


    Born you, yet fear you, the real you

    Like a snake that wraps tight, squeezing

    All the air of itā€™s victim

    Social constraint, pressures, and boundaries,

    Slowly stole our magic

    We conformed, we gave in, we chose average

    But why?

    Less judgement? Less ridicule? Less discomfort?

    But are we living?!

    Dulled and softened vibration eats away at my soulā€¦

    We were born to stand out!

    We were born to be bold!

    We were born to be creatives!

    I am an artist of life

    And I take my magic back

    The world deserves my authentic expression


    As I finish my book Know Who the Fuck You Are, Iā€™m reminded of this quote by Pablo Picasso, ā€œEvery child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.ā€ All of us are born creatives, yet many of us allow judgement and ridicule to steal our magic. We conform to the norms and accept ā€œaverageā€ as a standard of living. But why fit in when you were born to stand out! This one is for the artists. May you feel deeply appreciated, loved, and honored. Aho!


    This prayer is for the artist. To all those who have dared to be brave, to be courageous, and to overcome all adversity, know that you are worth it. That your creativity matters. That you may be judged, and you may judge yourself at times, but itā€™s because of you that this world is shifting, that this world is evolving, and that our children have a potential of growing up in a better earth, a better world, and a better society. We thank you! From the depths of our being we thank you! Do not stop. The world needs your bold authenticity. The world needs your creativity. The world needs your sacrifice. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We love you, we love you, we love you. Feel that love! Feel that love emanate your entire being! For we are, because of you.


    Conversations with the divine, as grace bestows upon me. Eros wraps around every cell of my being, my presence vibrates. In balance with oneness in every sense, spaciousness is my sovereignty - my alchemy, with self. I am whole. I am in full presence. Presence is the most of me, I secure myself. I am resilient. For my power is both sacred in femininity and balanced in divine masculinity. I. AM. WHOLENESS.


    In this episode, my good friend and fellow alchemist, Lindsay Kolterman joins the podcast! Lindsay powerfully shares about gender fluidity, sexual fluidity, and embracing ALL of ourselves, feminine and masculine energy in a divine dance of expression. Plus, some great wisdom gets dropped to help entrepreneurs balance the grind with recuperation and connection with nature. Aho!


    Every human being is divine.

    I ask permission for us collectively to open our hearts and our minds to recognizing a greater sense of self. In this moment, may I ask that every cell in our bodies remember who we are.

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  • No matter your background, no matter your ethnicity, no matter your trauma, no matter your suffering, KNOW - YOU are MEANT TO BE.

    In this episode, Jamal Fruster joins the podcast to share his medicine about overcoming molestation as a child, the journey of continuously releasing the shackles of fear that attempt to contain our expression, and owning our SELF-WORTH.



    Let us not seek you

    Let us feel you

    Let us not give or receive you

    Let us reveal you

    Let us trust you

    Let us cherish you

    Let us savor you

    To be in love, is to be in Spirit

    To be in Spirit, all we need is to inspire

    One breath

    One connected unifying breath can re-connect us to love, at any give moment

    Love, I breath with you

    I trust you

    I love, you



    Itā€™s often been said, ā€œif you love something, let it go.ā€ In early 2019, I nearly let go of everything. I let go of my identity as a producer, provider, chiropractor, healing facilitator, entrepreneur, and identifying as ā€œDr. Brett Jonesā€... Yes, it was terrifying, painful, and challenging. But in that release, I deepened my understanding of Love being the cohesive nature of the Universe. Love is not an emotion. Love is not an energy. Love is.


    I need space

    Blank space

    Dark, empty, lonely space

    A place, where I can contact God

    The Universal Infinite expression of creativity

    To create somethingā€¦ new

    Lord, break me from my cycle

    Let me not be victim of mindless patterning

    Allow me to access that which is part of me, within me, around me, expressing through me

    Remove the mask of mediocrity

    Love me

    Love me big so I can feel your infinite love

    Teach me abundance

    Teach me compassion

    The space I need,

    is you

    The space I need,

    is me

    I need space


    ā€œSpaceā€ allows us the opportunity to break free from the small/egoic/separate/self, and re-connect to God/Love/Spirit/Intelligence (who we really are). So how do we craft and cultivate these sacred spaces? What is the vibration of your soul? Discover in this episode - ā€œThe Need for Spaceā€


    Aho Great Spirit! Allow us all to remember the vibration of you. Allow us all to enter these spaces, that allow us to continually re-connect to the depths of who we really are. Let us know that it comes from within. That we are not separate fromā€¦ and even during times when we may feel alone, that if we really listen, REALLY LISTEN, that we are connected to ALL, to the greatness of all, to the power of all, and then we can move with that inner strength, with that inner courage, and with inspiration. Allow us to trust. Allow us to trust your voice, your vibration, and then allow us to witness our ability to overcome. Overcome the challenges, overcome the pain, overcome the suffering, knowing the being we are becoming is worth it.

