
  • In the last week more details of Sean 'P Diddy' Combs' arrest and property raids have come to the light. Combs is to be charged with sex trafficking, multiple counts of sexual violence, and other serious offences. We discuss the Epstein-like aspects of the case, how men with enormous wealth, power, and influence, can create sexual economies of exploitation, access, and resource distribution in service of their own personal fiefdoms. Plus, the various rumours around the blackmail ring created by Combs and how this was all started by pop singer Cassie's lawsuit against him for various assaults. We also consider how privacy is becoming the number one value and luxury in our technological age, Ted Kaczynski's manifesto, and the loneliness of celebrity.

  • We contrast drag queen's humiliation of women with the unwillingness to humiliate men on similarly dark terms, using the examples of rap battling and drag kings. We also examine drag subculture as fuelled by sexual jealousy, with contempt and resentment towards women at the motivational heart of why gay men want to do drag queen performances in the first place. Plus, drag kings as banal cringe, the over-reliance on sexual humour in LGBT culture, the problem of what to do for gay rights nowadays from a third sector perspective, the great Mr Meno, LGBTQ+ politics as a strange mix of hyper-sexualisation and infantilism, and the way gay men sometimes use women in a similar way to how straight men do.

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  • We discuss transgenderism as a subculture embraced by the bourgeois classes a decade ago, but more recently filtering down to the working-class and lumpen. This is how culture often works, the dominant classes introduce cultural forms or alternative lifestyles, but dispense with them once those forms become popularised. We make a distinction between how transgenderism operates for the elites, as a kind of currency and status signalling, whereas for the lower working-class and lumpen, it functions as a means of justifying their separation from social norms and, for some young women, as a cry help. Plus, Elliot Page and Mae Martin, Emo, and the Victorian trope of women living relatively bed bound due to 'nerves'.

  • Most women are not into ‘kink’, nowhere near the scale of men, so why do some claim to be? We discuss kink as a vocation for the 'low value' within the sexual marketplace, how liberal feminism successfully propagandised the idea that female sexuality is overall similar to male sexuality overall, and how being in receipt of another person's desire isn't novel. We also challenge the popular understanding that sexuality is an island away from the rest of your life. Plus, we discuss the absurd ‘lesbian prostitution’ film Concussion, consider why it is that demonising sexual contact entirely leads to later sexual dysfunction, and how denial / repression generally leads to psychosexual problems and psychosomatic illnesses.

  • The Tate brothers are facing charges of human trafficking, the trafficking of a minor, and running a criminal organisation in Romania, centered around their digital pimping of women to e-johns online. We discuss the latest news on the impending trial of the Tate's and explore the psychology behind Andrew Tate (the older more famous brother) who has groomed girls across continents via the internet, and lives his life in an openly sadistic, predatory manner. The episode also includes the definition of narcissism, the norms of prostitution, the Tate brother’s 'baby mamas' both as victims and perpetrators, and the showdown between the Trad Right vs. the Porno Right. Plus, Hannah’s fears for Generation Alpha, Candace Owens and antisemitism, and the three key specific elements that constitute human trafficking.

  • Is the GC Movement over in the UK and what will happen to it elsewhere? Are the divisions that have become more prominent due to a series of victories? Who counts as GC? Have we really won? And to what degree? We also discuss the characteristics of structurelessness, how the internet is where politics is transmitted today, but the confidence building of real life organising cannot be matched, and the conundrum of, if someone doesn't want to join a movement with conservatives, why join a movement with conservatives? Plus, the meaninglessness of land acknowledgments, that the term far-right means fascist, and how making politics bearable means also having the courage to be misunderstood.

  • Rachel Gunn, a 36-year-old academic with a Cultural Studies PhD in breakdancing, competed at the 2024 Olympics in Paris, resulting in much confusion and amusement caused by her comically poor performance. How did 'Raygun' get in the Olympics? Is it a stunt? Is she being bullied now by those lampooning her online? We discuss that saga and the conflation between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation, with examples. Plus, Hannah’s views on Australian men, insane British TV shows, anonymous marking and standardised testing, the concept of the 'dead Indian', and TRA notions that objectify and utopianise indigenous populations.

  • The media and internet has been in uproar about two XY intersex males competing in the women's boxing during the 2024 Olympics. We discuss the history of intersex males competing in women's sport at the Olympics, second-wave feminist Shulamith Firestone's understanding of racialised intrasexual competition and racial solidarity towards men as part of heterosexual competition, DEI, 'white feminism', women's rugby player Ilona Maher, and disqualified intersex athlete Caster Semenya. Plus, lesbophobia in boxing, moralism and moralising, continental philosophy vs. analytic philosophy, why the upper middle-class are often thick as lack knowledge from experience, liberals as conflict avoidant, and the U.K. utterly falling apart over the last few weeks.

