tube channel.

    Project Street Vet website.

  • Today’s creature feature is about a diamond in the ruff. Hear a story about a dog named Duque, a mutt that was worth 15,000 dollars, at least while the diamond ring he had swallowed, was inside of his stomach.

    Are you allergic to cats? Or you may not be, but one of your family members is? Wish you could have a cat or already do and suffer the consequences of your allergic reactions? Cat allergies can seem like a really hopeless problem. My guest today, Diane Morgan is the author of “The Sneeze-Free Cat Owner: Allergy Management & Breed Selection for the Allergic Cat Lover” and her suggestions for how to treat your allergy, and changes you can make in the home will give you hope and help you realize there is much more you can do to lessen or eliminate symptoms than you might have known about. Cats and cat allergies can co-exist.

    Have you ever wondered where the term “kitty corner” comes from? It describes something that is diagonal to or from us, but why do we say this? What does it have to do with cats? Absolutely nothing, actually. Curious? I’ll explain in this episode.

    If you’re enjoying this podcast please let your friends and family know. They can subscribe for free on all popular apps by visiting

    Additional Resources for the show.

    Source for the story about the diamond in the ruff – “Amazing but True Dog Tales” by Bruce Nash and Allan Zullo, compiled by Muriel MacFarlane.

    How to order “The Sneeze-Free Cat Owner: Allergy management & Breed Selection for the Allergic Cat Lover” by Diane Morgan.

    To see photos of “hypoallergenic” cats, spoken about in segment 2, visit the blog page for this episode #87 at www.raisingyourpaws .

    Source for the story about the term, kitty corner – “A Fine Kettle of Fish: And 150 Other Animal Expressions” by Michael Macrone.

  • In today’s creature feature -three stories from England about cats bringing presents home to their humans – but not the dead rodents you would normally expect. Sometimes felines hunt out and capture more people friendly things.

    Does your dog ever have times where they behave in uncharacteristic ways like acting all hyper and crazy, other times, becoming mopey and rather sad looking or even taking up a bad habit that no amount of training seems to be able to stop? Can't figure out for the life of you what is going on in the dog’s mind? Today, you'll hear that the reason for your pet’s behavior may have nothing to do with its mind but has everything to do with your emotions. In a posthumous conversation, Kevin Behan, veteran dog trainer and author of the book, “Your Dog is Your Mirror, The Emotional Capacity of Our dogs and Ourselves,” talks about the startling and radial new way of understanding your dog that can explain why dogs act out at times. The answer is as close as your own heart and emotions. I think this will surprise you.

    Have you ever wondered why your cat spends so much time licking and grooming themselves?

    Of course, you know cats clean themselves this way, but they still seem to continue and repeat this a lot even after they are spotless. Why? Turns out there are other benefits for all that attention to their fur coats. I’ll explain them in this segment.

    We’d love to hear your comments. You can leave them for each of the shows on the episode pages at

    Additional Resources for the Show.

    Source for the stories about the cats – “Exploding Pigs and Other Bizarre Animal Stories” by Ian Simmons.

    Natural Dog Training - The Official Website for the Theory and Practice of Kevin Behan's Natural Dog Training.

    Natural Dog Training on Facebook

    Order “Your Dog Is Your Mirror: The Emotional Capacity of Our Dogs and Ourselves” by Kevin Behan.

    Source for the story about cats grooming – “Why Does My Cat Do That” by Catherine Davidson and “Think Like A Cat,” by Pam Johnson-Bennett.

  • For this show’s Creature Feature, you’ll hear three stories about a few dogs who ate unbelievable things – to the point that it is hard to swallow. Then, watch a Twin Cities Live TV show segment where I teach you what to do if your dog is choking and can’t breathe.

    Are you getting bored doing the same old things with your dog as the pandemic drags on? Wouldn’t it be nice to get some fresh ideas for things your dog can do to liven up their day? I’ve got the perfect resource for you. It’s a website called Sidewalk Dogs and their mission is to help you spend more time with your pup by discovering and sharing activities you can do and places to go together. Ali Jarvis is the Founder and CEO of Sidewalk Dogs and she is joining me to share some great ideas.

