
  • The shipping industry is trying to find the best solution to tackle emissions. What if the solution comes from something invented thousands of years ago?

    Our guest today is George Thompson, the CEO and founder of GT Wings (, a UK-based startup, developer and inventor of the AirWings, a wind propulsion system designed to achieve up to 30% in fuel savings and emission reductions.

    For thousands of years, humans have harnessed the power of the wind to navigate the oceans. Ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, Phoenicians, and Babylonians were among the pioneers of this technology, using sails to explore new lands, trade goods, and connect cultures across the seas.

    As we face the challenges of climate change and seek sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels, wind propulsion is experiencing a renaissance. New technologies are emerging, combining the ancient art of sailing with cutting-edge innovations to create more efficient and environmentally friendly shipping solutions.

    The episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    For more information, check:

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  • In this episode of Raw Green, Francesco De Lieto sat down with Ing. Pellegrino Guerriero, engineering project manager of The MED Wind project in Italy, ( developed by Renexia Group ( , the largest floating wind farm project in the world and a significant potential source of electricity for the country.

    Developing floating wind farm projects poses challenges at every step, requiring a pioneering spirit, innovative thinking, and a great team.

    With Pellegrino we will discuss about what it takes to develop a project of that scale, which involves among other things, extensive surveys, environmental impact assessments, and collaboration with various stakeholders. The project takes into account also what is outside the mere energy production including measures to protect marine life, such as using black blades to prevent bird collisions, sensors to track marine life and creating a foundation to involve fishermen in the project.

    The episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    For more information, check:






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  • Are electric buses better than hydrogen ones?

    In this episode of Raw Green, Francesco De Lieto sat down with Wolfram Sparber and Gianluca Grazieschi from EURAC Research ( about their research, a LCA comparing hydrogen, electric and internal combustion public transportation buses in the province of Bolzano, Italy.

    The discussion extends to the challenges and opportunities of transitioning to sustainable transportation, including the need for infrastructure, maintenance considerations, and the potential economic benefits.

    Plus, what are the countries in Europe where the adoption rate of sustainable public transportation is more advanced? And, should EU slow down on ESG (over)regulation and focus more on opportunities development?

    Listen to the full episode and here below some more material from Wolfram and Gianluca:

    The comparative LCA on Electric vs Hydrogen vs Diesel buses:

    Profiles and charging strategies for different EVs:

    The episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    For more information, check:






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  • Lab-grown meat, also known as cultivated meat, is a sustainable and ethical alternative to traditional animal agriculture. We discussed lab-grown meat with Dr. Elliot Swartz from the The Good Food Institute ( a non-profit at the forefront of developing alternative protein technologies, including plant-based meats, fermentation-derived foods, and cultivated meat.

    One of the the biggest challenges in scaling up cultivated meat is reducing costs and making it affordable for consumers. While some companies have received regulatory approval for their products, large-scale production and availability in supermarkets are still a few years away.

    Plus, how are conventional meat producers interacting with this novel industry?

    Are we gonna have lab-grown seafood soon as well?

    Listen to the full episode and here below some more material from Dr. Elliot:

    Cost of cultivated meat:

    The environmental impacts of cultivated meat:

    A Life Cycle Assessment done on cultivated meat:

    The episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    For more information, check:






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  • For the first episode of RAW GREEN about water, we are very happy to host Johanna Mattsson, the CEO of Nordaq (, a Sweden-based company that, since its inception, has helped avoiding the use of 5.7 billion water bottles.

    With Johanna we will discuss the environmental impacts of bottled water, Nordac's patented filtration system, and the barriers to the adoption of sustainable solutions, such as the price of plastic and political decisions.

    The episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    For more information, check:






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  • Today we discuss floating offshore wind energy generation. We host Gaia Brussa from the Politecnico di Milano, with her we will discuss the technology and the positive and negative environmental impacts, using assumptions on a 3 GW project in the South of Italy, currently in the permitting stage.

    For more information about Gaia's research:

    The episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    For more information, check:






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  • We know that vegetables or plant based foods have generally lower environmental impacts than animal meat.

    And all the "new" foods that are at different stages of R&D or commercialisation have the same promise: to have lower environmental impacts for every kilogram produced.