  • Ballerina Farm are the Trad lifestyle family vloggers going viral after a Times interview revealed the 'farm wife' had given up ballet at Juilliard to begin having her first of eight children with her husband, who is heir to a billion dollar airline.
    We discuss the labour-intensive reality of farm work, the literal dirt involved in domestic labour that stays hidden, and how women’s time and labour is considered of less value to men’s. Plus, the cringe concept of ‘date night’, the nature of regret as forgoing rather than doing, opportunity as time-sensitive, men’s resentment online over women in cosy office jobs, rational choice theory, the perils of social media couple vlogging, lesbian’s fast pace of marriage and divorce, and British collective cynicism vs. American frontier individualism.

  • With one presidential candidate nearly assassinated and another dropping out of the race altogether, we review the meltdown of U.S politics over the last fortnight. We also discuss JD Vance’s comments about only having as many votes as you have children, Kamala Harris's margaritas with senior management vibes, and we give our prediction that CIA asset Pete Buttigieg will be the Democratic VP nominee. Plus, the wider context of flashy U.S politics upstaging dreary U.K. politics, the denial breaking around Joe Biden's health, and why we should not be surprised by the terrible conduct of our political leaders given our societies are ruled by its social scum.

  • Health Secretary Wes Streeting last week announced Labour will uphold the UK ban on puberty blockers. We discuss Wes's political history of taking flack from LGBT groups, explore why gender non-conforming kids might view puberty blockers as a barrier to the onslaught of demonisation that gender non-conformity elicits (beyond the usual reason of a Munchausen by Proxy parent enforcing a trans identity on a child). We also comment on the pure and total horror gender non-conforming lesbians often receive from feminine heterosexual women, who genuinely think we would be better off cosplaying as straight men (as they are of highest value in their eyes) and how their endorsement and promotion of transgenderism is partly a sop to their own hostility.

    For men and women invested in traditional gender norms, puberty blockers are understood as a hope for the future, where children who would likely grow up to by gay, are instead given the 'golden opportunity' of replicating the superior lives of those traditionalist heterosexuals who believe gender non-conformity to be a disease or medical problem to solve in the first place. The effect of 'transing' a child is also a message to other children about the absolute essentialism of gender. It sets up a pathologisation of all other gender non-conforming kids around the 'trans child', working as a political statement that seeks to ensure absolute conformity to gender norms, or risk being considered defective, and in need of urgent corrective medical intervention.

    We discuss examples of girls 'transitioned' in childhood who are bald and miserable by age 28, and women who have phalloplasties no longer being able to stand for more than 10 minutes at a time due to pain, or ride a bicycle as can’t grip the handlebars anymore. That true picture of cultural sadism, personal misery, and quasi-eugenics taking place through puberty blockers as the first step on the conveyer belt to the destruction of gay people's health and sexual function, often makes it hard to believe it can possibly be true. However, public awareness since the Cass Review combined with adults 'transed' as children documenting their heath disasters on social media, means no one can any longer claim ignorance when tribunals arrive.

  • We discuss the first week of Keir Starmer’s Prime Ministership, and how if we scratch what seems to be a social democratic measure, we find a neoliberal one. How lowball ambition will not change the United Kingdom’s housing crisis or stagnant economy, especially given we now have a lower GDP than the state of Mississippi. Who will the next Tory leader be? What will Labour do regarding Transgender ideology? Will there be any change to 47% of 3-child families living in poverty? We make our predictions and implore anyone who can't see a future here, to exit the UK for a better life, if possible, before it gets worse.

    Plus, what would a middle-class riot look like? How downwardly mobile do they have to be to care? The sibling rivalry of todays dating scene, the impending baby shortage, and our understanding of our era of neoliberal bureaucratic Borg rule as what Mark Fisher called ‘market Stalinism’.

  • The recent Trump vs. Biden televised debate has led to calls for President Joe Biden to be replaced ahead of the 2024 U.S Election later this year. In the first half of this episode, we discuss Joe Biden's political career, and in the latter half we cover the almost Shakespearean tragedy of his life course, from hawkish statesman who suffered tragedy upon tragedy in his personal life, ending up publicly humiliated on TV due to late stage dementia. We consider that why the average age of politicians is increasing might be due to younger generations distrust in institutions and politics? Plus, Biden as a quintessentially 20th century politician, whilst Trump a firmly 21st century figure, Howard Hughes as the real American hero, Biden as Junior Soprano, and Trump as the prototype of the gold rush modern-day cowboy of a lawless frontier.

