
  • If you asked most agents why they got into real estate there tends to be one answer that is most common. They got into real estate because of the limitless earning potential and pay that reflects efforts, knowledge, networking, and some luck, not just an hourly wage. Knowing this it is easy to understand that agents are often money driven.

    Once a real estate agent gets past the honeymoon stage of becoming an agent they start to notice the work needed to succeed. It is then that they realize the limitless earning potential means you must have a relentless drive. That is why I made this episode to help agents find that inner fire. I want them to know that it is all about the clients and the Benjamins come as a biproduct.

    We must remember our clients feeling on our pay. Oftentimes clients are confused by commissions and how it is earned because they reflect back to their job where they produce an hourly wage. It is our job to show them examples and make them an example of how we get them more money, reduce stress, and successfully move their entire lives all while being a great mentor and guide. Make sure to take the time to learn to explain this to them in detail. Tune in today.

  • When it comes to real estate there are a million ways to build a business. This week we focus on the one thing every agent needs to be doing. Real estate agents need to be constantly communicating with the sphere of influence in order to build a healthy business. This means every real estate agent needs to have a clear, concise, and organized contact list.

    It is easy to meet new leads. It is easy to think your friends and family will use you. But the real question is will they? With so many contacts coming and going in real estate it is important to have a place to properly organize and store them. Most agents use a CRM software to help them make this task easy and efficient.

    Choosing not to organize and obsess over your contacts is a setup for failure. Chasing each and every lead that comes in only to drop them when after closing is not going to build a referral based business. The more you work to be a great communicator and keep in touch with your contacts the more you will see the positive effects. Listen today and put the tips to action.

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  • This week I am kicking it old school and talking about personal brands. When thinking about getting into the real estate business it is easy to be confused that by joining A big brand you will win. The truth is each agent at a brokerage really needs to create their own personal brand. How would you define your brand?

    Tune in to learn more about making career forward choices. Choosing a brand that represents your personal brand goals is the best choice when picking a brokerage. If you like being an individual, personal touch, and attention to detail then a boutique brokerage is best for you. Understanding your end goal helps you understand what you need to do to get there.

    Remember with all the hype about online that the real world exists. Personal branding is more than just what you display on a well curated social page. A personal brand is who, what, and how people think when they see you. Make sure the real you and your personal brand match so it is a natural transition from friend to client.

  • With all the new focus on the NAR settlement I think a lot of agents are forgetting what to say on a first showing. In this episode I make it clear the things you need to start saying to create lasting relationships. Rushing right into the professional hat versus the trusted advisor and mentor spot could get you in trouble.

    While out your first showing it is important to get to know the person. Using F.O.R.D (Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Dreams) is a good way to learn about someone and build a relationship. These things are great for opening people up. Remember while it is the rules that we get the contract signed no one has told us how to get there. Building relationships gets the contract signed.

    When meeting new people it is important to remember that the goal and the way the process will work is set by the client. Learn to rise to their expectations and follow their boundaries. Many agents confuse who is buying the house. They give their own opinions. They change the clients thoughts. They do not ask and then let the client decide their own needs.

    Acting normal may seem like a clear solution to meeting with new people but for some people it is not. Strangely enough people tend to change who they normally are when meeting new people which can give off an uneasy vibe. By acting as a friend and normal the client will be more open to helping you understand their goals.

    With all this new contract stuff let's stay focused. The name of the game is to become known, liked, and trusted. With the NAR settlement it now made us need to accomplish this faster than ever. Follow these guidelines to get there.

  • Now that we are past the settlement lots of agents wonder who is going to pay them. There are three different ways a buyer's agent can get paid. The buyer, seller, or cobroker pays a portion or all of the commission. It is important to understand before moving forward how it is going to work.

    In this week's episode we cover all the ins and outs of navigating your commissions. Some brokerages have decided to shy away from cooperating compensation. Others have gone with the paperwork and guidance of NAR and have continued to offer cooperating compensation. It truly is a confusing subject.

    When it comes to the buyer paying commissions it is important to speak with the lender. Understanding the financial side and what the buyer is capable of paying is crucial to a smooth closing after a successful relationship. Failure to do this can and will lead to big issues. Tune in today and learn more.