    What if we study the impacts from a targeted nutritional amount, rather than per kilogram of product?

    Would the novel or plant based foods still have lower impacts?

    Today we host Dr. Rachel Mazac, from the Stockholm Resilience Centre in Sweden ( She will help us to answer this questions that are part of one of her latest published research, a nutritional life cycle assessment of novel foods. (

    The episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    For more information, check:






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  • In this episode we discuss the concept of Agrivoltaics, which combines agriculture and solar energy production.

    FDL will host Theresa Krexner and Dr. Alexander Bauer, both from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna (, and discuss with them their research on the environmental impacts of different Agrivoltaic systems compared to mono-use of land.

    They find that Agrivoltaics can decrease environmental impacts and have potential benefits such as water retention, reduced wind speed, improved crop yields and increased modules efficiency. The study also explores the influence of module production location and energy density on environmental impacts.

    This episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    We recently launched our outsourced Chief Sustainability Officer packages, powered by dedicated managers helping your company with ESG reporting (including Scope 1, 2 and 3), emission reduction strategies, at a fraction of the costs.

    For more information, contact us at [email protected] or check:






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  • In this episode of RAW GREEN we sat down with Dr. Alejandro Gallego-Schmid, from the University of Manchester. With him we will discuss his research on conventional take-away containers vs reusable ones.

    What if the reusable option has higher environmental impacts than the single-use ones?

    Not only this, with Alejandro we will discuss circular economy, how policymakers can help pushing for a life cycle thinking approach, starting from the design of the products, and more.

    This episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    We recently launched our outsourced Chief Sustainability Officer packages, powered by dedicated managers helping your company with ESG reporting (including Scope 1, 2 and 3), emission reduction strategies, at a fraction of the costs.

    For more information, contact us at [email protected] or check:






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  • There are over 29 million abandoned or inactive oil and gas wells worldwide, many with severe leakage of harmful substances, damaging the environment and harming human health.

    Can we repurpose them into geothermal energy power plants?

    Dr. Jingyi Li research recently published ( studies the environmental impacts of repurposing oil and gas wells into geothermal power plants across their whole life cycle.

    This episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    We recently launched our outsourced Chief Sustainability Officer packages, powered by dedicated managers helping your company with ESG reporting (including Scope 1, 2 and 3), emission reduction strategies, at a fraction of the costs.

    For more information, contact us at [email protected] or check:






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  • Data centers play an indispensable role in our daily lives. From streaming videos to managing our finances, these technological hubs are the silent engines powering our interconnected world.

    In this episode we sat down with Jon Clark, Data Centre Sustainability Lead at Deerns (

    We will discuss data centres efficiency, the impact of renewables and also AI, trying to understand if it will bring more benefits or damages.

    This episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    We recently launched our outsourced Chief Sustainability Officer packages, powered by dedicated managers helping your company with ESG reporting (including Scope 1, 2 and 3), emission reduction strategies, at a fraction of the costs.

    For more information, contact us at [email protected] or check:






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  • Today we talk about sustainability in real estate with the veteran investor Chungha Cha, board member at Koramco ( and co-founder of Reimagining Cities Foundation (

    Only 15% of listed real estate companies worldwide have emission reduction targets, even though the real estate market contributes for 39% of global GHG emissions between materials and building operations.

    Why is this the case? Isn't an efficient and sustainable property inherently more valuable?

    Listen to the episode to find out more!

    This episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    We recently launched our outsourced Chief Sustainability Officer packages, powered by dedicated managers helping your company with ESG reporting (including Scope 1, 2 and 3), emission reduction strategies, at a fraction of the costs.

    For more information, contact us at [email protected] or check:






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  • In the ninth episode of the RAW GREEN Podcast, we welcome Adam Wright from Measurable Energy (

    We will discuss the energy efficiency market, projected to be worth 1.8 trillion USD by 2030, and the importance of incentivizing it more to increase adoption.

    Additionally, we will talk about Energy Savings Companies (ESCO) and smart sockets, where Adam shares a project example where an incredible 89% reduction in energy use was achieved.

    The episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    We recently launched our outsourced Chief Sustainability Officer packages, powered by dedicated managers helping your company with ESG reporting (including Scope 1, 2 and 3), emission reduction strategies, at a fraction of the costs.