    Cats spend a lot of time asleep – it can be up to 20 hours a day, although, the average is about 12 hours, but do they dream like we and dogs do? Hear what research has discovered about their sleep phases.

    Did you know I’m doing a monthly TV pet expert segment about dogs and cats on an ABC TV show, called Twin Cities Live? It airs in Minneapolis, Minnesota but you can see each of the archived segments on our website. Just click on the TCL logo at the top of the homepage to watch the videos.

    Additional Resources for the show.

    Source for the creature feature stories: Amazing But True Dog Tales, by Bruce Nash and Allan Zullo, Compiled by Muriel MacFarlane.

    Website: Sidewalk

    Sidewalk Dog Blog.

    Sniff out Sidewalk dog on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

    Source for the Story about cats dreaming: “What Your Cat Knows,” by Sally Morgan.

  • Do cats see in color? How does your cat’s eyes show you its mood? You’d think that cats have really good vision – but the truth may surprise you. I’ll take a closer look at those large, beautiful eyes feline eyes.

    Then, if your dog picks up garbage to eat when you’re out walking, do you try to take it out of their mouth? To avoid getting bitten in the process, dog aggression expert, Bryan Bailey, author of the book, “The Hammer: Why Dogs Attack Us and How to Prevent It” offers this caution. You’ll also hear exactly what to do if you get attacked by an aggressive dog, in order to survive.

    Resources for this Episode.

    Source for the story about cat’s eyes. What Your Cat Knows, by Sally Morgan.

    Bryan Bailey’s Website.

    Amazon link to order The Hammer: Why Dogs Attack Us and How to Prevent It.

    Bryan Bailey’s “Taming the Wild” Training and Boarding Company.

  • You know your pet loves food but have you ever wondered what they actually can taste compared to you? I’ll explain the similarities and differences between your taste buds and dogs and cats. Did you know that there is a fifth identified taste detector on your tongue that you share with your pets? Find out what it is.

    Talking about dogs biting people is a disturbing issue. Contrary to what many people think and you may have experienced, there are very specific reasons that dogs bite and attack people. Dog aggression expert, Bryan Bailey, author of the book, “The Hammer: Why Dogs Attack Us And How to Prevent It” will explain how dogs have retained the survival strategies of wolves, the subtle signs that dogs give that an attack is coming and how you can prevent dog bites and attacks.

    Resources for this Episode.

    Source for the story about pet’s taste buds - How Dogs Think by Stanley Coren.

    First Aid Tip about your dog and anti-freeze. Blog article for episode 83 –

    Bryan Bailey’s Website.

    Bryan Bailey’s “Taming the Wild” Training and Boarding Company.

    Amazon link to order The Hammer: Why Dogs Attack Us and How to Prevent It.

  • To start this episode, I’ll tell you another creature feature. Do you remember the part in the movie, The Wizard of OZ when Toto and Dorothy are swept away in their house by a tornado? If you think a dog being carried away is only fiction, wait till you hear this.

    Then, I’ve got news. After a stay-at-home order, due to the pandemic, Rocket, the NutriSource Pet Food’s sponsored, M Health Fairview - University of Minnesota - Masonic Children’s Hospital dog, is back at his job - helping children and families again deal with all the aspects of a hospital stay. His partner and handler, Anna Dressel, tells the stories of how Rocket keeps surprising her with the profound ways he affects others, what he particularly excels at in helping children and all about his third birthday celebration.

    What can you do to create good mental welfare for your cat? Follow the guideline: Don’t stimulate the emotions of RAGE, FEAR or GRIEF in them if you can help it and do stimulate SEEKING and PLAY as much as possible. These are core emotion systems in the brains of both you and your pets. Today, I’ll explain how FEAR affects cats and what you can do to keep your cat from feeling it so much.

    Additional Resources for the show.

    Source for the story about Sadie and the Tornado – Amazing but True Dog Tales by Bruce Nash and Allan Zullo, compiled by Muriel MacFarlane

    See photos of Rocket and Anna Dressel on the website episode page, #82.

    Anna Dressel talking about Rocket when he first started working at the Children’s hospital – Episode 64.