  • In this week's episode we talk all about getting paid in real estate. With The NAR Settlement now in place many buyer's agents are still confused on how they get paid. Each transaction is going to need to be looked at to figure out if there will be a seller's commission directly, cooperating compensation, or the buyer paying directly. That means now more than ever we need to understand the process.

    Understand the dos and don'ts makes all the difference. With the buyer paying directly, many agents have asked if it can be wrapped into the loan using the seller's concession. The answer is no, but seller's concession can be used to pay other closing costs and prepaids clearing up cash flow to pay commissions. Speaking with a lender is always a great idea.

    As a standard it is always important to work under contract. Before ever showing homes it is important that your client understands the commissions and any amount they could be subject to paying. Negotiating the commissions via the contract to purchase will more than likely be the way the commission is handled most times. Learn to do all this and you are going to be successful as a buyer's agent from here forward.

  • With the NAR Settlement changes about to roll out a lot of real estate agents are wondering what next? It has some even wondering if buyer's agents will even exist moving forward. In today's episode we explore this whole idea. I give you my insight on the changes and challenges ahead.

    I talk about how a savvy buyer is going to understand that a real estate transaction is the most expensive and complex transaction in their life. They will continue to make the educated decision to engage a buyer's agent to protect their interests. I compare this to what has happened over time. It is really interesting to watches these changes ahead.

    The idea of a seller offering a reward for someone to bring a buyer has gone on in sales for as long as man has existed. Even after this settlement it will still be adventitious for sellers to continue to offer a reward to a buyer's agent who brings a ready, willing, and able buyer. Selling something for hundreds of thousands if not millions is not easy. This is not something that will easily change. As long as it does not become illegal I think the practice off incentivizing the sale will always favor the seller.

    Tune in today and share your thoughts in our Facebook Group.

  • In this week's episode we talk about how in real estate we rely on our body. It is our number one tool we need to work every day. Spending so much time in your car can lead to tightness and loss of mobility. As a real estate professional it is important to take time to strengthen and stretch your body.

    There are lots of risks to our job. Meeting new people all the time means you will be exposed to more germs and the possibility of getting sick. Keeping your body healthy helps you avoid down time in your business and keeps you earning commissions. Sticking to this mindset will make sure you are ready to show up everyday.

    Being aware of all this helps you make better decisions. Make sure to take time out of each day to focus on your mind and body. Yoga, Pilates, barre, CrossFit, weight lifting, running, meditation, etc. are all great ways to keep your mind and body ready for real estate. Keeping your body ready keeps you ready to win. Tune in today and find out more.

  • This week I wanted to focus on getting into real estate as an agent with the NAR settlement going on. With the NAR settlement about to come into effect people are wondering “Is now a bad time to get into real estate?”. The truth is coming into the industry now you will have known no different and can learn to operate in this new environment. This will give a level playing field for everyone and may even prove more challenging for existing agents to learn to pivot their business model.

    While no one knows what exactly will happen post settlement there is one thing we know. When spending hundreds or thousands if not millions of dollars people will still want a professional's guidance and help navigating their way SAFELY through the transaction. Find the right people who value your services and look to continue to find ways to add value for them. This will ensure you have a sound business moving forward.

    Over the past decade real estate has sorted its way to having a buyers agent and a sellers agent. I believe this may change, the roles may change, the pay may change, and much more but the industry will still exist and be a great career choice. Learn to thrive in this open playing field. This is a brand new opportunity to grab large market share while others are figuring out what to do.

    Tune in this week and learn more.

  • In this week's episode we go over everything to do with USPs from what they are to how to form one. It is an in depth dive into a topic that can immediately have an effect on your business. Tune in today and find out what you can do to get your message out.

    In a world where everyone knows a real estate agent how do you stand out? Take some time to create your USP and then spread the word. People work with agents they know, like, and trust. Figure out ways to convey the message of trust through your USP.

    A unique sales proposition tells a potential consumer how you are different from your competitors. It must be a key component in your marketing and sales scripts. Remember every real estate agent says the same thing. They all say they sell the home fast. They all talk about their availability. Agents brag about their communication skills. At the end of the day tell people how you are different and how it helps them reach their goals.

    Creating a USP may seem daunting to create but slow down and think. What is it that you do exceptionally and differently than everyone else that adds value to your client experience? Take time to read your reviews and understand what people like. Then take what you want people to feel when working with you. Do they match? If not there is work to be done.

