Alhamdulillah Robbil Alamin. And now we come to the end of this year's Ramadan. It's been an incredible journey of faith. Here's praying that all goodness, bounties and our forthrightness remain long its departure. Aamiin.
The gentlest and the most blessed of all soul, Muhammad ibn Abdullah. May Allah be pleased him, and us and May He fill our heart with His love and the ove for His Prophet Muhammad Al-Mustapha (SAW). Aamiin
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In places and states are the orphans, the weary, the tired and the scared ones who are our brothers and sisters. Please remember them in your Dua. Pray for their safety as much as their victory against their enemies seen and unseen. We pray Allah answers our collective Dua on their behalf and make easy all our affairs. Aamiin.
Our faith in Allah works when we work especially when we request from Allah, things that truly matter to us. It is important that we work our dua with striving for goodness and striving in righteousness to those around us. May Allah be pleased with our work, our dua and our soul and may He bless us more than we have requested. Aamiin.
Success to many has to be tangible and may mean different things. For you Dear Young Muslim Soul, it is knowing that Allah will always meet you at the point of your needs as many times as you call upon Him, trust Him and hold onto His words with goodness. An Enduring Success lasts you through the storm and beyond the brightness. It stays with you always. And that is Allah's mercy. Al Falāh.
Waiting can be tough. But it is important that part of our khushoo' (focusing on only Allah) is trusting the timing of the manifestation of our dua. May Allah grant us patience to wait soulfully and wholeheartedly with Him as grants all the dua that will be great for us in this world and in the hereafter. Aamiin.
Sometimes, we don't have the exact words to convey our yearnings. Even when we know, Our Lord already knows what we want. That struggle to put our wants into words can be painful. Here's letting you know that even Silence can be your dua just as the Cave of Hira was a safe space for our Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Our Lord hears your silence just as loudly as though you've spoken. May you always find your Silence Soulful and Love-filled with your Lord. Aamiin.
In His Presence, know that He is as you want Him to be. Friend, Confidant, Beloved and Loving, Benefactor and Forgiving. So, ask Him all. Ask Him whole. He already knows, you just have to trust Him.
Begin your dua with the knowledge that You are not insignificant. You are worthy of being heard. Know that every whisper and utter that you make in seeking the goodness of Allah will be granted to you with belief, trust, Certainty with which you make them. May Allah grant each and every request you make in the manners that will make you pleased with your Lord. Aamiin.
There are duas and there are intentional Duas. This Ramadan, take special care to mention your Parents to Allah with a heart full gratitude and emotion for every sacrifice they keep making to see you thrive in this world. May Allah honour our Parents and grant them best of this life and there hereafter. Aamiin.
The last 10 days and nights of Ramadan. The best 10 days and nights where all dua are manifested. Where all our hopes are revitalized. Where all goodness are bestowed in manifolds upon manifolds that transforms generation to generation in greatness. May Allah hear our pleas, Forgive our errors and manifest goodness upon and all we hold dear, aamiin.
To think of Allah in the Grandness deserving of HIS Grace means knowing Allah can, will forgive us wholesomely when we wholeheartedly seek HIM the way He deserves to be sought. May Allah bless us with His Masterful Forgiveness the entire period left of this Ramadan. Aamiin.
Sometimes, saying sorry isn't enough. Not for you and not for those you may have hurt. Still, Allah mends all relationships. Ask Him for guidance and never give up on yourself that you can be better. You will be better. May Allah mend our broken relationships in good, for good. Aamiin.
There are feelings we feel with no knowledge of why or how to settle them. Seeking Allah's Forgiveness in this period is very important to help reconnect our soul to Allah's path. Forgiveness isn't just for the sins we are sure of but also the Feelings we are bewildered by.
The Closer they are to us, the more painful it is to have them hurt us. It doesn't make it easy to forgive but we can try to see the person beyond the action and pray to Allah to make the process easier for us. Aamiin.
When give or do good deeds, we undoubtedly create a ripple effect of goodness all around. And Allah Has promised goodness, forgiveness, and rewards for those who do good. Doing good deeds are fantastic ways of seeking Forgiveness from our Lord. May Allah continue to forgive us and bless us with those deeds that are pleasing to Him. Aamiin.
There are moments we think only gratitude and blessings can fill. However, there are spaces only asking for Forgiveness can make better, fuller, dearer. Asking Allah for Forgiveness is as important as our breathing. For only He knows that which we conceal or make obvious. May Allah fill our hearts with His mercy as we seek earnestly, His Forgiveness. Aamiin.
When we forgive past hurts, we may find ourselves feeling a sort of pain when triggered by a similar action or even the person. Know that this path is only for the Patient. The beauty of forgiving is only found at the end of when we need it too...and sooner or later, we do. May Allah ta'ala always find us patient and forgiving. Aamiin.
Forgiveness with and from humans is one of the most delicate matters of living. It's hard to seek it and harder still to have to wait or not get it at all. Yet, only Allah pardons fully without withholding. So, seek Forgiveness patiently and give it even more swiftly. May Allah forgive us all, in totality. Aamiin.
It is hard to forgive when we hurt. And it takes time. Yet it is possible and undeniably the best way to heal from the hurt. Knowing that we are not flawless is the beginning. Appreciating that we will all return to Him is the closure. And we pray that our Lord is more merciful to us than we could ever be to His creations. Aamiin.
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