  • It is just one week before the UK General Election is held on July 4th, tipped to be won by the Labour Party. We discuss Labour's relationship to Trans, the function of their 'two sides' rhetoric, and why Jeremy Corbyn given his own experiences should perhaps feel some sympathy towards gender critical feminists. Plus, the Left's radio silence over racist porn, transgenderism as a problem for women in the Global South, how people in politics excavate their personalities, Jewish philosopher Maimonides's view of lesbianism, the mythology of ‘white feminism’, the instrumentalisation of conversion therapy, and how the medical establishment have found in transgenderism a way to monetise autism. Also, who we are going to vote for, the groundhog day mistreatment of women on the Left by the Left, and Jen does a Keir Starmer impression!

  • We discuss the rightward political shift in Europe, reflected in both the recent EU election results, and the rise of Nigel Farage's Reform party in the UK this week. Jen gives her prediction that Marine Le Pen will win the French election, and explains why it is in part due to tactical errors of the Left. Plus, how Nigel Farage is pitching himself as the U.K. Trump, making voting Reform seem like a protest vote against the political establishment, in a way not totally dissimilar to Brexit. We put forward that due to the Global North not providing an alternative vision to the status-quo, many are looking to the political Right for change. Increasingly, this is within the context of globalisation vs anti-globalisation / nationalism replacing the traditional political Left / Right dichotomy.

    More widely, the disintegration of societal institutions has made the ‘outsiderism’ of Trotskyism, critical theory, and nerd Millennial culture, deeply unpopular. The backlash to the evaporation of social fabric is that being a ‘normie’ is becoming cool, and that it's a sign of superiority to have the hallmarks of social institutions like marriage and religion, given their cultural disavowal and decline. Japan has led the way ahead of us in terms of social trends, such as celibacy, and their housing crisis arriving before ours. Japan's political landscape is one where the younger generations are the most conservative, with older generations being more politically liberal or radical, a situation that is also likely our future.

  • The UK General Election is set for July 4th 2024 and we face the situation of Keir Starmer's Labour Party being to the right of the Tories on some questions, the peril of electing a Deputy PM in Angela Raynor who has previously supported obvious perverts, and almost zero incentive for young people to vote for either of the two main parties, given we could barely fit a wafer cracker between their policies. We discuss Labour's obsession with fudging issues by creating 'third ways' on topics, such as believing they can deliver both 'single sex spaces' and 'self-ID'. Plus, how Starmer's core base is the PMC, who he not only embodies and represents the interests of, but is of their class.

    The wider context of the PMC and their acolytes is that the working-class embarrass them. The PMC and middle-class consider themselves morally superior and more deserving to run things than the one person one vote General Election a liberal democracy allows for. The middle-class elements that orbit the PMC, typically aspiring to ascend to it, are actually workers in the sense that they sell their labour, so have to create moral constructs in order to separate themselves from the working-class, who disgust them. They do this day-to-day through having different habits of consumption, but they also pick political issues on which to perform outrage and perform empathy, such as Brexit, the war in Ukraine, or "smashing the gangs". This means they avoid having uncomfortable conversations about the realities of imperialism and global capital.

    The episode ends on the wider shift to the right across Europe (though it was recorded before yesterday's EU election results where the rightwing won big), the NHS, immigration, and private finance.

  • This episode discusses the baptism by fire that is female adolescence, and how if autism is added into that mix, Transgenderism starts to look like an available escape hatch for young girls who are socially non-conforming - one that has the additional bonus of alleviating the anxiety of surrounding adults. We discuss the psychoanalytic concept of 'psychic equivalence' in relation to autism, the difficulty of not understanding or being unwilling to follow feminine social scripts, and how a Trans identity can be a way to explain disinclination to socially conform and, vitally, perhaps be forgiven for it.

    The PMC and middle-classes, as fervently ideologically conforming due to their anxiety-provoking position sandwiched between the bourgeoisie and working-class, have no reasoning available to them as to why a child might not want to conform by adopting dominant norms and highly gendered social scripts, because they ultimately cannot fathom why anyone would not want to advance themselves wherever possible. Transgenderism provides not only an explanation, but affords the PMC and middle-class parents cover for their hostility towards anyone without their values, including their own offspring.