    Get your USP in line today!

  • In this week's episode we prepare you to meet with clients. It is not just about the first meeting it is all about getting into a contract. Short of a payday signing contract is the best day in real estate.

    To find success in real estate you must learn to present contracts to clients in a manner that instills trust and clearly shows value. Make sure when presenting to be clear and confident in your delivery. Failure to do so will lead to less contracts being signed. In a game where it is so hard to get a lead, do not mess up after finding one.

    Words and body language mean everything when it comes to getting the contract signed. Weakness can be expressed through the eyes, words, and actions of a Realtor® . Remember that people like to work with people they know, like and trust. Get to know your client, relate with your client, and work to build rapport with your client. This is a time where time investment goes a long way.

    Find someone you trust who will role play the contract review with you. It is better to stumble and change things when reviewing with a friend than it is on the big day when getting the contract signed matters. This little bit of practice can go a long way. If you are nervous to do this, that is ok and normal. Practice till you are no longer feeling nervous or silly explaining it.

    Putting these simple actions into place will solidify your success as a real estate agent.

  • In this week's episode we cover three fundamentals that all agents need to have. No matter the market no matter the agent there are three simple musts that can grow your business. We focus on all three in depth letting you know how to implement them.

    The first important item is understanding the job. After obtaining your license you have now learned how to pass a test. It is now time to learn and understand the contracts so you can effectively present them to potential client's. When it comes to spending 100's of thousands if not millions people want o feel confident in your contract writing.

    Next thing we focus on is you! Your mom may have told you that you are special. I am here to say you are not. Do not assume because you got licensed people will call. You need to put in the initiative to consistently remind your sphere and add value. Nothing in life comes easy. Especially home buyers and home sellers. In order to land listings and buyers you need to put yourself out there.

    Lastly we go over the client relationship. Communication is not a skill, it is a way of life. Good communication Is the key to successful long term relationships in real estate. People need to know what is going on when they are working with you. Do not leave it to them to need to reach out to you. Constant communication is a way to every clients heart.

    If you put these three items to practice you will see immediate results in your real estate business.

  • As a real estate agent we need to be marketing experts. Without leads we have no business. We could be the best negotiator in the world but in front of no prospects would not find success. Understanding marketing comes down to some simple things we cover in this week's episode.

    Knowing who you are targeting is the first step to running a great marketing campaign. This will allow you to figure out the best placement to land in front of the right people. There are so many channels out there that failing to know which one leads to a huge waste of money.

    Understand what they are trying to obtain. Is it an accepted offer, is it to sell for the most money, is it a fast sale. Understanding and conveying it in your marketing will directly speak to the client. Not identifying with the client's needs is a failure to connect.

    Figure out ways to convey the “Why” they will obtain by working with you. Solves issues like “receive an accepted offer by working with an agent who understands how to win a bidding war just like my clients you see here”. Once you can understand this you can then truly help. Anything short of that is just hoping to get it right.

  • Have you taken time to really understand yourself? This podcast episode I go over how important looking at yourself really is to finding success. I spend some time talking about my own journey and my own issues. It is amazing how in such a big world with billions of people we can feel so alone in our own issues.

    Finding success no longer needs to be a challenge. Learn to follow the simple instructions I give when it comes to controlling your thoughts. It is never easy to control our minds but when we really stop and think about it we can achieve great things.

    Real estate is a game of trial and error. Do not allow yourself to be paralyzed by the ups and downs. Tune in this week and start finding more success in life.

  • Failing to guide your clients to success leads to a stressful real estate transaction. Remember no matter how many homes you have bought or sold it is almost always new to the client or the first time in a while they have done the process.

    As a real estate professional it is your job to mentor and guide your clients on the process. Failing to do so leads to them not knowing what to do next. This means they are nervous and stressed. Explaining what to expect and when to expect it is a big part of our job.

    The summer heat kicks up the stress level for most people. When it comes to being uncomfortable physically it makes people uncomfortable mentally. Bring cold water and snacks to keep your clients hydrated and happy. Thinking of the clients first will ensure that they have a great experience.

    In this week’s episode we prepare you for everything you need to know to reduce the stress of a transaction. Make sure no matter how much experience you have that you remember the client is often new to this or it has been a while. Even experienced clients still need proper guidance.

