Join Marrisa, Abby, and Liberty as the school year ends and they wrap up season one of Rolo’s Writing Room. Find out what their biggest takeaways from ELA, Rolo’s Writing Room, and NANOWRIMO were. As we move through the hilarious ads by Sage, Paige, and Richelle we traverse into Sage wisdom. Where they discuss recent events in their lives.
The pod squad discusses characters and how to develop them highlighting examples from literature and their own works.
Mrs. Hawerlander, a 6th grade Language Arts teacher at River Valley Middle School, hops in the hot seat with Sage for Sage Wisdom.
This episode is brought to you by Dinomaker and Default Ad #32.
Fehlende Folgen?
The pod squad discusses what writing voice is, what their writing voices sound like, and what type of writing voice they like to read.
In Sage Wisdom, Sage interviews Kendra, former student of Rolo’s who continues to participate in NaNoWriMo. Our very first guest from the River Valley High School talks about her previous books, and upcoming works! Please excuse the fire alarm…it was only a test!
Special thanks to our sponsors Roi Des Grenouilles and Tara’s Dark Psychic Corner Store!
The Pod Squad discusses the publishing process and where the podcast is heading now that NaNo is over.
In segment 3, Sage and the Pod Squad interview the acclaimed writer Wendelin Van Draanen and dive deeper into what it's like being a published author.
This episode is brought to you by Lazy Larry’s BBQ cola and Infinite Light Bulbs.
Nano reflection - how the experience affected us and what we’ve learned from it.
Special, SPECIAL guest - Marya Brennan, director of Nanowrimo!
This episode is brought to you by Squiggy and Fumpertinkle, the podcast hosts of your nightmares. (Starring Paige)
Thanks to your ongoing support, Rolo’s Writing Room has been downloaded in over 20 countries across 5 continents! Please continue to spread the word, subscribe, and leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts.
Happy Holidays from all of us here at River Valley Middle School!
The Pod Squad breaks down the epic journey that is NaNoWriMo while sharing a bunch of their amazing work.
Sage interviews Abbie on segment three, Sage Wisdom.
This episode is brought to you by Lazy L. Larry and Samantha S. Silly.
With NaNo in full swing, the gang can think of nothing better than to share some of their favorite passages from their works in progress. They review their word counts and drop a few motivation tips along the way.
Sage interviews Sofia in segment three.
Watch out! This episode contains Hunger Games spoilers!
This episode is brought to you by Lazy Larry’s stolen mics and your daily, morning, nightly, 3PM, and yearly news!
The Pod Squad discusses their experience with NaNoWriMo through week two. From word counts, finding writing motivation and everything in between, you’re sure to find a tip or two.
Sage interviews Abby and the two dive deep into their Nano stories, how they generate ideas and other inevitable writing hardships.
This episode is brought to you by Leonard L. Lazy, attorney at law and YELLING - the magical destresser! Special thanks to Paige for her ad cameo.
It’s no secret, the mind hides from hard things. Under the guise of self preservation, it shuts out the difficult, the demanding, the uncomfortable. The novelist faces all this and more. The mere thought of sitting down to write 1,667 words a day for an entire month sends red alert shivers up and down one’s spine. On this, the night before NaNo, the Pod Squad attempts to subdue these alarms, suppress their inner editors, and silence the sense of doom writing subsumes.
This episode is brought to you by Lazy Larry and the Halloween costume of the year: Socks!
The Pod Squad highlights the necessary accouterments for a successful NaNo project. From playlists to snacks, story ideas to comfy blankets, we’ve got you covered!
Sage interviews Liberty and discusses her NaNo novel, The Nine.
This episode is brought to you by a Missing Turtle and Sea Life, the Musical!
The Pod Squad dissects the writing style of some of their favorite authors including, Hemingway, Neal Shusterman, Colleen Coble, Lois Lowry, Wendelin Van Draanen, and Cressida Cowell. In part two, they return to pontificate on the three distinct types of writers: Pantsers, Plotters, and Plansters.
Sage interviews Reed for part three, Sage Wisdom.
This episode is brought to you by Writer’s Blocks and Gertrude R. who is looking for her dog.
The Pod Squad digs into the 40 Book Challenge, discusses their current favorite reads, and propounds the influence reading has on writing.
Sage interviews Rolo for Sage Wisdom.
This episode is brought to you by Diet Oxygen and Chargin’ for Charge.
Fall has arrived here in Ohio. On the way to school through frosty bus windows, our podcasters witness a familiar sight, geese, in a V, heading south.
Now, such a common thing rarely attracts attention. For most, the honking dissolves into the background of busy lives. Lucky for you, our podcasters are writers and writers notice and think about things most people miss. Writers are also people who find connections. Today’s episode proves this point. Geese, how they fly, stick together, and encourage one another illustrate powerful metaphors we can use in our own preparations as we set our wings to soar towards November and NaNoWriMo.
Part II features the crew discussing the merits of “human honking” otherwise known as social media.
In Part III, Sage Wisdom, we hear Sage interview Havyn. The two discuss story ideas, the importance of hooking yourself to the story, and other NaNo tips.
Special shout out to this episode’s sponsor, Lazy Larry and his brilliant invention, The Evil Twin!
Our hosts dive deep into the herculean task of writing 50,000 words in one month. Are you up to the challenge? If so, take the epic journey with us from blank page to 50K!
Part II features our crew discussing life in middle school and the scary prospect of sharing high school halls with giants next year.
Part III, rightly named, "Sage Wisdom" after our resident artist and interviewer Sage, features an in depth discussion of story ideas and genre with Paige from the accelerated ELA class.
Thank you to our sponsors: School Mashed Potatoes and Brick!