    Stories about Rocket helping people when they needed it the most – Episode 65.

    My conversation with Canine Assistants, the organization that raised and educated Rocket. Episode 66

    M Health Fairview - University of Minnesota - Masonic Children’s Hospital website.

    NutriSource Pet Foods website.

    Source for story about reducing fear in cats – Animals Make Us Human by Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson.

    Hear about the core emotions you share with your pets in episode 74.

    The first of the positive emotions, SEEKING - what it is and how to increase them in your dog. ep. 76

    How to increase the SEEKING emotion in cats – episode 77.

    My conversation with Dr. Sarah Ellis, about cat carriers. Episode 43

    The Trainable Cat by John Bradshaw and Sarah Ellis.

  • Does your dog ever initiate scrapes or scuffles with another dog? All of a sudden, they are at each other. You may not know what started it, if someone is getting hurt or not, and the human owners watching nearby are screaming, and yelling sometimes louder than the dogs. No injuries may result, but it’s still upsetting when this occurs. Even if we don’t think there was any provocation, there are reasons your dog can become physically assertive or aggressive that we may not understand simply because we do not have canine minds. My dog, Rosy acted out three times in the last few days. I do know, the two things that trigger her to go on the offensive with other dogs, one is normal adult canine behavior, the other is a weird quirk. I know how to manage them, yet sometimes it gets away from me. This happened recently and I was distressed. I’ll tell you why in my story.

    If you also have a dog that gets into minor fights with others, let’s talk about it. Write me at [email protected] or you can leave a comment on the episode page, (number 81) on our website or on the Raising Your Paws Facebook page.

    I’m sure you’ve heard that pet adoptions are at an all-time high during the pandemic of 2020. Besides, the obvious reasons that people bring these animals home, there are other effects that dogs and cats have on us that you may be unaware of, that can profoundly change a person’s life. An organization, called, Mutual Rescue, shares compelling, true stories through short films and a book that demonstrate that when people adopt animals, their own lives can be dramatically transformed in positive and often unexpected ways. Carol Novello, the founder of Mutual Rescue, a national initiative of Humane Society Silicon Valley and the author of the book, with the same name, is on the show today and will share a few of these engaging stories.

    Finally, in the last segment, I’ll tell you another Creature Feature, a short amusing true story about animals – this one is about a dog that got in trouble with a librarian.

    Additional Resources for the show.

    You can hear the segment about why adult dogs physically correct puppies on Episode 68 here.

    Mutual Rescue’s website.

    How to order the book, Mutual Rescue: How Adopting a Homeless Animal Can Save You, too” by Carol Novello with Ginny Graves.

    Source for the story about Wofford the dog. “Amazing But True Dog Tales,” by Bruce Nash and Allan Zullo, compiled by Muriel MacFarlane.

  • I’m starting a new segment, called Creature Feature, remarkable, funny, or heartwarming short tales es about animals. Here’s the first creature feature, “Sometimes, wishes come true in the funniest of ways.”

    Do you feel like you get unconditional love from your dog? Do you ever wonder why it is that they do love us so much? Science is revealing now, how dogs are positively affected by us. My guest today, is Dr. Clive Wynne, the director of the Canine Science Collaboratory at Arizona State University and the author of the book, “Dog is Love, Why and How Your Dog Loves You.” He’s here to tell you about some of these fabulous discoveries being made into the minds and hearts of dogs.

    Have you ever seen your cat do this? Suddenly it starts running at top speed around the house, a somewhat crazed look on their face, leaping on and off furniture in their path, tearing up and down staircases, dashing around the rooms as if the very devil was chasing them? This behavior is fairly common for inside cats, and there is a specific reason this happens. I’ll explain what it is and what to do so your cat does not get so crazed at times.

    Additional Resources for the Show.

    Dr. Clive Wynne’s at Canine Science Collaboratory.

    Clive Wynne’s website.

    How to order “Dog is Love, Why and How Your Dog Loves You” by Clive D.L. Wynne, PhD.

    Source for the story about cat zoomies: “Why Does My Cat Do That”? By Catherine Davidson.