    Tune in today and have a stress free summer.

  • No matter the industry you are in, technology is something you must take into consideration. Real estate is an industry where large amounts of money are spent into technology. Some of it for good and some of it just wasted money. In today's episode we review what to think about first when buying into technology.

    The truth is with technology in real estate it starts with the brokerage you choose to join. What tech do they offer? How will you use your current real estate brokerage's technology to build your business and save you money. Find the place that offers you the best technology for your goals in real estate.

    We go over how important it is to look at what your tech offers. Many times with product features one solution can solve many problems. Do not get caught up in one off uses that stack up at only $$$ per month. Having good habits when looking at technology spending is good practice.

    With all this to think about we also talk about some products that you should have in your business. Tune in today and find out what you should be doing technology wise this year.

  • When it comes to real estate it is not a new idea to follow up and follow through. That said it is one that challenges a lot of new agents. Feeling self worth and adding value are the keys to understanding why you follow up. Understanding without you people are not going to find the same success makes it easier for you to really push working with you.

    Follow up is something that all top real estate agents use to find more home buyers and home sellers. They get a lead and only accept one of two answers. Yes or no are the only two ways out of their lead follow up. Yes and they are a client and it is time to follow through. No and they set free your time to move on to the next need to follow up with.

    Follow through is just as important as the follow up. Making promises and keeping them is crucial in building the relationship. Make sure to always work to have your next call back and reason for contact. Help get info on listings, do recon on buyers, teach the market, and anything else you can do to help your clients win. Follow through is one of the biggest keys to more closings.

    Listen to this week's episode and start closing more deals right away.

  • When it comes to turning clients into leads there is no single item more important than acting normal. When meeting with new people it is normal for humans to feel a bit nervous. As industry professionals this is our time to shine. We must work to make the client feel confident and comfortable working with us.

    Remember when choosing an agent people look for a professional who is a leader. Being a leader means making decisions and guiding people towards their goals. Do not spend so much time worrying about being everyone's friend. Spend more time honing your craft so your clients can see what a astute professional you really are.

    Find common ground with your clients for ways to build more trust. People love to talk about themselves so make sure to ask questions that allow your clients to do this. It will help you bond and also do your job finding them the perfect place to call home. The better we understand our clients and there needs the more we can help.

    Tune in today and close more deals right away. This proven method works both for home buyers and home sellers so keep practicing it and grow your business.

  • As a real estate agent the difference in getting your clients the house or not in a bidding war is also the difference in being paid or not. In this episode I go over three ideas to help your clients offer get accepted. While it is easy to advise a client to offer more money and beat everyone on the purchase price, sometimes it comes down to the details.

    One idea we go over is the closing date. Oftentimes the closing date has a lot to do with a seller's ability to sell and move smoothly. While not optimal some times for the buyer this is a way to improve the offering to the seller. This may allow them to finish out a job or a school year in the home you want. Allowing things like this are a huge perk to sellers.

    Another place where we can gain an edge is a great pre approval. Better yet why not get a fully underwritten pre approval so you are almost as good as cash. Remember your pre approval will be judged so make sure it is as clean as possible. Having the lender reach out is just one more way to show it is a great offer.

    Lastly we talk about deposits. Often confused with down payments, deposits are often neglected. While a deposit may be money at risk if your buyer intends to keep their word the risk is minimal. The seller's sole remedy for the buyer walking in most cases is this deposit. Putting enough money on the line that the seller can feel confident your buyer will not walk away but if they did there is a good amount of money to cover the damages.

  • In a world where we often meet people from online profiles have become a thing that acts as a first meeting. Similar to your mom telling you to be careful what you wear going out in public I now say be careful what you write. Oftentimes these profile visits tell the buyer whether they would like to work with you or not. Now the real question is what does Google say about you?

    In this week's episode I go over the ins and outs of the to do and not to do aspects of a profile. I talk a lot about things that can help you build early relationships with clients. I spend some time going over F.R.O.G. or F.O.R.D. and its importance in choosing a topic.

    I am a firm believer in freedom of speech and freedom of expression but I do cover some issues that can arise. Remember in business it is about attracting clients and helping service them all equally. While not every client is going to be a good fit for your business you may be surprised by how many are with a great profile. Tune in today and start attracting more online attention.