    For more information, contact us at [email protected] or check:






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  • Today we sat down with Martin Kettlewell, co-founder of PureFuel (, a recruiting agency specialised in sustainability and ESG recruitment based in London and Dubai.

    The conversation explores the growing demand for sustainability professionals, the difficulty in finding ESG reporting and data professionals along with the need for retraining the workforce from industries such as the oil and gas.

    The episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    We recently launched our outsourced Chief Sustainability Officer packages, powered by dedicated managers helping your company with ESG reporting (including Scope 1, 2 and 3), emission reduction strategies, at a fraction of the costs.

    For more information, contact us at [email protected] or check:






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  • In this episode of Raw Green, Jessica Fong, the CEO and founder of Common Farms (, discusses the potential of vertical farming to revolutionise the food industry and combat climate change. The conversation highlights the challenges and costs associated with vertical farming, including high capital expenditure and operating costs.

    She also discusses the potential for diversification and tailored solutions in vertical farming, as well as the future of the industry, sharing insights on investor appetite for vertical farming and the future plans for Common Farms.

    The episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    For more information, check:






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  • Today, we welcome Dan Botterill, the CEO and founder of RIO (⁠⁠), a platform dedicated to sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) practices, helping companies in measuring and analyzing their carbon footprint.

    In our conversation, we discuss the intricacies and challenges associated with ESG requirements and reporting.

    We underscore the diversity in ESG standards and tools, creating a landscape where companies find it challenging to compare andtrust the data.

    Moreover, the complexity extends to the selection of ESG software, where companies face difficulty in choosing the right platform due to the wide range of pricing options. Some platforms are unreasonably expensive, while others may be surprisingly cheap, adding an additional layer of complexity to thedecision-making process.

    The episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    For more information, check:






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  • A serial entrepreneur and founder of the accounting firm Monx ( as well as the Kapuhala resorts ( and,

    Stefano discusses with FDL his career journey, the importance of finding purpose, learning from failure, and the impact of AI on traditional professions.

    The conversation is unfiltered and touches on topics such as embracing meditation as a tool to optimize cognitive functions and achieve superhuman performance, the addiction of daily physical exercise for an entrepreneur, giving the "legally high" feeling, and more.

    The episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    For more information, check:






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  • In this episode, FDL discusses the importance of understanding the genuine environmental impacts of products and the need to move beyond surface-level sustainability claims.

    The guest, Dr. Shauhrat Chopra from City University in Hong Kong, explains the concept of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and its role in quantifying the environmental impacts of products, processes, and services. They discuss the various environmental impacts studied in LCA, including air quality, toxicity, ozone depletion, eutrophication, and acidification. The guest highlights the recent EU legislation against misleading environmental credentials and the role of LCA in ensuring transparency. They discuss the potential for LCA to inform marketing claims and the need for marketing departments to upskill in life cycle thinking.

    The episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    For more information, check:






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  • In this conversation, Mr. José Sivera, CTO of PrimLab (, discusses CO2 Pure, a compound developed by PrimLab that can adsorb and eliminate carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds. The compound works through a combination of metallic oxides, attracting pollutants and converting them into unharmful materials. CO2 Pure can be applied to various surfaces, such as paints, concrete, plastics, textiles, and more.

    During the conversation with FDL, José discusses also the other products at different stages of R&D that are coming out from PrimLab, such as one able to extend the shelf life of fresh food and another able to eliminate heavy metals from crops.

    The episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    For more information, check:






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  • Martin Zhu, co-founder of i2cool ( ), discusses with FDL the development and application of their passive radiative cooling technology. The technology, inspired by silver ants in the Sahara Desert, uses special materials in building envelopes to reduce cooling loads and energy consumption. By reflecting sunlight, the technology can significantly reduce surface and indoor temperatures ( .

    Martin shares the potential applications of the technology in various industries, including buildings, logistics, and EVs. He also highlights the importance of government support and incentives in promoting the adoption of energy-efficient technologies.

    The episode is produced and sponsored by OBE, a sustainability consultancy firm specialised in Life Cycle Assessment and decarbonisation strategies.

    For more information, check:

    See you at the next episode.