    I love you, I appreciate you, until next time,



    Why they teach you to fear black

    Black is pure potential,

    Thatā€™s why if you just close your eyes,

    You can picture it, all of it

    Black is creation, black is infinite

    Black is beautiful, and black is death

    The light, this little light of mine,

    Locks you into perspective

    One reality, at one time, one God

    Thatā€™s why they teach you to fear black!

    Black disrupts The One and

    Replaces it with Oneness

    In pitch black, we are all the same color

    In pitch black, we all have the same mother

    I love you, because I am you, brother


    Our current physical reality has historically done a great job at creating belief systems that cause humans to fear darkness and associate ā€œBlackā€ with evil, negativity, and/or being less than. Think about it. From cartoons to fairytales, we brainwash are young with this bullshit. But what if I told you, BLACKNESS IS WHERE ALL POTENTIAL IS! All creations must emerge from darkness. For something new to enter the known reality, it must be channeled from the unknown. So why do ā€œtheyā€ teach us to fear black?! Discover by tuning in to this episode!


    Aho great spirit! We pray that the importance of this message is deeply delivered into the heart space to be felt at the depths of what it means to be human, and that we embrace ALL of our energy. Not just that in the light objective reality, but that which also exists in the wave-like expression of all potential, that which is blackness. That no longer we will fear, but we will hold a deep reverence and respect and faith in the ALL. We pray for safety on this journey. We pray for grace. We pray for love. We pray for humility, and we pray for guidance from those that have walked this red road and this path before us. Let them light the way! Let us walk on the shoulders of giants! Let us realize all of who we are, and with this new dawn in consciousness, that we understand the depths of what it means to be human. And that we understand that The Power and God resides within. And that when we allow ourselves to connect deeply within, we can bring forth new creations to create a world we all want to live in, and vibrate in, and express in. For we are the creators! We are the manifestors! And it will require us to step into our blackness. With love. With appreciation. Until next time, Peace


    Through spiritual connection

    A flash of inspiration

    An opening of an abundant vortex of information

    Packets of light streaming consciousness

    Calling for reformation

    A need for re-organization

    But are you willing?!

    Willing to bring forth this child of revelation?

    If you allow this new thought fetus to develop

    In the womb of creation

    Know, that you will need, the strength

    Of all nations

    There will be labor pains

    There will be contractions

    But for those that endure, and for those

    That keep the faith

    Youā€™re gifting like God, for a divine initiation


    The end of 2018 provided one of the most difficult periods of my life. With the death of my grandfather, healing a relationship with my mother, and online threats, I began to feel myself into a emotional/mental burnoutā€¦ and through these challenges, I was gifted a grand revelation! That truth is the medicine of this episode.



    Praying for all the beautiful souls that dare to dream new ideas, that dare to birth new concepts, and that have the strength and perseverance to endure the labor pains and contractions. I pray for you safety. I pray for you guidance. I pray for you love and understanding and a depth of support. For me, from our ancestors, and for humanity. See, we need your bravery! We need your courage! We need your strength. We need your commitment to the evolution of the soul, to the evolution of consciousness. We only evolve because you stayed in it, and that you stayed with it. That you chose to keep on keepinā€™ on. There will be a time when what was once 4th dimension, is now 3rd dimension. What was once impossible, is now possible. And itā€™s because you kept the faith! And itā€™s because you stayed connected! And itā€™s because you were willing to do the work!

    All my love, all my blessings, until next time,



    Feelings, I thought I felt youā€¦

    I fucking observed you

    I noticed what I noticed

    And navigated away from you

    In my obsession with empowering states

    I neglected truly feeling

    That which is also me

    Escaping the pain of sadness

    Fleeing the shame of tears

    Oh, the lessons I have missed from my need to control

    No more will I ignore the shadow

    You too are a blessing

    Feeling the feelings

    Is a gift

    I will unravel with you

    I will explore with you

    I am the student, you are the teacher

    When I feel, I heal

    I can feel


    There is a vast difference between observing our feelings, and FEELING our feelings. So, what lessons are we missing when we choose to not feel? Dr. Kate Jones joins this powerful episode of leaning into our feelings with her wonderful insight and poetic flows.