    Plus, the strangely sexualised marketing to adolescents of Playboy Bunny t-shirts and stationary, the bizarre measures adults take to groom adolescents into heterosexual social relations, and the very clear social messages of hatred and hostility gender non-conforming girls receive within the family and from the media.

  • This episode is on the contemporary far-Left's turn away from the working-class towards the lumpen proletariat - except in the case of criminalised lumpen women. We discuss how the far-Left has adopted 'pet' lumpen proletariat groups (mentally ill men who identify as women, male asylum seekers, male criminals, men who are too dysfunctional to work, etc.), but only in so far as to lionise the figure of the emasculated proletariat man as an archetype, never the downtrodden, financially precarious, often prostituted or criminalised lumpen woman. How is it that the objectives of the PMC have come to chime with this figure of the lumpen man? And that the revolutionary Left, once concerned with the working-class as the revolutionary class, has swapped for the goals of the PMC (the most dominated section of the dominant class), in combination with the interests of the lumpen man, making both central to their politics.

    We also discuss the little known modern Trotskyist understanding of political practice that creates disruption by fermenting social contradictions, and that out of this chaos rises the opportunity for a re-organisation of society once the status-quo is unstable and unsustainable, leading to the options of barbarism (fascism) or socialism. Previously it was understood that the structural contradictions of capitalism would inevitably at times throw up such opportunities, but today's pessimistic and demoralised vanguardist far-Left, beholden to postmodernism and post-structuralism, acts as an agent to create contradictions and unsustainable policies, as a matter of strategy. This notion of disruption as valuable is one way to understand the ludicrous irony of preaching safety on campuses and that misgendering kills, whilst being willing to re-traumatise and up the probability of rape against the most vulnerable adults in our society: women in prison. This leads us to a topsy-turvy moral world where thoughts are so harmful people need their livelihoods destroyed for 'thought crimes', but rape against women is so irrelevant and benign it is not worth mentioning.

    Plus, the roots of the concept of 'validation', Trans activists wanting life to be one continuous DBT session, prison abolition as a luxury belief, and how for those from the upper-crust of privilege disagreement feels injurious and hostile, because they've not witnessed or experienced anything worse and it undermines the vision fed to them of their entitlement to power. Hannah tells the story of confronting a man chasing a woman in a car and the total disinterest of the police once it was reported. And we wonder about how the collaboration between the PMC and TRAs, aided and abetted by the new postmodernism-afflicted radical Left, thought they could pull of the heist of the century: trading the rights of women and children in order to advance their own power.

  • Shay Woulahan joins RedFem this week, standing in as co-host for Jen (who is under the weather), to discuss where we are at in regard to defeating gender ideology. Are we returning to 'true trans'? Is Trans becoming cringe and uncool amongst Gen Alpha (young teenagers) as much as the internet suggests? We comment on the new historical revisionism by those who pushed Self-ID and claimed there was no such thing as sex, now backtracking heavily due to the Cass Review. The quite incredible digital scenes of those who witch-hunted gender critical feminists for years, and claimed no men would ever abuse Self-ID, now using GC talking points from 2018.

    Plus, what's being going on in Ireland recently regarding gender identity, the trajectory of JK Rowling, the similarities between anorexia and 'gender dysphoria' in teen girls, the straight millennial women pushing gender ideology in schools, and the return to preppy 1980s culture, as summarised by TikTok club anthem of the summer, "I'm looking for a guy in Finance, 6'5, blue eyes".

  • We talk about the queer politics of Eurovision and the role of infantilism as an attempt to foreclose political criticism and how no one (not even Graham Norton) can keep up pronoun pretences for more than 5 minutes. We also discuss the flattening effect of the LGBT paradigm, our newly discovered term 'KERF' (Kink Exclusionary Radical Feminist), the frailty of queer politics, and the mind prison of transgenderism. We ask, what would a lesbian Eurovision look like? And are twink performers doing 'bimboism', but for gay men? We conclude that LGBTQ is today centrally about the Q and the T, and occasionally the G.

    Plus, through discussion of new lesbian dating show I Kissed A Girl (on BBC iplayer) we dissect political lesbianism as the embryonic form of woke identity politics. We discuss aspects of political lesbianism, such as Self-ID, invasion of lesbian spaces, lesbian erasure, covert entryism, and other Trans-like tactics. That leads to the debate around born this way vs. choice, lifestylism, and what is the definition of a lesbian? (Answer: a female homosexual).