    ā€œMay you fully fall gracefully into understanding the depths of your tears. Know that in that vulnerability, youā€™re only processing that which is creating a beautiful road for you to travel down on an exquisite journey of really understanding and knowing yourself. When you find that home within home, that peace that resides within you, you can move and dance in the most graceful and beautiful expression that you could possibly bring forward.ā€


    Leaders must develop the power to create the impossible in order to realize their highest potential.

    No entrepreneur, leader or creator is happy with maintaining the status quo, even if theyā€™ve achieved success, accolades and comfort from their accomplishments. Successful people know that the ā€œzone of geniusā€ can become a golden anchor that impedes your evolution.

    Most people have a huge vision for themselves that theyā€™ve broken apart and watered down because they are scared of the scope of their dreams. In doing so, they are settling for the smaller incentives that are within reach, rather than striving for the bigger prizes on the highest shelves. They stop stretching.

    The power to create the impossible is the ability to first acknowledge these huge dreams that feel completely ā€œunrealistic,ā€ declare them possible and then create the circumstances in your life that move those dreams from unreality to reality.

    The speed at which youā€™re able to take those dreams from ā€œimpossibleā€ to possible is defined as Power.

    In order to create the impossible from a state of Power, individuals must undergo a period of complete reinvention in work, life and self ā€” counterintuitively shedding themselves of old beliefs and habits in order to make room for the ideas that will actually help them succeed.

    Reinventing yourself is not about changing what you are ā€œdoingā€ ā€” itā€™s about changing who you are being.

    Reinvention is not as simple as a ā€œpivotā€ or a new position in the market. Itā€™s not just about doing better work. Itā€™s about changing your relationship to the past, present and future so that you become capable of accomplishing anything you declare possible, regardless of your past or current experiences.

    An executive cannot reinvent their products, company or culture without first reinventing themselves. A musician cannot reinvent their sound without discarding what made them relevant in the past.

    It takes courage.

    As Tracy Goss would say, ā€œReinvention is putting at stake the success youā€™ve become for the power of making the impossible happen.ā€

    Reinvention can be triggered externally, but must take place internally.

    Anybody who seeks the power to create the impossible through reinvention can follow the guideposts until the road ends, but each reinvention is unique. Great CEOs, athletes, artists and world leaders have always endured the fires of change as they reinvented themselves.

    You can study great icons to understand how and why their reinventions happened ā€” but youā€™ll never be able to copy the process.

    Your reinvention will happen with a series of transformations that fundamentally change your understanding of who you are and what youā€™re capable of, creating quite literally a different person on the other side who has no recollection of the limitations of the past.

    If reinvention is the key, whatā€™s the catch?

    Everybody wants to reinvent themselves. Hardly anyone does.

    But that is how you wield the power.


    Daniel DiPiazza joins us on this episode as we dive into dimensions of pain, depression, and burnout, and discuss how these dark spaces can present unique challenges to those in positions of leadership. We discover how utilizing the wisdom and softness of the feminine energy can serve as an effective strategy to fully feel and process these difficult emotions and provide us with the courage to ask for help, leading us to uncover the gifts and lessons that are often waiting for us on the other side.


    "Let this blessing serve as a download that drops into your mind, leaks into your soul, opens up your being, and allows you to channel everything you already know. This great knowingness, this deep wisdom, the thing that stirs inside you, that you are the drop in the ocean, the drop of rain, the drop of dew off the giant tree of life. And know that you are the roots, and you are the tree, and you are the sky, and all of it. And let yourself remember and re-member that you are the center of all of it, and that every single human being is the center of everything, because infinity stretches out onto both sides of us in every single direction. And from that position of power, you sit at the seat of grace, impossible to be perturbed, unshakeable, immovable, strong, and rooted in your divine elegance. And know that if ever you need to call upon the strength, call upon the force, it's there, already inside you, with the guidance directing you exactly where you need to go, which is home, which is where you live, which is where you'll always rest."

  • "Free will, is when we free the will, for then we will be free."

    In this episode I am joined by the Navig8r, Ben Koller, in a sacred discussion of Meta Consciousness.



    you thought of me, your rubbed me, you sang to me,

    all while I was still inside your womb.

    you fed me, you nourished me, you kept me warm,

    all while I was still inside your womb!

    you loved me before seeing me.

    you listened, before hearing me.

    you suffered,

    for me!

    you birthed me...

    mom, I may never know the depth of sacrifices you made for me, but in this moment, I do know, i am thankful.

    thank you for your surrender and your power.

    thank you for your tears and your blood.

    thank you for your cries and your laughter.

    thank you for your heart...

    i know it still beats, for me...

    and know, mine, still beats, with you.


    Following the death of my brother in 1999, life as I knew it got flipped upside down. My dad lost his job with the CHP, my parents split, and then my mom who had been a stay-at-home mom all my life, suffering from severe depression, leftā€¦

    For the last 19 years, the relationship between my mom and I has been very challenging. We both have had an immense amount of pain to work throughā€¦

    Following the death of her father, I reached out to her, held space for her, loved her unconditionally, and she chose to join me for a sacred plant medicine ceremony to come together and heal.

    This episode is about the journey we took together, and lessons we learned on the other side.



    Mothers, donā€™t forget that we are your seed.

    If you ever see strength in us and find yourself in envy, jealousy, or weakness, remember that weā€™re your seed!

    The world is your seed.

    This Universe is your seed.

    If the Universe was birthed out of a black hole, and we were birthed out of a black hole, then all potential of creation exists within the womb.

    We love you.

    We appreciate you.

    Until next time,



    you donā€™t need me

    you need acknowledgement

    you donā€™t need me to change you

    you need me to see you

    you donā€™t need me to diagnose you

    you need me to discover you

    so, i, the curious observer

    will hold space for you

    a space of pure love

    a space of wisdom

    a space of trust

    for you and your abilities!

    a space for you to learn,

    and a space for you to fail

    i will not judge you

    i will appreciate you

    for your authentic expression

    is all we need

    Holding Space


    Through parenting a child who was diagnosed with autism, loving and forgiving a mom who had previously abandoned me, and being a son who had never witnessed his dad cry, I reached a moment of "grand revelation" on what it truly means to hold space... This episode is that journey of revelation. Aho!


    I am divinely grateful for all my gifts and blessings and Iā€™m continuing to acknowledge that which is being awakened in me.

    Iā€™m grateful for the revelation of holding space, and learning what that means for myself, for my family, for my community, and for all those I get to interact with.

    That when I get to let go of the pressure, that I allow the trueness and the humanness of all to emerge.

    So, Iā€™m grateful to do the work. And Iā€™m grateful to get greater and greater understandings of this every single day.

    And Iā€™m open to be a better version of myself. Better today than I was yesterday. In all ways.



    strong jaw, strong fist, clenched tight

    you were born ready, born for the fight

    soft heart, gentle eyes, loving smile

    you died ready, ready for me, and ready for we

    to step up, and ground in

    to all love a life connected as kin

    iā€™ve seen your pain Papa, iā€™ve seen your tears,

    and as you started to lose your mind, i also saw your fears

    don't worry Papa, we will carry your medicine strong

    we wonā€™t let you die in vain, your wisdom carries on

    this is not the end of the story, with every death is a birth

    we love you, we miss you, thank you for your blessings, while you were with us here on earth

    Rest In Power


    In this episode, I share my journey of experiencing my grandfathers death 4 months before it happened in this physical dimension... and how that impacted both how I felt upon receiving the news from my grandmother, and my ability to hold space for my relatives during their experience of loss.


    "Can you feel, can you feel the drum?

    Can you feel, can you feel the thunder?

    Vibration, in your soul.

    Vibration, just let it go.

    Feel the drum, in your chest.

    Feel the drum, in your spirit.

    Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m alive in you.

    Youā€™re alive, youā€™re alive in me.

    Weā€™re alive, weā€™re alive in we.

    We were blind, and now we see.

    Stomp those feet!
    And clap dem hands.

    Feel the beat!
    Jump out yo seat.

    We Flying high-ya. We Flying high-ya. We Flying high-ya.

    Root it in-oh. Root it in-oh. Root it in-oh.

    Feel the flow-Uu. Feel the flow-uu. Feel the flow-uu.

    They said death was for the taking and bread was for the making, but that didnā€™t scratch the surface of this life i was forsaken.

    Iā€™ve been blasted, fasted, tied up, spread out and masted.

    Iā€™ve been beaten, dig those cleats in, hated on the stages I be speakin.

    But still I rise! No matter how many wish my demise!

    Iā€™m Connected to Source and the truth that it provides!

    I stand tall! With wings on my back, the tattooed black angel, watching his kingdom stack."